TYNWALD COURT, MAY 31, 1938. 585 • -- and smothered. But what we are re- 1939, a sum not exceeding £7,597 for the pur- ferring to is unemployment relief work pose of defraying the following expenditures: from the 1st November to the 31st (a) Government Property Trustees (maintenance and repair of public Ma rch. buildings) £6,657 The resolution was carried. (to murray House, and Nos. 12 and 14, Buck's Road Houses, Douglas 360 (c) Castle Rushen 293 GOVERNMENT PROPERTY TRUS- (e) Peel Castle 287 TEES' EXPENSES. £7,597 Mr Quirk moved:— Agreed. 'that. the Treasurer of the Isle of Man be authorised to apply from the current revenue The Court adjourned to Wednesday. of this Isle. during the year ending 31st March, June 1st, at 11 a.m. TYNWALD COURT. Douglas, Wednesday, June 1st, 1938, Present: The Governor (Vice-Admiral amounting in the aggregate to £25,533, as set forth in the said estimate, and do authorise the Hon. W. S. Leveson Gower, CB., the grant to the Harbour commissioners of a D.S.0.). In the Council: Deemsters sum not exceeding £23,161, to be applied along Farrant and Cowley, the Attorney- with moneys in the hands of the Commis- General, Messrs R. B. Quirk, J. R. Cor- sioners towards such maintenance, such sums rin, W. C. Southward, F. S. Dalgleish, C. to be provided as hereunder :— Gill, and R. C. Cain (Receiver-General), Prom current revenue— with Mr B. E. Sargeaunt, Government Amount received during the year ended 31st March, 1930, Secretary and Clerk to the Council. In from rents, bay fisheries, and the Keys: The Speaker (Mr J. D. Qual- boat licences £1,900 trough, J.P.), Messrs T. A. Quayle, Robt. For Victoria Pier Buildings 550 Kneen, J. Clinton, J. F. Crellin, T. H. For Douglas Harbour Swing Kneen, D. J. Teare, E. B. C. Farrant, A. Bridge 1,185 J. Cottier, W. K. Cowin, T. Callow, J. H. For maintenance of Queen's L. Cowin, T. Clucas, E. W. Fargher, Pier. Ramsey 1,303 Richard Kneen, W. A. Kelly, J. J. Mc- £4,935 Ard, Mrs Shimmin, Messrs W. H. Alcock, Prom the passenger duty and harbour dues, or either of them, levied or to S. Norris, A. E. Kitto, R. Q. Hampton, be levied at the several harbours to- A. j. Teare, and W. 'C. Cralne, with Mr wards the general maintenance of R. G. Johnson, Secretary and Clerk to harbours 18.226 Tynwald. £23,161 VOTE FOR HARBOUR He said: The amount shows a slight MAINTENANCE. decrease on last year—approximately £400. This is after taking into account The Receiver-General moved:— last year's original vote and the supple- That this Court, do approve the estimates mentary vote. There is an increase of submitted by the Harbour commissioners for the maintenance of the harbours of this Island approximately £400 at Douglas, but in- (including the Victoria Pier Buildings and cluded in these estimates is £1,300 for Swing Bridge, Douglas; and the Queen's Pier, the re-erection of the shelter on the Ramsey) for the year ending 31st March, 1939. north side of the Victoria Pier. The Government Property Trustees' Expenses.—Vote for Harbour Maintenance. 586 TYNWALD COURT, JUNE I, 1938. work is now practically completed, and side, because that is where the south- that at the viaduct and the new pier is west wind blows right in, and if we have completed now. Both commenced on rain and a strong beat, the people shel- the 1st November last. The shelter on tering there will get wet through. the north side of the Victoria Pier, I may The Attorney-General: Can the Re- say, will be open to the public at the ceiver-General tell us the policy of the end of the present week. I hope mem- Harbour Board with regard to parking bers of the Court will do the Harbour cars during the winter? Commissioners the honour of paying these shelters a visit. ("Hear, hear.") Mr Kitto: Private cars go down to the At Port Erin, there are repairs to the new Red Pier, to meet the boat coming old breakwater, and the pavement of the in, and they have to park outside the breakwater road; and there is dredging Steam Packet offices. Hired cars may to be done at Peel, Ramsey, and Port stop just outside the gates. Erin, The amount to be spent on the The Receiver-General: In answer to Victoria Pier buildings is about £100 the hon. member for South Douglas, it less, because very considerable improve- was thought that it would be unwise to ments have been made during the close