25464 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 28, 1975 CONFIRMATIONS to be assigned to a position of im portance To be lieutenant general and responsibility designated by the Presi- Executive nominations confirmed by dent under subsection (a) of section 8066, Maj. Gen. Devol Brett, xxx-xx-xxxx FR (ma- the Senate July 28, 1975: jor general, R egular A ir F orce), U .S . A ir in grade as follows: Force. U.S. AIR FORCE To be lieutenant general The following officer under the provisions The following officer under the provisions M aj. Gen. Charles E. Buckingham, xxx-xx-x... of title 10, United States C ode, section 8066, of title 10, United States C ode, section 8066, xxx-... FR (major general, R egular A ir Force), to be assigned to a position of importance to be assigned to a position of im portance U.S. Air Force. and responsibility designated by the Presi- and responsibility designated by the Presi- The following officer under the provisions dent under subsection (a) of section 8066, dent under subsection (a) of section 8066, of title 10, United States C ode, section 8066 in grade as follows: in grade as follows: to be assigned to a position of im portance To be general To be lieutenant general and responsibility designated by the Presi- Lt. Gen. Felix M . R ogers, FR dent under subsection (a) of section 8066, xxx-xx-xxxx Maj. Gen. Kenneth L. Tallman, xxx-xx-xxxx (major general, Regular A ir Force), U.S. A ir (major general, R egular A ir Force), U.S. A ir in grade as follows: Force. Force. To be lieutenant general The following officer under the provisions The following officer under the provisions Maj. Gen. Wilbur L. Creech, xxx-xx-xxxx FR of title 10, United States C ode, section 8066 of title 10, United States C ode, section 8066, (brigadier general, R egular A ir Force), U.S. to be assigned to a position of importance to be assigned to a position of im portance Air Force. and responsibility designated by the Presi- and responsibility designated by the Presi- The following officer under the provisions dent under subsection (a) of section 8066, in dent under subsection (a) of section 8066, in of title 10, United States C ode, section 8066, grade as follows: grade as follows: to be assigned to a position of im portance To be lieutenant general To be general and responsibility designated by the Presi- M aj. Gen. John F. Gonge, xxx-xx-xxxx FR Lt. Gen. Robert E. Huyser, xxx-xx-xxxx FR dent under subsection (a) of section 8066, in (major general, Regular A ir Force), U.S. A ir (major general, R egular A ir Force), U.S. A ir grade as follows: Force. Force. To be lieutenant general The following officer under the provisions The following officer under the provisions Maj. Gen. Thomas W. Morgan, xxx-xx-xxxx of title 10, United States C ode, section 8066, of title 10, United States C ode, section 8066, FR (major general, R egular A ir Force), U.S. to be assigned to a position of im portance to be assigned to a position of im portance Air Force. and responsibility designated by the Presi- and responsibility designated by the Presi- The following officer under the provisions dent under subsection (a) of section 8068, dent under subsection (a) of section 8066, in of title 10, United States C ode, section 8066, in grade as follows: grade as follows: to be assigned to a position of im portance To be lieutenant general To be general and responsibility designated by the Presi- M aj. Gen. R aymond B. F urlong, xxx-xx-x... Lt. Gen. Daniel James, Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx FR dent under subsection (a) of section 8066, in xxx... 7 F R (b rigad ier gen eral, R egu lar A ir (major general, R egular A ir Force), U.S. A ir grade as follows: Force) , U.S. Air Force. Force. To be general The following officer under the provisions T he following officer for appointment as Lt. Gen. William J. Evans, xxx-xx-xxxx FR of title 10, United States C ode, section 8066 S u rgeo n G en eral o f th e A ir F o rce in th e (major general, R egular A ir Force), U.S. A ir to be assigned to a position of im portance grade of lieutenant general under the pro- Force. and responsibility designated by the Presi- visions of section 8036, title 10 of the United dent under subsection (a) of section 8066, in States C ode: The following officer under the provisions of title 10, United States C ode, section 8066, grade as follows: Maj. Gen. George E. Schafer, xxx-xx-xxxx FR To be lieutenant general (brigadier general, R egular A ir Force, M edi- to be assigned to a position of im portance cal), U.S. Air Force. and responsibility designated by the Presi- M aj. Gen. George