Vital Vinegar Cookbook “Cures” www.jerrybaker.com INDEX Cabbage-Apple Slaw, 83 in remedy recipe, 82 A Celeriac, Fennel, & Apple slicing, 83 Acorn squash, 157, 212 Salad, 104 storing, 42 Age-related macular Cranberry-Apple Crisp, 345 degeneration (ARMD), 56 Fish with Apples, 253 Aioli, 134 No-Wait Apple Cran-Peary B Air-conditioning grilles, Chutney, 140 Bachelor’s buttons, 103 cleaning, 247 Persimmon-Apple Cake, 347 Back pain, 100 Air fresheners, 51, 259 Pork Chops with Apples & Bacon, 200, 209, 292 Ale, 170 Raisins, 234 Bacon drippings, 205 Allspice, 46, 116, 120, 334, 343 relish, 138 Baking pans, 341, 345 Almond milk, 315 in remedy recipe, 316 Balsamic syrup, 233 Almond oil, 46 Spinach-Apple Salad, 76 Balsamic vinegar Almonds, 139, 160, 227, 272, 282 Sweet Vinegar Cabbage with Apricot-Balsamic Fizz, 328 Aloe vera, 317 Apples, 193 Balsamic Beef Short Ribs, 244 Anchovies, 85, 134, 284, 287 Appliances, cleaning, 203 Balsamic Blue Cheese Anthocyanin, 189, 199 Apricots, apricot nectar Dressing, 37 Anti-aging recipes, 11, 92, 204 Apricot & Almond Chutney, Balsamic Onions, Peppers, & Aphrodisiacs, 258 139 Tomatoes, 190 Appetizers. See Dips and Apricot-Balsamic Fizz, 328 Balsamic Peach Bundt Cake, spreads; Finger foods benefits of, 138, 139, 349 350 Apple cider, 299 chutney, 141 Balsamic Roasted Plums, 344 Apple cider vinegar dip, 266 Balsamic Vinaigrette, 32 Apple Pie Power Drink, 327 ham with, 242 benefits of, 32, 36, 105, 124, benefits of, 55, 104, 114, 129, 131 Maple-Apricot Pork Chops, 226 238 Classic Apple Cider Vinegar, 4 in remedy recipes, 50, 160, 292 Berry-Balsamic Chocolate described, ix ARMD (age-related macular Milkshake, 358 for fatigue, 337 degeneration), 56 Bracing Balsamic Root as herbal tincture base, 327 Arthritis, 4, 36 Vegetable Soup, 155 for muscle cramps, 333 Artichokes, 86, 285 Broccoli with Walnuts & in remedy recipes, 4, 38, 41, Arugula, 102, 237 Balsamic Vinegar, 186 316, 320, 324, 332, 337 Asparagus, 70, 210 chocolate-vinegar cooler, 314 substitute for, 63 Asthma, 65 Cinnamon Nachos with Summer Switchel, 324 Avocados Balsamic Strawberries, 307 Super Juice, 323 Avocado-Cucumber Salsa, 268 commercial, 150 for weight loss, 319 benefits of, 42, 90, 249 described, ix Apples, apple juice for first aid, 268 as flavor enhancer, 230 Apple-Pear Smoothie, 313 Green Goddess Dressing, 42 infused, 359 Apples & Greens with guacamole Italiano, 286 Maple-Balsamic Vinaigrette, 36 Garlic & Beer, 205 One-Size-Does-Not-Fit-All Oil & Vinegar Cake, 353 benefits of, 76, 138, 205, 327 Guacamole, 286 as remedy, 32, 107, 160 362 Vital Vinegar Cookbook “Cures” Vital Vinegar Cookbook “Cures” www.jerrybaker.com Slow Cooker Balsamic Beans, green, 118, 174, 200 Honey-Vinegar Beets with Chicken & Vegetables, 230 Beans, lima, 215 Mushrooms, 196 Slow Cooker Balsamic Beef Lively Liver Libation, 325 Chicken Stew, 174 Balsamic Beef Short Ribs, 244 and onion salad, 77 Strawberry-Balsamic Pie, 341 Beef & Blue Cheese Slow- Purple Eggs & Pickled substitute for, 63 Cooked Sliders, 304 Beets, 121 sulfites in, 45 Beef Fillets with Nectarine in remedy recipes, 58, 170 Wild Rice & Ginger Balsamic Sauce, 238 Belgian endive, 94 Salad, 105 Beef Tenderloin with Wine Bell peppers Bananas, 227, 288, 