Contents OSA – Ochranný svaz autorský pro práva k dílům hudebním, o.s. (Society for the Protection of the Rights of Music Authors and Publishers) has administered the economic copyrights all the royalty fees collected from users Foreword 02 22 Structure of collected royalties of composers, lyricists, their heirs, and publishers of musical works are distributed among local About us 04 24 Graph of the collected royalties structure since 1919 and foreign rights holders, after deduction of justifi ed expenses; Organizational structure 04 24 Royalties collected abroad is a civic association based on Supervisory Board 05 25 Distributed royalties a not-for-profi t principle; helps users acquire the right to use music legally; Management Board 05 25 Royalties distribution abroad protects the rights of authors against the users one place = global repertoire – users need not Committees 08 26 Number of authors and publishers of musical works and helps authors obtain fair ask composers and lyricists individually receiving distributed royalty fees Representation by OSA 14 remuneration for the use of their musical works; for permission to use their musical works 26 Number of musical titles Total number of represented copyright holders 14 for which royalty fees were distributed distributes royalties regularly within scheduled off ers tens of millions of pieces from all around New copyright holders 14 deadlines on a quarterly basis; the world based on contracts of reciprocal 27 OSA and the world Members 15 representation; 27 OSA and partners under the reciprocal agreements with foreign New registered application forms 32 OSA Music Foundation collecting societies , ensures the collection off ers musical works of nearly 7 thousand Czech for announcement 15 and distribution of royalties for the use of the authors and publishers and more than 1 million 34 OSA Annual Awards works composed by the OSA represented foreign authors; OSA’s business management 16 37 Contact details authors abroad; Management report 16 supports numerous musical projects via the OSA Main economic indicators 22 Partnership and the OSA Music Foundation. 01 potential in the area of broadcasting rights and public performan- Foreword ce of recorded music. Therefore, we have a good reason to believe that the level of collected royalties will rise again. Dear readers, Recently, the Supervisory Board has focused mainly on distribu- tion: an optimization of distribution rules and internal audit. Our Last year was characterized by an expected decrease in collected royalty fees, which was related to the distribution rules were adopted in 1993. Since then, only neces- global economic crisis. Indeed, the decrease occurred but reached 5% only. Therefore, the result can be sary changes have been made in connection with the develop- still considered positive, mainly compared to decreases recorded by other EU societies. ment of new technologies, changes in terminology and adjust- ments of coeffi cients. Now, the functionality of the rules has been However, the other effi ciency indicator – overhead expenses – increased, which must be considered nega- put under review, and several versions of changes in the concept tive. Nevertheless, it should be mentioned that the level of expenses had been aff ected by several objecti- are considered. Nevertheless, I believe that the current Superviso- ve factors: uncompleted projects such as continued innovation of information technologies or the trans- ry Board has the ambition and courage to complete the task and fer of all administrative activities associated with licensing to a newly opened customer centre in Havlíčkův take full responsibility. Brod. The centre, which replaced all former regional administrative offi ces, is now in full operation. Moreo- ver, we can also add in the go-live of the Partnership Project, which also resulted in increased costs of colle- In connection with distribution, I must mention the acceleration ctive management. of distribution processes and of the payment of royalty fees. This Strangling these projects would applies to public performance and radio broadcasting – authors cause OSA both fi nancial and and publishers received royalties for the use in the 3Q 2010 in the December payment deadline. Generally, Collected fees and expenses “moral” loss. The aim of the pro- this was a speed-up by 6 months compared to the practice in the past years. Then, authors and publishers jects is to achieve more effi ciency used to receive royalties for the 3Q in the June payment deadline of the following year. CZK ths. / excl. VAT CZK ths. in collecting royalty fees. Every I wish to thank here, both for myself and in the name of the Supervisory Board, to the Management Board Total collected fees 818,600 delay would take us several years and OSA