Bank Audi s.a.e Annual Report 2013 ''ONE STICK CAN BE BROKEN BUT A BUNDLE OF STICKS TIED TOGETHER HOLDS STRONG'' WE BELIEVE OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU IS TIED WITH A GOLDEN BOND, IT’S A BOND EARNED BY TRUST, COMFORT AND SUCCESS 1 OVERVIEW 6 A. The Chairman’s Statement 8 B. Bank Audi s.a.e – Strategic Direction & Values 11 C. Audi Group 11 D. Key Financial Highlights 13 E. Egypt – Macroeconomic Perspective 13 2 GOVERNANCE 16 A. Board of Directors 18 B. Biographies of Board Members 19 C. Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC) 24 D. Corporate Social Responsibility 25 2013 OVERVIEW & FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 3 ELEMENTS OF OUR SUCCESS 26 A. People 31 B. Performance 33 C. Innovation 37 D. Service Quality 41 E. Safe Hands (Risk & Controls) 45 4 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 50 5 PEOPLE 134 6 NETWORK 144 OVERVIEW OVERVIEW A. THE CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT Our sustained performance rests on a proven formula of balancing the key ingredients of In presenting this annual report of Bank Audi building business growth around strong cus- s.a.e, I am conscious at this time of not only tomer relationships; continual operational en- the shifting sands that prevailed for Egypt in hancements and innovation; professionalism 2013, but of those continuing uncertainties and and service quality; and remaining a reliable challenges that persist for every one of us. and safe pair of hands when it comes to en- suring sound governance and risk management I have pride in the manner and style in which practices. over the past 8 years we have achieved so many of the Bank’s original strategic objectives Despite the disruptions following the change for the benefit of all our stakeholders. However, in the country’s regime in June 2013, Bank this is tinged with a mixture of caution and opti- Audi s.a.e steered a careful and successful mism for the future opportunities that lie ahead, path towards achieving even higher perfor- as Egypt again tries to re-position itself politi- mance. Our total assets at end 2013 climbed cally, economically and socially. Nevertheless, 20%, with loans to customers rising 15% our belief and motivation remains undiminished to reach EGP 10.8 billion. Our deposit base in continuing to ‘Grow Beyond your Potential’ broadened and diversified further as it rose and to help our like-minded customers and the 22% to EGP 19.8 billion with 84% consisting community to do the same. of term deposits and 39% representing de- 8 2013 OVERVIEW posits from Individuals. This trust in the safe perspective, we are entering the final and hands of the bank, enabled us to manage our transition year of our original 2010-2014 liquidity ratios in both EGP and Foreign Cur- Strategic Plan. Accordingly, we are in the rencies and show strength and soundness initial process of analyzing and detailing the when compared to Central Bank of Egypt next phase of our strategic development, minimum liquidity guidelines. which has to recognize the likelihood of a ‘new world’ environment, particularly in Egypt and We again produced record returns with net the Region, if not the global banking market profit before tax of EGP 551 million assisted by itself. This is not to say that we see significant strong contributions from our corporate, retail deviation from our two longer term pillars of (i) and investment banking activities and another maintaining strong growth that is well managed rise versus 2012 in non-interest income. While within the constraints of the exceptional market continuing to adopt a prudent approach regard- conditions prevailing since 2011 (through re- ing possible future risks, our annual impairment adiness to be a leading participant in any charges recorded EGP 69 million versus EGP sustainable rebound in the Egyptian market) 101 million in 2012, despite the market environ- and (ii) the continued transformation into a ment. full-fledged financial institution, validated by our client reputation and eventual financial Our shareholders continued to show their cor- status among the top five peer group private responding belief and commitment by approv- sector banks. ing two capital increases totaling US$ 65 mil- lion during 2013 and a further increase of After three years of post-revolution constraint, US$ 42 million was approved at our Extraordi- our 2014 business plan and budget continues nary General Meeting on March 20, 2014. to be constructed around implementing further detailed changes aimed at differentiating our At end 2013, our General Banking Risk Reserve business franchise in the marketplace through rose to EGP 86.4 million and Legal Reserves, segmentation, customization and affinity. This rose to EGP 31.7 million, providing us with fur- customer centric approach is essential in build- ther cushions for any future stresses or busi- ing that franchise, and necessitates the ac- ness growth. Our (Basel II) Capital Adequacy celeration in the expansion