the Victoria Pier shelter entirely, present year. Douglas Swing Bridge is because if there are queues, people will to cost a little less, £35; but the Queen's want to get in and out. It would lve Pier at Ramsey shows a £870 increase. very awkward if there were no openings I might explain to the Court that at the there. But when you remember that we north-west corner of the extension to now have shelter for 7,000 people, I that pier, considerable improvement will think that most of them will be able to have to be made, and it will take two or get down below where those openings three years, or perhaps four, to do it. are. The parking of cars on the Vic- It has got to be done in the summer; I toria Pier has never been permitted. want to make it clear to the Court that The Harbour Board haven't departed that work cannot be carried out during from any original policy of theirs. the winter. It has got to be encased in Mr J. H. L. Cowin: Then it is about concrete We have no big schemes at time it was permitted. the harbours this year, but we shall be able to employ 65 men, or two more The Receiver-General: This is not pub- than we had last year from the register. lic ground, and the Harbour Board are There are certain improvements at the not compelled, neither could they be ex- different harbours, but no big schemes pected, to find parking accommodation are in contemplation. for cars. In answer to the hon. mem- ber for North Douglas, Mr Kitto. we Mr Gill seconded. propose considering the question of Mr Norris: I should like to compli- parking on the King Edward Pier with ment the Harbour Board on the excel- regard to the taxicabs. We did make a lence of the work they have done at the regulation last year, which helped them two piers. I saw the work at the Red somewhat, and we can gain by experi- Pier as recently as this morning, and I ence as we go along. As for private greatly admired it. ("Hear, hear.") cars, we have nowhere to put them on the King Edward Pier. We cannot have Mr Alfred Teare: With regard to the private cars and hired cars together. I shelter on the north side of the Victoria think we have done as well as we pos- Pier, I would like to ask the Receiver- sibly ctuld, but the Court knows that General whether it is intended to have the Viaduct is a one-way thoroughfare. the shelter screened on the south. We You come in from Peveril Square, and know that the south-west wind carries go ent by the Steam Packet offices. I rain, and with the beat it comes right don't think we can adopt a better into the shelter. I wonder if any pro- system. vision could be made for storm protec- tion there? Mr Fargher: Would the Receiver- General consider removing the "one- The Receiver-General: Do you reier way traffic" signs on the south side of the to the Viaduct? Arcade? That road leads into the ar- Mr Alfred Teare: No, but to the shel- terial road out of Douglas, in the New ter on the Victoria Pier, on its inner Street area down Lord Street. At Vote for Harbour Maintenance. tYNWALD COURT, JUNE I, 1938. 587 • present, trallic coming from the Pier has that if you put the limit at ten miles per to go along the north side of the pier, hour, people will do fifteen or twenty. and then cut across Peveril Square, (Laughter.) If they go at eight or ten where the Douglas Corporation has stops miles per hour, I can tell the Court that for buses for about four different des- there will be no prosecution. That was tinations. The traffic gets terribly con- the idea. (Laughter.) I have had some gested there. ,It would be a blessing to experience of motor cars, and I know the owners of cars if the south side of that five miles per hour is crawling. I he Arcade was made a two-way thor- But members will understand what I oughfare instead of one. The only rea- mean; that if they go at no more than .,..on why it is one-way is that the Road ten miles per hour—and I am certain Service buses park on the south side. that they are doing that already—no ac- Deemster Cowley: May I ask whether tion will be taken. it is intended to continue the present Mr J. IL L. Cowin: May I ask if any 5 m.p.h. speed limit? (Laughter.) further consideration has been given by The Receiver-General: In reply to the the Harbour Board to the question of hon.
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