MARI 1HUK8DAT, JDET W» WW - ■ CHUigY LIBRARY riim eRXTeeif lEtn^ttfns m Tks WsslWr- fumUhsd. Hiay hava also mada chester, it has baan coaductad sash A vanfs Dally Net Prass Rua «r o . a The daughter barn st St. Francis apattar prtnta o f fnilta found In coosscutlva saaaan aiaea by tha rs- Far tho Moetb of Ju m . 1S4S hospital, ^ l y 10. to Mr. and Mrs. Dog Is Electrocuted Here Holds Exhibit Puerto Rico, which .has been the Ugloua aducatkm commlttaes o f Alice Cefim I Alrout Tiiwu Russell C. Gates of 1930 Tolland study project of the school. both tha Sacond Oongregatlonal Turnpike, has been named Gayle The prlngary children under the and North Methodist churches, the RBodingB M fy 9,482 » Members of Crurt Mwichester, Aleta. They have a small son. Mrs. By Current from a Pole This Evening laadarahlp of Mra. Leland O. Hunt, ministers serving aa super visuts jro. 107, For. ■ len. of America, are Gates was the former Betty Kriie- adll present a group o f Binging on alternate summers. Iff Chnreh St. Hartfoi er of Wethersfield, daughter of ft:,U96tcd U meet thie evening at gamea which they have enjoyed, aa Tdenbone f-l014 §• at o’clock at the Holloran Pen- tIr. and .Mrs. Frank Morin of A female mongrel dog, owmed t lator on the Bouth-iide of the pole Vfication School in well as showing "moviaa," finnr- Mmncha$tBr--^'A CUy o f VlUaga Charm Eiickland. The paternal grand­ iia l home, t i pay a final tribute by William Ferine of 39 Chestnut | had broken and the current waa paintinga, and a frieze, all dewng Of respect to Samuel Edger who parents are Mr. and Mie. Harold grounded, coming down the iron North End to Give Its with Puerto Rican life. A. Gates of Cromwell. street, was electrocuted about ■ (FOURTREM FAOIS) PRICE FOUR CENTS %aa a member. pole to the ground aurface. To ElihlMt Drswlaga Mary Consoli AivwMrini ae Fags It) MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, JULY 80, 1948 9:30 last night when the animal , Repalijp were made at once. Annual Program FOL. L X m , N a 2M Members of Sunset Council, No. The junlo^ who have been su­ took an electric charge estimated ' DreaaaMkiag aad altaratteM. 45. Degree- of Pocahontas, are re­ The twenty-second snnual vaca­ pervised by Mrs. Herbert Finlay, at 1.000 volU. The accident was will exhibit drawings, flngerpalnt- Covered bottooa. hoHeo hilaa. minded of the mystery ride to- tion school sponsored by the Sec­ morrow cvcnitg. Buses will leave claimed due to a broken utilities Local Man’s Will ings:'' spatter prints, a frieze, and 8S ram St. Bast HartfaM Atlantic Cheat Death in Farben Blast fi-om Main enc Gold stieeta. Hart­ pole insulator which grounded ond OMigregatlonal and North slides with an accompanying T d . s - s n t HALE’S current and charged the area script written by the children. The New Anti - Inflation ford, at .seven o'clock nnd all mem­ Methodist churches will hold its Filed for Probate juniors have also prepared a brief Range and Fuel Reds’ Offer to Feed ) _ _ _ bers and friends will be welcome. around the base of the iron pole exhlHltton this evening *at seven- ■ A. worship service, with which the Headquarters Mrs. Mildred Jones who is chair­ for a radius of about six feet. thirty, st the Second church. The man >of the com,mittee of arrange­ The pole is located about 25 The win of Luigi DlMartino of evening will close. « beginners, under the direction of Tomorrow momipg the last ses­ FOR ments hop23 tor a big turnout. feet north of Linden street at the Hackmatack street who commit- OIL entrance to Center Park. Mrs. Stanley Matteson, will pre­ sion of the school, the time wUl be FENDER AND BODY tad Wiclde eatly thla month, has Laws Demand Fired Crowd Is Attracted sent a rhythm drama about “Wel­ devoted to a general cleanup, All of Berlin Draws r been presented to the Manchester come House," a lonely house which