[27 JuLy, 1948.- 2; House, 4; and Printing, 2. 1 now ask MOTION-CONDOLENCE. the House to make those appointments. I2te 21on. WV. D. Johnson, M.L.A. Hon. A4. L. LOTON: I call for ballots to THE PREMIER (Hon. D. R. 'MoLarty- fill the various vacancies. Mu rrty-Welli ngton) 14.32]: I move- Ballots taken. That this House desires to place on its rec- ords its profouad sense of the loss sustained in Result of Reliefs. the passing of the late Hon. William Dartaell Johnson, a member of this Rouse, and that an The ballots resulted as follows:- expresalon of tile sincerest sympathy of memn- bers be conveyed to his widow and fatally by Standing Orders.-Tha President, the Mr. Speaker. Chairman of Committees, the Chief Sec- retary (Hon, H. S, W. Parker), Hon. C. F. I regret the necessity for moving the Baxter, and H-on. G, Fraser. wiotion. The late Mr. Johnson -passed away during the Parliamentary recess. He was a Library.-The President, Hon. J. G. His- New Zealander by birth and came to this lop, and Hon. A. Thomson. State in the 90's. He was first elected as Howm.-The President, Hon. J. A. Dim- member for Kalgoorlie in 1901, when he mnitt, Hon. W. R. Hall, Hon. Sjr Charles entered the Fourth Parliament. At the Latham, and Hon. C. H. Simpson. time of his death, he represented Guildford- Midland in the Nineteenth Parliament, an Prinfing.-The President Hon. W. J. indication of an active political life over a Mann, and Hon. E. H. Gray. period of 47 years, during which he was a member of this Assembly. I understand House adjourned at 6.2 p.m. that at the time of his passing he was the only remaining member who had served in Parliament when it was located somewhere in the Terrace prior to its transfer to PUzishrthna AksrnblIT. Harve.-t-ten-raee. Thec late M4r. Johnson held responsible Tuesday, 27th July, 1948. positions as a Minister of the Crown in the CONTENTS. Daglish Government and in the Seaddan Page Government. He also served as Speaker Notion :Condolence, Ron. W. D. Johnson, and for a time was Leader of the Opposi- M.L.A.................. ... 17 Chairmen (Temporary) of Committees.. IS tion. In short, he had a distinguished Auditor General's report, Section "8, " 1947 18 Parliamentary and public career. He was Questions : Railways (a) as to costing a kee-n student of polities and a hard worker system for refreshment reoms 18 (b) as to standard gauge, Fremantle- in tha interests of the State and of his Kalgoorlie .. 19 constituents. He was anxious at all times (et )Bus services, as ..to South-West to maintain the highest traditions o-f our costing system .. 1s Parliamentary and demo-!ratie institutions. Timber, as to exports and Imports .. 19 Coal, as to Black Diamond Leases, We all know that he was a keen family man Collie .. .. .. .. 19 and a great lover of his home. I am suro Building supplies and shipping (a) as to all members extend their sympathy to his report by Inspector Hopktnson ... 19 (b) as to officers stationed In Eastern family in their great loss. States.............. ... 20 Fruit cases, as to local production and MON. -F. J. S. WISE (Gascoyne) [4.34]: Importations........... 20 In seconding and supporting the motion I Court eases, as to prci;gs and would like to point out that in the passing- counsel engaged.. 20 Electoral districts, as to report on re-.. c-f the late William Dartnell Johnson the distribution of seats............ 21 Party I represent has lost the services of Sitting days and hours ........ ... 21 it for a Government business, precedence.... ... 21 one who had been associated with Committees for the session............ 21 life time, The late Mr. Johnson alwayt Bill : Supply (No. 1) £8,900,000, Standing playe~d a very active part on this side of Orders Suspension, Messae, all stages... 21 the House in association with members of this Party. For many years he was Chair- The SPEAKER took the Chair at 4.30 ifan of our Parliamentary Labour Party. p.m., and read prayers. In debate, we always knew that the alert is 18[ASSEMBLY.] mind of the late honourable member gave The MINISTER replied: him, equipment with which to counter many (1) Detail costs for each refreshment criticisms in opposition to the views he room are not kept. Refreshment services, held-and he held his views strongly. He including the canteen at Weislipool, are expressed his thoughts forcefully, and I amn costed as a whole, and results for 1947-48 certain that in tb0 records of the proceed- will be tabled when available. ings of this Parliament 'will be found many valuable contributions to the welfare of this (2), (3) and (4) Answered by No. 1. community in the speeches he made. The Premier has spoken of his attributes (b) As to Standard Gauge, Fremnantle- as a citizen. His private life was one of Kalgoorlie. whi't-, he was very proud, and in that Mr. GRAHAM asked the Minister for regard he