MARI 1HUK8DAT, JDET W» WW - ■ CHUigY LIBRARY riim eRXTeeif lEtn^ttfns m Tks WsslWr- fumUhsd. Hiay hava also mada chester, it has baan coaductad sash A vanfs Dally Net Prass Rua «r o . a The daughter barn st St. Francis apattar prtnta o f fnilta found In coosscutlva saaaan aiaea by tha rs- Far tho Moetb of Ju m . 1S4S hospital, ^ l y 10. to Mr. and Mrs. Dog Is Electrocuted Here Holds Exhibit Puerto Rico, which .has been the Ugloua aducatkm commlttaes o f Alice Cefim I Alrout Tiiwu Russell C. Gates of 1930 Tolland study project of the school. both tha Sacond Oongregatlonal Turnpike, has been named Gayle The prlngary children under the and North Methodist churches, the RBodingB M fy 9,482 » Members of Crurt Mwichester, Aleta. They have a small son. Mrs. By Current from a Pole This Evening laadarahlp of Mra. Leland O. Hunt, ministers serving aa super visuts jro. 107, For. ■ len. of America, are Gates was the former Betty Kriie- adll present a group o f Binging on alternate summers. Iff Chnreh St. Hartfoi er of Wethersfield, daughter of ft:,U96tcd U meet thie evening at gamea which they have enjoyed, aa Tdenbone f-l014 §• at o’clock at the Holloran Pen- tIr. and .Mrs. Frank Morin of A female mongrel dog, owmed t lator on the Bouth-iide of the pole Vfication School in well as showing "moviaa," finnr- Mmncha$tBr--^'A CUy o f VlUaga Charm Eiickland. The paternal grand­ iia l home, t i pay a final tribute by William Ferine of 39 Chestnut | had broken and the current waa paintinga, and a frieze, all dewng Of respect to Samuel Edger who parents are Mr. and Mie. Harold grounded, coming down the iron North End to Give Its with Puerto Rican life. A. Gates of Cromwell. street, was electrocuted about ■ (FOURTREM FAOIS) PRICE FOUR CENTS %aa a member. pole to the ground aurface. To ElihlMt Drswlaga Mary Consoli AivwMrini ae Fags It) MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, JULY 80, 1948 9:30 last night when the animal , Repalijp were made at once. Annual Program FOL. L X m , N a 2M Members of Sunset Council, No. The junlo^ who have been su­ took an electric charge estimated ' DreaaaMkiag aad altaratteM. 45. Degree- of Pocahontas, are re­ The twenty-second snnual vaca­ pervised by Mrs. Herbert Finlay, at 1.000 volU. The accident was will exhibit drawings, flngerpalnt- Covered bottooa. hoHeo hilaa. minded of the mystery ride to- tion school sponsored by the Sec­ morrow cvcnitg. Buses will leave claimed due to a broken utilities Local Man’s Will ings:'' spatter prints, a frieze, and 8S ram St. Bast HartfaM Atlantic Cheat Death in Farben Blast fi-om Main enc Gold stieeta. Hart­ pole insulator which grounded ond OMigregatlonal and North slides with an accompanying T d . s - s n t HALE’S current and charged the area script written by the children. The New Anti - Inflation ford, at .seven o'clock nnd all mem­ Methodist churches will hold its Filed for Probate juniors have also prepared a brief Range and Fuel Reds’ Offer to Feed ) _ _ _ bers and friends will be welcome. around the base of the iron pole exhlHltton this evening *at seven- ■ A. worship service, with which the Headquarters Mrs. Mildred Jones who is chair­ for a radius of about six feet. thirty, st the Second church. The man >of the com,mittee of arrange­ The pole is located about 25 The win of Luigi DlMartino of evening will close. « beginners, under the direction of Tomorrow momipg the last ses­ FOR ments hop23 tor a big turnout. feet north of Linden street at the Hackmatack street who commit- OIL entrance to Center Park. Mrs. Stanley Matteson, will pre­ sion of the school, the time wUl be FENDER AND BODY tad Wiclde eatly thla month, has Laws Demand Fired Crowd Is Attracted sent a rhythm drama about “Wel­ devoted to a general cleanup, All of Berlin Draws r been presented to the Manchester come House," a lonely house which games, and a picnic. Local Recruits According to the report, the Organized m the summer of WORK dog was running on the gras.s Was fixed up by the people of a L. T. WOOD CO. Probate Court by Albert DlPrato, 1926 by Rev. Frederick C. Allen, near Mr. Ferine when the animal church for a missionary family Solinenc diid Plaim, Inc. Home oil Leave The hearing has been set for home on furlough. The children pastor at that time of the Second 61 BIsdcD St. TcL 44tf began to cry and yelp. Sparks Auguts 21 for admittance oi the Congregational church, the first 0 4 Oaotor ttraat jumped from the wet gra.