APPENDIX J – COORDINATION For WESTMINSTER, EAST GARDEN GROVE FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT STUDY December 2019 Page intentionally left blank for double-sided printing Appendix J – Coordination Table of Contents 1.0 Notice of Intent (NOI) 2.0 Scoping Letter 3.0 Scoping Distribution List 4.0 Tribal Scoping Distribution List 5.0 Scoping Responses Received 6.0 Draft Report Distribution List 7.0 Notice of Preparation 8.0 Draft Report Public Comments Received 9.0 Public Comment Summary Report 10.0 SHPO Consultation Westminster, East Garden Grove FRM Study December 2019 Appendix J – Coordination Page intentionally left blank for double-sided printing Appendix J – Coordination 1.0 Notice of Intent (NOI) Appendix J – Coordination Page intentionally left blank for double-sided printing Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 9 / Friday, January 13, 2006 / Notices 2193 Annual Burden Hours: 1,522.8. prior to Organizational meeting. All Engineers, New England District, Number of Respondents: 30,456. proceedings are open. Evaluation Branch, 696 Virginia Road, Responses Per Response: 1. Concord, MA 01742. Brenda S. Bowen, Average Burden Per Response: 5 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. Army Federal Register Liaison Officer. Minutes. Catherine Rogers, (978) 318–8231. Frequency: Annually. [FR Doc. 06–319 Filed 1–12–06; 8:45 am] SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The U.S. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: BILLING CODE 3710–08–M Army Corps of Engineers is authorized Summary of Information Collection by the various Rivers and Harbor Acts and Water Resources Development Acts Respondents are runners who are DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE to conduct maintenance dredging of the signing up for the Marine Corps Department of the Army; Corps of Federal navigation channels and Marathon races held by the Marine Engineers anchorage areas in Boston Harbor. Corps Marathon office, Marine Corps A public meeting to solicit comments Base Quantico. The three races are the Availability of the Draft Supplemental has been scheduled for 2 p.m. on Marine Corps Marathon, the Marine Environmental Impact Statement for Tuesday, February 14, 2006, on the Corps Marathon 10k and the Marine the Boston Harbor Inner Harbor second floor of the Black Falcon Cruise Corps Marathon Healthy Kids Fun Run. Maintenance Dredging Project Terminal, One Black Falcon Avenue, The Marine Corps Marathon office Boston, MA. records the data of all runners to AGENCY: Department of the Army; U.S. conduct the races in preparation and Army Corps of Engineers, DOD. Dated: December 30, 2005. execution of the races and to record ACTION: Notice of availability. Curtis L. Thalken, statistical information for sponsors, Colonel, Corps of Engineers, New England SUMMARY: media and for economic impact studies. The U.S. Army Corps of District. Collecting this data of the runners is Engineers, New England District, has [FR Doc. 06–318 Filed 1–12–06; 8:45 am] prepared a Draft Supplemental essential for putting on the races. BILLING CODE 3710–24–M Environmental Impact Statement and Dated: January 9, 2006. State Notice of Project Change (DSEIS/ Patricia L. Toppings, NPC) to maintenance dredge the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison following Federal navigation channels: Officer, Department of Defense. the Main Ship Channel upstream of Department of the Army; Corps of [FR Doc. 06–296 Filed 1–12–06; 8:45 am] Spectacle Island to the Inner Engineers BILLING CODE 5001–06–M Confluence, the upper Reserved Channel, the approach to the Navy Dry Intent To Prepare a Draft Dock, and a portion of the Chelsea River Environmental Impact Statement/ DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (previously permitted) in Boston Environmental Impact Report (DEIS/ Harbor, MA. Maintenance dredging of EIR) for the Westminster Watershed Department of the Army the navigation channels landward of Study, Orange County, CA Spectacle Island is needed to remove Board of Visitors, United States AGENCY: Department of the Army, U.S. shoals and restore the Federal Army Corps of Engineers, DOD. Military Academy (USMA) navigation channels to their authorized ACTION: Notice of intent. AGENCY: Department of the Army, DoD. depths. Materials dredged from the ACTION: Notice of open meeting. Federal channels will either be disposed SUMMARY: The purpose of this study is of at the Massachusetts Bay Disposal to evaluate the Westminster watershed SUMMARY: In accordance with Section Site (if the material is suitable for ecosystem and look for multipurpose 10(a)(2) of the Federal Advisory unconfined open water disposal) or, if recommendations for how to more Committee Act (Pub. L. 92–463), the material is not suitable for effectively manage its natural resources. announcement is made of the following unconfined open water disposal, in There is a need for both flood control committee meeting: confined aquatic disposal (CAD) cell(s). improvements as well as ecosystem Name of Committee: Board of Major navigation channel improvements habitat restoration. The study area is Visitors, United States Military (deepening) were made in 1999 through located in western Orange County, CA, Academy. 