games, and a picnic. Local Recruits According to the report, the Organized m the summer of WORK dog was running on the gras.s Was fixed up by the people of a L. T. WOOD CO. Probate Court by Albert DlPrato, 1926 by Rev. Frederick C. Allen, near Mr. Ferine when the animal church for a missionary family Solinenc diid Plaim, Inc. Home oil Leave The hearing has been set for home on furlough. The children pastor at that time of the Second 61 BIsdcD St. TcL 44tf began to cry and yelp. Sparks Auguts 21 for admittance oi the Congregational church, the first 0 4 Oaotor ttraat jumped from the wet gra.«s have prepared a frieze showing At Congress Today will. how the rooms of the house were church vacation school in Man­ But Small Response around the animal which was Daniel O'Connell .Seaman Re­ In the will Mr. DlMartino leaves drawn to-ward the pole as it at­ cruit, U. S. .Vavy. son of -Vr. and his entire estate to a^ nephew, tempted to free itself. Within mo­ Vincenzo DlMartipo, of Roca- Mrs. J. j. O Connell ul 437 Birch menta the dog was dead. Its plain­ Traman Tells Republic Mountain road and Howard T. monteplano, Chlete, Italy. While Russians Loose New At- Collier. Seap'iaii Recruit, son of Mr. tive cries, however, attracted per­ no inventory has as yet been filed Snyder Tells Stand can Legislators Th«ri^ ard Mrs. J.amcs E. (Tollier of 150 sons nearby who thought someone It is said that the estate will be tadi* on Anti-Com­ Disorders Subside; Center str-el. have just completed was beating an animal. worth about flO.OOO. Has Been ‘Blind Disre» their boot training at Great Lakes Graas Alive With Sparks munist City Govern­ gard* for Danger; Tall 111., and are noVv on 12 days leave. Police were called to the scene Shop In Comfort In HALE’S Cool On Price Controls KmgeSf Refrigerators Daniel and Howard were both in to warn away persons who gath­ ment; Charge Admin­ Troops Not Needed Asserts President Dsea Washers and All Olli- Company IVI during their entire ered. The wet grass was “alive” Phone «-4)557. Call aad Deliver istration ‘Sabotag­ I boot training Both boys expect to %vlth sparks, it was stated, and HENRY'S SHOE REPAIR Treasury Secretary As­ Not Want to Stop ' er Appliances .spend their time in Manchester. Dog Warden Lee Fracchia re­ Self Serve and H eal^ Market* Top ing’ Feeding Efforts Dayton CUy O0icud$ Freed Howard says, “Boot camp wasn’t trieved the animal from the AND DRY CLEANING serts They Should Be Inflation and Doubts charged area with a long pole. It Heels attached while you wait. By Preventing Un­ Major General inform Ohio Govenu what I expected at first, but I Used Only in Emergen- ' Use of New Powers' later lcam'‘U It is the best physical waa badly burned. 249 NO. MAIN ST. loading of Grains or Police Have Con^ «, j w . h a u «>m and mental training any service Police reported that electric Manchester Values For Today’s Food Dollar W ill Command ctes Like Castor Oil has to offer.” company .linemen said an insu­ trol of Strike Riots TVashington, July SO.— (ff)' Berlin, July 30.—(/P)—A — President Truman fired a Washington. July 30.—(/P) Soviet offer to feed ^ Berlin new demand for . ahti-inlU- MHIACLE WHIP I Fliers Abroad Dayton, O., July SO.— -—Secretary of the Treasury draw little responae from — City officials informed Gov. tion laws at CoQfress today, S u n l i g l i t HEALTH MARKET Germans in western sectors Snyder today told CongreM saying t)|iey are needed “to Thomas J. Herbert today members he has the same at­ 6 t the blockaded city today Johnson. Ordered to forestall business collapae.’