HAINES TOWNSHIP Centre County, Pennsylvania CO~WEHENSIVEPLAN Prepared for: HAINES TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS and HAINES TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION Prepared by: RICHARD C. SUTTER & ASSOCIATES, INC. Comprehensive Plannersaand PlannersMistoric Preservation Planners The Manor House, PO Box 564 Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania 16648 1997 December 3 1, 1997 Haines Township Board of Supervisors Star Route #46 Woodward, Pennsylvania 16882 Attention: Mr. Ray Decker, Chairman RE: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR HAINES TOWNSHIP, CENTRE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Ladies and Gentlemen: We are pleased to be in the position to transmit to you the COMPREHENSIVE PLAN for Haines Township, Centre County, Pennsylvania. The Comprehensive Plan is comprised of two (2) phases: PHASE I, BACKGROUND STUDIES and PHASE 11, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. The COMPREHENSIVE PLAN represents a cooperative effort by the Haines Township Planning Commission and the general citizenry of the township, with the technical assistance of Richard C. Sutter & Associates, Comprehensive PlannerdLand Planners/Historic Preservation Planners over the past several years. It is our sincere hope that this COMPREHENSIVE PLAN will act as a guide for everyday planning and development decisions and for guiding the hture orderly growth and development of the nunicipality . Speaking on behalf of my associates and me, we have thoroughly enjoyed this most interesting and challenging project. If throughout the course of the coming years our firm can be of additional assistance to you, kindly feel free to call upon us. With best personal regards. Very truly yours, RICHARD C. SUTTER & ASSOCIATES, INC. storic Preservation Planners / President xc: Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) Haines Township Planning Commission RICHARD C. SUlTER and ASSOCIATES Inc. Comprehensive Planners / Land Planners / Historic Preservation Planners The Manor House, P.O. Box 564 Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania 16648 81 4-695-7577 Fax 81 4-695-8652 RCSA1 @NB.NET TABLE OF CONTENTS Page # TITLEPAGE ............................................................... i .. TRANSMITTAL LETTER . , . , . , . , . , . 11 ... TABLE OF CONTENTS . 111 LISTOFMAPS ............................................................ iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ...................................................... v PHASE I: BACKGROUND STUDIES . , . , . 1 1 A. LANDUSE ........................................................... 1 B. COMMUNITYFACILITIES ........................................... 14 C. HISTORIC PRESERVATION . 2 1 D. ENVIRONMENTAL AND RECREATIONAL RESOURCES . , . 37 E. POPULATION AND DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS . , . 4 1 I F. HOUSING ........................................................... 50 I G. TRANSPORTATION .................................................. 57' H. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT . , . , . , . , . , . , . 63 I. FISCAL ANALYSIS ................................................... 70 PHASE XI: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN.. 79 A. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES . , . , . SO B. THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN . 85 C. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PLAN . , . , . 90 D. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN . 94 E. HISTORIC AND CULTURAL RESOURCES PRESERVATION PLAN . , . 97 F. HOUSINGPLAN .................................................... 102 G. TRANSPORTATION PLAN . 1 OS H. COMMUNITY FACILITIES AND SERVICES PLAN . 112 I. PLAN COMPONENT INTERRELATIONSHIP STATEMENT . 1 16 J. CONTIGUOUS h/lUNIClPALITIES RELATIONSHIP STATEMENT . 1 18 K. IMPLEMENTATION TOOLS AND STRATEGIES . 120 I J PHASE I: BACKGROUND STUDIES I’ HAINES TOWNSHIP Centre County and Pennsylvania MAP #1 RICHARD C. SUTTER and ASSOCIATES, Inc. Comprehensive PlannetdLand Planners - Historic Preservation Planners LUG IULUlC, SlU W L11 QllU UGVGlU~IllGIILUI LUG LUWll>lllp. (dGC 1VldP 1 .) A PUUIIC; dUVCl Ll~ClllClllIUI d planning consultant was issued, proposals were received and a planning consultant was selected. The firm selected was Richard C. Sutter & Associates, Inc., Comprehensive PlannersLand PlannersHistoric Preservation Planners of Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania. Early in 1995 work began on Phase I: Collection and Analysis of Data, the first step in the comprehensive planning process. Subsequent steps will include Phase II Comprehensive Plan and Phase I11 Implementation Ordinances. Purpose The purpose of th~sreport is to assemble, compile, and analyze all data pertinent to the past, present, and future development of Haines Township. The scope of this report is comprehensive in nature in that it will encompasses all elements of the township. The elements of Phase I: Collection and Analysis of Data include: Land Use, Community Facilities, Historic Preservation, Population and Demographic Characteristics, Housing, Transportation, Economic Development, Fiscal. Analysis, and Base Mapping. The results of the analysis, research, and synthesis of information reiating to these subjects will form the basis of the Comprehensive Plan in Phase 11 of this project. