Notes Abbreviations: Imperial War Museum - IWM; British Library - BL INTRODUCTION I. J. C. Kemp 17ze British Repertory 17zeatre [Birmingham: Cornish, 1943] p.2. 2. Ibid., p. 4. 3. C. B. Purdom Harlry Granville Barker [London: Rockliff, 1955] p. 26. 4. G. Rowell and A. Jackson 17ze Repertory Movement [Cambridge: CUP, 1984], p. 47. 5. Rex Pogson Miss Homiman and the Gaiery 17zeatre, Manchester [London: Rockliff, 1952] pp. 22-38. 6. Arthur Marwick 17ze Deluge - British Sociery and the First World War [Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1965] pp. 125-127. 7. Ibid., p. 140. 8. Phyllis Hartnoll A Concise History qf the 17zeatre [Norwich: Thames and Hudson, 1968] pp. 186-239. 9. Allardyce Nicoll English Drama 1900--1930 [Cambridge: CUP, 1973] and British Drama [London: Harrap, 1925]. 10. Hugh Hunt 17ze Revefs History qf Drama in English [London: Methuen, 1978] T. W. Craik (gen ed) pp. 29-31. 11. J. C. Trewin 17ze Edwardian 17zeatre [London: Dakers, 1976] and Theatre in the Twenties l London: Dakers, 1958]. 12. Ernest Short Sixry Years qf 17zeatre [London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1951], pp. 152-161. 13. W. Macqueen-Pope Ghosts and Greasepaint [London: Haie, 1951], pp. 295-308. 14. Lynton Hudson 17ze English Stage 1850--1950 [London: Harrap, 1951] p.169. 15. Arthur Marwick, op. cit., p. 144. 16. G. T. Watts 'The Tradition of Theatre' 17ze Englishwoman November 1916, in M. Sanders on From Irving to Olivier [London: Athlone, 1984] p. 163. 17. CentraI StatisticaI Office (HMSO) Retail Prices 1914-1990 [prices rose enormously du ring the First World War; in 1915 the Retail Price Index doubled to 41. To give some indication of today's values all monetary sums should be multiplied by 30]. 220 Notes 221 CHAPTER 1 RECRUITMENT AND EMPLOYMENT l. A Ponsonby falsehood in War Time [London: Allen & Unwin, 1928], pp. 84-7. 2. A.J. P. Taylor English History 1914-15 [London: GUP, 1965J, p. 12. 3. Paul Fussell 1he Great War and Modem Memory [Oxford: OUP, 1975], p.9. 4. B. Weller 'The Theatrical Year' Stage Year Book, 1915 p. 11. 5. TIu Ara 5 August 1914. 6. Ibid. 7. 1heEra 17January 1917. 8. The Era 27 January 1915. 9. The Era 2 September 1914. 10. Sir John Martin Harvey Autobiography [London: Samson & Low, 1933] pp. 448-9. 11. Michael Sanderson From bving to Olivier [London: Athlone, 1984] p. 172. 12. Harry Lauder A Minstrel in France [London: Melrose, 1918] p. 44. 13. 7he Era 9 February 1916. 14. The Times 15January 1915. 15. John M. MacKenzie Propaganda and Empire [Manchester: MUP, 1984], p. 30. 16. 7he Ara 28 Gctober 1914. 17. Ibid. 18. Song Sheet, IWM Collection 1914. 19. C. Pulling They Were Singing and What 7hey Sang About [London: Harrap, 1952] p. 81. 20. The Era 16 September 1914. 21. The Era 28 Gctober 1914. 22. Penny Summerfield 'Patriotism and Empire' in Imperialism and Popular Culture J. M. MacKenzie (ed) [Manchester: MUP, 1986] p.38. 23. Ibid. 24. Ibid. 25. The Era 9 February 1916. 26. 7he Era 16January 1915. 