Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Aluminum Alloys Held June 3-7, 2012 at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA Edited by Hasso Weiland Anthony D. Rollett William A. Cassada Editors Has so Weiland Anthony D. Rollett William A. Cassada ISBN 978-3-319-48225-5 ISBN 978-3-319-48761-8 ( eBook) DOl I 0.1007/978-3-3 19-48761-8 Chemistry and Materials Science: Professional Copyright © 2016 by The Minerals, Metals, & Materials Society Published by Springer International Publishers, Switzerland, 2016 Reprint of the original edition published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2012, 978-1-11845-804-4 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. Printed on acid-free paper This Springer imprint is published by Springer Nature The registered company is Springer International Publishing AG The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse II, 6330 Cham, Switzerland Preface ICAA is the premier global conference for exchanging emerging knowledge on the structure and properties of aluminum materials, providing academic enrichment for attendees, and nurturing the advancement of aluminum application development worldwide. The 13th International Conference on Aluminum and its Alloys (ICAA-13) was held June 3 - 7, 2012, at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the birthplace of the modern aluminum industry. This meeting discussed the most critical and strongly growing subject areas in aluminum materials science and technology. It brought together more than 400 experts from 37 countries to discuss the past, present, and the future – as bright as ever - of aluminum innovation. ICAA-13 was held at a time when aluminum is enjoying increasing use to create sustainable products that address global trends. Researchers from the industrial, national laboratory, and university communities discussed the latest scientific breakthroughs and technological developments, and focused on: s 4HE SCIENCE OF ALUMINUM ALLOY DESIGN FOR A RANGE OF MARKET APPLICATIONS s 4HE ACCURATE PREDICTION OF MATERIAL PROPERTIES s .OVEL ALUMINUM PRODUCTS AND PROCESSES FOR MONOLITHIC AND MULTI MATERIAL SOLUTIONS s %MERGING DEVELOPMENTS IN RECYCLING The technical program contained ten symposia that covered a wide range of aluminum topics, and in- cluded: Solidification and Casting, Phase Transformations, Thermo-Mechanical Treatment, Forming AND *OINING &ATIGUE AND &RACTURE 4OUGHNESS #ORROSION AND #OATINGS .OVEL -ATERIALS 2ECYCLING !DVANCED !NALYSIS AND )NTEGRATED #OMPUTATIONAL -ATERIALS %NGINEERING Hasso Weiland, Alcoa William A.Cassada, Alcoa Anthony D. Rollett, CMU About the Conference Editors/Organizers Dr. Hasso Weiland is Technical Fellow at the Alcoa Technical Center in Pittsburgh, PA. His exper- tise is in microstructure characterization and fundamental aspects of plastic deformation and recrys- tallization of aluminum alloys. After a MS in Physics on phase transformations in the Al-Mn system at the University of Clausthal, Germany, he completed his Ph.D. work in Physical Metallurgy on microtexture analysis tools and their applications to dual-phase steels at the University of Clausthal. Later, he completed a Habilitation at the same university on recrystallization of aluminum alloys. Currently, he is also an Adjunct Associate Professor at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Penn State University. He has over 100 publications as archival journal papers, confer- ence and workshop proceedings, and technical reports. He has given over 50 invited and contributed presentations in various types of meetings. Dr. Anthony Rollett has been a Professor of Materials Science & Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University since 1995. Previously, he worked for the University of California at the Los Alamos Na- tional Laboratory (1979-2005). He spent ten years in management with five years as a Group Leader (and then Deputy Division Director) at Los Alamos, followed by five years as Department Head at CMU (1995-2000). He has a research group of about ten students. The main focus of his research is on the measurement and prediction of microstructural evolution especially in three dimensions. Prof. Rollett’s honors include an Award for Technology Transfer from the Federal Laboratories Consortium in 1989, Fellow of ASM-International in 1996, Fellow