employees for their thorough service. back. 2010 Total expenses 149,210 Let me quote a short part of the report for the General Assembly of 1997 that bore my signature for the fi rst In view of the situation, the Su- time. I think that it is still true, even after 14 years: “We must realize that from the perspective of a copyright Total collected fees 857,678 pervisory Board, on the recom- protection organization, the protection of copyright is always a process. Its success depends on many cir- 2009 Total expenses 137,912 mendation of the Financial Com- cumstances such as laws, general economic situation, management performance, quality of fundamen- mittee, has fi xed the level of costs tal documents (statutes, distribution rules), cohesion among the members of the society, and the tradition Total collected fees 813,156 for 2011 proportionally to the le- of copyright protection in the given country. It is a continuous search for the balance between the changing 2008 Total expenses 129,581 vel of collected royalties. This me- external environment and the internal system.” Total collected fees 705,330 asure is aimed at ensuring that to- Therefore, I wish us all that we could maintain this needed balance and that the fl exibility would always tal costs start decreasing again Total expenses 112,387 bring our society into an internally balanced state. 2007 proportionally to the amount of Total collected fees 631,719 collected royalties. In the name of the Supervisory Board, I wish you all every creative and personal success. Luboš Andršt 2006 Total expenses 102,124 For the future, we see economic Chairman of the Supervisory Board 02 03 About Us Secretariat Renata Novotná Management Board Legal and HR Department is OSA’s governing and controlling body. The Supervisory OSA Organizational Lenka Mališová Communication Department Board is comprised of 13 members – 6 composers, 3 lyricists Petr Soukup, Lukáš Paulů and 4 publishers. The members of the Supervisory Board Structure Complaints and International as at 31/12/2010 Aff airs Department are elected by the General Assembly for a term of 3 years. Radek Nehasil IT Department Michal Stránský Department for Relationships Supervisory Board with Represented Rightholders Chairman Luboš Andršt Jiřina Barello Vice-Chairman Jolana Zemanová – EMI Music Publishing Česká republika, a.s. Financial Department Irena Malečková Vice-Chairman Michael Prostějovský Members Roman Cejnar Distribution Department Rostislav Černý Members General Assembly Alena Skopalová Petr Kocfelda Public Performance Rights Sylvie Bodorová Department Ivan Kurz Vladimíra Fábiková Classifi cation Committee Lukáš Matoušek Broadcasting Representation Aff airs Pavel Růžička – ORM nakladatelství Supervisory Board and Online Media Department and Social Committee Dominika Nováková – Universal Music Publishing, s.r.o. Karel Fořt Jiří Paulů – ProVox Music Publishing s.r.o. Financial Committee Mechanical and Audiovisual Milan Svoboda Department Distribution Committee Substitutes Jiřina Erlebachová – Warner/Chappell Music s. r. o. CZ Matěj Záhorský Juraj Filas Committee - Editorial Board Licensing Activity Assistance Jan Hála of “autor in” Management Board Department Eduard Krečmar Aleš Chod Kryštof Michal Partnership Committee Points of contact Zdeněk Nedvěd – Studio Fontána, spol. s r.o. Brno Havlíčkův Brod – customer centre Management Board Plzeň Chairman Roman Strejček Prague West Board Management body; statutory and executive is OSA’s elected and removed its members are the Supervisoryby Board. Members Miroslav Hořejší Prague East Luboš Tesař Ostrava Ústí nad Labem 04 05 Ústí nad Labem Customer Centre Čechova 3812 580 01 Havlíčkův Brod Praha public performance licensing Ostrava Plzeň administration Havlíčkův Brod Hot line Brno 220 315 000 Committees Financial Committee Distribution Committee prepares documents, materials, and proposes solutions for decisions of the Supervisory Board regarding proposes mainly changes in the distribution rules, reviews all distribution mechanisms, monitors distributi- OSA’s business management. The committee monitors the level of tariff s abroad, economic consequences on rules of societies of authors abroad (primarily in the EU), analyzes the impact of the distribution rules on of tariff rates, discusses changes in royalty rates and the level of royalty fees for new uses of works. The com- the relationships among the rightholders represented by OSA, and, together with the Financial Committee, mittee must represent all groups of professionals. deals with overheads deduction . The Committee must represent all of the profession groups. Representation Aff airs and Social Committee Classifi cation Committee deals with matters relating to right holders represented
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