T H E HISTORY 0 F TRINITY C 0 L L E G E Notes CHAPTER I 18. Journal of the Convention of the Diocese of Con­ 1. "Colonial Church Mission of the Seventeenth Cen­ necticut, 17g4, p. 8. tury," The Church Review, I (April, 1848), 16n; Lucy 1g. Ibid., PP· 1g4-1g5. Cushing Jarvis, Sketches of Church Life in Colonial 20. Journal of the Convention Diocese of Connecticut, Connecticut (New Haven, 1go2), pp. 183-184 et passim. 17g5, p. n ; Joseph Perkins Beach, History of Cheshire, 2. See Glenn W eaver, "Anglican-Congregationalist Connecticut from 1694 to 1840 (Cheshire, 1g12 ), p. 247; Tensions in Pre-Revolutionary Connecticut," Historical Subscription List for Episcopal Academy of Connecticut, Magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Church, XXVI, Episcopal Academy Papers, Box 1, Archives of Diocese (September, 1g57), 26g-285. of Connecticut, Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut. 3· Charles C. Tiffany, A History of the Protestant 21. Clifton Hartwell Brewer, A History of Religious Episcopal Church (New York, 18g5), pp. 141-142; Wil­ Education in the Episcopal Church to 1835 (New Ha­ liam Wilson Manross, A History of the American Epis­ ven, 1g24 ), p. g8; Journal of the Convention Diocese of copal Church (New York and Milwaukee, 1g35), p. 106. Connecticut for 1796, p. 15; E. E. Beardsley, An Address 4· William A. Beardsley, "Episcopal Academy of Con­ Delivered in St. Peter's Church, Cheshire, October 1 , necticut, 17g4-1g17," Historical Magazine of the Prot­ 1844, on the Occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the estant Episcopal Church, XIII (September, 1g44), 1g3. Episcopal Academy of Connecticut (New Haven, 1844), 5· Cutler went to Massachusetts, Wetmore went to P· g. New York, and Browne died in London shortly after his 22. Journal of the Convention Diocese of Connecticut, ordination. C. C. Tiffany, A History of the Protestant 17g6, p. 15. Episcopal Church, p. 132. 23. E. E. Beardsley, Life of Seabury, p. 445· 6. Ibid., p. 128, quoted from Josiah Quincy, History 24. Journal of the Convention Diocese of Connecticut, of Harvard University. 17g6, p. 15. 7· "Yale," Encyclopaedia Britannica, nth ed.; E. 25. Italics are mine. Clowes Chorley, "The Reverend Andrew Fowler, 176o- 26. The Catalogue of the Officers, Teachers and 185o," Historical Magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Alumni of the Episcopal Academy of Connecticut ( [n.p.], Church, III (December, 1g34), 271. 1g16 ), pp. 17, 20; E. E. Beardsley, An Address Delivered 8. William Stevens Perry, The History of the Ameri­ in St. Peter's Church, p . 11. can Episcopal Church, 1587-1883 ( 2 vols., Boston, 1885), 27. Course of Study in the Episcopal Academy, M.S. I, 283. in Box 2, Episcopal Academy Papers, Archives of Dio­ g. Joseph Hooper, ed., Diocese of Connecticut: Forma­ cese of Connecticut, Trinity College, Hartford, Connect­ tive Period, 1784-1791 (New Haven, 1g13), pp. 14, 1g, icut. This document is the draft of the report to the 2g, 5g; May Latimer Gambrell, Ministerial Training in Episcopal Convention, October, 181g, in Journal of the Eighteenth-Century New England (New York, 1g37), Convention of the Diocese of Connecticut, 181g, pp. 13o- pp. 1ow1. 133. 10. E. Edwards Beardsley, Life and Correspondence 28. Resolution of Board of Trustees, Episcopal Acad­ of the Right Reverend Samuel Seabury, D. D. (2nd ed., emy of Connecticut, October 3, 1804, Episcopal Academy Boston, 1881), p. 238. Papers, Box 1, Archives of Diocese of Connecticut, Trin­ 11. Abstract of the Proceedings of the Society for the ity College, Hartford, Conn. Propagation of the Gospel . .. From the 16th of Feb­ 2g. The Catalogue of Officers . of the Episcopal ruary 1732 to the 15th of February 1733, p. 56; Samuel Academy of Connecticut lists eleven transfers to Yale and Johnson to the Secretary of the S. P. G., November 3, Union (pp. 30, 48, 4g, 51, 66, 82, 100, 104, 123, 124, 1738, in Samuel Johnson, President of King's College: 131). After the founding of Washington College (later His Career and Writings, Herbert and Carol Schneider, Trinity) there were occasional transfers to that college eds. (4 vols., New York, 1g2g), III, 223. with "advanced standing" (ibid., pp. gg, 41, 68, 70, g5). 12. Abstract of S. P. G. Proceedings, 1741-42, p. 42. 30. "Episcopal Academy of Connecticut," p. 1g4. 13. Seabury to the Rt. Rev. Abernathy Drummond, 31. The Catalogue of Officers .. of the Episcopal November 7, 1788, in E. E. Beardsley, Life of Seabury, Academy of Connecticut, pp. 38, 43, 4g, 51, 65, 82, 10g, p. 338. 123, 166. 