27. Ibid. 28. Colin Walsh Mud, Songs and Blighty [London: Hutehinson, 1975] p.21. 29. Ibid. 30. TIM Era 20January 1915. 3l. The Stage 22 December 1914. 32. Colonel H. A. R. May CB Memories qf the Artists' Riffes [London: Howlett, 1929] p. 8. 222 Noles 33 . Artists' Rifles Roll cif Honour [London: Howlett, 1922] p. vii. 34. B. A. Young 771e Artists alld the SAS [London: (Artists) TA, 1960] p. 19. 35. Artists' Rifles Coneert programme 1915 No. 3/4\ IWM. 36. B. A. Young, op. eit., p. 20. 37. Edward Potton (ed) ARecord cif the Ullited Arts Rifles [London: Moring, 1920] p. 3. 38. Ibid. 39. Ibid. 40. 771e Stage 17 September 1914. 41. 77Ie Stage 24 September 1914. 42. Robert Graves Goodbye To All That [London: Cape, 1929] p. 189. 43. Leslie Henson rours FaitlifullJ [London: Long, \948] p. 56. 44. 77Ie E'ra 13January \9\5. 45. Ibid. 46. Ibid. 47. 77Ie Era 30June 1915. 48. 77Ie Stage 28 Oetober 1915. 49. 77lC Stage 7 Oetober \915. 50. 77IeE'ra 26 May 1915. 51. 77Ie Era 30June 19\5. 52. B. Weller 'The War and The Stage' Stage Year Book, 1916p. 14. 53. Arthur Marwiek 77Ie Deluge - British Socie!J and tJle First World [Basing- stoke: Maemillan, \965] p. 76. 54. A. J. P. Taylor, op. eit., p. 53. 55. 77Ie Stage 16 Deeember 1915. 56. Ibid. 57. 77Ie Era 5 January 19\6. 58. Ibid. 59. 77lC Stage 18 May \9\6. 60. 77Ie Era 18 May 1916. 61. 77Ie Stage \8 May 1916. 62. 77IeEra 11 May 1916. 63. lbid. 64. 77Ie Stage 11 May \916. 65. 77IeE'ra31 May \916. 66. 77lC Era 24 May 1916. 67. Ibid. 68. 77Ie Stage 15June \916. 69. 7M Stage 20July 1916. 70. 1M Stage 15June \916. 71. 77Ie Stage 7 September 19\6. 72 . Ibid. 73. 1M Stage 16 August 1917. Notes 223 74. 1he Times 1 October 1914. 75. 17ze Times 12 September 1916. 76. Ibid. 77. Ibid. 78. 17ze Times 13 September 1916. 79. Titled photographs 'Actors and The War' Stage Year Book, 1916 pp. 16-18. 80. Frank PettingeIl We Cannot All Be Soldiers. Music & Programme in IWM, File 54 (41) 3.39. 81. H. Wolfe Labour Supply & Regulations 1923 in Arthur Matwick, op. eit., p.57. 82. Theatre programme for Vivian, Prinee of Wales' Theatre, Birming­ harn 1915. Private eollection. 83. B. Weller 'The Stage in War Time' Stage Year book, 1917 p. 17. CHAPTER 2 EFFECTS OF WAR ON THEATRICAL PRODUCTION I. B. Weller, 'The War Time Stage' 1he Stage Year Book, 1918, p. 12. 2. 17ze Stage, I Mareh 191 7. 3. 17ze Stage 8 March 1917. 4. Ibid. 5. Ibid. 6. J. C. Trewin 1he Birminglwm Repertory 1heatre [Birmingham: Cornish, 1943] p. 36. 7. Cyril Maud Behind the Seenes [London: Murray, 1927] p. 246. 8. B. Weller, op. eit., p. 13. 9. J. A. Fairlie British War Administration [New York: OUP, 1919] p.254. 10. 17ze Stage 15 Mareh 1917. 11. Ibid. 12. 17ze Times History qf the War Vol. VI. 1914--19 [London: Times, 1920] pp. 183-4. 13. B. Weller, 'The Theatrieal Year' 1he Stage Year book, 1915 p. 11. 14. E. M. Sansom 'The Variety Year' 17ze Stage Year Book, 1915 p. 25. 15. A.J. P. Taylor English History 1914-45 [London: OUP, 1965], p. 5. 16. 17ze Stage 27 January 1916. 17. 