1966 Journal of the Lepidupterists' Societu 57 RECENT LITERATURE ON LEPIDOPTERA Under this heading are included abstracts of papers and books of interest to lepidopterists. The world's literature is searched systematically, and it is intended that every work on Lepidoptera published after 1946 will be noticed here. Papers of only local interest and papers from this Journal arc listed without abstract. Read­ ers, not in North America, interested in assisting with the abstracting, are invited to write Dr. P. F. Bellinger (Department of Biological Sciences, San Fernando Valley State College, Northridge, California, U.S.A. ). Abstractor's initials are as follows: [P.B.] - P. F. BELLINGER [W.H.] - W. HACKMA N [N.O.] _. N. S. OBRAZTSOV [I.C.] - 1. F. B. COMMON [T.I.] - TARO IWASE [C.R.] - c. L. REMINGTO N [W.C.] - W. C. COOK [T.L.] - T. W. LANGER [J.T.] - J. W. TILDEN [A.D.] - A. DIAKONOFF [J.M.] - J. MOUCHA [P.V.] - P. E. L. VIETTE [J.D.] - JULIAN DONAHUE [KM.] - E. C. MUNROE B. SYSTEMATICS AND NOMENCLATURE Reisser, Hans, "Beitrage zur Kcnntnis der Sterrhinae (Lep., Geom.) VI. Sterrha alicantaria sp. n., einc neue Art del' siidspanischen Kiistengebiete" fill German]' Zeitschr. wiene!' ent. Ges., 48 : 45-51, 1 pI., 4 figs. 1963. Type locality Alicante, S. Spain. Rezac, Miroslav, "Zur Bionomie del' ArgU1'Csthia-Arten auf mitteleuropaischen Obstbaumarten" fin German; Czech summary]. Zool. Listu ( Folia zool.), J2: 43-62, 12 figs. , 2 col. pis. 1963. Life-history and taxonomic discllssion of four spp. (pruniella, comella, albistria and mendica). D. M.] Riedl, Tadeusz, "Materiaux pour la connaissance des Momphidae (Lepidoptera) palearctiques. Partie II. Sur quelques especes oes genres Mompha Hbn. et Psacaphora H.S. de la faune polonaise" [in French; Polish summary 1. Bull. ent. Pologne, 33: 101-106, 5 figs. 1963. 3 spp. from Poland are recorded; descrip­ tions & figures of genitalia. [J. M.] Reicll, Tadcllsz, "Beitrag zur Kenntnis del' pahiarktischen M omphidae. 1. S01'hagenia rhamniella (Zell.) und zwei neue europiiische Arten der Gattung Sorhagenia Spul." [in German; Polish summary]. Bull. ent. Poiogne, 32: 69-75, 8 figs. 1962. New species: S. ianiszewskae (Wroclaw, Poland) & S. toW (Poland). Genitalia & imagines figured. [J. M.] Rindge, Frederick H., "A new species of Melanchroill (Lepidoptera, Ceometriclae) from Jamaica." Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., 69: 142-144, 2 figs. 1961. Describes as new M. venata (Milk River Bath). [Po B.] Rindge, Frederick R., "A revision of the Nacophorini (Lepidoptera, Geometridae)." Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. lUst., 123: 87-1.54, 6 pIs., 46 figs. 1961. Retains this tribal name, although Nacophora is sunk to Phaeoura. Describes as new Betulodes euriceraea (Zamora, Ecuador, 3,000-4,000 ft.); Phaeoura kirkwoodi (Pinery Can­ yon, Chiricahua Mts., Ariz.), P. ianthina (La Polvosa, Chihuahua, Mex. ), P. spadix (? Acapulco, Mex.) , P. belua (Southwestern Research Station, Cochise Co., Ariz., .5,400 ft.), P. aetha (Smoky Valley, Tulare Co., Calif.), P. cana (Camp Angelus, San Bernardino Co., Calif.) ; Thyrinteina arnohia phala (Chichen Ttza, Yucatan), T. unicomis (Phoenix Park, Moncague, St. Ann Parish, Jamaica), T. leucoceraea (Hansa Humboldt, Santa Catherina, Brazil); Holochroa