«s have prepared a frieze showing At Congress Today will. how the rooms of the house were church vacation school in Man­ But Small Response around the animal which was Daniel O'Connell .Seaman Re­ In the will Mr. DlMartino leaves drawn to-ward the pole as it at­ cruit, U. S. .Vavy. son of -Vr. and his entire estate to a^ nephew, tempted to free itself. Within mo­ Vincenzo DlMartipo, of Roca- Mrs. J. j. O Connell ul 437 Birch menta the dog was dead. Its plain­ Traman Tells Republic Mountain road and Howard T. monteplano, Chlete, Italy. While tive cries, however, attracted per­ Russians Loose New At- Collier. Seap'iaii Recruit, son of Mr. no inventory has as yet been filed Snyder Tells Stand can Legislators Th«ri^ ard Mrs. J.amcs E. (Tollier of 150 sons nearby who thought someone It is said that the estate will be tadi* on Anti-Com­ Disorders Subside; Center str-el. have just completed was beating an animal. worth about flO.OOO. Has Been ‘Blind Disre» their boot training at Great Lakes Graas Alive With Sparks munist City Govern­ gard* for Danger; Tall 111., and are noVv on 12 days leave. Police were called to the scene Shop In Comfort In HALE’S Cool On Price Controls KmgeSf Refrigerators Daniel and Howard were both in to warn away persons who gath­ ment; Charge Admin­ Troops Not Needed Asserts President Dsea Washers and All Olli- Company IVI during their entire ered. The wet grass was “alive” Phone «-4)557. Call aad Deliver istration ‘Sabotag­ I boot training Both boys expect to %vlth sparks, it was stated, and HENRY'S SHOE REPAIR Treasury Secretary As­ Not Want to Stop ' er Appliances .spend their time in Manchester. Dog Warden Lee Fracchia re­ Self Serve and H eal^ Market* Top ing’ Feeding Efforts Dayton CUy O0icud$ Freed Howard says, “Boot camp wasn’t trieved the animal from the AND DRY CLEANING serts They Should Be Inflation and Doubts charged area with a long pole. It Heels attached while you wait. By Preventing Un­ Major General inform Ohio Govenu what I expected at first, but I Used Only in Emergen- ' Use of New Powers' later lcam'‘U It is the best physical waa badly burned. 249 NO. MAIN ST. loading of Grains or Police Have Con^ «, j w . h a u «>m and mental training any service Police reported that electric Manchester Values For Today’s Food Dollar W ill Command ctes Like Castor Oil has to offer.” company .linemen said an insu­ trol of Strike Riots TVashington, July SO.— (ff)' Berlin, July 30.—(/P)— A — President Truman fired a Washington. July 30.—(/P) Soviet offer to feed ^ Berlin new demand for . ahti-inlU- MHIACLE WHIP I Fliers Abroad Dayton, O., July SO.— -—Secretary of the Treasury draw little responae from — City officials informed Gov. tion laws at CoQfress today, S u n l i g l i t HEALTH MARKET Germans in western sectors Snyder today told CongreM saying t)|iey are needed “to Thomas J. Herbert today members he has the same at­ 6 t the blockaded city today Johnson. Ordered to forestall business collapae.’* S a la d -TOP TREAT that disorders a t the strike­ titude toward price controls and the Russians loosed new He told the Republifttui le | ^ England in Steady bound Univis Co., plant had that he does toward castor Butter D r e s s in g Lb. 69c attacM on the anti-Commu- subsided and there was no lators there has been “blind BEEF RIB ROA5T nist dty government. In- Build-Up of American The last sanrlvora of the violent exploalons that shook the 1. O. oil. They should be used only immediate need for troops. Farbea chemical plaat In Ludutgshaten, Germany, are escorted to disregard” for the danger. fohnants in Moscow, mean- in ^emergencies. Tbe cabinet Bitter words flew badk at him. BONELESS Air- Power in Europe Elarlier, Mayor Louis Lohrey walttag amboloace by French and American rescue n-orkers. One Mid the chances are good womoh survivor, her head aad arm bandaged. Is followed by a broadly- officer was before the Senate Senator Taft (R^ Ohio), told the lb. t l^ a Big Four session to thresh asked the governor to send Banking committee to dlscusa Senate Mr. 'Trtiman "doesn’t want <f- 7 5 c Washington, July 30—CF)—The snsUIng oompanloD. Blasts that ripped and wrecked the plaat Lb. out the Berlin crisis may take troops here after street fighting breught death to at least 800 aud lojury to approximately <200. (NBA President Truman's anti-inflatloa to stop inflation” and that It la 8 2 * VEALROLL 69c steady build-up of American air broke out between pickets snd program. place in Paria in September, If radle-toleplurte). "difficult to behev* be wiU use" prospective talks between envoys power in Europe, reflecting the employes seeking to return to He endorsed a return to con­ any new powers voted him by of the western Allies and Soviet strain In western power relations work.
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