* S a la d -TOP TREAT that disorders a t the strike­ titude toward price controls and the Russians loosed new He told the Republifttui le | ^ England in Steady bound Univis Co., plant had that he does toward castor Butter D r e s s in g Lb. 69c attacM on the anti-Commu- subsided and there was no lators there has been “blind BEEF RIB ROA5T nist dty government. In- Build-Up of American The last sanrlvora of the violent exploalons that shook the 1. O. oil. They should be used only immediate need for troops. Farbea chemical plaat In Ludutgshaten, Germany, are escorted to disregard” for the danger. fohnants in Moscow, mean- in ^emergencies. Tbe cabinet Bitter words flew badk at him. BONELESS Air- Power in Europe Elarlier, Mayor Louis Lohrey walttag amboloace by French and American rescue n-orkers. One Mid the chances are good womoh survivor, her head aad arm bandaged. Is followed by a broadly- officer was before the Senate Senator Taft (R^ Ohio), told the lb. t l^ a Big Four session to thresh asked the governor to send Banking committee to dlscusa Senate Mr. 'Trtiman "doesn’t want *ech” aad demaadad to acheduled to begin Simday by pre­ OOfSuper-Fortresaes which flew being at leasL for lending. know what powers 3Cr. Tnimaa 3 lb . c a n venting the unloading of imported ire from this country two weeks The governor said he would go Chairman Tobey (R,. N. H.) has and la not uelag. to Dayton today for • conference Farm Fresh Poultry gndna in Berlin's baige harbors. ngo. When the two wings of B- (Given Jail Terms;, Anally asked Snyder if he person­ Taft reported that the ptealdaot City officisls Uenied the charge Sfis unobatrusively departed the with city officials. He said he plan­ ally favors price controls. Mm . Margaret M. Marril baa been making "political It gives us the greatest pleasure to talk about our and an American Military govern­ the highest ranking ned another meeting later with Snyder: “ As a usual feature union leaders. (above), 36, ef Scheaectady, N. V. speechea to Cbagraso." Ha said beautiful clean meaty poultry that is ’’Farm Fresh.’* ment spokeamen termed it "a lot officer waa a coloneL Tm not in favor of price controls. -Mr. Truman ooold Inflneaea tko Furthermore, when Maj. Gen. Plant to be doeed dies after a rbarga that ah We’ll offer plump Fowl and Tender Roasters, Fryers p t poppycock." Penalties Mildest Nor am I In favor of castor oil Federal RasenrO board to tigMaa The American spokesman said Leon W. Johnson takes ovsr his The governor aald the plant ■Aered her h oslw d , Ooea but if you've gpt an allmant and bank credit, could curh eoene ag- and Broilers. Give yourself a treat! neither the city CRvanunant,. nor new assignment early next week would bo closed Saturday and BducU, was dteaMsood at th it’s going to save my life then ports and could cut gOvwwiatot ARMOUR’S tha three western Military govern­ he will be commanding what ac­ Sunday and if a need for troops Sentences Imposed ont ; I’U take it.” State’s regoest at Calais, Me. J ments had placed any hindrances tually amounts to the framework developed Monday it would be con­ former Navy aane. she had bee ■pending. for an "air division,” a unit desig­ Tobey: **Then to the secretary In JaU at Marhias Me„ slaee Taft’a outburst was touebsd off 2 L a BOX DIAMOND OUR POPULAR in the way of Russian food or for- sidered then. Governor Herbert 13 Range from 18 o f the Treasxtry price control and nation widely used during World News Tidbits pleadtag luecent a week previ­ by Mr. 'Tnunsa’s asw can flsr CRYSTAL hidd^ any western Berliner to ac­ said Adt Gen. Cbester W. Goble castor oU are equally repugnant T” Tom ato cept such food. war n. has had CoL Richard Orsham, of Montks to Eight Years; ously foUewing her hmband’a ood- legislattoa, iaads la tbs fona sd Called From (IP) Wires Senators, spectators snd Snyder HAMBURG Miffed Iqr FaUoM of Oeotnio The Air Force now defines an Columbua in Dayton as an observ­ ■ death at on Isolated oasnp at aa ecoaonUo reporL One Judge Dissents roared. Tbs report reacbed tha Csgtlpl 5 9 3 p a i r s He said the Russians were miffed air division as two