2001 in the Reserved Channel, the approximately 25 miles southeast of the Date: Wednesday, February 8, 2006. Mystic River, Inner Confluence and the City of Los Angeles. The Westminster Place of Meeting: Veterans Affairs Chelsea River. A final EIS was prepared watershed lies on a flat coastal plain, is Conference room, Room 418, Senate for this previous navigation approximately 90 square miles in area, Russell Building, Washington, DC improvement project in June of 1995 in and is almost entirely urbanized with 20510. which the use of CAD cells in the residential and commercial Start Time of Meeting: Approximately Mystic River, Inner Confluence, and development. There are two main 9 a.m. Chelsea River were investigated. A CAD channel systems that collect runoff from FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: cell for the proposed maintenance portions of urbanized areas in the cities Lieutenant Colonel Shaun T. Wurzbach, project will be constructed in the Mystic of Anaheim, Stanton, Cypress, Orange, United States Military Academy, West River and in the Main Ship Channel just Santa Ana, Garden Grove, Westminster, Point, NY 10996–5000, (845) 938–4200. below the Inner Confluence. Fountain Valley, Los Alamitos, Seal SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Proposed DATES: Submit comments on or before Beach, and Huntington Beach. Agenda: Organizational Meeting of the February 27, 2006. The East Garden Grove-Wintersburg Board of Visitors. Review of the ADDRESSES: If you wish to receive a Channel (EGGW), with its principal Academic, Military and Physical copy of the DSEIS, Executive Summary, tributary, the Ocean View Channel (OV), Programs at the USMA. Sub Committee or provide comments on the DSEIS/ drains into Bolsa Bay. Two retarding meetings on Academics, Military/ NPC, please contact Ms. Catherine basins (Haster and West Street) exist at Physical and Quality of Life to be held Rogers, Ecologist, U.S. Army Corps of the upstream reach of the EGGW 7 VerDate Aug<31>2005 17:26 Jan 12, 2006 Jkt 208001 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\13JAN1.SGM 13JAN1 hsrobinson on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES 2194 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 9 / Friday, January 13, 2006 / Notices channel. Bolsa Bay includes the Bolsa authorized projects in the interest of flood list will also be established so pertinent Chica Lowlands and Ecological Reserve, control and related purposes.’’ data may be distributed to interested and is a major environmental resource 2. Background. Before development, parties. in southern California. The Bay has the watershed was largely comprised of Dated: January 5, 2006. been designated as an area of national grasses and trees, such as oaks, Alex C. Dornstauder, significance, and is host to a wide cottonwoods and sycamore. Early Colonel, U.S. Army, District Engineer. assemblage of resident and migratory development was primarily agricultural [FR Doc. 06–317 Filed 1–12–06; 8:45 am] waterfowl and marine species including with some residential. As of the early BILLING CODE 3710–KF–M over 30 Federal and/or State listed 1990s, 85 percent of the Westminster sensitive species that utilize the watershed was urbanized. Land use wetlands during all or part of their consists primarily of residential, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION annual cycle. commercial, military, light industrial, The Bolsa Chica Flood Control schools and parks, and transportation Submission for OMB Review; Channel (BCFC), with its principal facilities. It is expected that in the next Comment Request tributaries, the Anaheim-Barber City 50 years full development of the Channel and Westminster Channel, remaining agricultural and vacant land AGENCY: Department of Education. drains to Huntington Harbour. The will occur. This future potential SUMMARY: The IC Clearance Official, BCFC Channel drains the western development is not expected to Regulatory Information Management portion of the study area, with a significantly affect the current flood Services, Office of the Chief Information significant portion of property adjacent conditions. Officer invites comments on the to the Seal Beach Naval Weapons 3. Scoping Process. A scoping meeting submission for OMB review as required Station of the U.S. Navy and 1.5 miles is scheduled for January 25, 2006, 6:30– by the Paperwork Reduction Act of runs through and adjacent to the Los 8 p.m., at Garden Grove Civic Center, 1995. Alamitos Armed Forces Training Base. Community Meeting Center, DATES: Interested persons are invited to Aside from the
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