Currently known status of the following plants to Phytophthora species - pathogenic water moulds from the Agricultural Pathology & Kingdom Protista. Biological Farming Service C ompiled by Dr Mary Cole, Agpath P/L. Agricultural Consultants since 1980 S=susceptible; MS=moderately susceptible; T= tolerant; MT=moderately tolerant; ?=no information available. Phytophthora status Life Form Botanical Name Family Common Name Susceptible (S) Tolerant (T) Unknown (UnK) Shrub Acacia brownii Mimosaceae Heath Wattle MS Tree Acacia dealbata Mimosaceae Silver Wattle T Shrub Acacia genistifolia Mimosaceae Spreading Wattle MS Tree Acacia implexa Mimosaceae Lightwood MT Tree Acacia leprosa Mimosaceae Cinnamon Wattle ? Tree Acacia mearnsii Mimosaceae Black Wattle MS Tree Acacia melanoxylon Mimosaceae Blackwood MT Tree Acacia mucronata Mimosaceae Narrow Leaf Wattle S Tree Acacia myrtifolia Mimosaceae Myrtle Wattle S Shrub Acacia myrtifolia Mimosaceae Myrtle Wattle S Tree Acacia obliquinervia Mimosaceae Mountain Hickory Wattle ? Shrub Acacia oxycedrus Mimosaceae Spike Wattle S Shrub Acacia paradoxa Mimosaceae Hedge Wattle MT Tree Acacia pycnantha Mimosaceae Golden Wattle S Shrub Acacia sophorae Mimosaceae Coast Wattle S Shrub Acacia stricta Mimosaceae Hop Wattle ? Shrubs Acacia suaveolens Mimosaceae Sweet Wattle S Tree Acacia ulicifolia Mimosaceae Juniper Wattle S Shrub Acacia verniciflua Mimosaceae Varnish wattle S Shrub Acacia verticillata Mimosaceae Prickly Moses ? Groundcover Acaena novae-zelandiae Rosaceae Bidgee-Widgee T Tree Allocasuarina littoralis Casuarinaceae Black Sheoke S Tree Allocasuarina paludosa Casuarinaceae Swamp Sheoke S Tree Allocasuarina verticillata Casuarinaceae Drooping Sheoak S Sedge Amperea xipchoclada Euphorbaceae Broom Spurge S Grass Amphibromus neesii Poaceae Swamp Wallaby Grass ? Shrub Aotus ericoides Papillionaceae Common Aotus S Groundcover Apium prostratum Apiaceae Sea Celery MS Herb Arthropodium milleflorum Asparagaceae Pale Vanilla Lily S? Herb Arthropodium strictum Asparagaceae Chocolate Lily S? Shrub Atriplex paludosa ssp. paludosa Amaranthaceae Marsh Saltbush ? Grass Austrodanthonia caespitosa Poaceae Common Wallaby Grass S* Grass Austrodanthonia geniculata Poaceae Kneed Wallaby Grass S* Grass Austrodanthonia laevis Poaceae Wallaby Grass S* Grass Austrodanthonia setacea Poaceae Bristly Wallaby Grass S* Grass Austrostipa rudis Poaceae Spear Grass S* Grass Austrostipa stipoides Poaceae Prickly Spear-grass S* T Tree Avicennia marina ssp. australasica Verbenaceae White Mangrove S Tree Banksia integrifolia Protaceae Coast Banksia MT/T Tree Banksia marginata Protaceae Silver Banksia S Shrub Banksia spinulosa Protaceae Hairpin Banksia S Wiry Bauera, River or Dog Shrubs Bauera rubiodes Cunoniaceae Rose T Tree Bedfordia arborescens Asteraceae Blanket Leaf S Climber Billardiera mutabilis Pittosporaceae Common Apple berry T Climber Billardiera scandens Pittosporaceae Common Apple-berry T Shrub Bossiaea cinerea Papillionaceae Showy Bossiaea S Groundcover Bossiaea prostrata Papillionaceae Creeping Bossiaea S Shrub Brachycome multifida Asteraceae Cut-leaf Daisy MS Herb Brunonia australis Goodeniaceae Blue Pincushion MT Herb Bulbine bulbosa Asphodelaceae