or more wings. er for eevaral days. He added the BMdale lake, Me„ M. (AT by the apparent failure of their A wing Is the operating formation general would send two more ob­ Aircraft aad 13 ahips o f BriUab When outer senators sought to vnngkote). while two Ifeuaaaa aidw vsm oa ju ic e S d t TOP GRADE On Number Guilty of oontteue the caster oil discuMg ^ •the biU.” feeding geeture and now ara sedi- of one or mure groupa o f aircraft, servers to tha dty. Pacifla fleet and U. K gi waved them off. the preeideBt’a to Inepire a puUlc revolt with ita own matntenanoO.and aerv- Mayor Lohrey and City Mana­ Mistreating of "'t^bor hold Jolne nuaeovars Mm i a^Jnst the elected city govera- iee organlaations. Cnstomarily, a “not going to get Into a FRANKFURTS ger Russell McClure declared the IHiesday off coast*of Japan medical discussion/’ Secretary of 46 Oz. ' ' ment to advance their schemes to major general commands an air governor told them he would send York city offers gold woMlng Hunpiry Head Senate Banking ooaunlttsg nrg- RAY-O-KOOLS AND ^ boxes ‘ gain Communist control over all division. troops If the need arose. Nuernbergt Germany, July rings to New York couples who. Hog Ftloeo Bit New High sd govemmsat powar to eoofral Can 25 DELICIOUS Berlin. Johnson wiL be under the over­ 30.— (/P)— Thirteen directors While Snyder was testlf>*ing. - Police Chief Rudolph Wurstner ;ike the city, are celebrating their Installment buying, aad autheettr The western Berlin press re­ all direction o f Lt. Gen. Curtis B. had informed dty officials the of the giant I. G. Farben ^Iden anniversary.. .Bathing live hog prices hit a new hl|^ on Resigns Today for the Federal ReoetYO board to ported that In three days of regia- Lemay, commander of all United situation was out of band. Order suits taken off rationed list in the market— |3I a hun­ increaa* required bank resarvoa BACON tratioo only 8,800 western Berliners States air imits in Europe.'A wing Chemical trust were convict­ dred pounds. Thia was up SO cents later waa restored, however, after ed of war crimes and sen­ . . Mrs. Margaret M. Mar- The idea back of laereaaad rt- RAYON TROPICALS KOSHEB STn.B had solicited cards In the Soviet o f B-39a presently based in Ger­ reinforcements of deputy sheriffs cil, 36, returns to Schenectady, N above the July 12 previous htgh.>- Tildy Abdicates as Son- aervea la that it would tls OR. SANDWICH TREAT •eotor. The three weatem sectors many Is tinder Lemay’s command, and fire department equipment tence today to serve jail Y,, from Maine after dismissal of Several senators sought to draw monc'y that banks might otbsh- have a population o t more than w in Leave Sunday Snyder into a discussion of farm In-Law Aecused of Qt. reached the scene. terms • ranging from 18 charge she murdered her husband wise lend to people wboaa sp«ad- DILL PICKLES BAKED LOAF §,000,000 who are being fed through Johnson up to now has been com­ Break Up Street Fighting months to eight years. One . .Four major veteran groupa urge prices and policies, but he insisted Spying and Treason ing would increaa* taflatloasiy SUoed Or Whole the Brittah-American air lii^ mander of^the 15th Air Force, one For the fifth consecutive day Congress to give top priority to he should stick to banking. preaaurca. Summer arrived late this year . . . U. S. Ambassador Walter Bedell o f the two* fleets o f B-29s based in of the four American judges Senator Buck (R., Del.) asked several hundred employes return­ on the tribunal which t^^cd the rejected universal military pro­ Paul Porter, torsser OPA ad* and so did these pants. Now that they WITH CHEESE Lb. 49c Bnilth Is back in Moscow after the United States. He will leave ed to work under police protection. gram .. Britain’s share of Berlin why President Tnunan’s adminis­ Budapest, Hungary, July SO—(65 HOLMES ST¥LE MAINE