Marco Formisano, Humboldt University Humboldt Formisano, Marco Respondent: MARCH 30 - APRIL 1, 2012 2012 1, APRIL - 30 MARCH Summarizing Virgil in the Anthologia Latina Anthologia the in Virgil Summarizing Lidia Kuhivchak, and Emily Schurr (Yale graduate students) graduate (Yale Schurr Emily and Kuhivchak, Lidia Scott McGill, Rice McGill, Scott Department of Classics Classics of Department Devecka, Martin Beasley, Thomas and Cambridge/Yale Billings, Joshua by moderated Design Marta Ricci Edward J. and Dorothy Clarke Kempf Fund of Yale University University Yale of Fund Kempf Clarke Dorothy and J. Edward A conference at Yale at conference A Varro‘s Passions and the Romancing of the Classical the of Romancing the and Passions Varro‘s 10:45-12:00 round table and wrap-up discussion discussion wrap-up and table round 10:45-12:00 Mark Vessey, UBC Vessey, Mark Generously funded by: funded Generously coffee coffee 10:15-10:45 Chair: John Matthews, Yale Matthews, John Chair: 11:30-12:45 session 4 4 session 11:30-12:45 Respondent: Glenn Most, Scuola Normale/Chicago Scuola Most, Glenn Respondent: Sonderforschungsbereich 644 Sonderforschungsbereich Transformationen der Antike der Transformationen Against discipline: The philology of Pascal Quignard Pascal of philology The discipline: Against Alessandro Barchiesi, Stanford/Sienna (Arezzo) Stanford/Sienna Barchiesi, Alessandro Respondent: John Hamilton, Harvard Hamilton, John Textures and fluids: for a materialistic cultural history cultural materialistic a for fluids: and Textures Classics at the margins of the West: Observations on modern China modern on Observations West: the of margins the at Classics Giulia Sissa, UCLA Sissa, Giulia Shadi Bartsch, Chicago Bartsch, Shadi Sexuality, reception, and scholarship and reception, Sexuality, Chair, Chris Kraus, Yale Kraus, Chris Chair, UC Davis UC Hexter, Ralph 9-10:15 session 8 8 session 9-10:15 Chair: Craig Williams, Brooklyn College Brooklyn Williams, Craig Chair: [email protected] (Yale University) (Yale Kraus S. Christina 10:15-11:30 session 3 3 session 10:15-11:30 SUNDAY, APRIL 1 1 APRIL SUNDAY, 211 Linsly Chittenden Hall, 63 High Street High 63 Hall, Chittenden Linsly 211 and 10:00-10:15 10:00-10:15 coffee coffee [email protected] (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) zu (Humboldt-Universität Formisano Marco Respondent: Emma Buckley, Saint Andrews University Andrews Saint Buckley, Emma Respondent: Respondent: David Konstan, Brown/ NYU Brown/ Konstan, David Respondent: An international conference organized by: organized conference international An Writing at the margins: Classics and credibility from Herodotus to Mtunthama to Herodotus from credibility and Classics margins: the at Writing On the bastardy of the Rhesus: unknown father-author or plural father-genres? plural or father-author unknown Rhesus: the of bastardy the On Emily Greenwood, Yale Greenwood, Emily Marco Fantuzzi, Columbia Fantuzzi, Marco Marginality, ‘popular’ culture and social status social and culture ‘popular’ Marginality, Romancing the classics: The Hellenic standard and its vicissitudes under the Empire the under vicissitudes its and standard Hellenic The classics: the Romancing other literatures. other Serafina Cuomo, Birkbeck College Birkbeck Cuomo, Serafina Froma Zeitlin, Princeton Zeitlin, Froma raises the fundamental question of the specificity of the study of Greek and Latin as opposed to to opposed as Latin and Greek of study the of specificity the of question fundamental the raises Chair, Marco Formisano, Humboldt University Humboldt Formisano, Marco Chair, Chair: Kirk Freudenburg, Yale Freudenburg, Kirk Chair: new scholarly trends is in some cases drawing attention precisely to previously understudied texts, texts, understudied previously to precisely attention drawing cases some in is trends scholarly new 5:00-6:15 session 7 7 session 5:00-6:15 theories have entered scholarly discourse within the discipline of Classics, and when the rise of of rise the when and Classics, of discipline the within discourse scholarly entered have theories 8:45-10:00 session 2 2 session 8:45-10:00 discussing marginality and the related issue of canonicity at this point in time, when post-modern post-modern when time, in point this at canonicity of issue related the and marginality discussing 4:30-5:00 coffee 4:30-5:00 SATURDAY, MARCH 31 31 MARCH SATURDAY, 211 Linsly Chittenden Hall, 63 High Street High 63 Hall, Chittenden Linsly 211 characteristic differences between European and North American scholarly traditions. Finally, Finally, traditions. scholarly American North and European between differences characteristic discourse, it has become increasingly canonical within academic institutions, with significant and and significant with institutions, academic within