CENSUS OF INDIA 1991 SERIES---'15 MANIPUR PAPER-1 of 1991 SUPPLEMENT PROVISIONAL POPULATION TOTALS A.R. KHAN of the Indian Administrative Service. Director of Census Operations, Manipur CONTENTS Figure< at a glance Messages Prefac~ ProviSional Population Table-l India Proviswni\l Po~ulation Table-2 India Introducti<>n A BRIEP ANALYStS Supplement Table I : POPULATION AND LITERATES BY RESIDENCE AND SEX 1991 Supplement Table 2 : PERCENTAGE OF URBAN POPULATION TO TOTAL POPULATION AND DECENNIAL GROWTH RATE AND SEX RATIO BY RESIDENCE Supplement -Table 3 : POPULATION OF TOWNS Supplement Table 3 : POPULATION OF TOWNS- APPENDIX Supplement Table 4 : GROWTH OF URBAN POPULATION Supplement Table 5 : TOTAL WORKERS. MAIN WORKERS, MARGINAL WORKERS AND THEIR PERCENTAGE TO TOTAL POPULATION Supplement Table 6 : DISTRIBUTION OF MAIN \."ORKERS AS CULTIVATORS. AGRICULTURAL LABOURERS, WORKERS IN HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY AND OTHER WORKERS Maps : 1. Manipur --Administrative Divisions 2. Manipur -R' 'ral alld Urban Composition of Population 3. Manipur -Towns by class and size 4. Manipur -Distribution of main working population by Cultivators,. Agricultural Labourers, Household Industry and Other WorD.... CbarI!o : 1. Population by sex 1901-1991 2. Sex Ratio 1901-1991 3. Literacy 1981-91 4. Literacy Rate 1991 (Disttictwise) 5. Main Workers and Marginal Workers 1991 6. Workers by Main Works and Sex 1981-91 8cWut.. for the 1991 Census : I. Houselist ::I. Household Scbcdule 3. Individual Slip ~: I. List of Principal Cemus Officen 2. List of District Census Officen 3. List of Sub-Divisional Census Ofticcn/Census 0lIicen of LoGal Bod,. (v) CENSUS OF INDIA 1991 Promional Population Totals FIGURES AT A GLANCE POPULATlbN Total 1,826,714 Mal", 931,511 Femal.. 895,203 DECENNIAL POPULATION GROWTH 1981-91 Absolute 405,761 Percentage 28.56 DENSITY OF POPULATION 82 pet sq. km. SEX RATIO 961 femal .. per 1,000 males LITERACY RATE • Tota! 60.96 per cent Male, 72.98 per cent Females 48.64 per cent URBAN POPULATION Total 505.848 Male, 256.729 Females 249,119 NUMBBR OF TOWNS 31 PERCE'NTAGE OF URBAN POPULATION '1:0 TOTAL POPULATION 27.69 per cent PERCENTAGE OF MAIN WORKERS TO TOTAL POPULATION 37.36 per cent Category of Workers Percentage to total main worker! Total Males Females (I) CULTIVATORS 57.10 36.19 58.40 (2) AGRICULTURAL LABOURERS 9.28 6.73 12.89 (3) HOUSEHOW INDUSTRY WORKERS 7.09 2.92 12.98 (4) OTHER WORKERS 26.53 34.16 15.7) • LiterajeS exclude children in the a&e-IfOUP 1).6 who are tcealed III illiterates in the 1991 Cenaua. MESSAGES (ill Message from His Excellency Shr; Chi.lamQlli Panigrahi. the Governor 0' MlI1IipIII, jn connection with 1991 Censw. I am happy to learn that the preparations for the nert Census of 1991 arein full swfna. The 1991 Census has a special significance because this will be thel.,t Census of this century. The variO\ls demographic data presented by the Census of 1991 will be the hasis of our planning for tho 4evelopment of Manipur for the next ten years till we face the li",t Census of the next century. The Censu.of India is one of the largest administrative exercises of the world and it has been the tradition to gel the Census done largely through the officials of the State Government. "­ in the previous Censuses, the present Census of 1991 will also depend on hundreds of State Govem· ment dfficials who will be ongaged as either Enumerators or Supervisors for the conduct of the -censu; for a very limited duration of about three weeks from 9th February to 5th March, 1991. The Census work, though for a .hort duration. will be treated as part of their normal duties and their excellent performance in' population wumeration will be given due recognition. Thus the success of population enumeration depends on' the honest and truthful performance of the Enumerators and Super_iso", on the one hand and on the other on full cc' operation of the peoplo by giving accurate information about each and every person honestly and fearlessly. The Deputy Commission... , Sub-Divisional,offic ... and other officers who are working as Census Officers at different levels are expected to do a clooe watch over the performance of the Enumerators. and Supervisors so that every person in Manipur, irrespective of his or her caste, creed, nationality or place of origin, is enumerated once and not more than once. I hope that the local newspapers and the AIR will also give maximum publicity to the forthcoming Census of 1991. I would Iike-ta-appeal to all the citizens of Manipur to make the Census of 1991 a big succest. 