2006 XCB604 Bulb Catalogue The power of Light Driving the Lucas brand into the future Lucas Electrical Lucas Lighting & Mirrors Lucas Engine Management Lucas Batteries Lucas Starters & Alternators Lucas Warning & Safety 1 Products s Bulb Kits Panel Bulb Kits High Performance t Fork Lift Trucks Lucas Premium Bulbs Motor Bike Bulbs Rough Service Bulbs n Headlight Bulbs for Grey Imports Sealed beams Packaging Merchandise Support e What goes where? t 2 Application List Bulb Listings n 3 4 Product Specifications o 5 Cross Reference C Products1 Bulb Kits G Contains top quality Lucas brand bulbs G Bulbs are ‘E’ marked for legal road usage G Supplied in compact, robust, bulb-shaped containers G All kits come with a selection of blade fuses G Many kits contain two headlamp bulbs for vehicles with twin reflector headlamps G Lucas Bulb Kits cover an extensive range of modern car models G Carrying a Lucas Bulb Kit will help avoid unnecessary delay and inconvenience G Drivers should always carry spare bulbs kits for safety and legal reasons G Essential for European motoring Bulb Kit Contents Part No. Description Headlamp Bulbs LLZ104 24 V Bulb Kit H4 LLB475 LLZ107 12 V Bulb Kit H1 LLB448 LLZ108 12 V Bulb Kit H4 LLB472 LLZ109 12 V Bulb Kit H4, H1 LLB472 LLB448 LLZ110 12 V Bulb Kit H7 LLB477 LLZ111 12 V Bulb Kit H7, H1 LLB477 LLB448 LLZ112 12 V Bulb Kit H7, H4 LLB477 LLB472 LLZ113 12 V Bulb Kit H7, HB3 LLB477 LLB9005 LLZ114 12 V Bulb Kit HB4, HB3 LLB9006 LLB9005 LLZ115 12 V Bulb Kit HB4, H7 LLB9006 LLB477 LLZ116 24v Bulb Kit H7 LLB775 Panel Bulb Kits Bulbs for instruments and dashboards G A handy, organised selection of panel bulbs in a robust plastic container G Separate compartments for individual bulbs and an easy to follow inner label part number guide There are two versions of the Panel Kit: G Ideal for garage workshop use LLZ105- 12 volt for popular cars G Excellent for storage or display LLZ106- 24 volt for popular commercial vehicles Individual Panel bulbs LLB286 LLB286TFB LLB286THP LLB508B9 LLB508TGN LLB286A LLB286TFB1 LLB286TLG LLB508EBSN1 LLB508TGY LLB286B LLB286TFG LLB286TLP LLB508EBSN10 LLB508THBL LLB286G LLB286TG LLB286TO LLB508EBSN7 LLB508THBR LLB286P LLB286THB LLB286TV LLB508G LLB508TY LLB286PA LLB286THBE LLB286TVW LLB508P LLB512 LLB286PB LLB286THBL LLB286TW LLB508R LLB512TR20 LLB286R LLB286THHP LLB508 LLB508TAC LLB700 LLB286TAC LLB286THLB LLB508A LLB508TB LLB700A LLB286TBL LLB286THLG LLB508B LLB508TBN LLB286TBLU LLB286THO LLB508B29 LLB508TBR High Performance Bulbs The latest in headlight technology G Road Legal ‘E’ Approved, except for the off-road Rally Blue G Directly interchangeable - no wiring alterations required G Always replace in pairs. Halogen headlight bulbs typically lose 30% of their brightness over a 3 year period. Which Bulb is for me? I want a I want my car to I want better vision brighter Bulb look good in bad weather Street Legal Off-Road Use Premium Premium All WeatherWeather Xenon 30% Xenon 50% I want the blue/white I want off road/show xenon look use 100w Blue Bulbs Blue Lightning Rally Blue H1 H3 H4 H7 Blue Lightning 448BLX2 453BLX2 472BLX2 477BLX2 Premium Xenon 30% 448XLX2 n/a 472XLX2 477XLX2 Premium Xenon 50% 448XLPX2 n/a 472XLPX2 477XLPX2 