^& A SOUVENIR OF afjfjacltusettj) J^cgislatorH 1896 VOLUME V. {Issued A>iiiii:il/y) . I A . M H R D G M A N STOUCiHTON, MASS. Copyrighted 1S96, by A. M. BRTDGMAN. TONE PRINT BY GEO. H. ELLIS, PRINTER, 141 FRANKLIN STREET, BOSTON .F-TONES FROM HJ8 ENGRAVING CO., 27 BOYLSTON STREET, BOSTON PREFACE. The Souvenir of 1S96 represents a Legislature that was called to deal with more iniportant questions than usual, and that had unusual experiences to meet. Never before in the memory of this generation, has a whole state been called upon to mourn for its chief executive, removed by death from his high office. The lamented Greenhalge, called away while in the midst of the work to which he was giving his best thoughts and noblest endeavors, was mourned sincerely by the whole state because he has been in the best sense the Governor of the whole state. The great question of better transportation facilities, which culminated in the Southern Union passenger station bill: and the Pipe Line bill, by which it was proposed to give the people of the state cheaper gas for fuel and illumination, were bills which, of themselves, would have justified the claim for a great public work accomplished. This was the Legislature also which sent to the people for judg- ment the resolve for biennial elections of members of the state government; and it also passed a bill fixing for the next ten years the lines for councillor and sen atorial districts, and allotted the number of representatives to each county for the same period. It abolished the days of grace on notes; appropriated $450.- coo for finishing and furnishing parts of the new State House; and $375,000 for the "preservation"of the '-Bulfinch front" of the old State House. It sent no committee on a"junketing" trip outside the state. And many other notable things it did, but spaci forbids their enumeration here. The following pages show you the portraits, give their biographical sketches, and show the autographs of the men in Senate, House and Executive Council, who helped do this great work; as well as the members of the Xitional Legislature that represent the old Bay State in either branch. A. M. RRIDGMAX. Editor. o • y IT. P o X o H o < f^ (4) His Exckllency FREDERIC T. GREENHAEGE, Governor. (5) jp.v (6) Treasurer. Hon. W. M, OLIN, Sfxketarv. Hox. E. P. SHAW, His Honor ROGER WOLCOTT, Lieutenant-C^overnor. Auditor. Hon. H. M. KNOWLTON, Attv-General. Hon. J. W. KIMBALL, (7) y -C (8) THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Lovell, 2d District. Hon. N. F. Ryder, ist District. Hon. Bex. S. Southwick, 5th District. Hox. F. H. Raymond, 3d District. Hon. B. F. Hon. John H. Sullivan, 4th District. Sth District. 6th District. Hon. C. A. Towne, Hon. J. M. Harlow, Hon. C. E. Stevens, 7th District. Executive Clerk. H. A. Thomas, Governor-s Secretary. E. F. Hamlin, (9) THE GOVERNOR'S STAFF. Gen, Samuel Dalton, Adjt.-Gen. Chami-lin, A G. Gen. a, O Davidson, Com. Gen. C^n. E. R. J. { lo) THE GOVERNOR'S STAFF (Continued.) Gen. Robert A. Blood, Surg. Gen. Col. Wm. C. Capelie, A. A. G. Col. Fred W. Weluxgtox, A. 1. G. Col. Charles Kennv, A. A. G. (•I ) THE GOVKKXOR'.S STAFF (C'/.'fnn/c;/.) CuL. I). \V. Fak(,)UHar, a. I). C Col. p. H. Corr, A. D. C. Col. W. M. i!u.\riX(-„ A. ]>. C. Col. F. C. Benton, A. IX C. Col. (;. F. H.\ll, I. C. R. P Col. J. L. Carter, A. I. G. ( \2 } THE GOVERNOR'S STAFF [CoiiUniu-d.) G. Col. Percy Parker, A. I. G. Col. F. G. Kix(;, A. A. A. G. Col. C. a. Page, A. A. G. C(JL. J. A. I.AKix, A. A. A. Col. B. S. Lovell, A. A. G. Col. a. H. Goetting, G ( >3) THE (;0\'ERNOR'S STAFF {Coiulndcd). Col. F. S. Rich.midsox, A. O. G Col. G. W. Moses, A A. G. Col. W.\l Barrett. A. O. G. Col. H. H.\stin(;s, a. O. G. Col. F. T. Walsh, A. Q. G. Col. G. B. Billin(-s, A O. G. ( 14) massachu.sp:tts in the fifty-fourth congress. A. B. Wright, ist Dist. F. H. (;,llett, 2d Dist. J. H. Walker, 3d Dist L. I). Apslev, 4th Dist. W. S. Kxox, 5th Dist. W. H. Moodv, 6th Dist" Senator (George F. Hoar. Senator Hexkv CAiiox Lodge E. W. Barrett. 7th Dist. S. W. M( Call, Sth Dist. J. F. Flizgerald, 9th Dist H. H. Atwooi., loth District. e. A. Morse, 12th District W. F. Draper, i ,th District. John Slmpkixs, 13th District. (15) MASSACHUSETTS. As riMli.striotfd in 1891. POPULATION OF MASSACHUSETTS Totalfor i88o . 