T11lcme St11dies Iu Geology and Paleontology

T11lcme St11dies Iu Geology and Paleontology

56 T11lcme St11dies iu Geo logy and Paleontology Vol. 8 ·f Bailua intricata ( Dall) Belle Glade Ortona Lock t ''' Monostiolum tlwmasi Olsson Bell e Glacl e Ortona Lock M elongenu bispinosa (Philippi) Belle Gla cl e Ortona Lock Fasciolaria okcechohensis Tucker & \Vil son Belle Gla cl e Ortona Lock t * Latirus iucundus ~1cGinty Bell e C lade Ortona Lock t :;: Latims nw.ncclli Pilshry Ortona Lock ''' Fusinus 1cafermani ( ~1. Smith) Belle C lade Ortona Lock ''' \'asum floridmwm \1cGinty Ortona Lock Trigunostoma mgosa (Lamarck) Belle Glade Ortona Lock *Species peculiar to the "G lades" fauna. t Species which lived in rocky sHuauons. MOLLUSCA OF THE "GLADES" UNIT OF SOUTHERN FLORIDA: PART II LIST OF MOLLUSCAN SPECIES FROM THE BELLE GLADE ROCK PIT, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA SIIIRLEY E. HOEHLE WEST l'AU\f J3EACil, F L OIUDA This report is a listing of 434 species col­ After each sp ecies is an abbreviated ref­ lected over a period of five years, January, erence ro a p ublished figure of the form. 1964 to January 1969, from a borrow pit Complete references are given at the end of south of the town of Belle Glade, Palm Beach the paper. Frequency of the species is coded County, Florida. T he material is believed to as follows: be lower Pleistocene in age. Of the 165 spe­ cies of Pelecypoda, 8 species of Scaphopoda R = Rare ( 1-5 specimens ) and 261 species of Gastropoda only about 15 Ci~ are extinct. The remaining 8 5% arc U = Uncommon ( 5-20 specimens ) found living today in Florida and Caribbean C = Common ( 20-100 specimens ) waters. T hose species marked with an as­ terisk are thought to be extinct. A = Abundant (over 100 specimens) Class PELECYPODA Family 1\ucULIDAE NuCttla proxima Sa) U Smith, p .2.5, pl.2, fig. l Family 1\ucuLAXIDAE Nuculmw aeuta (Conrad ) U Smith, p.26, pl.2, fig.2 Family An.cmAE Area imhricata Bruguicrc U W & A, p.l.58, pl.30, fig.e Area -:::.chra S\vainson C W & A, p .l.57, pl..'30, fi g.l Barbatia tenera (C. B. Adams) C W & A, p .l.58, pl..30, fig.g Barhatw tenera (C. B. Adams) ' cl r. u Barhatia candida (IJelb1ing) U \V & A, p.l58, pl.30, fi g.i 13arhatia domingensis (Lamarck ) R \Y & A, p.l58, pl..30, fi g.d EDI'fORL\L COMMITTEE FOR THIS PAPER: THOMAS L. McGINTY, Boyn ton Beach, Florida AXEL A. OLSS ON, Coral Gables, Florida HAROLD E. VOKES, T ulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana No.2 ('Glade/) l\!Iolluscct) Soztthe·rn Florida-II 57 Arcopsis aclam si ( Dall ) U \V & A, p.L59, pl..30, fig.£ *Anaclara aequalitas (Tucker & vVilson ) C T & vV, no.65, p.3, pl.2, fig.G A na clara tra nsuersa ( Say ) A RTA, p ..345, pl.27, fig.s A naclara catasarca ( D all ) C TU, v.7, no.1, p.28, pl.6, fig.4 A naclora lienosa ( Say) C Carc1., 199-A, p.23, pl.2, fig.7 *Eontia plautuura ( Dall ) C De:1ll, v.3, pt.4, p.6.32 Family GLYCY.