played a very important part in Railways: leadership in things as they should be in Will he make a statement to the House domestic life, I am sure that all of us the position generally of nego- share the viewpoint of the Premier that this regarding House sustained a great loss in the passing tiations in connection with the standard of our colleague. railway gauge proposals between Fremantle and Kalgoorlie? Question put and passed; members stand- ig. The MINISTER replied: As a result of the findings of the recent Royal Commission on HRailways, the matter CHAIRMEN (TEMPORARY) or of securing satisfactory conditions for the aOMMITTEEB. conversion of our 3 ft. 6 in. gauge, or as Mr. SPEAKER: I desire to announce much of it as is desirable, to the standard that I have appointed Mr. Hill, Mr. Brand 4 ft. 81/ in. gauge has heen taken up with and Mr. Triat to be temporary Chairmen the Commonwealth Government, and nego- of Committees for the session. tiations are still going on. The Fremantle- Kalgoorlie section is included in these pro- posals. AUDITOR GENERAL'S REPORT. Section "B," 1947. (c) Bus Services, As to South-West Costing Mr. SPEAKER: I have received from system. the Auditor General a copy of Section Mr. REYNOLDS (without notice) asked "B of his report on the Treasurer's the Minister for Railways: statement of Public Accounts for the finan- (1) Has the Railway Department a cost- cial year ended the 30th June, 1047. This ing system for each new bus service es- will be laid on the Table of the House. tablished in the South-Westl (2) If so, will he have tabled a statement QUESTIONS. indicating income and expenditure for each RAILWAYS. service? (a) As to Costing System for Refreshment The MHINISTER replied:- The answers to Rooms. the questions asked by the hon. member oil Mr. frEYNOLDS asked the Minister for Thursday are as follows:- Railways: (1) Yes, but I am not entirely satisfied (1) Has the Railway Department a cost- with its efficiency and it is the intention of ing system for each railway refreshment the Government, with a view to ensuring room in the South-WestY that in future accounts are satisfactorily (2) If so, will he table a statement of kept, to introduce legislation bringing Rail- income and expenditure for each place?9 way Department finances under the control (3) Has the Railway Department a cost- of the Auditor General. ing system for the canteen at Welsbpooli This aspect constituted one of the reasons (4) If so, will be table a statement of why certain matters were referred to the income and expenditure for that canteenl recent Royal Commission. (27 JULY, 1948.)]1 19 (2) Yes; and the following figures have (3) The imports Of timber into Western been supplied to me by the Railway Depart- Australia for the year ended 20th June, ment: 1948, were:-From Eastern States, 1,769 Railway Road Bus Services-outh Western loads; from oversea. (for 11 months ended District-Earnings and Working Expenses 31st 31ay, 1948), 1,250 loads. -July 1st 1947, to 31st May, 1948. Timber imported into Western Australia Pertb-Kojonup-Crambrook. was used mainly for the manufacture of furniture, joinery and for special purposes, but small quantities may have been utilised Earnings 9,879 for building. Working Expenses 8,123 Perth-Bunbury. (4) Export of Case Materials.-Accord- Earnings 8,061 ing to the Statistical Department, timber Working Expenses 5,428 cut to size for mnaking boxes amounting to Bunbury-Collie. 95 loads was exported to the other States Earnings 8,981 for the year ended 30th June, 1948. Working Expenses - 4,405 The purpose for which the timber export- Bunbury-Busselton-Caves HIouse- ed was to be used, whether for cheese cases, Flinders Bay-Nannup. butter boxes, etc., is not known. Earnings . 7,193 Workings Expenses . 6,449 COAL. As to Black Diamond Leases, Collie. TIMBER. Hon. F. J. S. WISE asked the Premier: As to Exports and Imports. Will he lay on the Table of the House Mr. REYNOLDS asked the Minister for the files dealing with the coal leases at Forests: Collie known as the Black Diamond leases, (1) How many loads of timber were ex- which have reference to the taking over by the Electricity Commission during the ported to each State for the year ended the 30th June, 1948? time of the Labour Government, and the subsequent handing back of these leases (2) How many loads of timber were ex- to Amalgamated Collieries by the Liberal- ported to countries outside Australia, and Countzy Party Government? how many loads to each? The PREMIER replied: (8) How much building timber was Im- I suggest the Leader of the Opposition ported into Western Australia for the year adopt the usual procedure and move that ended the 30th June, 1948? the files in question be laid on the Table (4) What quantity of timber did we ex- of the House.
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