THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA ~E778 MINISTRY OF WORKS TANZANIA NATIONAL ROADS AGENCY - TANROADS Public Disclosure Authorized Review and Update of Feasibility Study and Detailed Design of Singida-Shelui Road Section Phase II Detailed Engineering Design Public Disclosure Authorized FINAL REPORT L..e-LlCo aipha9,1fame of #I LflICr GRJTP ESfl C.oIRg .t1lln r Annex 8 L-- ------ 8 ENVINRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA), SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (SIA) & Public Disclosure Authorized RESETTLEMENT A CTION PLAN(RAP) ENVINR ONMENTAL IMPA CT A SSESSMENT (EIA), SOCIAL IMPACTASSESSMENT (SIA)& RESETTLEMENT A CTION PLAN (RAP) AS AMMENDED BY TANROADS Public Disclosure Authorized -MY TECHNIPLAN Rome and Dar es Salaam, May 2003 FIlE COPYD I Review and Update of Feasibility Study and Detailed Design of Singida-Shelui Road Section Phase II Detailed Engineering Design FINAL REPORT Annex 8 EIA, SIA & "IA EIA, SIA & RIA AS AMMENDED BY TANROADS -__ _____ ____ _ TECHNIPLAN i I I I I I i I I Singida-Shelui Road: Detailed Engineering Design Finzal Report: Annex 8 - E1A, SIA & RIA Contents Feasibility Study and Preliminary Engineering Design of Singida Shelui Road Section Final Report on Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (EIA and SIA) and Resettlement Impact Assessment (RIA) Table of contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Part 1. THE ROAD AND ITS ENVIRONMENT 1. PRESENTATION OF THE STUDY 1.1 Terms of reference 1.2 Work carried out 1.3 References 1.4 Study approach 1.5 Layout of the report 2. THE PROJECT ROAD 2.1 Location and characteristics 2.2 The road upgrading project 3. THE TERRRITORY INFLUENCED BY THE ROAD 3.1 Road reserve area (RRA, 45 m wide) 3.2 Wider road influence area (WIA) 3.3 Physical environment of the Wider Road Influence Area 3.4 Human environment of the wider road influence area 3.5 Cultural heritage in the road influence zone 4. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF THE EXISTING ROAD 4.1 Health effects of current road use 4.2 Recent traffic accident rates 4.3 Lack of ancillary road facilities 4.4 Ongoing and projected trends of the road influence area Part 2. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 5. ROAD WORKS: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT & MITIGATION 5.1 Planned road works 5.2 Overview of the impact of planned road works 5.3 Short-term negative impacts of road works 5.4 Short-term positive impacts of road works 5.5 Long-term negative impacts of road works 5.6 Long-term positive impacts of road works 5.7 Impact of road works in the Rift Valley 6. FUTURE ROAD USE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT & MITIGATION 6.1 Traffic growth forecasts 6.2 Direct impacts of road use Annex 8 -contents Annex 8 - i Techntiplan Singida-Shelui Road: Detailed Engineering Design FinalReport: Annex 8 - EIA, SIA & RIA Contents 6.3 Negative or problematic impacts of future road use 6.4 Positive, indirect impacts of future road use 7. ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PLAN (EAP) 7.1 Scope and phasing of the EAP 7.2 The three Phases of EAP (2001 onward) 7.3 Proposed institutional framework of E.A.P 8. ENVIRONMENTAL COSTS 8.1 Overall cost estimates 8.2 Cost of environmental mitigation and enhancement measures 8.3 Financial schedule of EAP Part 3. RESETTLEMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT (RIA) & RESETTLEMENT ACTION PLAN 9.1 Project Description in Relation to Resettlement 9.2 Potential Impacts 9.3 Resettlement Objectives 9.4 Social Economic Study 9.5 Legal Framework 9.6 Eligibility 9.7 Valuation Procedure and Compensation for Losses 9.8 Resettlement Measures 9.9 Site Selection, Site Preparation, Relocation and Social Services 9.10. Community Participation 9.11 Grievance and Appeals Channel 9.12 Implementation Schedule 9.13 Cost and Budget 9.14 RAP Institutional Framework and Organizational Responsibilities Part 4. FIGUR-ES Figure 1. Tanzania's trunk corridors Figure 2. Air view of the project area Figure 3. Land cover and land use along the road Figure 4. Landscapes traversed by the project area Figure 5. Land use and in the road influence area Figure 6. Natural vegetation areas Figure 7. National parks, reserves and controlled areas Figure 8. Administrative set-up of the road influence area Figure 9. Settlement system of the road influence area Figure 10. Archaelogical sites of the road influence area Figure 11. Prehistoric artpaintinig Figure 12. Identified borrow pits and quarries Figure 13. Route variants in Iguguno urban area Figure 14. Soil protection with geomats Annex 8 - contents Annex 8 - ii Techniplan Singida-Shelui Road: Detailed Engineering Design FinalReport: Annex 8 - EIA, SIA & RIA Contents Figure 14. Soil protection with geomats Figure 15. Soil reinforcement for long term application Figure 16. Slope erosion control with geomat Figure 17. Slope erosion control with geocells Figure 18. Borrow pits APPENDICES Appendix A Policy, legal and administrative framework Appendix B Environmental profile of the Road Project Area Appendix C Baseline socio-economic data Appendix D Agro-economic areas of Singida Region Appendix E Water resources of the