G. Loving, Jr., xxx-xx-x... The following officer under the provisions dent under subsection (a) of section 8066, in xxx-... FR (major general, R egular A ir Force), of title 10, United States C ode, section 8066, grade as follows: U.S. Air Force. to be assigned to a position of im portance To be lieutenant general The following officer under the provisions of title 10, 'United States Code, section 8066, and responsibility designated by the Presi- M aj. Gen. George Rhodes, xxx-xx-xxxx FR dent under subsection (a) of section 8066, (major general, R egular A ir Force), U.S. A ir to be assigned to a position of im portance in grade as follows: Force. and responsibility designated by the Presi- To be lieutenant general The following officer under the provisions dent under subsection (a) of section 8066, in grade as follows: Maj. Gen. William Y. Smith, xxx-xx-xxxx FR of title 10, United States C ode, section 8066, (brigadier general, R egular A ir Force), U.S. to be assigned to a position of im portance To be lieutenant general Air Force. and responsibility designated by the Presi- M aj. Gen. Robert T. Marsh, xxx-xx-xxxx FR The following officer under the provisions dent under subsection (a) of section 8066, in (brigadier general, R egular A ir Force), U.S. of title 10, United States C ode, section 8066, grade as follows: Air Force. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS THE MARIANA ISLANDS are the specific and worthwhile benefits S tates citizenship and sovereignty-for the which the United States would receive northern M ariana island chain in the west- from this new association?" ern Pacific. HON. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. A fter perfunctory moments of debate with The Senior Senator from Virginia is in fewer th an 2 5 m em bers on th e floor, th e OF VIRGINIA thorough agreement with the Times that House of R epresentatives gave its approval IN'THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES the burden of proof is on the advocates by voice vote last week to the country's first Monday, July 28, 1975 of annexation. To date, the Senator from territorial annexation since 1925. T he A d- Virginia has not heard a convincing case. ministration is seeking equally rapid and un- Mr. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. Mr. Presi- I ask unanimous consent that the edi- questioning action by the S enate. dent, the New York Times, in an editorial torial from the New York Times of Mon- T here are countless questions about this today, called attention to what it calls whole issue which have yet to be considered day, July 28, captioned "Destiny Un- by more than a handful of the C ongress, in- "a far-reaching strategic commitment manifest" be printed in the Extension of v o lv in g th is co u n try 's relatio n s w ith th e that Americans may come to regret." Remarks. U nited N ations and with the other peoples The Times is referring to the proposal There being no objection, the editorial of the Pacific T rust T erritory, not to m en- to grant Commonwealth status-hence was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, tion the entire defense and strategic posture U nited S tates citizenship and sover- as follows: of the U nited S tates in the Pacific. "Commonwealth" Is a vague juridical term, eignty-for the M ariana Islands in the [From the New York Times, M onday, but under the covenant approved by a vast western Pacific. July 28, 1975] These islands have a population of majority of the M arianas population in a DESTINY UNATANIFEST plebiscite last month, the islands would re- 14,000 persons. W ith a haste that is both unnecessary and ceive financial and legal privileges even more The N ew York Times states that "it om inous, the C ongress is m oving toward generous in some ways than those accorded seems to us that the burden of proof rubber-stam p approval of a far-reaching the other American commonwealth, Puerto falls upon advocates of annexation to strategic com m itm ent that A m ericans m ay R ico. T he strangest feature in the present justify why the United States should ex- come to regret. T his is the convenant grant- discussion-or lack thereof-is the ease with tend its responsibilities in this way. What in g co m m o n w ealth statu s-h en ce U n ited which a political change of this m agnitude July 28, 1975 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 25465 1s contemplated; many legislators seem to re­ would force us to depend on Russia for nlzations Have sought to increase their in­ gard lt as the most natural development ln a defense-related metal.
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