Bulbine Lily ? Herb Burchardia umbellata Colchicaceae Milkmaids T Shrub Bursaria spinosa Pittosporaceae Sweet Bursaria T Shrub Callistemon paludosus Myrtaceae River bottlebrush T Herb Calocephalus lacteus Asteraceae Milky Beauty Heads ? Climber Calystegia marginata Convolvulaceae Forest bindweed T Sedge Carex appressa Cyperaceae Tall Sedge MT Sedge Carex fascicularis Cyperaceae Tassle Sedge MT Sedge Carex tereticaulis Cyperaceae Common Sedge MT Groundcover Carpobrotus rossii Aizoaceae Pigface ? Shrub Cassinia aculeata Asteraceae Common Cassinia MS Shrub Cassinia arcuata Asteraceae Drooping Cassinia MS Shrub Cassinia longifolia Asteraceae Shiny Cassinia MS Grass Chionochloa pallida Poaceae Red Anther Wallaby Grass MT Herb Chrysocephalum apiculatum Asteraceae Common Everlasting T Herb Chrysocephalum semipapposum Asteraceae Clustered Everlasting T Climber Clematis aristata Ranunculaceae Austral Clematis MT Climber Clematis microphylla Ranunculaceae Small-leaf clematis MT Climber Comesperma volubile Polygalaceae Love Creeper T Shrub Coprosma quadrifida Rubiaceae Prickly Currant Bush T Herb Coronidium scorpioides Asteraceae Button Everlasting Daisy ? Shrub Correa reflexa Rutaceae Common Correa MS Herb Craspedia variabilis Asteraceae Common Billy Buttons Sedge Cyperus lucidus Cyperaceae Leafy Flat Sedge MT Grass Danthonia caepitosa Poaceae Wallaby Grasses ? Shrub Daviesia latifolia Papillionaceae Hop Bitter-pea S Shrub Daviesia leptophylla Papillionaceae Narrow Leaf Bitter Pea S Shrub Daviesia mimosoides Papillionaceae Blunt-leaf Bitter Pea S Grass Deyeuxia quadriseta Poaceae Reed Bent Grass ? Sedge Dianella amoena Phormaceae Matted Flax Lily MS Sedge Dianella caerulea Phormaceae Paroo Lily MS Sedge Dianella longifolia Phormaceae Pale Flax-lily MS Sedge Dianella revoluta Phormaceae Black Anther Flax-Lily MS Sedge Dianella tasmanica Phormaceae Tasman Flax-lily MS Grass Dichelachne sp Poaceae Plume grass ? Groundcover Dichondra repens Convolvulaceae Kidney Weed Shrub Dillwynia cinerascens Papillionaceae Grey Parrot Pea S Shrub Dillwynia glaberrima Papillionaceae Smooth Parrot Pea S Shrub Dillwynia sericea Papillionaceae Showy Parrot Pea S Herbs Diplarrena moraea Iridaceae Butterfly Flag S Groundcover Disphyma crassifolium Aizoaceae Rounded Noon-flower Grass Distichlis distichophylla Poaceae Australian Salt-grass Shrub Dodonaea viscosa Sapindaceae Giant Hop Bush MT/T Shrub Dodonea viscosa var. purpureum Sapindaceae Purple Hop Bush MT/T Groundcover Einadia nutans Amaranthaceae Nodding Saltbush Sedge Eleocharis acuta Cyperaceae Common Spike Rush MT Sedge Eleocharis sphacelata Cyperaceae Tall Spike Rush MT Grass Elymus scaber Poaceae Common Wheat Grass Shrub Epacris impressa Epacridaceae Common Heath S Tree Eucalyptus baxteri Myrtaceae Brown Stringybark S Tree Eucalyptus camaldulensis Myrtaceae River Red Gum T Tree Eucalyptus cephalocarpa Myrtaceae Silver-Leaf Stringy Bark M/S Tree Eucalyptus cypellocarpa Myrtaceae Mountain Grey Gum MT Tree Eucalyptus dives Myrtaceae Broad Leaf Peppermint M/S Tree Eucalyptus fulgens Myrtaceae Scent Bark M/S Tree Eucalyptus globoidea Myrtaceae White Stringybark M/S Tree Eucalyptus goniocalyx Myrtaceae Long Leaf Box MT Tree Eucalyptus melliodora