Terminology HERBAL TERMINOLOGY Herbal medicine classifies each herb in different categories according to its physiological action. Herbal definitions are useful terms to understand and recognize. They are a succinct description of each herb’s action in the body. Many of the therapeutic terms you will encounter during your studies are listed here complete with the phonetic pronunciation. Do not panic: you are not required to memorize these terms all at once. Try to learn a few at a time: Flashcards are helpful for many students. As you work through your studies, you will gain familiarity with these terms. It is enough for now to read them carefully and understand their meaning, rather than endeavor to memorize them all. Examples of herbs are included with each definition. They are by no means a full list of herbs capable of that particular action in the body. As a study aid, add herbs under the appropriate therapeutic action as you progress through your courses. As you learn therapeutic actions in your program not listed here, you may also add them to this guide for easy reference. Use the virtual library at http://www.achs.edu/ to access an online dictionary. Phonetic Action TERM Ah-bor”ti- Herbs producing miscarriage. ABORTIFACIENT fa’shent Pennyroyal, Rue. Ab-sor’bent Herbs used to produce absorption of ABSORBENT inflammation or diseased tissue. Mullein, Slippery Elm. Ad’ju-vant An herb that is added to a formula because it ADJUVANT aids the effect of the principle ingredient. Cayenne, Ginger. Awl’ter-a”tiv Herbs that gradually cleanse the blood, tone ALTERATIVES and regulate the eliminative organs. Burdock, Borage, Cleavers, Yarrow. An al-je’zik Herbs used to relieve pain. Chamomile, ANALGESIC Lobelia, Mullein, Skullcap, Stinging Nettle. See Anodynes Anaf-ro-diz’e- Herbs used to lessen sexual functions and ANAPHRODISIACS ak desires. Celery, Garden Sage, Hops, Skullcap. An’es-thet’ik See Local anesthetic and Anodyne. ANESTHETIC An’o-dine Herbs used to relieve pain. Chamomile, ANODYNES Calendula, Mullein, Mustard, Passionflower, Peppermint, Stinging Nettle, Tomato tops and ripe fruit pulp, Valerian, Wormwood (oil). Ant-as’id Herbs used to neutralize acid in the stomach ANTACIDS and intestinal tract. Apple, caraway, Catnip, Cloves, Elderflowers, Fennel, Parsley, Terminology Peppermint, Slippery Elm. An-thel- Herbs used to expel or destroy intestinal ANTHELMINTICS min’tik worms. Elecampane, Horehound, Hyssop, Mullein, Plantain, Pumpkin seeds, Wormwood. An’te-ah- Herbs used to counteract abortive ANTIABORTIVES bor’tiv tendencies. Cramp Bark, Witch Hazel. An’te-ah- Herbs used to counteract allergies. German ANTIALLERGIC ler’jik Chamomile, Roman Chamomile. An’te-ar- Herbs used to relieve and heal arthritic ANTIARTHRITICS thrit’ik conditions. Black Cohosh, Blackberry, Burdock, Cayenne, Dandelion, Yellow Dock. An ‘te-az- Herbs used to relieve asthma. Angelica, ANTIASTHMATICS mat’ik Aniseed, Cayenne, Cleavers, Coltsfoot, Elecampane, Eucalyptus, garlic, Horehound, Lobelia, Slippery Elm. An”te-bak- Herbs destroying or suppressing the growth ANTIBACTERIAL ter’re-al or reproduction of bacteria. Calendula, Eucalyptus essential oil, Echinacea, Garlic, nasturtium. An” te-bil’yus Herbs used to eliminate a bilious or jaundice ANTIBILIOUS condition in the body. Borage, Chamomile, Cayenne, Celandine, Cleavers, Dandelion, Fumitory, Yarrow. An”te-bi-ot’ik Herbs which can inhibit the growth of or ANTIBIOTIC destroy bacteria and other microorganisms. Echinacea, Eucalyptus, Hops, Manuka essential oil, Mouse Ear Hawkweed, mullein. An” te-kah- Herbs that heal catarrhal conditions in the ANTICATARRHAL tar’al body. Barley, Burdock root, Cayenne, Hyssop, Lobelia, Marshmallow, Thyme, Yarrow. An”te-ko- Suppressing, delaying or nullifying ANTICOAGULANT ag'u-lant coagulation of the blood. An”te-kon- Effective against convulsions. Skullcap. ANTICONVULSIVE vul’siv An” te-de- Herbs used to alleviate depression. ANTIDEPRESSIVE pres’ iv St. John’s Wort An"te-di"ah- Preventing the development of diabetes. ANTIDIABETIC bet'ik An”te-di”ah Herbs that counteract diarrhea. ANTIDIARRHEAL –re’al Thyme. An”te-e- Herbs used to lessen nausea and prevent or ANTIEMETICS met’ik relieve vomiting. Cayenne, Crampbark (pregnancy), Goldenseal, Cloves, Fennel, Lavender, Peach leaves, Peppermint, Spearmint, Sweet Basil. An”te-ep”e- Herbs that combat epilepsy. ANTIEPILEPTIC Terminology lep’tik Motherwort. An”te-fun’gal Herbs that destroy fungi or suppress their ANTIFUNGAL reproduction or growth. Calendula, Gingko. An”te-hi-dro- Herbs used to eliminate excess body fluids or ANTIHYDROPICS pik dropsy. Buchu, Burdock seeds and root, Couchgrass, Dandelion, Stinging Nettle. An”te-in- Herbs counteracting or suppressing ANTI- flam’ah-to”-re inflammation. Slippery Elm. INFLAMMATORY An”te-lith’ik Herbs