Project Area Appendix F Health data of the Project Area Appendix G Archaeological heritage and road development Appendix H World Bank guidelines on involuntary settlement Appendix I Terms of Reference Appendix J Individual Compensation Appendix K Properties valuation analysis Appendix L Confirmation of Plot allocation Appendix M NEMC Reporting guidelines Appendix N Photographic album Appendix O Contractor's Clause Appendix P Minutes of Meeting with villagers Appendix Q List of People Consulted Appendix R Properties Declaration Form Aninex 8 -conitents Annex 8 - iii Techniplan Singida-Shelui Road: Detailed Engineering Design FinalReport: Annex 8 - EIA, SIA & RIA Executive Sumninary Singida-Shelui Road Upgrading Project Environmental, Social and Resettlement Impact Assessment EIA, SIA & RIA Executive Summiary 1. Road Influence Area 2. The proposed road upgrading project 3. Environmental impacts without the proposed project 4. ELA and RTA methodology 5. Participatory EIA and RIA approach 6. The EIA and RIA Studies and Action Plans 7. Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) & Action Plan (2003 onward) 8. Resettlement Impact Statement (RIS) & Action Plan (2003 onward) 9. Cost and Budget for RAP 10. Institutional Framework and Organisational Responsibilities for RAP Implementation 11. Monitoring and Evaluation 12. Conclusions and recommendations Executive sumnmar-y Annex 8 - S. 1 Techniplan Singida-Shelui Road: Detailed Engineering Design FinalReport: Annex 8 - EIA, SIA & RIA Executive Sinmary Singida-Shelui Road Upgrading Project Environmental, Social and Resettlement Impact Assessment EIA, SIA & RIA Executive Summary 1. Road Innluence Area Singida Shelui Road Section is part of the Central Trunk Corridor, which connects Dar es Salaam with northwestemn Tanzania and with landlocked Rwanda, Burundi and eastern Congo. The project's Road Section extends northwestward from Singida town through Shelui Trade Center until the border with Tabora region, for a total design length of 107 km. The immediate influence area of the Road Section largely coincides with its feeder road basin, covering some 5000 km2 with 250,000 people, of which 150,000 in Singida Urban District and 100,000 in two rural Districts. The population density of the Road Influence Area is 60 inhabitants per km2 (16 in the rural countryside). The land use pattern consists of fallow and grazing areas (52% of the Road Influence Area), thicket (25%), forests of various densities (8%), farmlands (12%) and water bodies (3%). The landscapes traversed by the road display a low cropping intensity, with scattered villages and trading centers. The first 78 km cut across a rolling plateau with sparse cultivations at an average altitude of 1,150 meters, followed by the rugged, densely wooded relief of Sekenke escarpment, rising to higher altitudes from km 78 to 90. After the escarpment, the road cuts across the flat, intensively farmed Shelui plateau. The last three km traverse the uninhabited swamplands of Wembere river, at an average altitude some 20 meters below the plateau. 2. The proposed road-upgrading project The project aims at upgrading Singida Shelui road to bitumen standards, with a 20-year design life for the new sections, 10 for the rehabilitation works. The design route will overlap with the existing one for 86 km out of 110km. The major improvements include: Road geometry: widening to 10 meters from present 7 to 10 Road reserve corridor: 45m in the rural areas, from present 25 to 45 m Design speed: 110 km per hour CalTying capacity: 1300 vehicle/day, up from 280 in the year 2000 Carriage way: 6.5 m wide, with two lanes and a 1.5m shoulder on both sides Pavement: double surface dressing, with a 2.5% camber to bitumen standard Drainage: cross drainage structures with intersection road apartments Bypasses: the design route will avoid Iguguno town (5000 people), reducing the congestion and pollution in this small town, and will bypass the hilly section of Sekenke escalpment, which cut across a dense forest, where the present road is characterized by many traffic accidents and has conduced to the depletion of the forestry cover. 3. Environmental impacts without the proposed project The present road conditions generate a high accident rate especially in the rugged Sekenke sub-section (km 78 to 90). The dirt surface and low vehicle speed cause dusts and pollution in the traversed settlements. The rural landscapes crossed by the road show advanced signs of soil erosion, forest destruction and disappearance of wildlife, due to extensive farming, overgrazing and wood-cutting for the production of charcoal. Due to poor accessibility and high transport costs under the present road conditions, the competent ministries find it hard ExecLitive summary Annex 8 - S. 2 Techniplan Singida-Shelui Road: Detailed Engineering Design FinialReport: Annex 8 - EIA, SIA & RIA Executive Summary to extend sustainable methods of rural production to the road influence area. Moreover, Singida Shelui road section is considered to be the bottleneck of the Central Trunk Corridor, constraining national and international communications through Central Tanzania.
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