315, 317, 320 Sauce, 235 Baked Red Pepper Barbecue sauce, 52, 54, 56, 65 benefits of, 152, 166, 172, Dumplings, 298 Barley, 149 231, 238, 244 Balsamic Onions, Peppers, Basil cooking tips, 166 & Tomatoes, 190 Basil Cream Sauce, 57 Dilly of a Picadillo Dip, 282 benefits of, 80, 97, 135, 158, 296 benefits of, 29, 57, 60, 88, 306 goulash, 173 marinated stuffed, 204 caprese salad, 97 Grand & Glorious Beef Pepper-Wrapped Sausages, 295 Fresh Tomato & Basil Sauce, 60 Stew, 172 Rainbow Mixed Peppers, 202 Mini Caprese Bites, 306 Hamburger Vegetable Soup, in remedy recipes, 84, 224, 273 preserving in vinegar, 67 152 roasting, 85, 202 Tomato-Potato-Basil Soup, marinade for, 236 Sirloin Tips with Peppers & 148 New England Boiled Dinner, Onions, 231 Tuna-Basil Caponata, 287 228 Stir-Fried Fish & Peppers, 251 Basting brushes, 55, 56 pepper-caper relish for, 224 storing, 219 Basting sauces, 54, 55 Quick & Easy Chili con Stuffed-Pepper Soup, 166 Bay leaves, 29, 117 Carne, 175 Stuffed Sweet Mini Peppers, Beans, dried. See also Black-eyed Rigatoni with Spicy Meat 303 peas; Chickpeas; Lentils Sauce, 246 Sweet & Spicy Red Pepper benefits of, 78, 79, 100, 151, Sirloin Tips with Peppers & Dip, 277 154, 279 Onions, 231 Belly fat, 32 Black Bean Salad, 79 Beef broth, 162 Berries, 96, 156, 160, 318, 358. Black Bean Soup, 154 Beer, 132, 171, 173, 205, 289 See also specific types Boston Baked Bean Dip, 279 Beet greens, 121, 197 Beta-carotene, 50, 127, 189, draining canned, 79 Beets, beet juice 212 gassiness from canned, 161 Beet, Chickpea, & Almond Betacyanin, 189 Great Northern Baked Beans, Dip, 272 Beta-sitosterol, 82 209 benefits of, 121, 188, 325 Beverages (non-alcoholic). See also overcooked, 209 Creamy Roasted Beet & Cocktails; Smoothies; Wine Red Beans & Rice Salad, 78 Parsnip Soup, 164 Anti-Virus Cocktail, 326 in remedy recipes, 166, 300 Deep-Fried Beets with Apple Pie Power Drink, 327 storing, 195 Horseradish Dip, 290 chocolate-vinegar cooler, 314 White Bean & Pasta Salad, handling tip, 188 Hot Chocolate with a Bite, 335 100 Harvard, 188 ice garnish, 330 White Beans with Tomatoes Health-Boostin’ Honey & Lemon-Ginger Tonic, 322 & Thyme, 195 Horseradish Beets, 188 Lively Liver Libation, 325 Index 363 Vital Vinegar Cookbook “Cures” www.jerrybaker.com Beverages (continued) crumbling, 159 Slow Cooker Pork & peach mocktail, 329 dip, 272 Cabbage, 242 Peachy Keen Shrub Syrup, storing, 37, 159 storing, 219 329 Vanishing Blue Cheese Sweet Vinegar Cabbage as remedies, 312, 316, 320, Spread, 274 with Apples, 193 324, 328, 332, 337 Bone health, 119, 187, 197, 292 Unstuffed Cabbage, 225 sparkling raspberry, 18 Borage, 94, 103 Cakes Strawberry-Rhubarb Shrub, Bourbon, 55, 329, 332 angel food, 353 330 Brain health, 96, 134, 208, 280 Balsamic Peach Bundt Summer Switchel, 324 Brandy, 123 Cake, 350 Super Juice, 323 Bread, 181, 274, 285 Chocolate-Chili Bundt Blackberries, 18 Bread crumbs, 134 Cake, 354 Black-eyed peas, 176, 185, 266 Bread salad, 85 Crazy Cake, 359 Black pepper, 37, 117, 120, 331 Broccoli greasing Bundt pans, 350 Blenders, 36, 88, 177, 336, 337 benefits of, 77, 186 Oil & Vinegar Cake, 353 Blood pressure control, 160 Broccoli & Mushroom Persimmon-Apple Cake, 347 Bloodstains, 304 Salad, 77 pumpkin, 