canonical increasingly become has it discourse, Respondent: Chris Kraus, Yale Yale Kraus, Chris Respondent: extreme case indeed: no longer active as an aesthetic or ethical model within contemporary literary literary contemporary within model ethical or aesthetic an as active longer no indeed: case extreme The elusive middle: Vitruvius’ mediocracy of virtue of mediocracy Vitruvius’ middle: elusive The Respondent: Irene Peirano, Yale Peirano, Irene Respondent: itself by shedding light on past and current scholarly trends. Classical literature represents an an represents literature Classical trends. scholarly current and past on light shedding by itself John Oksanish, Wake Forest Wake Oksanish, John Passion Nothing to do with Dionysus? Classics and outlandish research outlandish and Classics Dionysus? with do to Nothing investigate the inner process of the discipline and to offer a sort of assessment of the discipline discipline the of assessment of sort a offer to and discipline the of process inner the investigate Living texts/Marginal texts: A material philology of Medieval Latin literature Latin Medieval of philology material A texts: texts/Marginal Living Lowell Edmunds, Rutgers Edmunds, Lowell This conference aims to re-open the discussion at this particular historical moment in order to to order in moment historical particular this at discussion the re-open to aims conference This Columbia Franklin, Vircillo Carmela Homer in the gutter: From Samuel Butler to the Second Sophistic and back again back and Sophistic Second the to Butler Samuel From gutter: the in Homer Canonicity Chair, Barbara Shailor, Yale Shailor, Barbara Chair, James Porter, UC Irvine UC Porter, James the intersection of the concepts of marginality, canonicity and passion. and canonicity marginality, of concepts the of intersection the certain paradox informs the habitus and the intellectual profile of many classicists, and it lies at at lies it and classicists, many of profile intellectual the and habitus the informs paradox certain 3:15-4:30 session 6 6 session 3:15-4:30 Chair: Jay Fisher, Yale Fisher, Jay Chair: of passion and personal inclination: individual tendencies and approaches matter too. In short, a a short, In too. matter approaches and tendencies individual inclination: personal and passion of 5:15-6:45 Session 1 1 Session 5:15-6:45 Marginality Respondent: Brooke Holmes, Princeton Holmes, Brooke Respondent: lems and professional aspects. Moreover, the choice of which texts to study is frequently a matter matter a frequently is study to texts which of choice the Moreover, aspects. professional and lems - prob theoretical both consider must which analysis, deeper a requires marginality and canonicity Anecdotal evidence: Life on the margins in Machon‘s Chreiae Machon‘s in margins the on Life evidence: Anecdotal Taste and Justice and Taste does not seem to have truly affected professional and interpretive practices. The discourse of of discourse The practices. interpretive and professional affected truly have to seem not does Pavlos Avlamis, Oxford Avlamis, Pavlos & Yale LeVen, Pauline Barbara Herrnstein Smith, Duke University Duke Smith, Herrnstein Barbara classical literatures and their cultural canonicity for Western civilization at large, this discussion discussion this large, at civilization Western for canonicity cultural their and literatures classical 3:30-5 The minor, the specialized, the occasional: Ancient ways out of the canon the of out ways Ancient occasional: the specialized, the minor, The Welcome (Marco Formisano and Chris Kraus) and keynote address: address: keynote and Kraus) Chris and Formisano (Marco Welcome and Vergil. Although there has been in the past a lively debate devoted to questioning the status of of status the questioning to devoted debate lively a past the in been has there Although Vergil. and Reviel Netz, Stanford Netz, Reviel Antiquity immediately suggests big names such as Homer, Sophocles, Thucydides, Cicero, Horace Horace Cicero, Thucydides, Sophocles, Homer, as such names big suggests immediately Antiquity 3-3:30 Registration, coffee Registration, Chair, Bob Kaster, Princeton Kaster, Bob Chair, field: for non-classicists there is practically an equation between „classical antiquity“ and „canon“. „canon“. and antiquity“ „classical between equation an practically is there non-classicists for field: FRIDAY, MARCH 30 30 MARCH FRIDAY, 101 Linsly Chittenden Hall, 63 High Street, New Haven New Street, High 63 Hall, Chittenden Linsly 101 2:00-3:15 session 5 5 session 2:00-3:15 ithin literary studies, Greek and Latin literatures are generally perceived as a highly canonized canonized highly a as perceived generally are literatures Latin and Greek studies, literary ithin W
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