1940 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 273 KANSAS PUERTO RICO Otto T. Kappelmann, White City. Jenaro Vazquez, Central Aguirre. MASSACHUSETTS Felipe B. Cruz, Vieques. Frank A. Malley, Adams. UTAH Gertrude A. Davis, Assonet. James H. Rampton, Bountiful. Ignatius B. Cleary, Auburn. June W. Black, Delta. Paul W. Karr, Chatham. William H. Case, Duchesne. J. Francis Currie, East Bridgewater. James L. Willardsen, Ephraim. Stephen E. Malone, East Longmeadow. Mary Jeanette M. Smith, Farmington. Augustus Joseph Formhals, Erving. Melvin Bryan, Ferron. James R. Mansfield, Haydenville. Cantril Nielsen, Hyrum. John P. Connolly, Hopedale. George T. Williams, Kamas. Genevieve V. Dian, Linwood. Asa Clair Forci, Kanab. Mary E. Healy, Littleton. John M. Bernhisel, Lewiston. Charles H. Slowey, Lowell. Andrew J. Judd, Manti. Alliston S. Barstow, Marshfield. Anna M. Long, Marysvale. James L. Ivory, Millbury. Rudolph Church, Panguitch. Emma E. Murphy, Minot. S. Milton Webb, Richmond. Thomas F. Coady, North Attleboro. John M. Madsen, Riverton. David J. Templeton, North Cohasset. John Austin ·pack, Roosevelt. Franklin G. Cleasby, Jr., Rehoboth. William Hazen Hillyard, Smithfield. William D. Powers, Rockport. Frank Gibson Eastman, -Tooele. John T. Enneguess, south Acton. Millie N. Lyman, Wendover. Elsie M. Dearborn, South Attleboro. David R. Kinsley, West ·Acton. · WEST VIRGINIA Sara H. Jones, West Barnstable. Frank C. Ellis, Dunbar. Amasa W. Baxter, West Falmouth. Finley A. Carpenter, Fairview. Hugh L. Lyons, West Medway. Marion T. Jones, Kimball. John J. Troy, West Stockbridge. Gertie Post Rector, Lost Creek. Joseph D. Colbert, West Upton. Esta B. Combs, Man. MISSISSIPPI Clyde M. Rightmire, Mill Creek. Lewis H. M. Christie, Renick. Annie S. Langston, Clinton. Russell L. Francis, Smithfield. George H. Fleming, Crandall. Charles Dillard, Walton. Cleo S. Parker, Cruger. Lee S. Switzer, Weston. Josie P. Bullock, Drew. Jesse E. Patridge, Duck Hill. Mable C. Whitaker, GUnnison. Vivian Bass, Hazlehurst. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES William Liston, Kilmichael. THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1940 Boyd D. McMillin, Louisvllle. Ethel B. Young, Nettleton. The House -met at 12· o'clock noon. Blanche M. Gallaspy, Pelahatchee. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered Thomas R. Pearson, Picayune. the following prayer: · Robert R. Smith, Poplarville. Immortal God, 0 Love Divine, Thou who hast borne our Joseph Davenport, Port Gibson. sins upon the tree and tasted the sharpness of death for every Mary G. Flowers, Roxie. man, hear our prayer. We praise Thee that Thou hast Grace M. Williams, Silver Creek. opened the kingdom of heaven for all mankind. Forbid, John T. Rainer, Taylorsville. dear Lord, that we should by neglect, indifference, or shame­ Julian E. Morgan, Vardaman. less greed crucify Thee afresh. 0 Lamp of God, that shines NEW MEXICO from the heights of yonder sacred hill, the Light which comes Frances I. Burch, Alamogordo. from the breast of eternity, shine upon the nations.- Let James G. Lanier, Aztec. the voice of God, full of wisdom and affection, fall upon all Paul Nesbitt, Chama. peoples and shake the earth. By the blessed thought of Him Wisdom E. Bilbrey, Fort Bayard. who for earth's freedom died and lives again, let us choose Katherine L. Hall, Hatch. the righteous side and thus hope and pray to turn the trem­ Oliver Jackson Hull, Ruidoso. bling scales of the sad world's sorrow. Through Christ our Luis A. Trujillo, Taos. Saviour: Amen. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and Higinio M. Vigil, Wagon Mound. approved. NEW YORK MI;:SSAGE_FROM THE PRESIDENT Andrew D. Peloubet, Athens. A message in writing from the President of the United Arthur J. Gormley, Belfast. States was communicated to the House by Mr. Latta, one of Frank M. Hughes, Bolivar. his secretaries. Anna R. Cronin, Brant Lake. EXTENSION OF REMARKS Seth B. Howes, Brewster. Mr. PITTENGER. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent Theodore Thomas Smith, Camden. to extend my own remarks in the RECORD in connection with Grace L. Sullivan, Canton. the Dies committee. Katherine G. Bement, Clifton Springs. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the William J. Rokos, Congers. gentleman from Minnesota? Ellen Longpre, Copiague. There was no objection. Harrie J. Millspaugh, Corning. PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE Jacob Tolosky, Dannemora. Mr. BYRNS of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous James E. Dailey, Deposit. consent to address the House for 1 minute. LXXXVI-18 274 CONG-RESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JANUARY 11 The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the the day and following any ·special orders heretofore made, I gentleman from Tennessee? may be permitted to address the House for 15 minutes. There was no objection. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the Mr. BYRNS of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, it is distinctly not Commissioner from Puerto Rico? a partisan matter about which I address the House at this There was no objection. time. It is a matter which concerns every Representative of EXTENSION OF REMARKS the American people. Mr. CELLER. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to I have long noticed countless evidences of insolence and extend my own remarks in the RECORD by inserting therein a arrogance on the part of two-bit nitwits in the Federal service statement entitled "The American Forum of the Air," con­ in the District of Columbia, but this morning there came the taining brief statements by Miss Frances Perkins, Secretary cro:wning evidence of that action on the part of any one of of Labor; Gov. Paul McNutt, Federal Security Administrator; these Federal taxeaters. I called Mr. Paul Edwards, who has and others. I am informed by the Government Printing the privilege of being the head of the W. P. A. for the Dis­ Office that the cost of .printing this material will be $202.50. trict of Columbia and asked for an appointment with him for The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the one of my former constituents. I was told by his secretary gentleman from New York? that Mr. Edwards was "too big and too busy" a man to be There was no objection. annoyed by such matters. I told her I wanted an appoint­ Mr. CELLER. Mr. Speaker, I further ask unanimous con­ ment with him. She said if Mr. Edwards could find a vacant sent to extend my own remarks in the RECORD and include place on his calendar he might grant me an audience. therein an address delivered by Henry Monsky, president of I wish to say to the Members of this House that the time B'nai B'rith, in honor of Hon. Irving Lehman, Chief Justice has come to curb the insolence, the arrogance, and the impu­ of the New York State Court of Appeals, and his reply thereto. dence of such persons in the Federal employ, who seem to think that they are the masters of the people who are paying The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the their salaries instead of their servants. [Applause.] gentleman from New York? ·I wish to s~y to the House that we are the Representatives There was no objection. in Congress of all of the people of the United States, who pay Mr. BLOOM. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to the taxes and carry the load of government. I wish to say extend my own remarks in the RECORD and to include therein that impudence to us is impudence to those whom we have a timely and inspiring statement on Americanism by the the honor to represent. I for one have had more than enough Right Reverend James E. Freeman, D. D., LL. D., bishop of of it and I am willing to join with other Members of Congress Washington, and also an ·address by the Honorable Sumner to d~ anything and everything possible to curb this bureauc­ Welles, Under Secretary of State, delivered at the inaugural racy at the first possible moment. [Applause.] meeting of the Inter-American Financial and Economic Ad­ During the time that I have been a Representative in the visory Committee at the Pan American Union, November 15, Congress, which, I believe, is more important than the posi­ 1939. tion occupied by Mr. Edwards, I have never considered myself The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the "too big or too busy" to receive into my office any person who gentleman from New York? comes there asking for an interview. The taxpayers of the There was no objection. United States pay my salary and pay that of Mr. Paul Ed­ Mr. THOMAS of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani­ wards of New Jersey, and I believe that the time has come mous consent to extend my own remarks in the RECORD and when 'the Congress of the United States, representing, as it include therein a brief editorial. does, the voters and taxpayers of this great country, should The· SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the recognize the fact that the situation in Washington has gentleman from New Jersey? grown well-nigh intolerable and something should and must There was no objection. be done about it at this session of Congress. There are any ANNOUNCEMENT number of persons on the Federal pay roll in the District who Mr. GILLIE. Mr. Speaker, when the roll was called yes­ have grown fat in their own conceit and consequently inso­ terday afternoon on the passage of the bill H. R. 801, the lent, impudent, arrogant, and insulting to those who seek. to antilynching bill, I was attending an agricultural meeting. interview them on matters of public importance on which Had I been present I would have voted "yea." they, these insolent bureaucrats, are employed. .The time EXTENSION OF REMARKS has come in my opinion, for the Congress of the Umted States Mr.
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