MASARYK UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF EDUCATION Department of English Language and Literature Roald Dahl´s Matilda: Translation and Analysis Bachelor Thesis Brno 2017 Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Martin Adam, Ph.D. Author: Jana Mikulová Annotation Roald Dahl´s Matilda: Translation and Analysis This bachelor thesis deals with translation and analysis of the book Matilda written by Roald Dahl. Practical part consists of translation of first four chapters from English language into Slovak language. Theoretical part analyses possible methods of translation, methods use while translation of Matilda, differences in translation and special language features and expressions used by Roald Dahl. Thesis also deals with translation of selected collocations, names and adjustment of phrases into the Slovak language to be more suitable for a young Slovak reader. Keywords Roald Dahl, Matilda, children´s book, translation, analysis, language, equivalent, differences Abstrakt Roald Dahl: Matilda – preklad a analýza Táto bakalárska práca sa zaoberá prekladom a analýzou knihy Matilda od autora Roalda Dahla. Praktická časť pozostáva z prekladu prvých štyroch kapitol z anglického do slovenského jazyka. Teoretická časť rozoberá možné metódy prekladu, metódy použité pri preklade Matildy, rozdiely v preklade a špeciálne jazykové prostriedky a výrazy, ktoré pozžil autor. Práca sa tiež zaoberá prekladom vybraných slovných spojení, mien a prispôsobením frází do slovenského jazyka aby boli čitateľnejšie pre slovenského čitateľa. Kľúčové slová Roald Dahl, Matilda, detská kniha, preklad, analýza, jazyk, ekvivalent, rozdiely 2 Declaration I hereby declare that I was working on this thesis on my own and I only used the sources listed in the List of References. I also agree with Masaryk University storing my thesis in the library of faculty of Education for educational purposes. Prehlásenie Týmto prehlasujem, že svoju bakalársku prácu som vypracovala čestne a samostatne s použitím zdojov uvedených v bibliografií práce. Moja bakalárska práca bola vypracovaná v súlade s Disciplninárnym rádom pre študentom Pedagogickej fakulty Masarykovej university a so zákonom č. 121/2000 Zb., o práve autorskom, o právach súvisiacich s právom autorským a o zmene niektorých zákonov (autorský zákon), v znení neskorších predpisov. Brno, November 2017 …………………………. Jana Mikulová 3 Acknowledgement I would like to thank my supervisor doc. Mgr. Martin Adam, Ph.D. promptness, kind words and advice but most of all his patience when writing this thesis. 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 7 1 ABOUT THE BOOK ...................................................................................................................... 8 2 PRACTICAL PART ........................................................................................................................ 9 3 THEORETICAL PART ................................................................................................................ 38 3.1 Translation ............................................................................................................................. 38 3.2 Translation process ................................................................................................................ 38 3.2.1 Vinay and Darbelnet´s processes used in my translation .............................................. 39 3.2.2 Translation methods according to Newmark ................................................................. 40 3.2.3 Levý´s process of translation ......................................................................................... 42 Three stages of translator´s work............................................................................... 42 Understanding of the artwork .............................................................................. 42 Interpretation of the artwork ................................................................................ 43 Re-stylization of the artwork ............................................................................... 44 Aesthetic problems in translation .............................................................................. 45 3.3 Lexical equivalence ............................................................................................................... 48 3.3.1 Absolute equivalence..................................................................................................... 48 3.3.2 Partial equivalence......................................................................................................... 49 Formal differences ..................................................................................................... 49 One word and multi-word units ........................................................................... 49 Explicitness-Implicitness..................................................................................... 50 Denotative differences ............................................................................................... 52 Generalization ..................................................................................................... 52 Connotative differences ............................................................................................. 52 Vulgarisms .......................................................................................................... 52 Intensification ...................................................................................................... 53 Pragmatic differences ................................................................................................ 54 Adding information ............................................................................................. 54 Omitting information ........................................................................................... 55 Substitution by analogy ....................................................................................... 56 Explanatory description ....................................................................................... 56 3.3.3 Zero equivalence ........................................................................................................... 56 3.4 Grammatical equivalence ...................................................................................................... 57 3.5 Textual equivalence ............................................................................................................... 57 3.6 Slang ...................................................................................................................................... 58 5 3.7 Special features in Dahl´s language ...................................................................................... 59 CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................................... 63 LIST OF REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................... 65 6 INTRODUCTION My decision to translate Matilda was very simple. From the beginning as I was deciding about my bachelor thesis, I knew that I would like to do something with linguistics and literature. Translating a book was one of the options. Before the consultation with my supervisor, I have never heard about Roald Dahl and his books. My supervisor has recommended me to choose a Dahl´s book. I picked up Matilda and it caught my attention immediately. I have very strong relationship with children and since Matilda is classified as children´s book, I did not hesitate. Even though it is meant to be for children, it has the ability to please even adults. This bachelor thesis is divided into two main parts. The first part, practical part, is a translation from English to Slovak language. It consists of first four chapters from Matilda, namely – The Reader of Books, Mr Wormwood the Great Car Dealer, The Hat and the Superglue, The Ghost. I have chosen first four chapters in order to keep the flow of the storyline. I did not want to choose random chapters. The second, theoretical part opens with short characterization of the book Matilda. Theoretical part is based mostly on Dagmar Knittlová, Jiří Levý and Peter Newmark. It deals with various translation methods from point of view of every author, with my comments on using their methods in my translation. Theoretical part also deals with lexical, grammatical and textual equivalence. The last chapter of theoretical part is dedicated to special features which Dahl used in translated chapters of Matilda. This last chapter analyses problematic expressions of the author and their possible translation into Slovak language. 7 1 ABOUT THE BOOK Matilda is a book written by a wonderful British story-teller Roald Dahl. Edition I was translating was published in 2016. It was first published in 1988 and in 1999, Matilda won the Children´s Book Award. Matilda was also adapted as audio-reading, musical and it was filmed too. Even when Matilda is considered to be a children´s book, it is very pleasant to read for adults as well. Matilda is a small, extra-ordinary and very clever girl. She lives with her parents and older brother, but she
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