Logical / Biofunctional Effects of Ginger

Logical / Biofunctional Effects of Ginger

Journal of the Academic Society for Quality of Life (JAS4QoL) 2017 Vol. 3(2) 1:1-12 The Chemical Constituents and Pharmaco- logical / Biofunctional Effects of Ginger Hisashi MATSUDA*, Seikou NAKAMURA, Masayuki YOSHIKAWA Department of Pharmacognosy, Kyoto Pharmaceutical University, Kyoto 607-8 !", #apan matsu$a%mb'kyoto- phu'ac'jp )itation* MATSUDA, H.+ NAKAMURA, S.; YOSHIKAWA, M.. ,e )hemical )onstituents and Pharmaco- logical / Biofunctional Effects of Ginger JAS4QoL 2017, 3(2) 1*!-!"' 2nline* h3p*--as 4ol'org/(as 4ol-volume-5-"-6art1 7eceive$ Date* 06-!8-!7 Accepte$ Date* 06-!8-!7 Pu&lishe$* 06-50-"0!7 ANNOUNCEMENT • ,e "0!7 9nternational )onference on :ality of ;ife <ill &e hel$ in Penang Malaysia on 8ugust "0th-"!st. We are no< calling for papers' • Procee$ings as <ell as photos and other information from past conferences can &e found on our <e&site' • More information at http://as4qol.org/icqol/2017/ Also of Interest In This Issue: 2nline >urvey of Pro&lems 9nhi&iting the 8ctive 9nvolvement of )ommunity Pharmacists in Patients <ith Cancer Undergoing Outpatient Chemotherapy ?asuna K2.8?8>@9, Keiko >U19@878-A>UK8M2A2, 8ya K2.8?8>@9, Noriko K2@?8M8, Aoshi- nori Y8M8M2A2 available at http://as4qol.org JAS4QoL Mini Review The Chemical Constituents and Pharmaco- logical / Bio#unctional Effects o# Ginger Hisashi MATSUDA*, Seikou NAKAMURA, Masayuki YOSHIKAWA Department of Pharmacognosy, Kyoto Pharmaceutical University, Kyoto 607- 8 !", #apan Cmatsu$a%mb'kyoto-phu'ac'jpD A&stract Zingiber officinale 72>)2/, <hich &elongs to the family of Zingiberaceae, has long been cultivate$, and its rhizome ‘gingerG has been use$ therapeutically in the <orl$' Araditional me$icinal systems have applie$ this her& to a <i$e range of illunesses and $isor$ers, inclu$ing nausea and intestinal $is- or$ers' 9n this revie<, <e $escri&e$ the chemical constituents and their Huctuations $uring $rying and-or heating processes' Iurthermore, <e sum- marize$ the important pharmacological-&iofunctional effects of ginger and its pungent constituents C6, 8, !0-gingerols+ 6, 8-shogals, etc'D such as anti- serotonergic, activation of transient receptor potential vanilloi$ ! CA7PJ!D, antitumor, and antio&esity effects in vivo and-or in vitro' 1' (ntroduction Citation: MATSUDA, H.; NAKAMURA, S.; YOSHIKAWA, M. Zingiberaceae plant, Zingiber officinale 72>)2/, originates from the topi- The Chemical Constituents and cal areas of 8sia, and is currently cultivate$ <orl$<i$e in places such as Pharmacological / Biofunctional Effects of Ginger. JAS4QoL 2017, 9ndia, >outheast 8sia, )hina, 8frica, >outh 8merica, #apan, etc' ,e rhi- 3(2) 1:1- ". zome of this plant is usually calle$ FgingerG and has &een use$ as a spice and in folk me$icines throughout the worl$' Available online at h3p*--as 4ol'org/(as 4ol-volume-5- 9n Indian cuisines, ginger is a key ingre$ient, especially in thick gravies, "-6art! as <ell as in many other $ishes' 1inger also has a role in traditional Received: 06/18/17 8yurve$ic me$icine' 9t is an ingre$ient in traditional 9ndian $rinks inclu$- Accepted: 06/18/17 ing spice$ masala chai and other her&al &everages' Iresh ginger is one of Published: 06/30/2017 the main spices use$ for making pulse and lentil curries and other veg- -2016 JAS4QoL as4qol.org etable