TABLE OF CONTENTS No. Title Media Source Page 1. Minerba Law Sued to MK, Preparation of PP as Derivative Kontan 3 Regulations Continues UU Minerba digugat ke MK, penyusunan PP sebagai aturan turunan terus jalan 2. PTBA is aiming for AKT mining land that has been terminated Kontan 5 by the government PTBA membidik lahan tambang AKT yang pernah diterminasi pemerintah 3. Japanese Demand Until India Drops, Coal Prices Fall CNBC Indonesia 8 Permintaan Jepang Sampai India Anjlok, Harga Batu Bara Rontok 4. Luhut Regarding Coal: Don't Dig and Export, Later It Will Run CNN Indonesia 9 Out Luhut Soal Batu Bara: Jangan Gali dan Ekspor Nanti Habis 5. Together with cut coal production, PTBA cut production by Kontan 11 20%, depressed prices? Ramai-ramai pangkas produksi batubara, PTBA potong produksi 20%, tertekan harga? 6. Chinese nickel company promises to hire 5,000 locals amid The Jakarta Post 16 backlash 7. Great! Expert Claims, Mine Waste Can Be Processed Into Industry.co.id 17 Industrial Raw Materials Keren! Pakar Klaim, Limbah Tambang Bisa Diolah Jadi Bahan Baku Industri 8. Coal Sales in Jambi Reach 3.9 Million Metric Tons Pantau Jambi 21 Penjualan Batubara di Jambi Mencapai 3,9 Juta Metrik Ton 9. Copper prices shot up to the highest level in 2 years, the strike Kontan 22 became a catalyst Harga tembaga melesat ke level tertinggi dalam 2 tahun, mogok kerja jadi katalis 10. Could Coal Prices Fall Back to the Lowest Level? CNBC Indonesia 23 Mungkinkah Harga Batubara Kembali Jatuh ke Level Terendah? IMA-Daily Update Page 1 11. Indonesia group seeks judicial review over new mining law Mining Weekly 24 12. Thiess to bring autonomous drilling to Lake Vermont coal Int'l Mining 25 mine 13. Japan to strengthen control over rare metal reserves Mining.com 26 14. Thermal coal imports at major ports decline 35% to 17.71 Financial Express 27 MT in April to June: IPA IMA-Daily Update Page 2 Minerba Law Sued to MK, UU Minerba digugat ke MK, Preparation of PP as Derivative penyusunan PP sebagai aturan Regulations Continues turunan terus jalan Reporter: Ridwan Nanda Mulyana | Editor: Reporter: Ridwan Nanda Mulyana | Editor: Khomarul Hidayat Khomarul Hidayat THE GOVERNMENT is still preparing the PEMERINTAH tetap menyusun aturan derivative rules even though Law Number 3 turunan meski Undang-Undang Nomor 3 Year 2020 concerning Mineral and Coal Tahun 2020 tentang Pertambangan Mineral Mining (Minerba Law) has been officially dan Batubara (UU Minerba) sudah resmi sued to the Constitutional Court (MK), digugat ke Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK), Jum'at Friday (10/7). (10/7). Secretary of the Directorate General of Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal Minerba Mineral and Coal, Ministry of ESDM Heri Kementerian ESDM Heri Nurzaman me- Nurzaman ensured that, although there was mastikan, meski sudah ada pengajuan judicial already a judicial review submission in the review berupa uji formil, tapi penyusunan form of a formal test, the drafting of the Rancangan Peraturan Pemerintah (RPP) Government Regulation (RPP) as a sebagai aturan turunan dari UU Minerba baru derivative regulation of the new Minerba itu terus berlanjut. Law continued. Saat ini, ada tiga RPP yang sedang dibahas di At present, there are three RPPs that are level pemerintah. "Tetap jalan (pembahasan being discussed at the government level. RPP)," tegas Heri kepada Kontan.co.id, Jum'at "Keep on going (RPP discussion)," said Heri (10/7) sore. to Kontan.co.id, Friday (10/7) afternoon. Ketiga RPP tersebut, pertama, RPP tentang The three RPPs are, first, the RPP on the pengelolaan pertambangan minerba. Kedua, management of mining minerals. Second, RPP yang terkait dengan wilayah pertam- the RPP is related to mining areas. bangan. Third, the RPP on guidance and supervision, Ketiga, RPP tentang pembinaan dan peng- which includes regulations on reclamation awasan, yang di dalamnya antara lain and post-mining. The three RPPs are terdapat pengaturan perihal reklamasi dan targeted to be completed within the next pasca tambang. Ketiga RPP tersebut di- nine months after the new Minerba Law is targetkan dapat diselesaikan dalam kurun enacted. waktu sembilan bulan ke depan setelah UU Just so you know, the applicants in the Minerba baru diundangkan. lawsuit assessed the process of forming and Asal tahu saja, para pemohon gugatan menilai discussing Law No. 3 of 2020 violates a proses pembentukan dan pembahasan UU No. number of provisions. But the government 3 Tahun 2020 melanggar sejumlah ketentuan. is still unmoved and considers that the joint Tapi pemerintah masih bergeming dan discussion process with the House of menganggap bahwa proses pembahasan Representatives Commission VII is still in bersama dengan Komisi VII DPR RI masih the corridor of applicable regulations. dalam koridor ketentuan yang berlaku. IMA-Daily Update