17zeEra3January 1917. 18. A Coles Armstrong 'The Variety Year' 17ze Stage Year Book, 1918, p.28. 19. 17ze Era 3 January 1917. 20. A.J. P. Taylor, op. eit., 47. 21. Ibid. p. 43. 224 Notes 22. H. Pelling Modern Britain 1885-1955 [London: Cardinal, 1974] p.77. 23. 1he Stage 16 March 1916. 24. 1he Stage 26 Oetober 1916. 25. B. Weller 'The War-Time Stage' 1he Stage Year Book, 1919 p. 26. 26. 1he Times 26 Deeember 19 I 4. 27. 1he Stage 17 February 1916. 28. Ibid. 29. Michael Sanderson From lroing to Olivier [London: Athlone, 1984], p. 164. 30. B. Weller, op. eit., [1919] p. 25. 31. Ibid. p. 25. 32. Michael Sanderson, op. eit., p. 164. 33. 1he Stage 27 September 1917. 34. Ibid. 35. Lilian Baylis and Cieely Hamilton 1he Old Vic [London: Cape, 1926] p.21O. 36. Ibid. p. 21 I. 37. Leslie Henson Yours Faitlifully [London: Long, 1948], p. 53. 38. Marguerite Steen A Pride if Tenys [London: Longmans, 1926] 39. B. Weller, op. eit. [1918] p. 15. 40. 1he l!-ra 31 Oetober 1917. 41. 1he Obseroer 12January 1919. 42. 1heEra7FebruaryI917. 43. Harold Holland T rue Values Surrey Theatre [April: 19 I 8] MS 1494, Vol. 6. BL. 44. Laurie Wylie 1he Passing Show if 1918 Theatre Royal, Birmingham [July: 1918] MS 1652, Vol. 12. BL. 45. National War Savings Report, p.p. 1917-18, XVIII Cd 8516, p. 1. 46. Arthur Marwiek 1he Deluge - British Sociery and the First World War [Basingstoke: Maemillan, 1965] p. 129. 47. 1he Era 22 September 1915. 48. 1he Stage 3 February 19 I 6. 49. 1he Era 9 February 1916. 50. 1he Stage 10 February 1916. 51. 1he Stage 9 March 1916. 52. 1he Obseroer I I April 1915. 53. 1he l!-ra 12 April 1916. 54. 1he Times 15 August 1916. 55. 1heStage 19July 1917. 56. 1he Era 21 November 1917. 57. 1he Stage 31 May 19 I 7. 58. 1he Era 21 November 1917. 59. 1heStage31 May 1917. Notcs 225 CHAPTER 3 PERFORMING FOR CHARITY 1. John Stevenson British Society 1911--45 [Hamondsworth: Pelican, 1984] p. 61. 2. Arthur Marwick 17le Deluge - British Society and the First World War [Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1965] p. 42. 3. Ibid. pp. 42-3. 4. John Stevenson, op. cit., p. 60. 5. 'Wounded Heroes Entertainment Gommittee Report' 25 April 1919 Benevolent Organizations File 7/12 IWM. 6. Ibid. 7. Ibid. 8. Musical Programme 1917. Ref: 9.12 IWM. 9. E. M. Sansom 'The Variety Year' Stage Year Book, 1916 p. 28. 10. Arthur Goles Armstrong 'The Variety Year' Stage Year Book, 1919, p.32. 11. Ibid. 12. Ibid. 13. Ibid. 14. Seymour Hicks Between Ourselves [London: Gassell, 1930] p. 148. 15. Goles Armstrong, op. eit., p. 32. 16. Ibid. p. 33. 17. Michael Holroyd 17le Pursuit qf Power 1898-1918 [London: Hodder 1989] Vol. 2. p. 360. 18. Denis Mackail 17lc Story qf].M.B. [London: Davies, 1941J p. 161. 19. Ibid. p. 498. 20. Max Beerbohm Herbert Beerbohrn Tree [London: Hutehinson, 1917] p.485. 21. Michael Sanderson Frorn Irving to Olivier l London: Athlone, 1984J, p. 161. 22. Eva Moore Exits and E.'nlrances [London: Ghapman & Hall, 1923] p.80.
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