Curriculum Vitae МАRIA SERGEEVNA МOROZOVА Senior researcher Department of Comparative and Areal Linguistics Institute for Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences Tuchkov pereulok 9, Saint-Petersburg 199053 Tel. + 7 (812) 328 16 11, tel./fax +7 (812) 328 46 11 [email protected] PERSONAL DATA Born September 11, 1986 Home Address Antsiferovskaya st. 14, 1A, Apt. 95 Pushkin, Gummolosary, Saint-Petersburg, 196620 Mobile Phone + 7 (911) 286 38 84 ResearcherID A-1057-2016 Scopus Author ID 57205422571 ORCID 0000-0003-4359-0269 SPIN 8359-2562 URL https://iling-spb.academia.edu/MariaMorozova https://iling.spb.ru/people/morozova.html EDUCATION 2010–2013 Institute for Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ILS RAS), Department of Comparative and Areal Linguistics. Doctoral studies Specialization: Comparative, Typological and Contrastive Linguistics 2008–2010 Saint-Petersburg State University (SPbSU), Faculty of Philology and Arts. Master studies Specialization: Comparative Linguistics (Balkan Studies) 2003–2008 Saint-Petersburg State University (SPbSU), Faculty of Philology, Department of General Linguistics, Theoretical Linguistics Specialization: Philology SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Ph.D. Institute for Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ILS RAS). Department of Comparative and Areal Linguistics. November 2013 Dissertation: Govor albancev Ukrainy: evoljucija dialektnoj sistemy v uslovijah jazykovogo kontakta [The dialect of the Albanians of Ukraine: Evolution of the dialect system in language contact situation] (Advisor PhD, Prof. A. Yu. Rusakov) M.A. Saint-Petersburg State University (SPbSU), Faculty of Philology and Arts. June 2010 Dissertation: Imennaja sistema govora albancev Priazov’ja (sela Georgievka, Devnenskoe) [Nominal system in the dialect of Albanians of Priazovje (villages Georgievka, Devnenskoe)] (Advisor PhD, Prof. A. Yu. Rusakov) JOB POSITION 2019–present Senior researcher Department of Comparative and Areal Linguistics Institute for Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ILS RAS) 2016–present Senior lecturer Department of General Linguistics Saint Petersburg State University (SPbSU), Faculty of Philology 2013–2019 Researcher Department of Comparative and Areal Linguistics Institute for Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ILS RAS) 1 PUBLICATIONS Articles 2021 Morozova, Maria. 2021. “Balanced language contact” in social context: Velja Gorana in southern Montenegro. In A. N. Sobolev (ed.). Between Separation and Symbiosis: Southeastern European Languages and Cultures in Contact. Berlin; New York: de Gruyter. Morozova, Maria, Alexander Rusakov. 2021. Societal multilingualism à la balkanique: the Montenegrin Velja Gorana and beyond. In International Journal of Bilingualism. Morozova, Maria, Alexander Rusakov. 2021. Optative in Albanian. In Syntax et sémantique. Morozova, Maria, Alexander Rusakov. 2021. Orahovac / Rahovec: popytka sotsiolingvisticheskogo portreta gorodskogo soobschestva [Orahovac / Rahovec: An attempt of socioligiostic portrait of a town community] // Strategii mezhbalkanskoy kommunikatsii: perevod / I. A. Sedakova, M. M. Makartsev, T. V. Tsivyan (eds.). Moscow: Institut for Slavic Studies, 2021. (Materialy kruglogo stola CLI Balcanica. 7.) 2020 Morozova, Maria. 2020. Albanskie elementy v slavjanskoj rechi bilingvov Golo Bordo: smeshenie kodov ili zaimstvovanie? [Albanian elements in the Slavic speech of Golo Bordo bilinguals: code-mixing or borrowing?]. In Slověne, Vol. 9, № 2. In press. Morozova, Maria. 2020. Konstruktsii s komplementaizerom që i konjunktivom v albanskom jazyke: korpusnoe issledovanie [Constructions with the complementizer që and subjunctive mood in Albanian: A corpus study]. In Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. Trudy Instituta lingvističeskih issledovanij RAN [Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies]. Vol. XVI. Part 2. P. 214–274. DOI: 10.30842/alp2306573716209. Morozova, Maria, Maria Ovsjannikova, Alexander Rusakov. 2020. Albanian dialects in the light of language contact: a quantitative study of loanwords. In Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. Trudy Instituta lingvističeskih issledovanij RAN [Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies]. Vol. XVI. Part 2. P. 275–305. DOI 10.30842/alp2306573716210. Morozova, Maria, Alexander Rusakov. 2020. The early Albanian texts in an annotated language corpus: An attempt of processing and analysis // Albanische Schriftkultur aus der Perspektive der historischen Lexikographie und der Philologie der Gegenwart. Akten der 6. deutsch-albanischen kulturwissenschaftlichen Tagung, 27. September 2019, Buçimas bei Pogradec, Albanien) / hrsg. B. Demiraj (Albanische Forschungen, 37). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. S. 91–102. Dugushina, Aleksandra, Maria Morozova. 2020. Plemya mrkovuchey na yuge Chernogorii: izuchenie brachnoy geografii [The Mrkovići tribe in the south of Montenegro: the study of marriage geography]. In Anthropology Bulletin. 2020. No. 4 (52). P. 64–82. DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2020-52-4/64-82. Dugushina, Aleksandra, Maria Morozova, Aleksandër Novik. 2020. Ringjallja e etnicitetit në kohën digjitale: diaspora e shqiptarëve në Ukrainë. In Seminari ndërkombëtar për gjuhën, letërsinë dhe kulturën shqiptare. Vëll. 38/1. F. 47–61. 2019 Morozova, Maria. 2019. Language contact in social context: Kinship terms and kinship relations of the Mrkovići in southern Montenegro. In Journal of Language Contact 12(2). P. 305–343. DOI:10.1163/19552629- 01202003. Morozova, Maria. 2019. Osobennosti kommunikacii v uslovijakh neravnovesnogo bilingvizma: slavjansko- albanskaja interferencija i perekljuchenie kodov [Communication in unbalanced bilingual situations: Slavic- Albanian interference and codeswitching]. In: Balkanskij tezaurus: kommunikacija v složno-kulturnyh obščestvah na Balkanah [Balkan Thesaurus: Communication in complex-cultural Balkan societies]. Ed. by I.A. Sedakova, M.M. Makartsev, T.V. Tsivjan. Moscow: Institut of Slavic studies. (Balkanskie čtenija. 15.). P. 82–88. DOI 10.31168/2618-8597.2019.15.13. Morozova, Maria, Alexander Rusakov. 2019. Jazykovye kontakty v uslovujah trilivizma: zaimstvovanie “materii” (matter borrowing) v balkanskih dialektah [Language contacts in trilingual communities: Matter borrowing in Balkan dialects]. In: Balkanskij tezaurus: kommunikacija v složno-kulturnyh obščestvah na Balkanah [Balkan Thesaurus: Communication in complex-cultural Balkan societies]. Ed. by I.A. Sedakova, M.M. Makartsev, T.V. Tsivjan. Moscow: Institut of Slavic studies. (Balkanskie čtenija. 15.). P. 75–81. DOI 10.31168/2618- 8597.2019.15.12. Rusakov, Alexander, Maria Morozova. 2019. Kolichestvennye issledovanija balkanskikh jazykov i dialektov: dostizhenija i perspektivy [Quantitative studies of the Balkan languages and dialects: arrivals and perpectives]. In: Săpostavitelno jezikoznanie/ Contrastive Linguistics. Vol. ХLIV, No. 2. P. 46–59. 2018 Morozova, Maria. 2018. Vybor jazyka i pereključenie kodov v balkanskom poliloge (na primere bilingvalnogo soobščestva Velja Gorany, Černogorija) [Language choice and codeswitching in the Balkan polilogue: A case of the bilingual community of Velja Gorana, Montenegro]. In Balkanskij polilog: kommunikacija v kulturno-slozhnyh soobščestvah. Pamjati Vjačeslava Vsevolodoviča Ivanova [Balkan polilogue: Communication in culturally complex 2 communities. In the memory of Vyacheslav Vsevolodovich Ivanov]. Ed. by I.A. Sedakova, M.M. Makartsev, T.V. Tsivjan. Moscow: Institut of Slavic studies. P. 49–67. (Materialy kruglogo stola CLI Balcanica. 6.). DOI 10.31168/2619-0842.2018.5. Morozova, Maria. 2018. К diskussii na stranicah “Algebry rodstva”: zametki o terminologji rodstva v govore albancev Ukrainy [Towards the discussion in “Algebra of kinship”: notes about kinship terminology in the dialekt of Albanians of Ukraine]. In Algebra rodstva. Ed. by A.V. Popov. Vol. 16. Saint Petersburg: SPbNC RAN. P. 132–146. Morozova, Maria, Alexander Rusakov. 2018. Albansko-černogorskoe pograničje: v poiskah “sbalansirovannogo jazykovogo kontakta” [Montenegrin-Albanian Linguistic Border: In Search of “Balanced Language Contact”]. In Slověne, Vol. 7, № 2. P. 258–302. DOI: 10.31168/2305-6754.2018.7.2.10. Morozova, Maria, Alexander Rusakov. 2018. Konferencija «Balkanskie jazyki i dialekty: korpusnye i kvantitativnye issledovanija“ [Conference “ Balkan Languages and Dialects: Corpus-Based and Quantitative Studies”] // Съпоставително езикознание/Сопоставительное языкознание/Contrastive Linguistics, ХLIII. No.4. P. 123–128. Sobolev, Andrej Nikolajevič, Anastasia Leonidovna Makarova, Maria Sergeevna Morozova, Maxim L’vovič Kisilier, Vjačeslav Viktorovič Kozak, Daria Vladimirovna Koner, Aleksandr Jurjevič Rusakov. 2018. Južnoslavjanskie dialekty v simbiotičeskih soobščestvah Balkan. Doklad na XVI Meždunarodnom sjezde slavistov. Belgrad, 19‒27 avgusta 2018 [South Slavic Dialects in Symbiotic Communities of the Balkans. A Paper presented on the International Congress of Slavists. Begrade, 19‒27 August 2018]. In Acta linguistica petropolitana. Trudy Instituta lingvističeskih issledovanij RAN [Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies]. Vol. XIV. Part 2. Ed. by E.V. Golovko. Saint Petersburg: Nauka. P. 685–746. DOI 10.30842/alpi23065737190818. Morozova, Maria, Alexander Rusakov. 2018. Slavic-Albanian interaction in Velja Gorana: Past and present of a balanced language contact situation // Proceedings from the international scientific conference
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