of our branch and Ratio rose slightly to 13.4 and Earnings Per e-channel network, using the comprehensive Share was 14.1 (vs. 11.1 in the previous year). branch model that we have been creating, to- So, in summation, our 2013 performance was gether with introducing some further innova- highly credible and for this I must express my tive products and services offerings matched and the Board’s gratitude to both our custom- to our well researched customer requirements. ers and our staff. In 2014, some of our newer Lines of Business However, we do not intend to rest on our laurels, such as Commercial and SME, Islamic and Af- and our 2014 financial budget will be by far the fluent Banking, and Global Transactions Ser- most challenging in the history of Bank Audi vices and Mortgage Financing, are targeted s.a.e for a number of understandable reasons to provide valuable payback and contribute relating to the customer, environmental and to both sides of our balance sheet and non- transformational issues envisaged to impact interest revenues. 2014 will also see the com- our business drivers, financial assumptions mencement of the previously delayed Tech- and critical success factors. From a Strategic nology Transformation Plan that is essential 9 to provide us with the envisaged longer term, and internally diligent and flexible to respond reliable and flexible IT platform from which to to the green shoots of recovery and rebound in optimize our Organizational and Human Capi- the Egyptian economy, banking market, and en- tal. These are key elements in achieving our vironment. While the near-term outlook for the financial institution growth objectives such as Egyptian economy is considerably below po- a diversified customer footprint, tailored and tential, there is a considerable amount of pent- innovative product range, and competitive and up demand which should help boost consump- sustainable market share. tion and investment once the political situation further stabilizes. It is currently forecasted that With the further push for well above average real GDP growth for Egypt which was 1.8% in market growth plus the business driven Trans- FY2012/13 will be in the range of 2.5 – 2.8% in formation Plan and branch expansion, our in- FY2013/14 and with stability could more than vestment in skilled human resources along with double that rate by FY2015/16. Over the next our successful governance and risk manage- 10 years, the Egyptian economy is expected to ment model, will be the essential cornerstones see continuing modernization, with the private of the next phase of Bank Audi’s successful sector taking an increasingly dominant role and development. With our emphasis on customer Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) continuing to relationship management and service quality, flow accordingly. In the short term, the support our HR plan is naturally skewed towards adding from the Gulf States, that has provided some front line services. In terms of Governance, Risk stimulation to GDP, will hopefully trigger fur- & Control, our plans for 2014 envisage main- ther interest and assistance for Egypt from the taining portfolio concentration levels within pre- broader international community as the devel- defined limits, with only small sectorial changes oped economies begin to emerge from reces- and only slight variations in the expected risk sion. rating of our credit portfolios with continued high coverage ratio for existing and any arising In conclusion, my message to all our stakehold- non-performing loans. ers is one of continued partnership through mu- tual collaboration and understanding. Together In making and balancing these refinements we have built Bank Audi s.a.e and together we and progressions to keep us on track towards can make it even better and a shining light of achieving our Strategic Objectives, I remain what can be achieved for ourselves and our confident that the Bank will remain externally country through united endeavour. Hatem Sadek Chairman & Managing Director 10 2013 OVERVIEW B. BANK AUDI s.a.e - Citizenship - Be a good citizen in the commu- STRATEGIC DIRECTION & VALUES nity in which we live and work. Quality - Strive for excellence and profession- During 2013, Bank Audi s.a.e continued the alism in everything we do. balanced expansion of its activities and plat- form to deliver our strategic objectives in line C. THE AUDI GROUP with our Vision, Mission and Values and as part of the Bank Audi sal – Audi Group. In 2013, the performance of Bank Audi sal – Audi Group underlined once again its capacity to adapt to the rapid changes in the regional OUR VISION operating environment. The Group’s consoli- To be “The Egyptian partner of choice to dated assets at end-December 2013 reached bank with, work for and invest in”. US$ 36.1 billion, registering an annual increase of US$ 4.8 billion (15.4%), sourced principally from Odeabank, the fully-owned subsidiary in OUR MISSION Turkey.
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