1ai Hind (xi) MESSAGE FROM SHRI R. K. RANBIR SINGH. HON'BLE CHIEF MINISTER, MANIPUR, IN CONNECTION WITH 1991 CENSUS ~fir~j ,,~ ~!\ ;;, 'ill' ~tS ~1\ It 'l'1'e,<jt ~~~1 ~~1j1 ~J;'!i~ ;;f,,(( 1II'l~11+ ~~if ott\r;'Jt;!'$! I ~~t ~ll ''If'i5it ~l(\~I11Pl~ C"!fir~1 ~'(l~ "i['iI~- !lflf~, 'l'I/, 11lh~ ~li1 '"<f7;;Um~1 'I1!l~ C'Ii)<r'l1 ..rr('IIr~ ~"'r~1ft 'l!t'(l~llf" I lf1~t~ ~~~ 'i',;;;~,,(1 ~"f, ''If'>I'!1 ~1<!i "lrr11t (o'f"!1t~-"tt*"I1ft ~"!:;\ ~\1ft "ml flffl"! '(l~i!<I1ft 9It'l!'MI ,~t( ~~rl'li ~'II'1i I/J~i/lfhf'! I "'Ill ~r~"~1 ~\ ).,~) 'ti ~'1Vl't'li ~'it 'l'(~ Col~Ii!i <IlPrIf1 ""fir'11 ~~fxF!I ~(illOlfiR '''If'!'fl !'Jl<f(~f;!'jt m~. <it llt~"'·~m\ 'Ii~~~"1 <>t~'i~' ~I t_lr'! I/J't-rl ~~ ~"'( "!;;~t '111l[('Xf, "'tijl. iif,-cOln C"f~1, ("!~f"(\iB~ ~r~1 ~1i'( -Ii.,. ~1 ~fiot1 <5!~~; f4llif.r <I'\~.~1 "'1''1' <5!~ ~~'(l~<1 (~~~1I 'l'lfI 9ft~"'iJ~'11 <!t~1 ~~ ('Xf<!-'1.'II~ ~'"'I 'I''if'~~.1 '5!<I"1 'II",'il if,,! C~~ '!lfIl1t 1I~"'lir-Il <>I~ot\",. t~fir~t tI'i'l'fiot,<it 'iIii''€~~1 l'lill ~lt'l't1' oi'r'lliilJ "',~1 ijtc~1<JM\OJI 'e~'lf'll 'Ill'll "!rr.1 "!'>!11~ (or~~ ~~ ,,((t' 1, llw'(l~~1 ~~. '"<f'ilft c"l)<r'( ~tflF I fu"J;~ 'Ii!il~f"R. <ll>i:fu: 'e:fii\(, ~ {l~~11!f'!, '~l'!-';:\ ''4t~lfti!i ~t"'N-I ll.:" li_'l(ffl 6(~ill ~l'{l~ ~;'il ~m m,~I01 {1t,~\fir'IIlI~:r<t~iliifit'i!1 >i'\'(l~~1 fo~~~f'l1t~ I "Ii\')~'1' ~ ~1 ~;1 '''11 ~:sn lit"t1'1'. ~q11l '~1~ [e;f¥l ll\'6~ '!.fii\~~ ~~ ~ ~'i'f'!~ill ~t'I~. ~lfI 'I'~f, 'l1~"'1r ("I't'1l "1'l1 '8~~~ ~~'l11ft ~"'tltt ~\11~ '!{'ilR't ~r~,rOJ ?(Ilr-I! ~lll ~~ ~~i\i ~ "1f;r\ 'il":( lFt~,*~~~'l0't ~~ ~ii1 '>ij'!{tn: ~'J1 9f('(!'!11 9j"'itii~Ofi 11,1>; -rt;WI'Im'!JIl w,t"lil1 'II1I"Ilf1 ~~ ~~ I (xiii) INAUGURAL ADDRESS BY SHRI H. THOITHOI SINGH, HON'BLE MINISTER (EDUCATION), MANIPUR (District Census Officers Conference, Jdy II, 1990) President of Tod,ly'sfimcrion, Director of Census Operations, Deputy Commissioners, ADMs, 1)SOs, SDOs and friends. I am happy to be with you this mGrning ct this important conference which will discuss the preraratory y,(,rk [(Iftl eer sl iT gll( lllenln-.l eringand Hccseliboting operatiorts of the 1991 Census as \\-cll as tle instructions to the Census officers! cnUllierators and supervisors. Over the yeaIS the census has grown not merely qLantitatively but in ql!alitative term~ also, T!-:e cen.\us opera­ tions in our country are internationally recognised for their excellence amI cO\ren~~e and we also have received international recognition for the prornptness with which the resl.lts 2re published. The organisation of the census operations in a vast country like ours is a gigantic task and calls for thorough and systematic prepa,atiun. The information provided by the census is ur.dou!J. redly a useful tool in planning and implemer,ting welfare programrres and activities. It is only the ~nsu, which gives demographic iluormation even at village and ward level, of urban areas in our country. Without census statistics it Wvdd to almost impossible to consider indeptb, questions relating to planning fer err.plo),rr.ent ar.d manpower, h,ousmg, edccation, health and family welfare, social sen ices .r.d othr maltel'S )'Ihich concern the people. There is hardly any area of IU>tional . concern and endeavour in which the census data are not useful. In view of the gteat importance attached to census data, the census officers have a responsible and crucial role to play in coducting the censos, The census operations of toduj' c211 [or groat attention to minute details since for tte next tell rC4r. ttc ccc,c' 1I"0eld ce tee crly authentic and comprehensive sOUrce of information of our land and people. It is, therefore, very necessary that you get thotQughly acql\ainted with the concepts and definitions used in the census. This will go a long Vi•• y in training the vast army of enumerators and supervisors. Being one of the largest administratiye exercises in the world, the Census of India throws many challenges to everyone invo lved in it. At the same time, it is a privilege to be entrusted with this national task. I am sure, ea(.h one of you wi1l give your best for ensuring the success of the 1991 Ce!'..5us, YOllI' task is indeed very difficult but your ability and willingness would enable you to accomplish your task well. I request you all to give parti~ular attention to the need for total coverage and accuracy in the collection of census data. It should be the endeavour of all of us to ensure that the 1991 Census oflndi.
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