361 Blood sugar control, 107, 120, Broccoli-Nut Salad, 84 removing from pan, 353 160 Broccoli with Walnuts & Ricotta-Orange Cheesecake, Blueberries Balsamic Vinegar, 186 355 Aloe-Blueberry Smoothie, 317 as dippers, 309 Rose Petal Zucchini Cake, 342 benefits of, 48, 142, 248 in remedy recipe, 90 storing, 351, 354 and blue cheese salad, 99 storing, 219 Super Spice Cake, 348 Chicken Breasts with Brown sugar, 133, 140, 357 tips for making, 360, 361 Blueberries, 248 Bruises, 156 Candy, 340, 354, 358 Fabulous Fat-Burning Brussels sprouts, 186, 210, 294 Canning techniques, 11, 112, Smoothie, 319 Burn treatment, 334 144, 145 Heart-Healthy Blueberry Butter, 190, 191, 226, 307, 345 Cantaloupe, 280 Marinade, 48 Buttermilk, 41 Capers, 60, 224 paired with walnuts, 227 Butternut squash, 193, 203 Capsaicin, 22 in remedy recipes, 96, 156, 352 Cardamom, 47, 343 Spicy Blueberry Chutney, 142 Carrots, carrot juice stains from, 142 C benefits of, 72, 153, 212, 325 Blue cheese Cabbage with berry vinegar, 199 Balsamic Blue Cheese benefits of, 73, 83, 171 different colored, 72 Dressing, 37 Cabbage-Apple Slaw, 83 French Carrot Salad, 72 Beef & Blue Cheese Slow- cooking tip, 225 Lively Liver Libation, 325 Cooked Sliders, 304 Fruity Red Cabbage, 191 Oven-Roasted Baby Carrots, benefits of, 37, 159, 291 Malty Mustardy Coleslaw, 73 212 and blueberry salad, 99 New England Boiled paired with chicken, 227 Blue Cheese & Cranberry Dinner, 228 storing, 219 Crostini, 291 Oktoberfest Stew, 171 Casseroles, 184, 203, 232 Crowd-Pleasing Potato & in remedy recipe, 137 Cataracts, 47 Blue Cheese Soup, 159 retaining color of, 193 Cauliflower, 118, 167, 184, 309 364 Vital Vinegar Cookbook “Cures” Vital Vinegar Cookbook “Cures” www.jerrybaker.com Cayenne pepper, 41, 114, 137, 328 Melt, 233 Fruit & Tomato Chutney, 138 Celeriac, 104, 207 paired with carrots, 227 history of, 139 Celery, 61, 80, 86, 195, 219 in remedy recipe, 149 Mango Chutney, 136 Celery seed, benefits of, 97, 112 rinsing, 243 No-Wait Apple Cran-Peary Chamomile, 29 Roasted Chicken Risotto, 245 Chutney, 140 Champagne vinegar, 38, 44, 63, sautéed breasts, 248 Poached Salmon with 348 Slow Cooker Balsamic Chutney, 250 Cheese. See also specific types Chicken & Vegetables, 230 Spicy Blueberry Chutney, 142 benefits of, 229, 299 Slow Cooker Balsamic Strawberry-Rhubarb Cheesy Cucumber Dip, 275 Chicken Stew, 174 Chutney, 143 Festive Fruit & Cheese Pie, 349 slow cooker BBQ, 246 Cilantro, 49, 254, 268 grating, 233 slowing bacterial growth on, Cinnamon Have a Ball Cheese Ball, 269 223 benefits of, 81, 116, 125, 138, paired with eggs, 227 stock, 154 246, 307, 320 processed, 269 store-bought rotisserie, 90 Cinnamon Nachos with storing, 299 storing, 243 Balsamic Strawberries, 307 tips for using, 306 Chicken broth, 165 in remedy recipe, 54 Cheese tortellini, 165 Chickpeas, 259, 272, 300, 303 substitution for, 343 Cherries, cherry juice Chickweed, 75 Citrus zest, 141, 163, 244. benefits of, 124, 169, 240 Chicory, 75 See also specific citrus fruits buying and freezing, 169 Chile peppers. See Hot peppers CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), Cheery Cherry Soup, 169 Chili, 175, 177 231 Duck Breasts
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