Index Aceh, high court of 55 Babon River case 38, 64, 74-5, 117, 134- administrative courts, Indonesian 49, 249, 255, 260, 262, 271, 288 – administrative court jurisdiction Balai Budidaya Air Payau Jepara 135 95-8 Balai Tehnik Kesehatan Lingkungan – Jakarta administrative court 97, 108- (Technical Institute for Environmental 10 Health) 138, 143, 172 – Presidential decrees, inability to re- Banger River case 38, 78-9, 112, 117-33, view 97, 103-5, 114, 258 146-9, 249, 252-3, 260, 262, 271, 285, – quality of judicial administration 14 287 – specialist training of judges in envi- Banti village 91, see also WALHI v. PT ronmental law 263-4, 291-2 Freeport case administrative environmental litigation Bapedal see Environmental Impact 93-116 Agency agriculture sector, environmental dis- Barito Pacific 37 pute resolutions in 46-7 Batang district government 165-6, 169- Amungme, indigenous people displaced 70, 281 by Grasberg mine 44, 106-7 Becker, Theodore L., definition of judi- APHI see Indonesian Forestry cial independence 15 Entrepreneurs Association Bedner, A., recommendations for judicial article 20 EMA 1982 cases 68-73 reform 265 article 34 EMA 1997 cases 36, 49, 63, 73- Bedono village 134, 136, 139-40, 142, 80, 89, 112-3, 121-2, 127, 137, 142, 148, 146-7, see also Babon River case 254-5, 291 Belumai River 38, 54, 72-3 article 37 EMA 36, 49, 57-66, 74, 111, Bina Produksi Melosia, PT 100-1, see also 247, 254, 256, 259, 292, see also repre- Sulae case sentative actions Bintang Buana, PT 134, 137, 139, see also article 1365 of the Civil Code 66-9, 71, 73- Babon River case 4, 76-7, 82, 98, 122, 127, 137, 142, 148 Bintang Triputratez, PT 118, 122, 129, see Association of Banger River Waste also Banger River case Victims see KKLB Black, Donald, styles of social control 5, Australia 17, 32, 276 – activist judiciaries 18 Blok Wakak (Mororejo farmers) 218, see – environmental standing 11 also Kayu Lapis Indonesia dispute – training of Indonesian judges in en- Boulle, L., definition of mediation 21-2 vironmental law 264 Brazil, environmental public interest David Nicholson - 9789004253865 Downloaded from Brill.com10/02/2021 06:49:34PM via free access Nicholson Boek 1.indb 325 27-10-2009 11:28:13 326 Index litigation 12 Council of Judicial Honour 265 Budi Acid Jaya, PT 62, see also Way Course on Environmental Law and Seputih River representative action Administration (CELA) 264 cultural basis for mediation in Indonesia Canada, activist judiciary 18 151-3, 250-1, 273 Centre for Environmental Studies, Cumaraswamy, Dato Param (United University of Diponegoro 140, 158, Nations) 262 224, 231, see also Kayu Lapis Indonesia dispute Dayak peoples, displacement by logging Centre for Fisheries Research and 41 Development 56, 170 – Dayak Samihim community 42, 75, Cipta Paperia, PT 55-6, 170 see also Laguna Mandiri case Ciujung River case 39-40, 111, 170-2, – Kalimantan Peat Land project 79 187, 259, 281-2 – mining (KEM case) 45 Clean Rivers Program (Prokasih) 62, Dekoro community 38, 79, 118-31, 133, 122, 134-8, 142-5, 262 271, 28, see also Banger River case – Prokasih team 62-3 Department of Fisheries 135, 225 Code of Minimum Standards of Judicial Department of Industry 166 Independence, International Bar Department of Mining and Energy 44, Association 15 71, 106-7, 225 Community Forum for the Victims of Development Commission of the Central Unlicensed Mining 46 Java legislative assembly 225 community pressure 119, 121, 133, 147, Diponegoro University, Environmental 164, 168, 174, 182, 197, 266, 271, 279, Research Centre 140, 158, 224, 231 290 district courts, Indonesian compensation for environmental – Babon River case 75, 136, 140-4, 147, damage 3-4, 6-8, 26, 36-49, 54-5, 58- 260, 271, 288 63, 66-90, 101, 103, 110-3, 116-7, 120-2, – Balikpapan district court 70 126-37, 140, 142-8, 154, 159-62, 165-6, – Banger River case 79, 112, 119, 121, 169, 172-9, 183-9, 194-5, 198-206, 210, 125-7, 131-3, 147-8, 260, 271 213, 218-23, 227, 230, 232-3, 239, 243, – Central Jakarta district court see 246-7, 249, 252-61, 270-1, 275-6, 281-8, Reafforestation Funds (Kiani Kertas) 291 case; Kalimantan Peat Land case; Condro Purnomo Cipto, PT 134, 137, Indorayon case 139, see also Babon River case – challenge to Presidential Decrees, Consortium of Waste Victims (Konsor- failure of 97, 104, 114, 258 sium Korban Limbah, KKL) 194-5, – Ciujung River case 56-7, 170-2 197, 208, 279 – community pressure 125, 133, 147, corruption, government and industry 271-2 37, 215 – comparison between outcomes of – Kalimantan Peat Land project 104 cases at district, high and Supreme – New Order period Reafforestation court levels 78-9, 112, 116, 131-3, 145- Fund 42, 94, 115 8, 252-3, 259, 272, 288 – Suharto, forestry concessions awar- – compensation claims for environ- ded by 39, 101-2 mental damage or