Published by The American Physiological Society Integrating the Life Sciences from Molecule to Organism The PhysiologistPhysiologist Arthur C. Guyton Educator of the Year Teacher Quality Matters!! Stephen E. DiCarlo INSIDE Wayne State University School of Medicine Standing on the An Unbalanced Shoulders of Discussion From the Giants The following will President’s Desk My graduate men- not be a balanced dis- tor, Dr. H. Lowell cussion of our train- p. 91 Stone and my post- ing/preparation for doctoral mentor, Dr. teaching or how we Vernon S. Bishop, train our graduate 2009 ISI Impact studied with Dr. students to become Factors for APS Arthur C. Guyton. In effective teachers; or fact, Drs. Stone and even its importance Journals Bishop studied in medical education; p. 97 together with Dr. I will exaggerate a Guyton from 1961 bit. A preacher does through 1964. I not begin a sermon ILAR Releases heard many wonder- on the evils of alcohol ful stories about Dr. by admitting the Guide Update Guyton when Lowell comforting effect of a Stephen E. DiCarlo p. 105 and Vernon got beer after a hard day together, especially if their good friend at the laboratory (17). So, only the Dr. Aubrey Taylor was around. I also case against our training and prepa- 163rd APS had the great fortune of meeting Dr. ration for teaching, as well as how we Guyton. Thus, I know of his enormous prepare our graduate students to Business Meeting accomplishments directly, as well as become effective teachers will be pre- p. 107 from three men who knew him person- sented; the defense will be left to its ally. Arthur C. Guyton’s research con- many able advocates (17). Although, tributions, which include more than attacks on teachers will be considered Experimental 600 papers and 40 books, are legendary treasonable by some, this is more of an and place him among the greatest fig- attack on our training and prepara- Biology 2010 ures in the history of cardiovascular tion for teaching and how we train Recap physiology (7). Although Dr. Guyton’s and prepare our graduate students for research accomplishments are leg- teaching, as well as the money mon- p. 117 endary, his contributions as an educa- ster that controls it. Specifically, tor have probably had an even greater although faculty expend huge efforts impact on the world (7). Accordingly, I training and preparing to conduct am humbled and honored to receive research, as well as training and this prestigious award; named for an preparing their graduate students to amazing man with legendary accom- conduct research, these same individ- plishments. I have truly stood on the uals often invest little or no time shoulders of giants. (continued on page 92) Volume 53, No. 4 - August 2010 www.the-aps.org 89 Published bimonthly and distributed by The American Physiological TheThe Society PhysiologistPhysiologist 9650 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20814-3991 ISSN 0031-9376 Peter D. Wagner President Contents Gary C. Sieck Past President Joey P. Granger President-Elect Arthur C. Guyton Educator of the Year Laughlin Receives Schmidt-Nielsen Martin Frank Teacher Quality Matters Distinguished Mentor and Editor and Executive Director Stephen E. DiCarlo 89 Scientist Award 117 Councillors Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Kenneth M. Baldwin, From the President’s Desk 91 Fellows Receive David P. Brooks, Ida Llewellyn-Smith, tum Suden/Hellebrandt Gordon S. Mitchell, Membership Professional Opportunity Frank L. Powell, Usha Raj, New Regular Members 95 Awards 118 Linda C. Samuelson, New Student Members 96 Undergraduate Students Receive Curt D. Sigmund, Alan F. Sved New Affiliate Members 96 David S. Bruce Awards for Ex Officio New Graduate Student Members 96 Excellence in Undergraduate Kim E. Barrett, Research 119 Pamela K. Carmines, John C. Chatham, Publications Graduate Student and Postdoctoral J.R. Haywood, Ronald M. Lynch, 2009 ISI Impact Factors for APS Fellow Receive Novel Disease Thomas A. Pressley, Journals 97 Model Awards 120 Jeff M. Sands Introducing William C. Stanley 98 Undergraduate Research Publications Committee: Chair: Highlighted at Special Kim E. Barrett; Members: David D. Education EB Session 121 Gutterman, Thomas E. Lohmeier, APS Represented at HAPS Undergraduate Summer Research Helen E. Raybould, Celia Sladek. Director of Publications: Rita Annual Conference 98 Fellows Attend EB 122 Scheman. Design and Copy APS Presents Awards to High School Students and Science Editor: Joelle R. Grossnickle. Outstanding High School Students Teachers Explore Physiology for Subscriptions: Distributed to at the 61st Annual International a Day at EB 2010 123 members as part of their member- Science and Engineering Fair 99 2009 Frontiers in Physiology ship. Nonmembers in the USA (print only): individuals $60.00; APS Presents Awards for Research Teachers and Hosts institutions $95.00. Nonmembers the Best