strategy talks In London and Ber­ Sunday for England. case promptly filed a dissent, con­ tration is asking powers to reduce —President Zoltan TUdy- abdicated are here we want to sell them fast Police broke up street fighting, tending that the decision of the air lift has added |240,000 a week (Ueattanad aa P a g * Rb|bt> lin. It is believed Smith will take He knows that counrty and the pushing and kicking between pick­ to operating expense of Royal Air prices and at the same time is today. The COmmunist-dominated while there is still -plenty of time for majority was too lenient. He w m Can. the leading role in the prospective continent like the back o t his hand. ets snd workers by exploding tear Force .... Lions International, at using government funds to sup­ you to get a lot o f wear out of them SARDINES 2 25c tcJks with Molotov coheeming the Johnson served with the 8th Air Judge Paul M. Hebert of Baton port prices of farm products. government had accused his son- gas bomba Heavy ' police squad­ Rouge, 'La., who declared that he convention in New York, calls, for in-law, Minister to Egypt Victor this season. Every pair of them is as Seafood Serenade poaeibiUty of opening negotiations. Fpree In Jlngland when its thou­ rons again forced a path through strong stand against “further en­ Snyder said that is a question PRINCE EDWARD Berlin’s antl-Communist Social- sands o t bombers were sweeping felt 20 of'the 33 defendants should for the secretary of agriculture. Caomoky, of espionage aad trea­ cool as a breeze— and each pair priced We keep sin^ng the same old song about the virtue deep info- Germany and Nazi-oc­ have been convicted of mistreat­ croachment of Communistic wav (Oonttnued on Page Bight) o f life.” son. at a cool saving o f $3.01. in using fredi seafood more often for nutrition, for (Coatfaaed oa Pago Ugkt) cupied lands. Of th e ,22 years In ing slave labor. Only five actually (Continued os Page Bgbt) LOBSTER MEAT__ c«. 75e Fifteenth person arrested ir^ "Tildy, a Methodist minister, be­ Flashes! variety and for economy. See our fine Seafood Dept. military service since he was were convicted' on this count. graduated from Weet , 18 The penalties against the 13 men Revere, blass., probe faces ar- longs to tbe Smallholders party, imlgnment today.. President Tru­ which had an elected niajority be­ (U la RaUettaa o f toe Oh WK*) 4Two Tailors b u b i b u : b e e b r a n d have been with the air arm. His convicted were the mildest ever FREE Israel Seeks decorations include the Medal of Bodies Sought imposed in a war crimes trial in man and Gov. Thomas Dewey will fore the Communlet coup in May thia War crimes capital of conquer­ set precedent when ' they speak WiU Not Seek of last year. He waa the flrat Can Honor. Rlaai KUIa Two Mtosss CRA B M EAT 75c•w OCTAGON Follows Cantiona Pattern ed Germany. They meant that from same rostrum tomorrow....- president of post-war Hungary No Waiting In Wreckage actually only seven of the 24 Far­ Lowlands along YangfeM- river in and retained that office after the Rinstagbam, Ala., July S S-^fO y ALTERATIONS Larger Area The Air Force annoimcement of Veto Powers —Two umors weto lupsitod Itoed .•A t r e a s u r e Lg. Bara Johnson’s assignment to Europe ben directors who went to trial II China flooded.. ThRII^ wealthy coup. SOAP months ago will stay behind bars Shanghai Chinese to have their aad at least U lajaaod today la • followed the cautious pattern of Under Communist Preeeor* hlaat at tto Teaaaotoo OsuL &*■ for any length o f time. All were names published In newspapers if "Tildy. however, had been under 7 Oz. Can previous announcements regarding French, German Res­ aad Railroad Co.