pollution, success corruption, judicial 147, 221, 243, 250, of 116 262-3, 278, 286, 289 – Eksponen 66 case 42, 58-62, 111, – efforts to minimize 264-6, 293 262, 271-2 David Nicholson - 9789004253865 Downloaded from Brill.com10/02/2021 06:49:34PM via free access Nicholson Boek 1.indb 326 27-10-2009 11:28:13 Index 327 – environmental private interest cases River case 247-8, 252-3 – South Jakarta district court see – environmental public interest cases, WALHI v. PT Freeport case outcomes before and after Suharto – specialist training of judges in envi- 115-6, 252, 270 ronmental law 331, 377 – environmental standing, principal of – Sulae case 100-1 94, 111, 113-4, 124, 246-7, 251, 254-5, – Surabaya district court see Surabaya 257, 259, 267 River case; Sarana Surya Sakti (PT – failure of public interest suits 114, SSS) case 251-2, 269-70 – WALHI v. PT Freeport 44, 91-2, 106- – failure to uphold claim for environ- 7, 114, 250, 260, 262, 269, 289 mental compensation despite eviden- – Way Seputih River representative ce 71, 148-9, 249 action 62-4, 111 – Indorayon case (Inti Indorayon – Yogyakarta district court 206 Utama, PT, case) 52, 94, 99-100, 111 Dukuh Tapak community 158-9, see also – judicial activism 61, 111 Tapak River case – jurisdictional ‘black hole’ between administrative and general courts, for East Asia, use of law to consolidate state environmental public interest suits power 19 114 Einfield, Marcus 184 – Kalimantan peat land (farmers’ com- Eksponen 66 representative action 42, pensation) case 79-80, 104-5, 114, 258, 58-62, 111-2, 247, 262, 271-2 285 Enim Musi Lestari, PT 84 see WALHI v. – Kota Baru district court see Laguna PT Pakerin case Mandiri case Environment Ministry (Ministry of the – Kuala Kapuas district court see Kali- Environment) 130, 156, 207-11, 214, mantan peat land case 223, 266-7, 285 – Laguna Mandiri case 75-8, 82, 112 Environmental Bureau of Kendal see – Lubuk Pakam district court 72-3, Environmental Impact Agency, of 249 Kendal – Makale district court see Sulae case environmental dispute, Indonesian – Medan district court see Eksponen Environmental Management Act defi- 66 case nition of 35 – Metro district court 64 environmental dispute resolution, the- – Muara Jaya case 70, 253 oretical and Indonesian perspectives – North Jakarta district court 56-7, 1-47 170 environmental disputes in Indonesia, by – overview of environmental litigation sector (industry, forestry, mining, agri- cases 296-303 culture) 36-47 – Palur Raya 206 Environmental Impact Agency – Pekalongan district court see Banger – central or national (Bapedal) 56, 72, River case 119, 123-4, 130, 135, 156, 160-3, 165-8, – Pekanbaru smog case 64-5, 111 170-1, 178, 187-8, 198, 222, 274, 281, – Sarana Surya Sakti, PT, case (PT SSS 283-4 case, Tembok Dukuh case) 69-70, 161- – of Central Java 140, 166, 173, 195, 3 209, 225, 234 – Sari Morawa case 71-3, 249 – of Karanganyar 195-6, 199-200, 209, – Semarang district court see Babon 213 David Nicholson - 9789004253865 Downloaded from Brill.com10/02/2021 06:49:34PM via free access Nicholson Boek 1.indb 327 27-10-2009 11:28:13 328 Index – of Kendal 225, 234-6, see also Kayu – institutionalization of 156-7, 293 Lapis Indonesia dispute – legislation 153-6 – of Semarang 135, 137-9, 142, 148, – objectives of 27 158, 221, 225, 228, 235 – overview of cases 304-5 – of Yogyakarta 172, 281, 283, see also – recommendations for resolving Samitex case environmental disputes in Indonesia environmental litigation 291-3 – access to litigation 246-51 – review of cases 157-89 – administrative courts, standing and – social-legal context 276-86 jurisdiction 93-8 environmental private interest cases – administrative environmental litiga- 246-7, 251-3, 259, 287-8, 300-3 tion 93-116 environmental public interest cases, – case outcomes, summary of 251-3 outcomes before and after Suharto – comparison with mediation 286-90 115-6, 252, 259-60, 270-1 – compensation for environmental da- environmental restoration 85-90 mage 66-80 environmental standing 11-2, 52-3, 246- – conditions for 10-20 7, 251, 254 – definition of 6-7 Enzritek, CV 118, 122, 129, see also – environmental restoration 85-90 Banger River case – general court jurisdiction 98-105 European Union, environmental – judicial decision-making, social- standing 11 legal context of 260-72 – legal framework 35-6, 49-116, 253-6 fishpond farmers see Babon River case; – objectives of 7-9 Kayu Lapis Indonesia dispute – overview of cases 296-303 forest fires 40, 42, 58-62, 64-6, 75-8, 83- – recommendations for resolving 5, 90, 102-3, 245, 272, see also Laguna environmental disputes in Indonesia Mandiri case 291-3 forestry sector, environmental dispute – representative actions 68-84 resolution in 39-43 – right to environmental information
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