Rally Blue 481BLX2 n/a 484BLX2 784BLX2 All Weather 448ASX2 n/a 472ASX2 477ASX2 1. When ordering upgrades always ensure prefix LLX is used 2. For single packs remove ‘X2’ from end of part number Rally Blue Off Road PrPremiumemium Xenon G Intense high power (100w) beam for off G Up to 30% and 50% brighter than standard road use halogen bulbs G Exclusive coating creates more high tech G 30%/50% more light in the essential driving appearance visibility zone (50-75m in front of vehicle) G Dazzling beam cuts through extreme driving G Cone of light extended overall by 20m conditions G Provides the greatest safety with the latest G Maximises potential for ultimate rally speed bulb technology Blue Lightning: All WWeather:eather: G Generates a unique blue-white light G Multi-layered colour filter produces a unique G Simulates top quality xenon technology for golden light designer impact G Improves visibility by reducing glare in poor G Virtual daylight driving conditions driving conditions Fork Lift Truck Bulbs Part Number Voltage Wattage Base LLB4187 48 10 Ba15s LLB4192 48 10 Ba15d LLBA442 48 45 PK22s LLB4597 48 25 Ba15d LLB4598 48 25 Ba15s LLB4896 48 10/25 BAY15d Lucas Premium Bulbs Part Number Type Voltage LLB448PR H1 12 V LLB466PR H1 24 V LLB453PR H3 12V LLB460PR H3 24V LLB472PR H4 12 V LLB475PR H4 24 V LLB477PR H7 12 V LLB775PR H7 24 V The Lucas Premium range consists of top quality bulbs for applications in high usage areas such as fleets, hire cars, taxis and buses. Lucas supply the most popular, fastest selling products as Premium Bulbs. Prestigious Premium bulbs provide OE quality performance with a longer life to meet the demands of continuous utilisation. Motor Bike Bulbs G Comprehensive range for two-wheelers G For full listing see product specification Rough Service Bulbs Used for workshop inspection lamps Durable with supported filaments Bayonet Fitting Screw Fitting Part Number Voltage Watts Part Number Voltage Watts LMB100 120–125 60 LMB103 110-130 60 LMB101 110-130 100 LMB106 240 100 LMB102 12 50 LMB210 240 60 LMB201 240 60 LMB300 12 50 LMB202 240 100 LMB311 24 60 LMB310 25 60 Headlight Bulbs For Grey Import Cars E A F B C D G H Dimensions (mm) Key Part Number Wattage Base Bottom to Platform Glass Width to platform to top A LLB0556 55 (85w)* P22d/5 H3c 33 32 12 B LLB0452 55 P22d/5 H3c 33 32 12 C LLB0453 55 P22s H3 28 31 12 D LLB0488 40/55 P30t-40 15 44 15 E LLB0507 55/65 (70/85)* P30/22L 30 58 15 F LLB0471 45/55 P30/22L 30 58 15 G LLB0472 55/65 P30/22L 30 58 15 H LLB0652 55 (85w)* - 37 32 12 *Rated wattage (performance wattage) Sealed Beams SB7019 SB5712 SB4440 Part Number Description Size Terminals SB4411 12v 38w 4 1/4 " 2-pin flat SB4440 12,8v 40./40w 4 1/4 " 3-pin SB4537 13v 100w Spot Light 4 1/4 " 2-pin flat SB5712 12.8v 50w 5 3/4 " 2-pin SB5731 SB5731 12.8v 37.5/50w 5 3/4 " 3-pin + Pilot Aperture SB7002 12.8v 45/60w 7 " 3-pin SB7014 12.8v 37.5/50w 7 " 3-pin + Pilot Aperture SB7019 12.8v 45/75w 7 " 3-pin + Pilot Aperture SBC1 H4 Sealed Beam 7 " N/A Conversion Unit SB7014 including Side Light Holder SBC1 Packaging G Traditional Lucas style one bulb per box G Economical trade packs holding ten bulbs G The new range of clams provides modern eco-friendly consumer packaging Clams Single Boxes Trade Packs Merchandise Support G Ideal for motor factors, retailers and workshops G Available empty or full G Wall or counter mounted ZMB237 (24 volt) ZMB239 (12 volt) ZMB240 ZMB236 ZMB235 What goes where? 