Page 3 "Everyone has the right to sue. If it is not in "Setiap orang punya hak menggugat. Kalau accordance with (the rules) why can it be tidak sesuai (aturan) kenapa bisa keluar issued (the new Minerba Law)," said Heri. (terbit UU Minerba baru)," ungkap Heri. There are a number of applicants who filed Ada sejumlah pemohon yang mengajukan a lawsuit, consisting of figures who move gugatan, terdiri dari tokoh-tokoh yang in various walks of life. Starting from the bergerak di berbagai lapisan masyarakat. governor, former officials, mining experts Mulai dari gubernur, mantan pejabat, to student activities. pakar pertambangan hingga aktivitas mahasiswa. Petitioners of the new Minerba Law claim include Erzaldi Rosman Djohan (Governor Pemohon gugatan UU Minerba baru itu of the Bangka Belitung Islands), Alirman antara lain: Erzaldi Rosman Djohan Sori (Chairman of PPUU DPD RI), Tamsil (Gubernur Kepulauan Bangka Belitung), Linrung (DPD RI member), Hamdan Zoelva Alirman Sori (Ketua PPUU DPD RI), Tamsil Linrung (anggota DPD RI), Hamdan Zoelva (Association of Islamic Unions), Marwan (Perkumpulan Serikat Islam), Marwan Batubara (Indonesian Resources Studies)/ Batubara (Indonesian Resources Studies/ IRESS), Budi Santoso (Indonesia Mining IRESS), Budi Santoso (Indonesia Mining Watch/IMW), Ilham Rifki Nurfajar Watch/IMW), Ilham Rifki Nurfajar (Sekjen (Secretary General of the Mining Student Perhimpunan Mahasiswa Pertambangan), Association), and M. Andrean Saefudin dan M. Andrean Saefudin (Ketua Umum (Chairman of the Indonesian Law Student Perhimpunan Mahasiswa Hukum Association). Indonesia). In this lawsuit, there are at least 10 Dalam gugatan ini, paling tidak ada 10 lawyers who are members of the pengacara yang tergabung dalam tim kuasa applicant's legal team. Head of the Legal hukum pemohon. Ketua Tim Kuasa Counsel Team, Ahmad Redi, said that his Hukum, Ahmad Redi, mengatakan pihak- party submitted a judicial review in the nya mengajukan judicial review berupa uji form of a formal test. The petitioners sued formil. Para pemohonan menggugat proses the process of forming and discussing Law pembentukan dan pembahasan UU No. 3 No. 3 of 2020 which is considered flawed, Tahun 2020 yang dinilai cacat, tidak not transparent and violates the provisions transparan dan menyalahi ketentuan of the legislation. perundang-undangan. "The formation of Law No. 3 of 2020 "Terbentuknya UU No. 3 Tahun 2020 ini contains the potential for evil morality of mengandung potensi moralitas hukum formal and material law for national formil dan materiil yang jahat bagi pem- development in the field of mineral and bangunan nasional di bidang pertam- coal mining," said Redi. bangan mineral dan batubara," kata Redi. Since its drafting, the new Minerba Law Sejak penyusunannya, UU Minerba baru replacing Law No. 4 of 2009 has been pengganti UU Nomor 4 Tahun 2009 controversial. Despite many rejections, the memang kontroversial. Meski banyak House of Representatives and the Govern- penolakan, DPR dan Pemerintah tetap ment continued the discussion until it was melanjutkan pembahasan hingga akhirnya finally adopted at the DPR RI Plenary disahkan dalam Rapat Paripurna DPR RI Meeting on May 12, 2020. pada 12 Mei 2020. IMA-Daily Update Page 4 The new Minerba Law, legally becomes UU Minerba baru itu, sah menjadi UU Law No. 3 of 2020 after it was signed by Nomor 3 Tahun 2020 setelah ditanda- President Joko Widodo on June 10, 2020. tangani oleh Presiden Joko Widodo pada Then it was promulgated on the same day 10 Juni 2020. Kemudian diundangkan di by the Ministry of Law and Human hari yang sama oleh Kementerian Hukum Rights. dan HAM. PTBA is aiming for AKT mining PTBA membidik lahan tambang land that has been terminated AKT yang pernah diterminasi by the government pemerintah Reporter: Ridwan Nanda Mulyana | Editor: Reporter: Ridwan Nanda Mulyana | Editor: Pratama Guitarra Pratama Guitarra PT BUKIT Asam Tbk. (PTBA) is ready to PT BUKIT Asam Tbk. (PTBA) siap untuk acquire the former coal mining area of PT mengakuisisi bekas wilayah tambang batu- Asmin Koalindo Tuhup (AKT). The reason bara PT Asmin Koalindo Tuhup (AKT). Pasal- is, if there are no obstacles, the coal mine in nya, jika tak ada aral, tambang batubara di Central Kalimantan will be prioritized to be Kalimantan Tengah itu bakal diprioritaskan managed by a State-Owned Enterprise untuk dikelola oleh Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN). (BUMN). PTBA President Director Arviyan Arifin Direktur Utama PTBA Arviyan Arifin meng- revealed, if the evaluation from the govern- ungkapkan, jika evaluasi dari pemerintah ment had been completed and there was a sudah selesai dan ada penawaran prioritas priority offer for SOEs, PTBA opened the untuk BUMN, PTBA membuka peluang opportunity to take over the former AKT mengambil
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