AMERICAN MISSIONARIES IN MARASH ON THE EVE OF THE GREAT WAR A Master’s Thesis by ÇAĞLA KILIÇ Department of International Relations İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University Ankara June 2017 To my family… AMERICAN MISSIONARIES IN MARASH ON THE EVE OF THE GREAT WAR The Graduate School of Economics and Social Sciences of İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University by ÇAĞLA KILIÇ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF ARTS IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS THE DEPARTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS İHSAN DOĞRAMACI BILKENT UNIVERSITY ANKARA June 2017 ABSTRACT AMERICAN MISSIONARIES IN MARASH ON THE EVE OF THE GREAT WAR Kılıç, Çağla M.A., Department of International Relations Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Onur İşçi June 2017 This thesis investigates the area of Marash from the eyes of the missionaries when the Ottoman Empire was approaching to the First World War, between 1913 and 1915. Was the crisis that the Ottomans faced an opportunity for the missionary organizations? It aims to demonstrate the demographical change, the psychology of the local population, the attitudes of the missionaries, the system in the schools and hospitals and how the local Ottoman population handled the war crises. This was done by revealing various untapped archives. Methodologically, the archival research employed in this thesis can be regarded as a qualitative, historical analysis. Some of the missionary letters, correspondences and annual meeting reports were investigated by utilizing screening method at the microfilm archives. Five main primary sources were utilized in this thesis. Firstly, letters and correspondences from Bilkent University, Library microfilm archives and online archives of the Universities were used. Secondly, The Missionary Herald was i reviewed. Thirdly, the annual reports and fourthly the memoirs, diaries and books of the missionaries were utilized. Finally, Ottoman Empire archives were used. The thesis arrived at three main conclusions, firstly, the deteriorating relationship between the German Hulfbond and ABCFM indicated the complex and intermingled relationship of missionary organizations with the existing power relationships of their governments and how involved they were with the politics. Secondly, it revealed that pre-war periods or crises times were an opportunity for the missionary organizations to spread their values and beliefs and influence local populations. Finally, ABCFM has strengthened its position. Key Words: ABCFM, Great War, Marash, Missionary, Ottoman Empire. ii ÖZET BİRİNCİ DÜNYA SAVAŞI ARİFESİNDE MARAŞTA AMERİKAN MİSYONERLİK ÖRGÜTLERİ Kılıç, Çağla Yüksek Lisans, Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü Tez Danışmanı: Yard. Doç. Dr. Onur İşçi Haziran 2017 Bu tez 1913-1915 arasında Osmanlı İmparatorluğu I. Dünya Savaşına yaklaşırken misyonerlerin gözünden Maraşı incelemektedir. Osmanlı’nın karşılaştığı bu kriz durumu misyonerler için bir fırsat olabilir miydi? Bu tez demografik değişiklikleri, yerel halkın psikolojisini, misyonerlerin tutumunu, okul ve hastanelerdeki düzeni ve Osmanlı’nın krizi nasıl yönettiğini göstermeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu, daha önce incelenmemiş olan çeşitli arşivlerin gün ışığına çıkarılmasıyla yapılmıştır. Bu tezde uygulanmış olan arşivsel araştırma, method olarak niteliksel tarihsel analiz olarak değerlendirilebilir. Bazı misyoner mektupları, yazışmalar ve yıllık toplantı raporları mikrofilm arşivlerinin incelenmesiyle ortaya konmuştur. İlk olarak Bilkent Üniversitesi kütüphanesinde yer alan mektup ve yazışmalar ve üniversitelerin çevirimiçi arşivleri kullanılmıştır. İkinci olarak aylık misyoner raporları. Üçüncü olarak yıllık raporlar. Dördüncü olarak Misyonerlerin anılarından, günlüklerinden ve kitaplarından iii faydalanılmıştır. Son olarak ise Osmanlı İmparatarluğunun arşivleri kullanılmıştır. Tez üç ana sonuca ulaşmıştır; İlk olarak Alman Hulfbond ve ABCFM arasındaki ilişkinin zedelenmesi, bu misyoner kuruluşların, hükümetlerinin mevcut güç çekişmelerinden nasıl etkilendiklerini ve siyasetle ne kadar içi içe olduklarının göstermiştir. İkinci olarak kriz zamanın bu tür misyoner örgütler için değerlerini ve inançlarını yerel halk üzerinde yaygınlaştırmak için bir fırsat olarak kullanıldığı görülmüştür. Son olarak ise ABCFM’in konumunu güçlendirdiği sonucudur. Anahtar Kelimeler: ABCFM, Dünya Savaşı, Maraş, Misyonerlik, Osmanlı Devleti. iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS First and foremost, I would like to express my warmest gratitude to my supervisor Asst. Professor Dr. Onur İşçi for his insight, patience, infinite support, belief and his invaluable guidance throughout my thesis. I would not have been written this thesis with such a peaceful mind without his advice, knowledge and encouragement throughout this journey. He has been an excellent supervisor and mentor. His support means a lot. I also wish to express my sincere thanks to Asst. Professor Dr. İbrahim Özgür Özdamar for his immeasurable support and encouragement on my thesis throughout the time I was writing. It has been an honor for me to have a chance to work with him. I will never forget his invaluable input to my intellectual development. Both of my professors have been a source of inspiration and will always be a role model for me throughout my journey in academia. For that, I feel very lucky. I am also indebted to my thesis committee member Prof. Dr. Neşe Özden for her constructive comments and criticisms on my thesis. I would especially like to thank Kerem Özata from Bilkent University Library Electronic Resources and Serials Department and Güzide Ülker Özen from Bilkent University Library Reference and Librarianship who helped me whenever I needed help. Thanks to their extremely fast responses, work ethic and concern, they i made this process much easier for me. I would also like to acknowledge to whole Bilkent Library staff for making archival research easier for me. Otherwise, I would probably be lost. I would also like to thank my loving and dearest husband, Sinan Demirdüzen who has not only accompanied me but also been extremely supportive throughout this journey. I am very lucky to have him. And finally I would like to express my gratitude to my dearest and invaluable family members for their endless support throughout my academic career. And for many others whom I was not able to acknowledge, I want to send my sincere greetings, gratitude and love to all those who have made this thesis possible. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................ i ÖZET................................................................................................................................ iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................................................................................. i TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................... i LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................ i LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................... ii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 1 CHAPTER 2: A.B.C.F.M. AND MARASH .................................................................... 11 2.1. What is a mission for ABCFM? ............................................................................ 12 2.2. A Brief History of ABCFM ............................................................................... 16 2.3. The City of Marash ............................................................................................ 22 CHAPTER 3: MISSIONARY SCHOOLS ...................................................................... 29 3.1. The Women Missionaries in Marash ..................................................................... 34 3.2. The Missionary Schools ........................................................................................ 38 3.3. Central Turkey Girl’s College ............................................................................... 43 3.4. Central Turkey Theological Seminary .................................................................. 46 3.5. Reading and Club Rooms in Marash ..................................................................... 51 CHAPTER 4: ON THE EVE OF THE GREAT WAR.................................................... 55 4.1. German Evangelistic work (German Hulfsbund) and ABCFM ............................ 57 4.2. Pre-1915 Period ..................................................................................................... 62 4.3. Post-1915 Period ................................................................................................... 66 i CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION ......................................................................................... 73 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 82 1. Primary Sources .................................................................................................... 82 1.1. ABCFM Collection ........................................................................................... 82 1.2. ABCFM The Annual Reports ............................................................................ 84 1.3. ABCFM The Missionary Herald ....................................................................... 84 1.4. ABCFM Pamphlets ........................................................................................
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