used to prevent the formation of ANTILITHICS calculi or gravel in the excretory passages. Buchu, Couchgrass, Elecampane, Stinging Nettle, Uva Ursi. An”te-mah- Herbs counteraction or preventing malaria. ANTIMALARIAL la’re-al Centaury, Goldenseal. An”te-mi- Herbs destroying microorganisms or ANTIMICROBIAL kro’be-al suppressing their multiplication or growth. German Chamomile, Licorice, Parsley. An”te-mi- Herbs that check fungal growth. Garlic, ANTIMYCOTICS kot-ik Yellow Dock. An”te-ne-o- Herbs that inhibit or prevent the ANTINEOPLASTICS plas’tik development of tumors. Garlic, Periwinkle, Red Clover. An”te-nu- Herbs relieving neuralgia (paroxysmal pain ANTINEURALGIC ral’jik extending along one or more nerves.) An’te-ok’se- Herbs hindering oxidation. ANTIOXIDANT dant Calendula. An”te-pe”re- Herbs used to relieve malarial type fevers and ANTIPERIODICS od’ik chills. Chamomile, Eucalyptus, Fumitory, Horehound, Parsley juice, Red Raspberry, Rosemary, Rue, Shepherds’ Purse. An”te-flo- Herbs used to reduce inflammation or ANTIPHLOGISTICS jis’tik swelling. Burdock root, Chickweed, Comfrey, Elder flowers and leaves, Slippery Elm. (an”te-pru- Herbs that relieve or prevent itching. Aloe ANTIPRURITIC rit’ik) Vera, Red Clover, Yellow Dock. An”te- Herbs used to reduce temperature in fevers. ANTIPYRETIC pi’ret’ik Elder flowers, Yarrow. An”tte-ru- Herbs used to prevent, relieve and assist ANTIRHEUMATICS mat’ik rheumatism (a variety of disorders marked by inflammation, degeneration, or metabolic derangement of the connective tissue structures, specially the joints and related structures, and attended by pain, stiffness, or limited motion). Blackberry, Blue Cohosh, Burdock, Cayenne, Chickweed, Comfrey, Couchgrass, Dandelion, Horehound, Hyssop, Juniper Berry, Uva Ursi, Watercress, Terminology Yellow Dock. An”te-skor- Herbs used to prevent and assist scurvy. ANTISCORBUTICS bu’tik Chickweed, Cleavers, Dandelion, Fumitory, Marjoram, Parsley. An”te-scro- Herbs used to heal swelling and congestion ANTISCROFULUS few’lus of the lymphatic glands. Chamomile, Cleavers, Comfrey root, Dandelion, Elder flowers, Hyssop. An’te-sep’tik Herbs used to prevent, resist, and counteract ANTISEPTICS putrefaction (decay of cells and formation of pus). Burdock leaves, Cayenne, Echinacea, Eucalyptus, Garlic, Goldenseal, Myrrh. An”te-spaz- Herbs used to relieve nervous irritability and ANTISPASMODICS mod’ik reduce or prevent excessive involuntary muscular contractions and spasms. Catnip, Cayenne, Cramp Bark, Red Clover, Skullcap, Self-Heal, Valerian. An”te-sif”I- Herbs used to relieve and assist syphilis or ANTISYPHILITICS lit’ik other venereal ailments. Burdock, Cleavers, Barberry, Elder bark, leaves, and berries, Goldenseal, Hyssop, Red Clover, Marshmallow. An”te-ulsero-jenik ANTIULCEROGENIC Herbs used to assist healing ulcers and ulceration. Plantain An”te-tus’iv Herbs relieving or preventing cough. Thyme. ANTITUSSIVE An”te-ven-o- Herbs which act as correctives against ANTIVENOMOUS mus animal, vegetable and mineral toxins. Black cohosh, Echinacea, Fennel, Garlic, Plantain. An”te-vi’ral Herbs destroying viruses or suppressing their ANTIVIRAL growth or multiplication. Cranesbill, St. John’s Wort. An”te-zi- Herbs used to destroy or arrest the action of ANTIZYMOTICS mot’ik bacterial organisms. Elecampane, Garlic, Lobelia, Mullein, Thyme. a-per’re-ent Herbs used as mild evacuants or laxatives to APERIENTS OR the bowels: Borage, Burdock root, LAXATIVES Dandelion, Licorice, Senna pods, Turkey Rhubarb. Ah-per’I-tiv Herbs stimulating the appetite. APERITIVE Af’ro-diz’e-ak Herbs arousing sexual impulses. Echinacea, APHRODISIAC Hops, Manuka essential oil. Ar-o-mat’ik Herbs that are odoriferous, having a fragrant, AROMATICS pungent and spicy taste, and stimulate the gastrointestinal mucus membrane: Basil, Calamint, Chamomile, Lovage, Spearmint, and Sweet Cicely. As-trin’jent Herbs that contract tissues, make them ASTRINGENTS denser and firmer, and arrest discharges. Cayenne, Mullein, Red Raspberry, Terminology Shepherds’ Purse, Witch Hazel. Bak-ter’I-sid Herbs that destroy bacteria. BACTERICIDE Bak-ter”re-o- Herbs that inhibit the growth or BACTERIOSTATIC stat’ik multiplication of bacteria. Eucalyptus. Bawl-sam’ik Herbs that soothe and heal inflamed parts: BALSAMIC Avocado, Clary Sage Bit’er Herbs having a bitter taste and serving as BITTER stimulant tonics to the gastrointestinal membranes. Centaury, Feverfew, Hops, Horehound. Bit’er to”nik Herbs with an action of the stomach and BITTER TONIC intestine, stimulating appetite and improving digestion. Dandelion, Juniper berries, Roman Chamomile. Blis’ter Herbs that cause inflammatory blistering of BLISTER serum from the skin when applied locally: Blue Violet, Rue. Kal’-se-fa- Herbal agents used
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