CC C.5 Z =I 1. 0 cn C.) cr C.) 30 i= 98 C.) CO Vol.1,No.11,Issue11 GREATER LOS ANGELES August 23, 1965 "FINN BEATLES 0111 E WAY! First Southern California Beatle Concert Coming Soon Is Eagerly Awaited By K-F-W-Beatle Fans The KFW-Beatles have arrivedin foursome still soars; they have recent- America to play concert appearancesly completed their second riotous mo- before huge throngsof screamingtion picture entitled "HELP!" John fans throughout the country. KFWBand Paul have continued with fanta:;- country is anxiously awaiting the Bea-tic consistancy as a hit songwriter duo, tles FIRST Southern California Con-and Ringo who has broken up B. cert in huge Balboa Stadium in SanMitch Reed several times in radio re- Diego on August 28th at 8:00 p.m. ports with h:s quick wit, will be back- Appearing with the Beatles in the all-ing up Paul, George, and John with star show will he Canibal and thehis drums. Stay tuned to Channel 98 Headhtmters, Brenda Hallow a y, forup-to-the-minutereportsfrom Sounds Inc., the King Curtis BandB.M.R. and the Rebel as they con- and the Discotheque Dancers. tinue their way across America with KFWB's B. Mitch Reed, who join-the Beatles. ed the fah four in New York as they Tickets to the KFW-Beatle Concert arrived from England, is keeping Los may be purchased at Wallichs Music Angeles informed daily on the activi-City stores, all Mutual Agencies, and ties of John, Paul, George, and Ringo! the Southern California Music Com- Reh Foster is also with them along every step as they swing their waypany. as 83.50. S4.50. and 55.50. See to San Diego! you in San Diego's Balboa Stadium The popularity of the mop -headed on August 2Stli at 8:00 p.m. HERE'S KFWB'S B. MITCHEL REED with BEATLE PAUL McCARTNEY. BMR spent the first pert of the tour with the Beatles, aboard their private plane. SECRET WORD WINNER TAKES HOME $500 ThisweeksSecret Word Con- Linda's husband sent 60 cards to test winner is Linda Cornejo, an 18 KFWB for her before she realized yearoldgraduateofSan Pedro that she had made an error on the High School. Lindais married and address. She then followed up with works in the Traffic Department of 60 additional,correctly addressed Pacific Telephone. When she was cards, one of which made her five asked what she planned to do with hundred dollarsricher.. Congratu- KFWB'S REB FOSTER IS OAF ON THE BEATLE TRAIL and makes regular reports to KFWB listeners on the KFW-Beatle Line. Reb joined the BEATLES on their her $500 00 prizeshe answered lations Linda! American tour in Houston on Thursday, and B. MITCHEL REED returned to Los "Ihavent decided just yet." It pays to listen to KFWB. Angeles, after spending several days with the Beatles on the first part of tour. Page 2 CROWELL-COLLIER BROADCASTING CORPORATION August 23, 1965 MORE ABOUT DONOVAN SHIVAREE DONOVAN BY GINETTE DIENSTBIER When most people mention the name Donovan they seem to match him up with Dylan. This is completely wrong and untrue for Donovan is not a remake of Dylan. He is an individ- ual. I had the chance of interviewing Donovan recently in Hollywood for a Shindig taping. I first encountered him with swimming trunks on. He had just dived in the hotel pool and was about to go in again. He was like a little boy wearing himself out having fun. When I first arrived on the scene, there were a few girls around chatting and commenting about what they saw.By the time Donovan was through with his swimming, all in all there were about 11 of us. With Don- ovan in the lead, we all slipped quiet- ly to his upstairs hotel room. It was very neatly decorated and not messy By GENE WEED as you might normally find a man's Host of ABC -TV's SHIVAREE room. Donovan quickly went into his bedroom to put on something a little In preparing and planning SHIV-more suitable for the interview. He AREE each week we talk to hun-came out not long afterwards, and dreds of people. We work with rec-put on a record by the Byrds. He was ord distributors, agents, personal man- very tired looking, and I could see he agers, publicists, song writers, record- wanted to rest.Istarted the inter- ing company promotion men, and of-view after he settled himself com- ten the artists themselves. fortably on the sofa. Lately, we've also been consulting Q: What is your real full name? someone new in the music business- A: Donovan Leitch. Uncle Sam. 0: Where were you born? Uncle Sam isn't actually turning out A: Glasgow, Scotland. of fairy tale. troversy concerning you and Dylan? records these days. But he does have 0: When? Q: Why him in particular? A: It's a shame people think like an interest in several top singers and A: May 10, 1946. A: He's a beautiful person! You canthat. recording artists, those who are of Q: What did you want to be whensee he'sa nice person. Everything Q: How many songs have you com- service age. you were a little boy? comes out very real in his songs. posed? Not too long ago, for instance, Bob- A: Nothing. 