14. "Proposals for Instituting an Episcopal academy 32. In 17g7, tuition was 15 s. to 22 s. per quarter, in the State of Connecticut," document in the Archives with French 20 s. extra. BoardJ.U;d washing was 10 s. per of the Diocese of Connecticut, Trinity College Library, week. Connecticut Courant, October 30, 17g7. Hartford, Connecticut. This document has been repro­ 33. Journal of the Convention of the Diocese of Con­ duced in the Historiographer of the Episcopal Diocese necticut, 17g7, p. 1g; ibid. for 17g8, p. 21. of Connecticut, No. 20 (May, 1g57), p. 21. 34· E. E. Beardsley, An Address Delivered in St. Pe­ 15. Samuel Seabury to Bishop [William] White, June ter's Church, p. 17. 2g, 178g, in E . E. Beardsley, Life of Seabury, p. 34g. 35· Journal of the Convention of the Diocese of Con­ 16. W. A. Beardsley, "Episcopal Academy of Con­ necticut, 1808, p. g3; ibid., 18og, pp. 53-54; ibid., 181g, necticut, 17g4-1g17,'' p. 1g3. p. 130. 17. The Records of Convention, Diocese of Connect­ 36. Public Records of the State of Connecticut ( g icut, 17g2, p . 41. vols., Hartford, 18g4-1g53), VIII, 84n, 304n, 357n. N 0 T E S 37· Ibid., VIII, 430n. 67. journal of the Convention of the Diocese of Con- 38. Ibid., IX, 319n. necticut, 1818, p. 113. 39· Ibid., IX, 36o-361. 68. Ibid., 1819, p. 119. 40. Resolves and Private Laws of the State of Con­ 6g. Ibid., pp. 129-133. necticut from the year I 789 to the year 1836 ( 2 vols., 70. Ibid., 18zo, p. g. Hartford, 1837), I, 8-g. 71. Proceedings of the General Theological Seminary, 41. Journal of the Convention of the Diocese of Con- pp. zg-36. necticut, 1804, p. 36. 72. History of Christ Church, Hartford, I, 71. 42. Ibid., 1810, p. s8. 73· Proceedings of the General Theological Seminary, 43· Ibid., 1811, p . 64. p. 46. 44· Ibid., 1797, p. 19; ibid., 1798, p. 21 ; ibid., 1799, 74· journal of the Convention of the Diocese of Con- pp. 21-23; ibid., 18oo, p. zs; ibid., 1801, p. 27; ibid., necticut, 1820, p. 12. 18~~· .PP· 30-31; ib~d: , .1805, pp. 37-38; ibid., 18o6, p. 75· Ibid., 1821, p. 11. 41, ,btd., 18o8, p . 52, tbid., 1809, pp. 53-54· 76. Ibid., 1820, p. 19. 45· Ibid., 1797, p. 19. 77· Proceedings of the General Theological Seminary, 46. Ibid., 1799, pp. 21-23; ibid., 18oo, p. 25; ibid., P· 92. 1801, p. 27; E. E. Beardsley, An Address Delivered in 78. Ibid., pp. 66-85, 121. St. Peter's Church, p. 12. 79· Journal of the Convention of the Diocese of Con­ 47· Journal of the General Convention, 1811, p. 24. necticut, 1822, p. g. 48. Ibid., 1814, pp. 8-g, 17-18, 30; ibid., 1817, pp. 8o. Proceedings of the General Theological Seminary, 15, 33-34.45-46,49· P· 55· 49· [Gurdon W. Russell, ed.], Contributions to the 81. The last of the theological students at the Acad­ History of Christ Church, Hartford ( 2 vols., Hartford, emy completed his course in 1821. Catalog of the Of­ Conn., 1895-1908), I, 72. fic ers, Teachers and Alumni of the Episcopal Academy of so. Arthur Adams, "The Founding of Trinity College Connecticut, p. 38. [Washington College, 1823-1845]," Historical Magazine 82. Ibid., pp. 40, 66, 8o, 100; Proceedings of the of the Protestant Episcopal Church, XN (March, 1g45), General Theological Seminary, pp. 86-87. P· 53· 83. Ibid., p. 93· In 1819 the General Assembly in­ 51. Bishop's Bonus, Seabury College, Divine Right of corporated the Hartford Academy (Resolves and Privttte Presbyterianism and Divine Right of Episcopacy: In A Laws, I, 8-g), of which the trustees were all members Series of Essays, Originally Published in the Connecticut of Christ Church, Hartford. ( Contributions to the His­ Herald, from November 21st, zBzs, to January gth, tory of Christ Church, I, 6gn. ) See below. 1816, Inclusive, Together With a Concluding Number, From the Writer Under the Signature of "Toleration," CHAPTER II Which has never before appeared in print (New Haven, 1. "Thomas Church Brownell," Dictionary of Ameri­ 1916), PP· 3-4· can Biography, III, 171-172; Autobiography of Thomas 52. Ibid., pp. g-1o, 54-55, 91-93. Church Brownell in E. Edwards Beardsley, The History 53· Resolves and Private Laws of the State of Connect­ of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut ( 2 vols., New icut, I, 134-137. York, 1865-1868 ), II, 189-199. 54. Richard J. Purcell, Connecticut in Transition, z. Proceedings of the General Theological Seminary 1775-1818 (Washington, D.C., 1g18), p. 421. From its Commencement, A.D. 18:.n Until 1838 55· Bishop's Bonus, pp. 7-10, 16-22, 51ff. ( New York, 1854), p. 121. 56. Ibid., pp. 10-15, 22-27, 39-45, 64-65. 3· Ibid., pp. 103-104. 57· Ibid., pp. 51-5-9. 4· Alan Willard Brown, Hobart College: Oldest Epis­ 58. Ibid., pp. 24-27, 45· copal College in U.S.A. (New York, 1956), pp. 8-g. 59· R. J. Purcell, Connecticut in Transition, pp. 341- 5· Ibid., p. g.
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