Myrtaceae Yellow Box MT Tree Eucalyptus muelleriana Myrtaceae Yellow string bark M/S Tree Eucalyptus obliqua Myrtaceae Messmate M/S Tree Eucalyptus ovata Myrtaceae Swamp Gum MT Tree Eucalyptus pryoriana Myrtaceae Coastal Manna gum MT Tree Eucalyptus radiata Myrtaceae Narrow-Leaf Peppermint S Tree Eucalyptus seiberi Myrtaceae Silver top Ash S Tree Eucalyptus strzeleckii Myrtaceae Strzelecki gum MT Tree Eucalyptus viminalis Myrtaceae Manna Gum S Tree Eucalyptus viminalis pryoriana Myrtaceae Rough Barked Manna Gum MT Tree Eucalyptus yarraensis Myrtaceae Yarra Gum MT Tree Exocarpus cupressiformis Santalaceae Cherry Ballart MS Tree Exocarpus strictus Santalaceae Pale Fruit Ballart MS Sedge Ficinia nodosa Cyperaceae Knobby Club rush Sedge Gahnia filum Cyperaceae Chaffy Saw-sedge T Sedge Gahnia seiberiana Cyperaceae Red-Fruited Saw Sedge T Herb Geranium potentilloides Geraniaceae Cranes Bill T Herb Geranium solanderi Geraniaceae Cranes Bill T Climber Glycine clandestina Fabaceae Twining Glycine T Groundcover Gompholobium huegelii Papillionaceae Common Wedge-pea MS Shrub Gonocarpus tetragynus Haloragaceae Common Raspwort T Groundcover Goodenia lanata Goodeniaceae Trailing Goodenia MS Shrub Goodenia ovata Goodeniaceae Hop Goodenia MS Shrub Goodia lotifolia Fabaceae Golden Tip ? Shrub Grevillea alpina Protaceae Mountain Grevillea S Shrub Gynatrix pulchella Malvaceae Hemp Bush MS/S Shrub Hakea decurrens Protaceae Bushy Needlewood MS Shrub Hakea nodosa Protaceae Yellow Hakea MS Shrub Hakea sericea Protaceae Bushy Needlewood MS Shrub Hakea teretifolia Protaceae Dagger Hakea MS Shrub Hakea ulicina Protaceae Furze Hakea MS Climber Hardenbergia violacea Fabaceae Purple Coral-pea T Tree Hedycarya angustifolia Monimiaceae Austral mulberry T Herb Helichrysum scorpioides Asteraceae Curled Everlasting Daisy MS Grouncover Hemarthria uncinata Poaceae Mat Grass T Shrub Hibbertia riparia Dilleniaceae` Erect Guinea Flower S Herb Hydrocotyle laxiflora Apiaceae Stinking Pennywort S Herb Hypericum gramineum Hypericaceae Native St Johns Wort T Herb Hypoxis vaginata var. vaginata Hypoxidaceae Yellow Star T Shrub Indigofera australis Fabaceae Austral Indigo T Sedge Juncus amabilis Juncaceae Hollow rush T Sedge Juncus kraussii Juncaceae Sea Rush T Sedge Juncus pallidus Juncaceae Pale Rush T Sedge Juncus procerus Juncaceae Tall Rush T Sedge Juncus sarophorus Juncaceae Broom Rush T Sedge Juncus sp Juncaceae Rush sp T Groundcover Kennedia prostrata Papillionaceae Running Postman S Shrub Kunzea ericoides Myrtaceae Burgan S Herb Lagenophora stipitata Asteraceae Blue Bottle-daisy MT Herb Leptorhynchos tenuifolius Asteraceae Wiry Buttons ? Shrub Leptospermum continentale Myrtaceae Prickly Ti-tree M/S Shrub Leptospermum lanigerum Myrtaceae Wooly Tea Tree T Shrub Leptospermum myrsinoides Myrtaceae Silky Ti-tree T Shrub Leptospermum scoparium Myrtaceae Broom Teatree M/S Shrub Leucopogan virgatus Epacridaceae Beard Heath S Herb Linum marginale Linaceae Native Flax ? Groundcover Lobelia elata Campanulaceae Angled Lobelia MT Sedge Lomandra longifolia Dasypogonaceae Spiny-head Mat Rush S Sedge Lomandra multiflora Dasypogonaceae Mat rush S Shrub Lomatia
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