\IEIUDAE Glu cum eris arata floridana Olsson & Harbison U 0 & II , p..31 , p 11. , f'1gs ..J,t::: 5 a Clucumeris peclinata ( Cmelin) H \ V L..:Jl. A , p. 161 , p l ..31 , f.1g.a Family MYTJLIDAE C renella clivaricata ( Orbigny ) U vV & A, p.161, text fig.26 Lithoplwga sp. lmdet. u Modiolus ameri can us Leach R vV & A, p.l62, pl.3l, fig.k Brachiclontes exustus (Linn ',) C \"/ & A, p.162, pl..3l, fig.£ Musculus loteralis (Say) U \ V & A, p.16-3, pl..31, fig.c Gregariella co ralliophaga ( C m c lin ) H. vV & A, p.164, pl.31, fig.l 13 otula fuse a ( Cme lin ) H \V & A, p.16.'3, pl..'3 l , fig.cl Family PTEH ILDAE Pte ria co lun"Lb us ( Roding ) U RTA, p.359, pl.35, fig.d Pinctoda radiala (Leach) U \\' & A, p.166, pl..'32, fig.b Famil y Pli\1'\lDAE Pinna sp. unclc t. (fragments) c Family IsocxoMOi\JDAE l sognomon ?mdiatus (Anton ) H. \V & A, p.165, pl..32, fig.a Famil y OsTnEmAE ':'Ostrea sc ulpturata Conrad U 0 & II, p.50, pl.4, figs.1-l h Ostreo uirginico Cmelin H. 0 & II, p.49, pl..5, figs.2,2a Ostrea sp. undcl. u Family PECTIXIDAE Pecten ra veneli Dall U vV & A, p.167, pl..32, fi g.£ Luropecten noclosus (Linne) H. W & A, p.169, plA, fig.b Lu ropectcn antillaru m ( Recluz) H. W & A, p.169, pl..3.3, fig.£ Aequipecten nwscosus ( vVood) C W & A, p.170, pl.:3:3, fig.c Aeq uipeclen gibbus (Linne) C W & A, p.170, pl.:33, fig.i Aequipecten sp. unclet . # 1 c Aequipecten sp. undet. # 2 c Family LTJ\lJDAE Lima lima (Linne) U \V & A, p.171, pl..34, fig.£ Lima pellu cida C. B. Adams H. \ V & A, p.171, pl..'34, fig.e Lim.a sc alJI'a ( Born ) U vV & A, p .171, pL'34, fi g.c: L inwtula subauriculata ( ~I o ntc1 gu) H. r-IeL, p .36, pl.7, fig.7 Family SroxDYLIDAE Spondulus am ericanus H ermann U RTA, p ..369, pl.36, fi g.b Pliccrtulo gibbosa Lamcnck U HTA, p.361, pl..3.5, fig.e Family A'l\'O.\ULDAE Anomia simplex Orbigny U vV & A, p.172, pl..34, fig.h F<1m ily CnASSATELLIDAE E ucro sscrtello sp eciosa (A. Acbms) A HTA, p.377, pl..30, fig.z Crassi'!Je fla lu11ulata (Conrad ) U \ V & A, p.J 73, pL35, fig.k C mss i nella sp. undct. u Family CAnDlTJDAE Carclita florida na (Conrad ) H. HTA, p.378, pl.:30, fig.a V enericorcl ia tridcnta lo (Say) U Smith, pA4, pl.14, figs ..5a,5b 58 Tnlmze St11dies in Geo log)' a17d Pctleontology Vol. 8 Family LuCl'\'"IDAE Lucina J>Cnsulwnica ( Linu{·) C Smith, p.46, pl.15, fig.1 Lucina multi/incata Tuon.c\ & llolme<; C RTA, p ..386 , text fig.78£ Phacoidcs nassula (Conrad) C Smith, p.46, pl.16, fig.S * Plwcoidcs lcaccanwtccnsis ( Dall) C Dall, Y. 3, pt.6, p .1386, pl.52, fig.2 '::Piwcoidcs discifonnis ( Hcilprin) U 0 & II, p.84, pl.7, figs.1-1b Plwcoidcs radians (Conrad) U \ V & A, p.177, pl.36, fig.j Anodontia alba Link A \V & A, p.l77, pl..36, fig.c ':'Miltha carnzcllac II. E. Vokes U T U, v.7, no.3, p.122, pl.7, figs.l-5 Codakia orbiculata ( Montagu) U W & A, p .178, pl..'36, fig.h Codakia orbiculata imbricata (C. B. Adams) H. Cl. & T, p.292, pl.46, figs .7,8 Codalda orbicularis (Linn(·) R ~fcL , p .60, pl.l2, fig.l Codakia costata ( Orhigny) H. :MeL, p.60, pl.l2, fig.2 Dicalinga (jlladrisculcata ( Orhigny) U vV & A, p. l79, pl.36, fig.] /)icaricella den/ala ( \Vood) R ~ IcL , p .65, pl.13, fig.5 Family DIPLODO:'\TIDAE Diplodonta punctata (Say) R vV & A, p. 175, pl.35, figs.h,i Diploclonta scmiaspc ra Philippi R 1 fcL, p.67, pl.l3, fig.6 Diplodonta nucleiformis \Vagn<'r R W & A, p.175, pl.35, fig.j Thuasira lrisinuata ( Orbi.l.!n}) R W & A, p.l76, pl.36, fig.£ Family CYHE'\01DIDAE Curcnoida floridana ( Dall) U f-.aut. , v.10, no.5, p ..52 Fnmily EnYC10- JDAE I~rucina sp. unclct. H Basterotia sp. um1et. H '''Bomia lioica Dall R Dall, v.3, pt.4, p .920, pl.25, fig.6 *Bomia nw::..uckii Dall H. Dall, \'.3, pt.4, p .920, pl.2.5, fig.S *l~nsitcllops tabula Olsson & Harhison U 0 & II, p.9.5, pl.S, fig .9,9a '''Fa!Jella dalli Ol<;son & llarhison R 0 & ll, p.9.J, pl.9, fig.3 Family CnA"\IIDAE Chama maceroplq;lla Gmclin C \V & A, p.l79, pl..37, fig.h Chama congregata Conrad C vV & A, p.179, pl.37, fig.g Pseudoclwma radians· (Lamarck) R \V & A, p.180, pl.37, fig.c Arcinello com uta (Conrad) A RTA, p.394, pl.37, fig.g Famil y CAHDIIDAE *Tmchucardium enunonsi (Conrad) C 0 & H , p.100, pl.lO, fig ·.1 -1 b *Traclq;cardium declice ( Cahh) R Cabb, p.374, pl.47, fig.76 Traclq;cardium murzcatum (Linne) U W & A, p.l82, pl.37, fig.m ])inocardium rolmstum ( Solandcr ) U RTA, p.40l, pl.32, fig.a ]) inoca rd i 11 nz rob ust 11111 ua n hun i ng i Clench & L. C. Smith R RTA, p.401 , pl.32, fig.b i\mcricardia media (Linn(·) U W & A, p.l8.3, pl.38, fig.b Papyridea solenifonnis ( BrngnicTc) H W & A, p.182, pl.37, fig.j Papuridca semisulcata ( Cray) H W & A, p.l83, pl. 37, fig.h Lacricardium laccigatum ( Linm',) U \V & A, p.184, pl.38, fig.e Family VE 0-~E HIDAE Antigona listcri (Gray) R W & A, p.185, pl.38, fig.l Antigona rugatina ( Hcilprin) R RTA, p. 405, pl.38, fig.m Chioll( intapurpurea (Conrad) U HTA, p.407, pl.39, fig.g Chione cancellata (Linn(·) A vV & A, p .1 85, pl.38, fig.o Chione latilimta ( Conracl) A RTA, p.409, pl.39, fjg.c Chione gms ( Ilolmcs) U RTA, p.408, pl.32, fig.i '',\nomalocardia concimw Olsson & Ilarl)ison U 0 & II, p.ll5, pl.l3, fig.7 )1./W//Jalocardia brasilia no ( Cmclin ) U \V & A, p.l87, pl.38, fig.g Pilar cordata ( Schwengc] ) C HTA, p.414, pl.38, fig.n '''Pi tar sauww (Conrad) C Dall , v.3, pt.6, p.l261, pl.54, fig.16 Pilar ( 1 fuplwntosonza) sp.

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