1,783 Total for i8qo 2,238,943 Po/'ulation I'y Counties ncifiyriing to Ce o/i Barnstable 20,172 3 Berkshire 1 , 108 Bristol '86,465 Dukes 4-369 Essex 299.995 38,610 Franklin . Hampden . '35.7'3 Hampshire 5' ,859 43r,i67 Middlesex . Nantucket. 3,268 Norfolk 118,950 . 92>7°o Plymouth . Suffolk 484,780 Worcester 280.787 Population hy Congressional Distri,ti. First district 170.297 Second district 173. 95' Third district 17'. 484 Fourth district 170,221 F'ifth district 172,178 Sixth district 169,418 Seventh district 174,866 Eighth district 174.274 Ninth district 170.458 Tenth district 174,008 Eleventh district 173.185 Twelfth district '7'. 535 Thirteenth district 173,068 (16) OFFICERS OF THE SExNATE. H. D. CooLiDGE, Clerk. Rev. Edmund Dowse, Chaplain. Hon. George P. Lawrence, President. W. H. Sanger, Assistant Clerk. F. E. Bridgman, Clerical Assistant. (17) THE OLD ELM, BOSTON COMMON. (Tlie following inscriptions on the tablets adjoining the present young and thrifty elm briefly state the main facts of interest) : "THE OLD ELM destroyed by a gale Feb. 15, 1876. This elm planted A.D. 1876." "THE OLD ELM. — This tree has been standing here for an unknown period. It is believed to have existed before the settlement of Boston, being fully grown in 1722; exhibited marks of old age in 1792, and was nearly destroyed by a storm in 1832. Protected by an enclosure in 1854 J. V. C. Smith, Mayor." (18) OFFICERS OF THE HOUSE. George T. Sleeper, Clerk. Rev. D. W. Waldrox, Chaplain. Hon. George v. L. Meyer, Speaker. JA.MES W. Ki.MBALL, Assistant Clerk. George \V. Penximax, Clerical Assistant. { 19) (u OJ o .t^ « O >; rt :/2 ^^ ^H __ n ) r^ I— t- -^ o a! c: -t:: _c Qj 2 5 c 4=1 ^ (U OJ '^ ^ a -— -t; -M c^ <u o "O ^, OJ (L> O .S x: c Ti -H- O O OJ be M _0 T-. G O TD rt ^ !r. .S -^ "C3 rt O o ^ Oh n „ P ^ ^ xn xn u p OJ CJ TO (U "^ J3 X5 — c -:=: cu <D ~ 5i S tC o B- -w .^ *-" ^ A <U 'J^- O CLJ (U j^ ^ 1- — •S o ^ « OJ U < ^ ^ bC 1-. s ^ 13 fe -G rt ^ '- o H J G COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE. Prevaux, F. A. Patch, A. N. Blood. Hon. p. Blodgett, Hon. J. J. H. G. Keltox, Clerk. G, L. Whitcomb, House Chairman. Hon. a. F. Barker, Chairman. C. H. Parker. H. C. Newell. C. S. Miller. C. H. Dowse. (23) COMMITTEE ON BANKS AND BANKING. Ho\. J. Quixx, Jr. Hon. E. Jones. S. N. M.a.vo. C. P. Bond. Wm Tol.man, House Chairman. C. D. Monroe, Clerk. Hon. R. a. Soule, Chairman. H. S. Boyd. S. S. Bourne. Cyrus Spauldixg. N. P. Cu.mijings. (25) COMMITTEE OX CITIES. Hon. a. S. Roe. F. Hon. H. Pearson. G. E. Putnam. J. F. Sheehan. W. P. Seauls, House Chairman. C. E. Mills, Clerk. Hon. R. W. Irwin. Chairman. T. T. Savory. F. R. Richmond. Elmer A. Stevens. Jackson Wei-.ster. ( ^7 ) COMMITTEE ON CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS. B. Holden. Hon. C. F. Sprague. Ho\. M. M. Lomasney. H. L. Boutwell. J. Chairman. T. E. St. John, Clerk. J. J. McCarthy, House Hon. a. F. Barker, Clerk. F. Creed. E. C. Holt. G. D. Storks. H. C. Parsons. J. (29) COMMITTEE ON COUNTIES. W. Coleman. Hon. R. W. Irwin. Hon. J. H. Derbyshire. J. S. H. Mitchell. F. Clerk. S. W, Flint, House Chairman. W. Howard Hon. F. W. Dallinger, Chairman. Rourke. C. W. TiLTON. F. H. Rourke. F. W. Francis. D. D. (31 ) COMMITTEE ON DRAINAGE. Cochran. H. P. Bailey. Hon. R. a. Soule. Hon. J. P. Nile,s. J. A. Chairman. W. C. Young, Clerk. J. S. Gray, House Hon. L. H. Bartlett, Chairman. W. R. Hay den JAS. Uriscoll. G. F. Chase. J. E. Mahoney. ( 33 ) a* COMMITTEE OX EDUCATION. Hon. G. W. Perkins. Hon. C. F. Sprague. W. W. Waterman. J. R. Thurston. T. E. St. John, House Chairman. B. Porter, Jr., Clerk. Hon. a. S. Roe, Chairman. S. A. HoLTON W. E. Austin. M. J. Reidy. D. B. Fenn. (35) COMMITTEE ON ELECTIONS Wales. Charles 1. Quirk. C P Weston, Chairman. George A. Flvnn. H. C. Atwill, Clerk. HENRY THRASHER, Harvev Crocker. Jos. J. COMMITTEE ON PAY-ROLL. Baker. James S. McKenna. Henr\ D. Hr.MPHREV, Chairman. T. B. (37) COMMITTEE ON ELECTION LAWS. Corbett. G. B. Bird. E. M. Moriarty. Hon-, a. F. Barker. Hon. J. J. H. K. Sanderson, Clerk. F. W. Kaax, House Chairman. Hon. p. Blodgett, Chairman. B. Packard. W. J. Livermore- E. B. Crane. D. J. Barry. J- (39) COMMITTEE OX BILLS IN THIRD READING, (Senate.) Pearson. Hon. R. W. Irwin. Hon. E. S. Bradford Hon. F. H. COMMITTEE ON ENGROSSED BILLS, (Senate.) M.
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