Physiology Project at Honored at EB 2010 125 in Canada: individuals $65.00; Local Middle and High School 2010 APS/NIDDK Minority Travel institutions $100.00. Nonmembers Science Fairs 100 Fellows Attend Experimental elsewhere: individuals $70.00; institutions $105.00. Single copies Science Teacher Fellows Participate Biology in Anaheim 126 and back issues when available, in APS “Model for Excellence $20.00 each; single copies and back in Science Education” Program 102 Positions Available 128 issues of Abstracts issues when available, $30.00. Subscribers to The Physiologist also receive Science Policy People & Places abstracts of the Conferences of the Symposium Explores Animal Sigmund Appointed Professor American Physiological Society. Rights Tactics, Responses 103 and Head of Department The online version is available free to all worldwide. USDA Announces Enhanced of Pharmacology 130 Animal Welfare Act Enforcement 105 Waldrop Named Provost at The American Physiological Society assumes no responsibility for the ILAR Releases Guide Update 105 University of Central Florida 130 statements and opinions advanced Judge Appoints Special Prosecutor Recently Deceased Members 130 by contributors to The Physiologist. to Investigate Sheep Deaths 106 Please notify the APS Member- Book Review 131 ship Department as soon as 163rd APS Business Meeting 107 possible if you change your address or telephone number. Senior Physiologists’s News 132 Experimental Biology 2010 Headquarters phone: 301-634-7118 Fax: 301-634-7241 Clark Receives Third Early Career The Wine Wizard 133 Email: [email protected] Professional Service Award 117 http://www.the-aps.org APS Membership Application 135 Printed in the USA 90 The Physiologist From the President’s Desk Vol. 53, No. 4, 2010 Dear Friends: next SP exercise will happen in could lose focus. By trying to be all If you are like most APS members, January 2011 on my watch. Why con- things to all people, we would actually the inner workings of the Society and verted? We all work at warp speed end up being less to fewer. So what is the issues that occupy leadership and shifting from research to emailing to emphasized and what is set aside gets staff discussion are often obscure to teaching to emailing to reviewing to decided through SP. What works, what you. APS, of course, continues to put emailing to committeeing to emailing doesn’t, what may go south if we ignore out benchmark journals and organize to travelling to......and have become it, what should we be doing that we are scientific meetings. But the APS is so conditioned to never stop and ask not currently, are all key issues. much more than that. There are many whether long-term we are headed the A critical part of SP is the initial other issues before APS, and parts of right way as best we can tell. Yet the gathering of information from our APS, that deserve to be brought to your world is changing around us—-ever membership, and if possible from peo- attention. Through the use of this col- faster, it seems. Yes, we tend to the ple in our field who are not, but we umn, which appears six times per year, minor, urgent fixes, but not to the big think should, be members. In partner- I thought I would bring to you some of picture, until we force ourselves to—- ship with a SP facilitator, Jill Altshuler the other important things going on, via SP. SP begins with a statement of of AltshulerGray, we have designed and and try and give you a better feel for vision: what we want to achieve and will soon send you an electronic, easy- the current APS and why you should be where we would like the society to be to-fill-out, survey hoping to hear your prouder than ever to wear our illegible five years from now. What are our priorities as an APS member, about pin. That pin, by the way, is being strengths, weaknesses, opportunities what you think works and what does redone to incorporate the new APS and threats (S,W,O,T)? This leads to not. This will provide the major input logo, and it may finally become legible. identifying broad goals, which, if to the January SP event mentioned The issue today is Strategic Planning achieved, will make that vision a reali- earlier. I urge you to respond to the sur- (SP). There was a time when I would ty, using the SWOT information. Then vey thoughtfully when it arrives. groan at the mere mention of SP. Give the goals must be supported by devel- YOUR voice will be heard, and the me five minutes in a locked room and I oping a series of strategies whose exe- direction of the society needs to be will produce a plan for the next five cution will achieve them. Finally, each decided by its members, not by a few years, no problem. Why do we need 50+ strategy has to be based on a set of very folk who run or sit on committees and APS members and staff to sit in the specific implementation tactics.
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