disso ciaria varia (Gran Quivira National Monument, Socorro Co., New Mexico). Hevision includes 22 spp. in these four genera; all are redescribed, and keys based on ex­ ternal characters & on genitalia of each sex are given. [Po B.] Hindgc, Frederick H., "A synopsis of the genus Nycteo la from North America, in­ cluding a new species from Arizona (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)." Jour. N. Y. .58 Recent Literature OJl Lepidoptera Vol. 20, no. l Ent. Soc., 69: 203-206, 2 figs. 1961.. Describes as new N. fletcheri (South­ western Research Station, Cochise Co., Ariz., .5 ,400 ft. ) . Cives keys to the five North American spp., based on genitalia. [Po B.] Rindge, Frederick H., "Descriptions of and notes on North American Geometridae (Lepidoptera), no . .5." Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 206.5 : 11 pp. 1961. Describes as new Yermoia glatlcina ( Morongo ''''ash, San Bernardino Co., Calif. ), and reviews genus (including also perplexata). Redeseribes ltame ahruptata, n. comb. Trans­ fers BomiJycia candida from Thyatiriclac to Stenocharis. Records Olney a tesota as foodpl:mt of Glrmcina etlpitheciaria lucida. [Po B.] Rindge, Frederick H., " Notes on and descriptions of North Ameri can Eupithecio (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) ." Amer. M liS. Novit. , no. 2147: 2:3 pp., 7 figs. 1963. Describes as new E. phyllLme ( Horseshoe Springs Camp., 2 m. W. of La Cueva, Sandova l Co., New Mexico, 7,900 fl. ), E. holwkamae (.5 mi. W. of Portal, Cochise Co., Ariz. ). Notes on 46 other spp., including additional distribution records, somc new synonymy, & description of previously nnknown sexes of E. sperryi & E. shwata. [Po B.J Rindge, Frederick R ., "A revision of the genera AnuvinclIIilw and Vinemina ( Lepi­ doptera, Ceometridac)." Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 2172: 40 PI'., 26 figs. 1964. Describes as \l ew AN AVINEMIN A (type Tephrosia lIIu/'(Jena), A. promuraena (Popocatcpetl Park, Mexico), A. moiyiJra (Cerro Pelon, Municipio Yolox, Oaxaca, Mexico), A. axicata ( Mexico City), A. orphna (Popocatepetl Park); V. mwaenata (Totonieapan, Guatemala). 12 spp. are included in these two genera. [Po E.] Gindge, Frederick H., " A revision of the genera Cal'phoides, Paraphoides, and Galenma (Lepidoptera, Ceometridae)." Amer. MilS. Nouit., no. 2189: .53 pp., 33 fi gs . 1964. Describes as \lew PARAPHOIDE S ( type Tephrosia Intra Druce), P. fo eda (Juan Vinas, Costa Hi ca, 1,400 111.), P. vafra (Jalapa, 'vl exico ), P. largifica (Santa Rosa de Comitan, Chiapas, Mexico ), P. stu Ita (Mo CUOU, Cerro Pelon, Municipio Yolox , Oaxaca, Mexico, 7,0.50 ft. ) . Redescribes the two other spp. of Paraphoides, three spp. of Carphoides, & nine spp. of Caiena1'(J. Third in a series of papers on genera near Melanolophul; spp. are found from the south­ western Unitcd States to Costa Rica. [Po B.J Rindge, Frederick R., "A revision of the gpnera M elano7ophia, Pherotesia, and M E LANOTESIA (Lepidoptera, Ceometridae ) ." Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. , 126: 241-434, 7 pls., !O3 figs. 1964. Describes as ncw Meian%phia modica (Santa Cruz, S. Brazil) , M. vitta (Petropolis, Brazil), M. suhstriata (Rio Negro, Colombia, 800 111. ), M. inatrata (Region Chapare, Bolivia, 400 111. ), M. umhrosll (Region Chapare), M. pillra ( Huancabamba, P eru), M. producta ( Balzapal11ba, Bolivar, Ecuador), M. vulsa (Sierra del Libane, Colombia, 6,000 ft.), M. rubricll (Cayuga, Guatemala), M. etldoxa (Chapare, Bolivia), M. e. simpla (Canon del Tolima, Colombia, 1,700 lll.) , M. tristtrca elongata ( Incachaea, Cochabamba), M. vegranda (Balzapamba, Bolivar, E cuador), M. perversa (Nueva Tcutonia, Brazil), M. triloba (Jalapa, Mexico), M. pcnicilla ( Zamora, Ecuador ), M. atrifascia (Barro Colorado Is., Canal Zone ), M. 71omof([scill ( San Esteban, Venezuela), M. sadrina conam ( Muzo, Colombia), M. Slld1'inaria (San Jose, Costa Rica, .5,000 ft.), M. imitata cana (upper Santa Ana R., Sail Bernardino Co., Calif.), M. fLexilinca fmgosa (Puntarenas, ]I,·1ontc Verde, Costa Rica ), M. cllnadaria cmma (Lyons Farms, Union Co., New Jersey), M. canodaria choctawae (Clinton, Hinds Co., Mississippi), M. signataria timucuae (Pcnsacola, Florida), M. imperfectaria solida ( Guadalajara, Mexi co), M. fimlJ1'iata (El Volcan, Chiriqui, Panama) , M. parma (Tuis, Costa Rica, 2,400 ft. ), lyl. pselldovallata ( Chapare, Bolivia) , M. reducla meridiana (Oeoneque, Carabaya, Peru, 7,000 ft.), M. r. borell (Canon del Tolima, Colombia, 2,700 m.), M. reductaria ( Agualani, Carabaya, Peru, 9,000 HI.), M. dextem (Sierra del Libane, Colombia, 6,000 ft.), M. iso forma (Montc Tolima, Colombia, 2,700 111. ), M. isometra (near Loja, Ecuador) , M. attenuata (Mt. Poas, Costa Rica), M. synargilaria (Chachapoyas, Amazonas, Pen d, M. Genatin (Rio Songo, Bolivia), 19()6 jourl/a/ of the Lepidopterists' Societu 59 M. elegia (Vista Hermosa, Oaxaca, Mexico, 4,650 ft.) , M. mal/ell (Chanchamayo, rem) , M. hugnathos (Yungas del Palmar, Bolivia), M. h. COl1tracta (Balzapamba, Bolivar, Ecuador), M. b. elaphra (EI Volcan, Chhiqui, Panama), M. conta (Chanchamayo, Peru), M. minca (Minca, Colombia, 2,000 ft.), M. -rima (Muzo, Colombia), M. semarcata (La Merced, Peru), M. paraconara (Popayan, Colombia), M. orthoconara (Lino, Panama, 800 m.); Pherotesia simllZafrix (Yuntas, near Cali, Colombia), P. lima ("Intai," Ecuador), P. llitrasim'ilis (Coosnipata, Paucartambo, Cuzco, Peru), P. lunata (Sierra del Libane, Colombia, 6,000 ft. ), P. malinaria minuisca (Volcan de Chiriqui, Panama), P. falcis (Popocatepctl Park, Mexico), P. hamata (Mo Cuou, Cerro Pelon, Oaxaca, Mexico, 7,0.50 ft.), P. caeca (Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico), P. bifurca (Volcan Santa Maria, Guatemala); JI;[ELANO'l'ESIA (type Calospila? siderata Dognin). The revision of this predominantly neotropical group of Ennominae includes 112 spp. & sspp. [Po B.) Boever, Kilian, "Notcs on Erora (I ,ycaenidae)." Jour. Lepid. Soc., 16: 1- 4. 1962. Ross, D. A., "The Maple Leaf Cutter, Paraclemensia acerito/iella (Fitch) (Lepidop­ tera: Incurvariidae), descriptions of stages." Canad. Ent., 90: .541-.5.5.5, 38 figs. 1958. Describes morphology of early stages & adults. [Po TI) ROl1geot, P. c., "Limenitis lJO}J1l1i L. varie-t-illocalement en France? (Nymphalidae)" [in French). A/exanor, 2: 8-10. 1961. Description of L. p. foreziaTlLls (central France, Loire, t-Ilt. Forcz ). [P. V.) Rougeot, P. c., "Lepiclopteres attacides clu M usee de Dundo (Angola)" [in French).
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