1 DIP BEAM 8 SIDE REPEATER 410 448 472 477 709 207 233 501 501A 711 9005 9006 D2R D2S 9 FRONT FOG 448 453 477 2 MAIN BEAM 708 711 880 9005 9006 410 448 472 477 709 9005 9006 D2R D2S 10 SIDE LAMP 207 233 434 501 504 989 3 FRONT INDICATOR 382 436 581 582 582A 11 REAR FOG 207 380 382 436 1 9 2 3 10 4 REAR INDICATOR 566 582 921 180 382 436 581 582 501A 12 NUMBER PLATE 239 207 233 245 8 5 BRAKE LIGHT 180 380 382 566 580 501 504 989 6 TAIL LIGHT 13 3rd BRAKELIGHT 180 207 245 207s 380 239 284 382 501 382 501 566 580 582 921 955 13 7 REVERSE 6 4 180 182 273 382 434 436 501 582 921 955 7 12 11 5 Lucas catalogues Application List 2 3rd jkh% STOP R STOP A-44-999 Spare Dip Main Front Side Front Side Rear Tail Brakelight Rear Reverse 3rd Number Kit Beam Beam Fog Light Indicator Repeater Indicator Light Fog Brakelight Plate ALFA ROMEO 145 1994-01 LLZ107 448 448 453 501 581 501 382 380 380 382 382 LED 501 146 1995-01 LLZ107 448 448 453 501 581 501 382 380 380 382 382 LED 501 147 2001-03 LLZ110 477 477 448 434 581 501 382 380 380 382 382 LED 501 147 2003 >> LLZ110 477 477 448 581 501 382 380 380 382 382 LED 501 155 1992-98 LLZ107 448 448 453 501 581 382 380 380 382 382 501 156 1998-02 LLZ111 477 448 448 434 581 501 382 380 380 382 382 LED 501 156 2002 >> LLZ111 477 448 448 434 581 501 382 380 380 382 382 501 164 1993-98 LLZ107 448 448 233 382 382 207 382 382 382 207 164 1987-93 LLZ108 472 472 233 382 382 207 382 382 382 207 166 1998-03 LLZ113 477 9005 453 434 581 501A 382 207 380 382 382 LED 501 166 – xenon 1998-03 D2S 9005 453 434 581 501A 382 207 380 382 382 LED 501 166 2003 >> LLZ113 477 9005 453 434 581 501A 581 380 380 382 382 LED 501 166 – xenon 2003 >> D2S 9005 453 434 581 501A 581 380 380 382 382 LED 501 33 1983-90 LLZ108 472 472 233 382 382 380 380 382 382 207 33 1990-95 LLZ108 472 472 453 501 382 382 245 382 382 382 239 33 Sportwagon 1990-95 LLZ108 472 472 453 501 382 382 245 382 382 382 207 6 1980-84 LLZ107 448 448 207 382 382 380 380 382 382 233 6 1984-86 LLZ108 472 472 501 382 382 207 382 382 382 207 75 1985-93 LLZ108 472 472 233 382 382 207 382 382 382 239 90 1985-87 LLZ108 472 472 479 501 382 382 207 382 382 382 207 Alfasud 1973-88 410 410 233 382 382 207 382 382 382 207 Alfasud Sprint / Ti 1978-89 LLZ107 448 448 233 382 382 207 382 382 207 Alfetta 1978-83 LLZ108 472 472 233 382 382 380 382 382 382 233 Alfetta GTV 2000 / GTV 2.0 1976-87 LLZ107 448 448 233 382 382 380 380 382 382 207 Alfetta Quadrifoglio 1983-86 LLZ107 448 448 233 382 382 207 382 382 382 233 Arna 1983-86 LLZ108 472 472 233 382 382 207 382 382 382 207 Giulietta 1979-86 LLZ108 472 472 233 382 382 207 382 382 382 233 GTV 6 2.5 1981-88 LLZ107 448 448 207 382 382 207 382 382 382 207 GTV / Spider 1986-95 LLZ108 472 472 207 382 501 382 501 382 382 382 207 GTV / Spider 1996-98 LLZ113 9005 9005 453 501 382 501 382 380 380 382 382 501 501 GTV / Spider 1998 >> LLZ113 9005 9005 453 501 382 501 382 380 380 382
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