VALUES FOUND IN “FRONT OF THE CLASS” MOVIE DIRECTED BY PETER WERNER THESIS By: VIVID NOVITASARI NIM. 3213113158 ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF TARBIYAH AND TEACHER TRAINING STATE ISLAMIC INSTITUTE (IAIN) OF TULUNGAGUNG May 2015 1 ii VALUES FOUND IN “FRONT OF THE CLASS” MOVIE DIRECTED BY PETER WERNER THESIS Presented to State Islamic Institute of Tulungagung in partial fulfilment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam in English Education By: VIVID NOVITASARI NIM. 3213113158 ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF TARBIYAH AND TEACHER TRAINING STATE ISLAMIC INSTITUTE (IAIN) OF TULUNGAGUNG May 2015 i iii ADVISOR APPROVAL SHEET This is certify that the Sarjana thesis of Vivid Novitasari has been approved by the thesis advisor for further approval by the Board of Examiners. Tulungagung, 28th May 2015 Advisor Dr. SUSANTO, SS, M.Pd NIP. 19730831 199903 1 002 iv BOARD OF THESIS EXAMINERS’ APPROVAL SHEET This is certify that the Sarjana thesis of Vivid Novitasari has been approved by the Board of Examiners as the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam in English Education. Board of Thesis Examiners Chair, Secretary, Dr. NURUL CHOJIMAH, M.Pd Hj. IDA ISNAWATI, M. Pd NIP. 19690629 200901 2 001 NIP. 19780816 200604 2 002 Main Examiner FAIZATUL ISTIQOMAH, M. Ed NIP. 19791220 200912 2 001 Tulungagung, 6th August 2015 Approved by The Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Dr. H. ABD. AZIZ, M. Pd.I NIP. 19720601 200003 1 002 iii v MOTTOS Let’s put our passion as purpose, because one day it will be our profession. If someone tries to give you uncomfortable condition, kill them with the kindness. A simple act of caring creates an endless ripple. iv vi DEDICATIONS I would like to dedicate my thesis for: 1. My loving father, Sutejo who always be my superhero and gives money for paying education fee and push tenacity ring in my ears and also my amazing mother, Sarminah who always gives marvelous supports and advices. 2. My two naugthy young brothers who brings the madness and happiness in my life. 3. My giggle partner, Riana Atik Yustiana who always be the best cheerleader and supported me throughout the process. 4. All of my friends in the real world and also cyberspace who give me laugh and cheers my day up. 5. All part of my body, who always work hard to make my dream comes true. 6. All people in my life who loves me, sorry I can not mention one by one, thank you all for make my day alive. The writer v vii DECLARATION OF AUTHORSHIP Name : Vivid Novitasari Place, date of birth : Trenggalek, 10th March 1993 Register number : 3213113158 Program : English Education Department of IAIN Tulungagung States that thesis entitled “Values Found in “Front of the Class” Movie Directed by Peter Werner” is truly my original work. It does not incorporate any material previously written or published by another person except those in indicated in quotation and bibliography. Due to the fact, I am the only person responsible for the thesis if there is any objection or claim from other. Tulungagung, 28th May 2015 Vivid Novitasari viii ABSTRACT Novitasari, Vivid. Registered Number Student. 3213113158. 2015. An Anlysis of Values Found in Front of the Class Movie Directed by Peter Werner. Thesis. English Education Department. State Islamic Institute (IAIN) of Tulungagung. Advisor: Dr. Susanto, SS, M.Pd. Keywords: Literature, Value, Movie, Front of the Class. Nowadays, technology had become an important need of human being. Mostly, the technology are used include audiovisual technology and information media. Movie as a part of audiovisual technology has a power to provide significant influences in our life. It makes us will find out the knowledge and experience as well, without having to pass in a real life. Movie contains many values including moral, social, educational values, etc. That is why through inspiring movie, such as Front of the Class movie, audiences can get the value conveyed in the movie and apply them to get the better life. The formulation of research problems were: 1) What are the values found in the Front of the Class movie directed by Peter Werner? 2) To what extent do the values build up the total story of the movie? The purposes of this research were: 1) To know the values found in the Front of the Class movie directed by Peter Werner. 2) To elaborate the extent of the values build up the total story of the movie. Research Method: 1) The research design of this study was library research. 2) In this study the data were in the form of dialogues containing values presented by the characters of the Front of the Class movie. Meanwhile the data were taken from screenplay of the Front of the Class movie. 3) Since the design of this study belonged to library research, documentation method was used to collect the data. 4) In this study, the researcher applied theoritial triangulation to check the trustworthiness of the data analysis. 