$3.00 August-September 1986 Practical Projects New PC Speedup_With RAM Resident Switch ............ 6 A cheaper, fancier, two-speed clock that you control from the keyboard. Practical Programming In Modula-2 .................... 12 A window lover's dream, right down to the last frame. Unblinking The PC's Blinkin'· Cursor .................. 22 Tired of that irritating fl.ashing cursor? Here's the fix. Game Theory Models in PROLOG and C ................ 24 A modeling system that ties Turbo PROLOG together with Microsoµ C. Serial Communications Program For CPlM & MS-DOS ... 30 Tying two aliens .together with Turbo pascal. Eight Booleans In A Byte ............................... 58 A bit pickers special feature. co 0 "" Hard Drives: The Service Perspective ................... 62 00 00 Which manufacturers support the purchaser? Which don't? l"t") ""'"°' 0 Purchasing Ahd Installing A Hard Drive ................ 66 ...;t "'"...;t Join us for a quick read between the tracks . "'" 0 SWp-by-srep tutorial, demo programs with source code included! Turbo Prolog 1.0 Tuchn:lcal 8pecit1cations Borland introduces .Turbo Prolog, Progimnming B,yst,em Features l!'.J' Complier: Increment.Ill compiler gen­ era.ting native In-line cOOe and llnkB.ble ~ mOOules. The llnklng format 18 the natural language of compB.tlble W1th the FC-DOO linker. I.8rge memocym<Xiel support. O:lmplles over:?BX) lines per mJnute on a standard IBM ro. l!'.J' Int.erscttve .Edit.or: The EzyBtem Artificial Intelligence. Includes a piwerful Interactive full-ooreen text editor. If the compiler detectB an error, the editor autJ:Jmatlcalt' J;XE1tloilB the curoor awroPrls.tely In the oouroo oocle. Al run-time, 'I\Jroo Prolq! prc:erama can call Pro1og is probably the most the editor, and view the l'Uilillilg ~·a oouroo c00e. powerful compurer progra.mming l!'.J' '.l)p9 B;yst,em: A tlex!ble oQJect,orlent.00 language ever conceived, which is ~ a,ystem 18 supported. l!'.J' W.lndow1ng Support: The EzyBtem wbywe've made it our second supports OOth graphlc and text w1rulowB. language-and "turbocharged" it to l!'.J' Input/Output: Full 1/0 facJl1tles, Including fomiatted 1/0, streams, and creare Turbo Prolog:· random accees tlles. l!'.J' Numsrie Ranges: Integel'B: -'SZ'lf!7 to Our new Turbo Prolog brings 'SZlf!l; Reals: lE-307 to lE+:nl supercompurer power to your IBM® l!'.J' Debugging: O:lmplete bulltrln trace de­ bugging CB.IRbllltJes e.llow1ng Blng!e PC and introduces you srep-by-srep to stepping of pr®a.IDa the fascinating newworld of Artificial Inrelligence. And does all this for an ,........... , astounding $99.95. I YES I !~a~~st I Turbo Pascal the wey you I • I Pascal ~ Turbo Prolog is to Even ifyou've never could compare Turbo to I Turbo Prolog at only: I machine language. ~ Prolog wha.t Turbo programmed. before, Pasca.J.8 is to Pa.sca.1! our free tutorial will You get the complew I I Our Turbo Parea.l astDn1Bhed get you st;arted. right BWBJT Turbo Prolog $99.95 1 . everyone who thought of ParoaJ. programming I To order by phone, You'll get started rlght awa;f sysrem ·. 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I This price includes shipping to all US cities I Prolog and a.rtlftclal intelligence. • The 200-page reference .::,:',f)• (1 I Payment: VISA MC Bank Draft Check I = ' For example: once you've manual which includes the step­ :: I\: ; · >! schools, completed the tutorial, you'll be by-Btep Turbo Prolog tutor1a.1. I Credit card expiration date: __J_ I and With pro­ able to deslgn your own expert • The free GeoBaseTM natural I Card# I I I I I I I I I fessional program­ systems ut111z1ng Turbo Prolog's query language database I 11111111 I .. mers, students, powerful problem-soMng including commented source I b'7fs"%5tJ ~~r:'. !~Mor troe CO"f)atible nming I and hobbylstB. capablllties. code on dlsk-rearlyto compile. I My COlrJ)uter's name and rooclel is: I You can expect at least the Think of Turbo Prolog as a GeoBase 1s a complete database same impact from Turbo Prolog, Wgh-speed electronic detective. desJgned and developed around • Thedisksizeluseis:D3W 05W because while Turbo Prolog 1s the First you feed it information and U.S. geography. It includes cities, 1 I most revolutionary and natural reach it rules. Then Prolog NOT COPY PROTECTED 'furoo mountains, rivers, and Wghweys, I *60-DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE I programmlng language, it 1B also "thinks" the problem through and comes complete With na I Name: I a complete development enViron­ and comes up With all the query language. Use GeoBase ment-just like Turbo Pascal I Shipping Mdress: I_ reasonable answers-almost immediately "as is," or mocl.11Y it Turbo Prolog radically alters instantly. to fit your own inrerests. I I and dramatically improves the Ifyou think that this 1B So don't delay-don't waste a I City: I brave new world of a.rtlftclal amazing, youjUst need to second-get Turbo Prolog now. I State: lip: I intelligence-and inVires you into remember that Turbo Prolog 1s a $99.95 is an amaz1ngJy small I ·Telephone: I that fascinating untverse for a 5th-generation language-and price to pey to becbme an I ~?:mand~~~SAord;J/:'a~~!b%::t:: z I humanly intelligent $99.95. the kind of language that 21st immediate authoricy-an instant International Postal Money Order. I century computers w1ll use I *YES, if wilflin 60 days of purchase tflis product does expert on a.rtlftclal inrell.lgencel not perform in accordance w1/fl our claims, please call I routinely. In fact, you can The 21st century 1s only one I our customer service department and we will g/;rJ/y compare Turbo Prolog to I arrange arefurd. I phone call away. ••Minimum sys/em requirements: I I IBM PC. XT. AT. 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