' .. 1918. ·.--t CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-- SENATE. By Mr. GRAY of Alabama: A bill (H. R. 9472) granting an Also, memorial of Tyrone Chamber of Commerce, protesting . increase of pension to James Powers ; to the Committee on In- against periodical postage amendment ; to the Committee on valid Pensions. , 'Vays and Means. By Mr. GREGG: A bill (H: R, 9473) for the relief of the·legal Also, memorial of Asbury Chamber of Commerce, protestiag representatives of Sarah J. Montgomery, deceased; to the Com­ against zone system for second-class mail ; to the Committee on mittee on War Claims. the Post Office and Post Roads. By Mr. HAMILTON of New York. A blll (H. R. 9474) grant­ By Mr. RAKER: Petition of Hemy Adams, Veterans' Home, ing a pension to George H. Roberts ; to the Committee on In­ Cal., favoring volunteer officers' retired-list bill; to the Commit· valid Pensions. tee on Mmtary Affairs. !JY Mr. HILLIARD: A bill (H. R. 9475) for the relief of Also, memorial of National Council, Sons and Daughters of Elizabeth T. Wells; to the Committee on Military Affairs. Liberty, favoring passage of House· bill 4892, relative to immi­ By Mr. KEARNS: A bill (H. R. 9476) granting a pension to gration law; to the Committee on Immigration and Naturaliza· Chester A. Dryden ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. tion. By Mr. KRAUS: A bill (H. R. 9477) granting an increase of Also, petition of Columbia Post, No. 141, Department of pension to William Ducy ; to the Committee on Invalid. Pen­ California and Nevada, Gra.nd Army of the Republic, favoring siQns. increase in pensions of ex-Union soldiers of the Civil War; to Also, a bill (H. R. 9478) granting a pension to Nancy Ault; the Committee on Invalid Pensions. to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. STEENERSON: Petition of citizens of Halstad. By Mr. LANGLEY: A bill (H. R. 9479) gr~nting an increase Minn., protesting against the proposed repeal of the second-'Cla~s of pension to J. n.. Evans ; to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ mail 'l'ates provision of the war-revenue act; to the Committee sions. on the Post Office and Post Roads. By Mr. McKINLEY: A bill (H. R. 9480) granting an increasE:> of pension to George T. Smith; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. SENATE. Also, a bill (H. R. 9481) granting an increase of pension to Christian Marxmuller, alias Christopher Miller; to the Com­ lioNDAY, Februat:J 4, 1918. mittee on Invalid Pensions. The Chaplain, Rev. Forrest J. Prettyman, D. D., offered the By Mr. MAPES: A bill (H. R. 9482) granting a pension to following prayer : Mahalah A. Palmer; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Almighty God, we open the Senate this morning witl;l a very By Mr. MILLER of Minnesota: A bill (H. R. 9483) grant­ great burden upon our hearts. We hear of our boys at the front ing a pension to Frank Bachmeyer; to the Committee on Pen! receiving their first baptism of fire and blood. Our hearts go sions. out to them. We present them to Thee, 0 God, asking Thy Also, a bill (H. R. 9484) granting ·a pension to George A. guidance and Thy blessing upon them. We pray that they may Holmes; to tlie Committee on Pensfons. feel the support of a united country, and that they may have Also, a bill (H. R. 9485) granting a pension to Carlos Fors­ the courage which springs out of a consciousness of the pure­ man; to the Committee on Pensions. ness of their flag and the united support of a mighty Nation By Mr. MUDD. A bill (H. R. 9486) granting a pension to back of them. We pray Thee speedily to bring to them and E. P. Aler; to the Committee on Pensions. their arms and to their flag the victory which comes to the Also, a bill (H. R. 9487) for the relief of Charles C. Serrin; unconquerable will of men who do right in Thy sight. For to the Committee on Mllitary Affairs. Christ's sake. Amen. By Mr. RAINEY: A bill (H. R. 9488) granting a pension to The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of the proceed­ Abigail Butts: to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. ings of Thursday last, when, on request of Mr. VARDAMAN and · By Mr. ROGERS: A bill (H. R. 9489) granting a pension to by unanimous consent, the further reading was dispensed with George F. Cook; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. and the Journal was approved. By Mr. SHALLENBERGER: A bill (H. R. 9490) granting an increase of pension to R. H. Stewart; to the Committee on READING OF WASHINGTON!.S FAREWELL ADDRESs.