5) In this study, the data were analyzed through the following steps: watching the movie, transcriping the dialogues, reading the transcript, identifying the values found in the movie, grouping the values found into moral, social, and educational value, interpreting the values, and concluding all data found. The researcher found out several values in the Front of the Class movie. All values found could be classified into: 1) moral value which covered high self- confident, persistent, serious, wise and righteous, independent, patient, optimist and courageous, and also humble. 2) social value included caring and kind- hearted, protective, communicative, respectful, humorous, calm, helpful, friendly, open-minded, and also wise and encouraging. 3) educational value consisted of innovative, sincere, heart-whole and inspiring. Meanwhile for answering the second research question, the researcher found out that all values; moral, social, and educational value perfectly build up the total story of the movie. Through some dialogues, prologues, and epilog, the wisdom of life could be seen directly. In addition, the intrinsic elements included plot, setting, character, conflict, vii ix characterization, etc had role to build up the total story of the movie. It made the audiences to be more easier to catch the messages. viii x ABSTRAK Novitasari, Vivid.Nomor Induk Mahasiswa. 3213113158. 2015. An Anlysis of Values Found in Front of the Class Movie Directed by Peter Werner. Thesis. Tadris Bahasa Inggris. Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Tulungagung. Pembimbing: Dr. Susanto, SS, M.Pd. Kata kunci: Literature, Value, Movie, Dialogue. Sekarang ini, teknologi merupakan kebutuhan penting bagi manusia. Teknologi yang paling sering digunakan adalah teknologi audiovisual dan media informasi. Film sebagai salah satu bagian dari teknologi audiovisual memiliki kekuatan yang bisa memberikan pengaruh penting bagi kehidupan kita. Hal tersebut membuat kita mendapatkan ilmu pengetahuan dan pengalaman tanpa harus mengalaminya dalam kehidupan kita secara nyata. Dalam film terkandung banyak nilai termasuk nilai moral, nilai sosial, nilai pendidikan, dan sebagainya. Itulah mengapa melalui film yang inspiratif seperti Front of the Class, para penonton bisa mengetahui nilai yang disampaikan dalam film tersebut serta menerapkannya untuk mendapatkan kehidupan yang lebih baik. Karena proses inilah, kita akan menemukan pengatahuan dan pengalaman tanpa harus melewatinya dalam kehidupan kita secara nyata. Itulah mengapa melalui film yang sangat inspiratif manusia akan mendapatkan nilai yang terdapat dalam film tersebut dan menerepkannya untuk mendapatkan kehidupan yang lebih baik. Penjabaran dari masalah penelitian adalah: 1) Nilai apa saja yang ditemukan dalam film Front of the Class yang disutradarai oleh Peter Werner? 2) Sejauh mana nilai tersebut membangun keseluruhan jalan cerita? Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) Untuk mengetahui nilai apa saja yang ditemukan dalam film Front of the Class yang disutradarai oleh Peter Werner. 2) Untuk mengelaborasi sejauh mana nilai-nilai tersebut membangun keseluruhan jalan cerita. Metode penelitian: 1) Desain penelitian ini menggunakan kajian pustaka. 2) Dalam penelitian ini, data yang digunakan berupa dialog yang mengandung nilai antar tokoh film Front of the Class. Dalam penelitian ini, data diambil dari naskah film Front of the Class. 3) Karena desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kajian pustaka, metode dokumentasi digunakan untuk pengumpulan data. 4) Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti mengaplikasikan teori trianggulasi untuk memeriksa tingkat kebenaran dalam analisis data. 5) Dalam penelitian ini, data dianalisis mengikuti beberapa langkah antara lain: menonton film, membuat transkrip percakapan, membaca transkrip, mengidentifikasi nilai yang terkandung dalam film, mengelompokkan nilai yang ditemukan ke dalam nilai moral, sosial, dan nilai pendidikan, menginterpretasi nilai, dan menyimpulkan semua data yang telah ditemukan. Peneliti menemukan banyak nilai yang terdapat dalam film Front of the Class. Nilai tersebut diklasifikasikan dalam: 1) nilai moral yang meliputi kepercayaan diri yang tinggi, tekun, serius, bijaksana dan berfikir positif, sabar, ix xi optimis dan berani, serta rendah hati. 2) nilai sosial yang terdiri dari sikap peduli dan baik hati, melindungi, komunikatif, mengahargai perbedaan, humoris, berperilaku baik dan pandai mengontrol diri, senang membantu, ramah, berfikiran terbuka, bijak dan menyemangati. 3) nilai pendidikan yang mencakup selalu berinovasi, tulus, mengajar menggunakan hati dan pendekatan personal, sertasangat
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