of the Institute of Physics (UK) in 2004, the Howe Medal (Best Paper in Metallurgical & Materials Transactions) in 2004, Fellow of TMS in 2011, and Chercheur d’Excellence (Outstanding Researcher) at the University of Lorraine, Metz, France in 2012. He was the Chair of the International Conference on Texture (ICOTOM-15), which was held on campus at CMU June 2-6, 2008 and is a member of its International Scientific Committee. He is the Chair of the International Committee of the conference on Grain Growth and Recrystallization that is held every three years; the next meeting will be in Sydney, Australia in 2013. He is a co-author of the texture analysis package popLA, and the polycrystal plasticity code, LApp; he is also a contributor to the well-known textbook Texture & Anisotropy edited by Kocks, Tomé and Wenk. He an author on over 130 scholarly articles, many of which have been cited frequently in the literature. Dr. William Cassada is currently a Director at the Alcoa Technical Center where he leads Alcoa efforts to identify and access emerging technology supporting the long term business needs of the company. Dr. Cassada joined Alcoa in 2000 during the company’s acquisition of Reynolds Metal Company and was appointed to lead the Alloy Product and Process Development Division at the Alcoa Technical Center. In 2002, he was named Alcoa’s Director of Research and Applied Engi- neering and managed a diverse portfolio of R&D projects in aluminum alloy product and processing technologies, materials science and applied chemistry resulting in many new product launches and manufacturing improvements. He began his career as a chemist at Reynolds Metals Metallurgical Research Laboratory in the surface technology and metal finishing group. Dr. Cassada earned a doctorate and master’s degree in materials science from the University of Virginia and a bachelor’s of science degree in chemistry from the University of Richmond. He has authored more than 20 technical papers in peer reviewed journals receiving numerous citations. Additionally, he has been awarded 14 U.S. patents as inventor or co-inventor. Dr. Cassada is a member of The Metallurgical Society, The Mineral, Metals & Materials Society, The American Chemical Society, and Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society. Dr. Cassada is a member of the International Committee of the In- ternational Conference on Aluminum Alloys, a Chairperson of ICAA13, and he served as an editor for the ICAA7 in 2000. Technical Program Chairs Symposium Co Chair Co Chair 6ROLGL¿FDWLRQDQG&DVWLQJ 5DOI1DSROLWDQR,RZD6WDWH 0*&KX$OFRD 3KDVH7UDQVIRUPDWLRQV *DU\6KLÀHW89D 'DYH/DXJKOLQ&08 7KHUPRPHFKDQLFDO7UHDWPHQW :RMFLHFK0LVLROHN/HKLJK 9LYHN6DPSOH$OFRD &RUURVLRQ&RDWLQJDQG6XUIDFHV 5XGL%XFKKHLW268 -LP0RUDQ$OFRD )DWLJXHDQG)UDFWXUH7RXJKQHVV .ULVKQDQ6DQNDUDQ%RHLQJ +-6FKPLGW$HUR6WUXF )RUPLQJDQG-RLQLQJ .DDQ,QDO8:DWHUORR 5DM0LVKUD*0 5HF\FOLQJ 'LUDQ$SHOLDQ:3, 'DQ%U\DQW$OFRD $GYDQFHG$QDO\VLV 'DYLG6HLGPDQ1:8 +DVVR:HLODQG$OFRD ,&0( -RKQ$OOLVRQ80LFKLJDQ *HRUJH6SDQRV706 1RYHO0DWHULDOV (UQHVW&KLQ$5/ :DUUHQ+XQW706 ICAA International Committee Members Dr. William Cassada Director Research Alcoa Inc., Pittsburgh, PA, USA Dr. Joseph Robson Lecturer School of Materials, Manchester University, UK Professor Juergen Hirsch Senior Scientist Hydro Aluminium R&D, Bonn, Germany Professor Knut Marthinsen Professor Norwegian University of Science & Technology, Trondheim, Norway Professor Barry Muddle Professor Monash University, Clayton, Australia Dr. Ashim Kumar Mukhopadhyay Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory, Hyderabad, India Professor Warren Poole Professor University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada Professor Tatsuo Sato Professor Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan Dr. Christophe Sigli Senior Scientist CONSTELLIUM, Centre de Recherches de Voreppe, France Professor Birgit Skrotzki Division Head Federal Institute for Materials Research & Testing, Berlin, Germany Dr. Hideo Yoshida Senior Research Fellow Sumitomo Light Metal Industries, Ltd., Nagoya, Japan Dr. Mark Gallerneault Technical Director Novelis, Kingston, Canada Professor Qing Liu Vice-President Chongqing University, China Professor Alexis Deschamps Professor SIMAP/Phelma – Domaine Universitaire (Grenoble)
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