E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 166 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 2020 No. 3 House of Representatives The House met at 2 p.m. and was That the Senate passed S. 3076. JANUARY 7, 2020. called to order by the Speaker. With best wishes, I am Hon. RAU´ L M. GRIJALVA, Sincerely, Washington, DC. f CHERYL L. JOHNSON. DEAR CHAIRMAN GRIJALVA: This letter is to PRAYER advise you that Representative Jefferson f Van Drew’s election to the Committee on The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick Natural Resources has been automatically J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: COMMUNICATION FROM CHAIR OF vacated pursuant to clause 5(b) of rule X ef- Merciful God, we give You thanks for HOUSE DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS fective today. giving us another year. The SPEAKER laid before the House Best regards, We ask Your blessing upon the Mem- the following communication from the NANCY PELOSI, bers of this people’s House as they re- Chair of the House Democratic Caucus: Speaker of the House. convene for the Second Session of the CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, f 116th Congress. May they anticipate HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, RECESS the opportunities and difficulties that Washington, DC, January 7, 2020. are before them, and before so many Hon. NANCY PELOSI, The SPEAKER. Pursuant to clause Americans, with steadfast determina- Speaker of the House, 12(a) of rule I, the Chair declares the tion to work together toward solutions Washington, DC. House in recess subject to the call of that will benefit their countrymen. DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: Pursuant to House the Chair. of Representatives Rule X, Clause 5(b)(1), I Accordingly (at 2 o’clock and 4 min- Grant that they be worthy of the re- am writing to inform you that Representa- sponsibilities they have been given by tive Jefferson Van Drew has resigned as a utes p.m.), the House stood in recess. their constituents and truly be the peo- Member of the House Democratic Caucus. f ple You have called them to be. May Sincerely, the walls of disagreement that have di- HAKEEM JEFFRIES, b 1830 Chairman, vided this assembly be put aside and AFTER RECESS replaced by a spirit of respect and dig- House Democratic Caucus. nity and, where needed, cooperation. The recess having expired, the House f May Your spirit, O God, be in all of was called to order by the Speaker at 6 our hearts and minds and encourage us COMMUNICATION FROM THE o’clock and 30 minutes p.m. to do the works of peace and justice, SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE f now and always. The SPEAKER laid before the House CALL OF THE HOUSE May all that we do be done for Your the following communication from the The SPEAKER. A call of the House is greater honor and glory. Speaker: Amen. ordered to ascertain the presence of a JANUARY 7, 2020. quorum. f Hon. COLLIN C. PETERSON, Washington, DC. Members will record their presence COMMUNICATION FROM THE by electronic device. CLERK OF THE HOUSE DEAR CHAIRMAN PETERSON: This letter is to advise you that Representative Jefferson The call was taken by electronic de- The SPEAKER laid before the House Van Drew’s election to the Committee on vice, and the following Members re- the following communication from the Agriculture has been automatically vacated sponded to their names: Clerk of the House of Representatives: pursuant to clause 5(b) of rule X effective [Roll No. 1] today. OFFICE OF THE CLERK, Best regards, ANSWERED ‘‘PRESENT’’—384 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, NANCY PELOSI, Abraham Bacon Bishop (GA) Washington, DC, January 7, 2020. Speaker of the House. Adams Baird Bishop (NC) Hon. NANCY PELOSI, Aderholt Balderson Bishop (UT) The Speaker, House of Representatives, f Aguilar Banks Blumenauer Washington, DC. Allen Barr Blunt Rochester DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: Pursuant to the COMMUNICATION FROM THE Allred Barraga´ n Bonamici permission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II Amash Bass Bost SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE Amodei Bera Boyle, Brendan of the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- The SPEAKER laid before the House Armstrong Bergman F. tives, the Clerk received the following mes- Arrington Beyer Brady sage from the Secretary of the Senate on the following communication from the Axne Biggs Brindisi January 7, 2020, at 12:18 p.m.: Speaker: Babin Bilirakis Brooks (AL) b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H3 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:45 Jan 08, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07JA7.000 H07JAPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H4 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 7, 2020 Brooks (IN) Graves (GA) McHenry Stefanik Torres (CA) Wasserman APPOINTMENT AS MEMBERS OF Brown (MD) Graves (LA) McKinley Steil Torres Small Schultz COMMITTEE TO NOTIFY THE Brownley (CA) Graves (MO) McNerney Steube (NM) Watkins Buck Green (TN) Meadows Stevens Trahan Watson Coleman PRESIDENT, PURSUANT TO Bucshon Green, Al (TX) Meeks Stewart Trone Weber (TX) HOUSE RESOLUTION 776 Budd Grothman Meuser Stivers Turner Welch The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Burchett Guest Miller Suozzi Underwood Wenstrup Burgess Guthrie Mitchell Swalwell (CA) Upton Westerman ant to House Resolution 776, the Chair Takano Van Drew Bustos Haaland Moolenaar Wexton appoints the following Members to the Taylor Vargas Calvert Hagedorn Mooney (WV) Wild committee to notify the President of Carbajal Harder (CA) Moore Thompson (CA) Veasey Williams Ca´ rdenas Harris Morelle Thompson (MS) Vela the United States that a quorum of the Wilson (SC) Carson (IN) Hartzler Moulton Thompson (PA) Vela´ zquez House has assembled and that the Womack Carter (GA) Hastings Mucarsel-Powell Thornberry Visclosky Woodall House is ready to receive any commu- Carter (TX) Hayes Mullin Timmons Wagner Cartwright Heck Murphy (FL) Tipton Walberg Wright nication that he may be pleased to Case Hern, Kevin Murphy (NC) Titus Walden Yoho make: Casten (IL) Herrera Beutler Napolitano Tlaib Walorski Young the gentleman from Maryland (Mr. Zeldin Castor (FL) Hice (GA) Neal Tonko Waltz HOYER) and Chabot Higgins (LA) Neguse NOT VOTING—47 the gentleman from California (Mr. Cheney Higgins (NY) Newhouse Cicilline Hill (AR) Norcross Beatty Griffith Ratcliffe MCCARTHY). Cisneros Himes Norman Buchanan Grijalva Richmond f Clark (MA) Holding Nunes Butterfield Hunter Rooney (FL) Clarke (NY) Hollingsworth O’Halleran Byrne Johnson (LA) Sarbanes TO INFORM THE SENATE THAT A Clay Horn, Kendra S. Ocasio-Cortez Castro (TX) Kelly (IL) Scott, David QUORUM OF THE HOUSE HAS AS- Cleaver Horsford Olson Chu, Judy Kind Serrano SEMBLED Cline Houlahan Omar Correa LaMalfa Simpson Cloud Hoyer Palazzo Crawford Lewis Sires Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I send to DeGette Lipinski Clyburn Hudson Pallone Smith (NJ) Deutch Loudermilk the desk a privileged resolution and Cohen Huffman Palmer Walker Fulcher Luria ask for its immediate consideration. Cole Huizenga Panetta Waters Collins (GA) Hurd (TX) Pappas Gabbard Marchant The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- Gaetz Massie Webster (FL) Comer Jackson Lee Pascrell Wilson (FL) lows: Conaway Jayapal Payne Gallego McEachin Gonzalez (TX) Meng Wittman H. RES. 777 Connolly Jeffries Pelosi Yarmuth Cook Johnson (GA) Pence Gottheimer Nadler Resolved, That the Clerk of the House in- form the Senate that a quorum of the House Cooper Johnson (OH) Perlmutter b 1855 Costa Johnson (SD) Perry is present and that the House is ready to pro- Courtney Johnson (TX) Peters The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. ceed with business. Cox (CA) Jordan Peterson CUELLAR). On this roll call, 384 Mem- The resolution was agreed to. Craig Joyce (OH) Phillips Crenshaw Joyce (PA) Pingree bers have recorded their presence. A motion to reconsider was laid on Crist Kaptur Pocan A quorum is present. the table. Crow Katko Porter f f Cuellar Keating Posey Cunningham Keller Pressley THE JOURNAL b 1900 Curtis Kelly (MS) Price (NC) Davids (KS) Kelly (PA) Quigley The SPEAKER pro tempore. The PROVIDING FOR THE HOUR OF Davidson (OH) Kennedy Raskin Chair has examined the Journal of the MEETING OF THE HOUSE Davis (CA) Khanna Reed proceedings of January 3, 2020, and an- Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I send to Davis, Danny K. Kildee Reschenthaler nounces to the House his approval Davis, Rodney Kilmer Rice (NY) the desk a privileged resolution and Dean Kim Rice (SC) thereof. ask for its immediate consideration. DeFazio King (IA) Riggleman Pursuant to clause 1 of rule I, the The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- DeLauro King (NY) Roby Journal stands approved. DelBene Kinzinger Rodgers (WA) lows: Delgado Kirkpatrick Roe, David P. f H. RES. 778 Demings Krishnamoorthi Rogers (AL) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Resolved, That unless otherwise ordered, DeSaulnier Kuster (NH) Rogers (KY) the hour of daily meeting of the House shall DesJarlais Kustoff (TN) Rose (NY) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the Diaz-Balart LaHood Rose, John W. be 2 p.m. on Mondays; noon on Tuesdays (or Dingell Lamb Rouda gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. 2 p.m. if no legislative business was con- Doggett Lamborn Rouzer PAYNE) come forward and lead the ducted on the preceding Monday); noon on Doyle, Michael Langevin Roy House in the Pledge of Allegiance. Wednesdays and Thursdays; and 9 a.m. on all F. Larsen (WA) Roybal-Allard Mr. PAYNE led the Pledge of Alle- other days of the week. Duncan Larson (CT) Ruiz Dunn Latta Ruppersberger giance as follows: The resolution was agreed to. Emmer Lawrence Rush I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the A motion to reconsider was laid on Engel Lawson (FL) Rutherford United States of America, and to the Repub- the table.
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