preparations' Iresh or $rie$ ginger is use$ to spice up tea and coffee, especially in <inter' 1inger po<$er is also use$ in foo$ preparations in- Journal of the Academic Society for Quality of Life page 1 tende$ primarily for pregnant or nursing <omen. 1inger is also consume$ in the form of candy and pickle$ vegetables' 9n =estern cuisines, ginger is traditionally and mainly use$ in s<eet foo$s such as ginger ale, ginger &read and &iscuits' 1inger <ine is a ginger-Havore$ <ine pro$uce$ in the Unite$ Kingdom, traditionally sol$ in a green glass &o3le' 1inger is also use$ as a spice ad$e$ to hot coffee and tea. 9n #apan, ginger is pickle$ to make F&eni shoga’ C紅生姜D and FgariG CガリD or grate$ and use$ raw on &ean cur$-tofu C豆腐D or noo$les' 9t is made into a confectionary pro$uct calle$ Fshoga no sato zukeG C 生 姜の砂糖漬けD' 9n #apanese Pharmacopoeia KJ99, ginger C生姜, shokyoD is liste$ as the $rie$ rhizome of Zingiber of- ficinale, and the steame$ and $rie$ rhizome is calle$ processe$ ginger C乾姜, kankyoD and use$ in formu- lae separately from ginger (shokyoD' In China, on the other hand, the fresh rhizome is calle$ ginger (生姜, sheng jiang) and use$ as an antiemetic, eLpectorant, antitussive, detoLicant, antipyretic, digestive system stimulant, etc' The drie$ rhizome, which is e4uivalent to ginger (shokyoD in Japan, is calle$ ‘gan jiang’ (乾 姜D CorF&ai (iang’ C白姜D, F(un (iang’ C均姜D,Fgan sheng (iang’ C乾生姜D, etc'D and present in various formulae to re$uce cough and improve ab$ominal pain, stomachache, and gastrointestinal retention. 9n summary, the name, me$icinal effects, and usage of me$ical Zingiber officinale in #apanese Kampo me$icine are dif- ferent from those in traditional Chinese me$icine'1,2 Jarious reports and revie<s about phytochemistry and pharmacology of this her& have &een pu&- lishe$ to $ate' 9n this revie<, <e summarize our previous stu$ies of chemical constituents and pharma- cological investigation of ginger CshokyoD together <ith important and intriguing reports &y other re- search groups' 2' Princi)al bioacti*e constituents of inger and +uctuation of constituents during the drying )rocess Pungent constituents such as gingerols C-M.D and shogalols C/, 10D, <hich are the principal ingre$i- ents of ginger CshokyoD, have &een characterize$ &y many researchers'1 .ecause of poor availabity in #apan, importe$ ginger (shokyoD originating in China and Tai<an have been wi$ely use$ use$ for me$ic- inal preparations in Japan. During the course of our screening to Nnd &iologically active constituents containe$ in cru$e me$ici- nal preparations using ginger, <e have found certain &ioactive compounds sho< anti-catalitic, antisero- tonergic, and gastromucosal protecting effects'01- Irom ginger CshokyoD originating from Aai<an, <e have isolate$ and i$entiNe$ &isabolane-type ses4uiterpenes CO-zingi&erene C1D , P-ses4uiphellandrene C2D,P-&isabolene C0D,ar-curcumene C2DD,a $iterpene Cgalanolactone C3DD,pungent constituents C6-gin- gerol C-D,8-gingerol (7D, !0-gingerol C.D,6-shogaol (/D,8-shogaol (10D,6-$ehy$roginger$ione (11D,6- ginger$ione C12D,6-ginge$iol C10D,and 6-paradol C12DD' 9n ad$ition, <e isolate$ and $etermine$ a ne< sufonic $erivative C6-gingesulfonic aci$ C1-DD <ith gastroprotective effects,and a ne< $iarylheptanoi$ CC5S,QSD-$ihy$roLy-!