· Invalid Pensions. The VICE PRESIDENT. In accordance with an order hereto­ AI o, a bill (H. R. 9491) granting a pension to Marion Burn· fore made by the Senate, that upon the 22d day of February in ham ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. each year, or if that day should fall on Sunday then on th~ By Mr. STEENERSON: A bill (H. R. 9492) granting an in­ day following, immediately after the reading of the Journal, crease of pension to Christian Gulbranson; to the Committee Washington's Farewell Address should be read to the Senate on Invalid Pensions. by a Senator designated for the purpose by the presiding officer, By Mr. WHEELER: A bill (H. R. 9493) granting an increase the Chair announces the .appointment of the Senator from Rhode of pension to Edgar Parks; to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ Island [Mr. GERRY] to read the address this year. sions. CRIPPLED• SOLDIERS AND SAILORS ( S. DOC. NO. 17 3). By Mr. WOOD of Indiana: A bill (H. R. 9494) granting a pension to Millie B. Cook; to the Committee on Invali~ Pen­ The· VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communi­ sions. cation from the Secretary of War, transmitting, in response to Also, a bill (H. R. 9495) granting a pension to George F. a resolution of January 31, 1917, certain information relative Harter; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. to the rehabilitation and Yocational reeducation of crippled Also, a bill (H. R. 9496) granting an increase of pension to soldiers and sailors, which, with the accompanying paper, was Phoebe Miller; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. referred to tbe Committee on Military Affairs and ordered By Mr. OSBORNE: A bill (H. R. 9497) granting a pension to to be printed. · ·o, Sarah A. Dow; to the Committee on Pensions. WASHINGTON GAS LIGHT CO. (H. DOC. NO. 891). The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the annual PETITIONS, ETC. report of the Washington Gas Light Co. for the year ended De­ cember 31, 1917, which was referred to the Committee' on the Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid District of Columbia and ordered to be printed. on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: By Mr. DALE of New York: Petition of Association of WASHINGTON RAILWAY & ELECTRIC CO. (H. DOC. NO. 897). Lithuanian Patriots of America, relative to independence for The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the annual Lithuania; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. report of the Washington Railway & Electric Co. for the year By Mr. FULLER of Illinois : Memorial of Union Label ended December 31, 1917, which was referred to the Committee Trades Department of the American Federation of Labor, ask­ on the District of Columbia and ordered to be printed. ing repeal of the second-class postage provisions of the war­ revenue blll; to the Committee on Ways and Means. GEORGETOWN & TENNALLYTOWN RAILWAY CO. (H. DOC. NO. 893)i Also, petition of Prairie Club of Chicago, Ill., opposing the The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the annual granting of grazing privileges in the national parks and of report of the Georgetown & Tennallytown Railway Co. for the shooting in the bird reservations; to the Committee on the Pub­ year ended December 31, 1917, which was referred to the lic Lands. Committee on the District of Columbia and ordered to be By .Mr. · MOORE of Pennsylvania: Memorial of tenth annual· printed. convention of the Union Label Trades Department of the Amer­ ican Federation of Labor, favoring elimination of section in WASmNGTON INTERURBAN RAILROAD CO. (H. DOC. NO. 894). war-revenue bill dealing with second-class postage; to the· Com- The ·vrcE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the animal mittee on Ways and Means. ' ·report of the Washington Interurban Railroad Co. for the year r rn I f.""'i ,~ __ tl •.t ,-Itt • ._ I ·~ ,..,..; '• t.}T~ 1 '~ r ! r CO· GRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE.. FEBRUARY 4, ended December '31, 1917, hich was refel'red· to the Com­ Mr. GALLINGER. ' Mr~ Pre ident, aTI I can di> ubout t'b.ilt mittee on tne 'District of Celumbia and ordered to be printed'. nro..tter,. which is u very serious one, is to have these telegrams . CITY & SUBURBAN RAILWAY CO. (H. DOC. NO. ' 96) • . insert~d . in the REcoRD with the expectation that the officiuis· wh-o possibly can:. give relief will have their attention called to The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate. the annu.al them. report of the City & Suburban Railway Co~ of Washington for­ the year ended Decemb.er 3.1, 1917, which was referred to. the Mr. McLEAN. I have a brief resolution adopted by the Committee on the District of Columbia and ordered to be Eq;nal Suffra-ge League of Bridgeport, ColiD., which I a k to printed. have printed in the REco-nn. P-oTOMAC ELECTRIC POWEB CO. (H. DOC. NO. 895). There being no objection the resolution was ordered to be The VlOE RRESIDENT laid before the· Senate the annual printed in the REcoRD, as foll'ows: report of.
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