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We wish to extend our appreciation to the numerous public officials, members of community groups and organizations, and individuals for their kind assistance, cooperation and participation in the preparation of the Phase I Collection and Analysis of Data for the Haines Township Comprehensive Plan. Of particular assistance have been the members of the Haines Township Board of Supervisors and the Haines Township Planning Commission. Special thanks is extended to Haines Township Planning Commission Chairman, Gerald Smith, for his invaluable assistance throughout this planning process. The following individuals served on the Haines Township Board of Supervisors and the Haines Township Planning Commission throughout the first phase of this project. "ES TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Ray Decker, Chairman Delmar Homan, Secretary Russell Bailey David Edwards Haines Township Planning Commission Gerald H. Smith, Chairman Mary T. Hosterman, Secretary Brian B. Burger Earl W. Weaver John F. Doren Public Participation ? Perception Survey (1992) Monthly Meetings of P.C. 1996-97 Public Meeting Public Hearing This Project was Funded by: Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development, Bureau of Planning Small Communities Planning Assistance Program Grant (SCPAP) and, in part, by the Township of Haines Planning Consultants: 1 Richard C. Sutter and Associates, Inc. Comprehensive PlannersLand Planners/Historic Preservation Planners LIST OF GRAPHS PAGE GRAPH 1 LAND USE SUMMARY 3 GRAPH 2 AGE STRUCTURE OF POPULATION 44 GRAPH 3 VALUE OF OWNER OCCUI%ED HOUSING, 1990 57 GRAPH 4 REVENUES EXPENDITURES PER CAPITA AND 73 GRAPH 5 OPERATING POSITION 75 GRAPH 6 RATE OF CHANGE IN PROPERTY VALE 77 GRAPH 7 FISCAL CAPACITY 78 LIST OF TABLES PAGE TABLE C-1 SITES IDENTIFIED IN THE CENTRE COUNTY HISTORIC SITES SURVEY, 1981 29 TABLE C-2 NATIONAL REGISTER RESOURCES IN "ES TOWNSHIP 32 TABLE E-1 AGE STRUCTURE OF THE POPULATION, 1990 45 TABLE E-2 LIVING SITUATIONS AND HOUSEHOLD STRUCTURE, 1990 47 TABLE E-3 BASIC POPULATION AND POPULATION CHANGE 48 TABLE E-4 SOCIO-ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION 49 TABLE F-1 BASIC HOUSING STATISTICS, 1990 VACANCIES; AGE BY TENURE; 53 NUMBER OF ROOMS; PERSONS PER UNIT; PERSON PER ROOM; VALUE OF OWNER OCCUP. UNIT; UNITS IN STRUCTURE TABLE F-2 DETAILED HOUSING CHARACTENSTIC, 1990 56 TABLE H-1 LABOR FORCE AND UNEMPLOYMENT, 1990 66 TABLE H-2 PLACE OF WORK, 1990 66 TABLE H-3 TRAVEL TIME TO WORK 66 TABLE H-4 ECONOMIC STRUCTURE, 1990 67 TABLE H-5 HOUSEHOLD INCOME DISTRIBUTION, 1990 68 TABLE H-6 PER CAPITA INCOME AND POVERTY, 1990 69 LIST OF MAPS MAP# TITLE PAGE MAP1 "ES TOWNSHIP, CENTRE COUNTY, AND PENNSYLVANIA ix MAP2 EXISTING LAND USE 2 MAP3 TOPOGWHY/SLOPE 5 MAP4 FLOODPLAINS 8 MAP5 SOILS 9 MAP6 GEOLOGY 11 MAP7 DEVELOPMENTAL CONSTRAINTS 13 MAP8 COMMUNITY FACILITIES 17 MAP9 WATER SERVICE =AS 18 MAP 10 WOODWARD AND ARRONSBURG Dl 1874 26 MAP 11 "ES TOWNSHIP IN 1874 27 MAP 12 HISTORIC RESOURCES 34 l" 13 ENVIRONvEhTM, AND RECREATIONAL RESOURCES 39 MA.€" 14 SUPPORTING TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES 40-A MAP 15 FUTURE TRANSPORTATION 61 MAP 16 FUTURE LAND USE 89 MAP 17 FUTURE TRANSPORTATION MAP 111 I1 I' MAP 18 FUTURE CO-TY FACILITIES AND SERVICES MAP 115 i f i I' TABLE OF CONTENTS Page # TITLE PAGE ........................ ...................................... 1 .. TRANSMITTAL LETTER .............. ...................................... 11 ... TABLE OF CONTENTS ............... ..................................... 111 LIST OF MAPS ...................... ..................................... iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............... ...................................... v PHASE I: BACKGROUND STUDIES ... ........................... 1 A . LANDUSE .................... ...................................... 1 B . COMMUNITY FACILITIES ...... .................................... 14 C . HISTORIC PRESERVATION ..... ..................................... 21 D . ENVIRONMENTAL AND RECREATIONAL RESOURCES ................... 37 E . POPULATION AND DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS ..................41 F . HOUSING ........................................................... 50 G . TRANSPORTATION .................................................. 57 H . ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT .......................................... 63 I . FISCALANALYSIS ................................................... 70 PHASE II: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ......................................... 79 A . GOALSANDOBJECTIVES ............................................ 80 B . THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ......................................... 85 C . ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PLAN ................................ 90 D .
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