-C R-hy$roLy-5R,QR-$imethoLyphenylD-7-C RR-hy$roLy-5RR-methoLyphenylDheptane C13DD and three ne< monoacy$igalactosylglyceros (gingerglycolipi$ A (17D, B (1.D, C (1/DD, etc' (Iig. 1D'015,7 9t is <ell kno<n that gingerols C-, 7D in fresh rhizomes are converte$ to shogaols C/, 10D $uring the $rying and heating processes' We have reporte$ a quantitative analysis by high performance li4ui$ chro- matography C@P;)D for gingerols C-M.D, shogaols C/, 10D, 6-$ehy$roginger$ione C11D, and galanolactone C3D in many kinds of ginger (shokyoD originating from China, Tai<an, Vietnam, and Japan (>hizuoka Pre- fectureD, and a fresh ginger FKintokiG cultivate$ in >hizuoka Prefecture'8,/ 8s a result, the fresh ginger FKintokiG containe$ high contents of 6-$ehy$roginger$ione C11D C0'770M!'6S0T+ calculate$ as $rie$ mate- rialD, 6-gingerol C-D C0'SSSM!'Q!0TD, and galanolactone C3D C0'S6!M"' 50TD as major constituents, <ith less shogalos C/* 0'0!0M0'0"7T, 10* 0'05 M0'0Q0TD' ,ese constituents in the fresh ginger $ecrease$ remark- ably in the $rie$ ginger CshokyoD made from FKintokiG C3* 0'0S0M0'686T+ -* 0'"85M0' 8 T+ 11* 0'"57M 0'7 "TD, although contents of / increase$ C0'0Q"M0'08QTD' 9nterestingly, galanolactone C3D is found in the #apanese ginger only, &ut not $etecte$ in importe$ ginger from )hina, Aai<an, and Jietnam' 9n )hinese ginger CshokyoD, the contents of -M/ <ere 0'"5 M0'606T, 0'0!!M0'"60T, 0'0!QM0'0 QT, and 0'0 "M0'"! , repectively' Iurthermore, <e trie$ to analyze four &isabolane-type ses4uiterpenes CO-zingi&erene C1D, β- ses4uiphellandrene C2D, β-&isabolene C0D, and ar-curcumene C2DD using a gas li4ui$ chromatography Journal of the Academic Society for Quality of Life (Issue Month) 2017 |vol 3| Issue 2 |Article 1|Page 2 Fig. 1. Chemical structure# of con#tituents (1%1&) from ginger. Journal of the Academic Society for Quality of Life (Issue Month) 2017 |vol 3| Issue 2 |Article 1|Page 3 C1;)D' )ompound 1 is highly containe$ in most of the ginger stu$ie$, and their contents in #apanese fresh ginger also $ecrease $uring the processing proce$ure'. =e have also reporte$ the chemical Huctua- tion of constituents $uring the $rying process using @P;) and 1;) analyses for pungent principles C-M 11D, galanolactone C3D, and &isabolane-type ses4iterpenes C1M2D' 8s a result, the far-infrare$ C97D $rying metho$ <as found to &e eUcient, and the yiel$ is <ithout marke$ $ecreases in the contents of &ioactive constituents'/ 1inger CshokyoD is usually peele$ and $rie$, and is sometimes fumigate$ &y sulfur for &reaching and as a repellent. @ori et al' have reporte$ that sufonic $erivatives, such as 6-gingesulfonic aci$ C1-D, are found in sulfur-fumigation of ginger CshokyoD, suggesting that the $erivatives are forme$ &y the sulfer- fumigation.10 8s mentione$ above, it is generally accepte$ that $ifferences in contents of gingerols, shogaols, and the essential oil ingre$ients and pharmacological effects of indivi$ual preparations are relate$ to $iffer- ences between the clinical effects of fresh ginger, ginger (shokyoD, and processe$ ginger (kankyoD' 3' Pharmacolo ical/biofunctional effects 1inger CshokyoD is containe$ in Kampo formulae for stimulation of perspiration and antiemetic ef- fects, <hile processe$ ginger CkankyoD is containe$ in Kampo formulae for eliminating interior col$, im- proving chills, and for relieving pain as <ell as coughing and <heezing.

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