0: What are some of your likes? A: 60 to about 100. by Rydell was in the Army. We book- 0: Who do you admire most in A: Corduroy, red sun glasses, and 0: Do you like composing better ed him as soon as he finished his tour this world? the color orange. than singing? of duty, and you saw him on SHIV- A: There are too many people to 0: Dislikes? A: Don't have any choices. AREE a few weeks ago. really say!( He then added) Heroes A: People who put other people 0: If you had the chance of being This week (in Los Angeles) youand heroines that are trying to do down. anyone else, who would you like to will see a member of the Air Force good. Q: What type of people do you en- be? Reserves on SHIVAREE. Vic Dana 0: What asset has helped you mosi joy being with? A: Nobody but myself! has been spending quite a lot of time in your career as a singer? A: Everybody. 0: Why? at March Air Force Base in Riverside. A: Well, luck and coincidence. Q: What do you think of America A: There is no one else I know bet- This is because when he is on tour Q: Do you like making personal as a whole? ter. or appearing in clubs out of town, appearances better than taping a per- A: It's a good country! he misses a number of reserve meet- 0: What is the best place your fans formance? 0: If you had three wishes to makecan write to you? ings. Then when he is back in town, A: Yes. what would they be? the Air Force grabs him every spare A: Donovan, 25 Hay Market, Lon- Q: Why? A: Have older children go to the don, England. day he has. So when Vic sang two A: Cause I can see the eyes of theJoan Baez school in Carmel! songs for us, he had come right to people I'm singing to. 0: And your second wish? In conclusion to my interview,I the studio from camp. 0: What are your future plans? A: Have the first one come true.can only say that Donovan is a warm, Vic sings two of his greatest tunes A:I laven't got any. 0: And your third wish? sincere, and very gentle person. While -his fantistichit of a month ago, 0: What is your ultimate goal? A:I really only want two. I was with him, he was very quiet, "Red Roses for a Blue Lady," and his A: To live tillI die and fill in the Q: What do you like to do to relax?but that might have been due to the current chart -climbing single, "Moon- space between. A: I relax most of the time! fact he was exhausted. He doesn't light and Roses." 0: Of all the people you've met, 0: Most of your poems have to dohave a hot temper when things don't Appearing with Vic on SHIVAREE who is or are your favorite? with color, is this true? seem to go right. As far as I'm con- this week is one of the finest duos in A: Nospecialfavorites.( Then A: NO! They only USE color. cerned Donovan is Donovan and that's the business, Joe & Eddie. Both num-said) Bert Jansch. He's a songwriter 0: What is your reaction to the con-that! bers they perform are from their new album, "Walkin' Down theLine," a collection of contemporary favorites. Doctor Ben Casey's Gal Beatles Big Opener! For us they sing "You Were On My Mind" and their hit of the past, "Mich- NEW YORK - The Beatles took ael, Row the Boat Ashore." Itis in-Makes 'Shindig' Debut over Shea Stadiumin New York teresting that this latter tune has been City last week and sang for more Actress Kathy Kersh, recent bride than 50,000shriekingteen-age re-recorded, with a rock beat. of Vincent "Ben Casey" Edwards, fans. Lea Oh, by the way . SHIVAREEmakes her national TV singing debut It was no contest. The girls won fe . will be offering free souvenirs to allon ABC -TV's "Shindig" Wednesday, it,standing up,sitting,or jump- who attend the tapings.
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