*a Rig BON IT A FISH 37c .Demands New Territoiv credited ^ t h time already served. they do not hurry and make con­ United States Tells Communist^ pressure for a year o» the departure of bombers end oaol eriae. A aeureo a$ tos < Hurry in tomorrow morning while se­ cue Workers Dig In­ One defendant was severed from tributions to special "soak the more. SWEETHEART ies as Result of Victor­ fighters for Europe—he is going Decision in Regard paay'a asalo effleea sold aue lection is .at its best. STRIPES . . . ELAVIO PACK ROCK to take command of Super-Fort- to Farben Plant ^uins the case because of illness. rich” levy----- After two hours of Caomoky Is under arreat. ,H* CHECKS . . . SOLID COLORS. Blue, ies Over Arab Units reases "in England on a training Acquitted of Stlffest Chsrge freedom in West Philadelphia, To Danube Parleys reaigned as minister to Egypt yes­ tan, gray and brown. Sizes from 28 to “ Can SOAP 3 F.r 27c mission." They all were acquitted yester­ rampaging ateer finally shot to terday, about two vreeks after his LOBSTER 65c But how long those bombers Lud\4igshafen. Germany, July death by pursuing police. return from (3siro. .42. Yoo^ agree that never before in Tel Aviv, Israel, July 80— (P)— day of the stiffest charge in the Belgrade, YugoelaWa. July $0- t Israel demanded today new terri­ are to stay, whether they are to 30—( ^ —Weeping Germain women indict|nent->plotting and waging British Commons told that An excellent eource said the Manchester has there been such a pants “ rather more" than 2,000 members (J'l—*rhe United States disclosed Mast wqa reperted to bavo eocur* PREfillER ALL GREEN tories In Palestine—perhaps, in' be relieved by a similar number if waited today as working parties aggressive war. preaident’'s resignation has reach­ gouged into the I. G. Farben of U. 8. armed forced now station­ today ita decision to forego any red at tffib sjns. (c. s. L). buy aa this! Our regular price and the eluding Jersslem—as a result of they return or whether still more Members of the court, in addi­ attempt to obtain veto powers in ed the speaker of Parliament and • • • PAPER NAPKINS " y 15e may go never has been stated. chemical plant wreckage for tion to Herbert, were Presiding ed in Britain.... Door to state's will be aimounced officially to- price throughout the land $7.98t " Can 3 3 c Jewish victories over Arab Arm' $2,500,000 school building fund has the- 11-nation conference on con­ Chicago Red Burreadera ASPARAGUS lea. bodies of men missing since Judge Curtis G. Shake of Vin­ trol of Danube river shipping. Wednesday*.! disastrous explosion. been loctod, with 1949 Legislature Chicago, July 36 tg) Otibeet Foreign Mtniater Moshe Shertok (OooUotied on tfnge Four) cennes, Ind.; James Morris of Bis­ Aniba.*«Bterday and today. The specific hospital enters 2,001st day in total foreign minister, headed U\e Rus­ Special Purchase Cer* Green appeared at heim hospitaL raising the knou-n charge upon which he waa convict­ sian delegation. NO. 1 FANCT f r e s h j - Has Rejected Bemsdetto PUui death toll to 138. American chap­ com a----- Western European latwr office vrito hla attemoy, Basic Necessities .^vail ed waa the misuse of slave labor. leaders told today they would be Expresses SurceM Hop* tilicates One Idea Nainmn.. ShertiA said Israel plans Im- lains worked throughout the night Hermann Schmitz, 67-year-old Cannon expressed cautious hope • • • • APRICOT medUte steps to place Jersaluem administering to the dying. The given “full opportunity” to serve PEACHES 2Lb.23c able to All of People as advisors in E.R.P. the conference would succeed tn For Controlling Price Pleads Goaty to Steytnga under Jewish sovereignty. Israel chaplains and German clergymen (CoatiSued ne Page Four) opening the key waterway o f cen­ Jar he added, has tejected Count E. C. A. Administrator Paul G. Mnnsfleld, 0 „ M y r ~ PRESERVES planned a memorial service today tral Europe, on which thousands Washington, July 30— iC*—One FRESH Folke Bemsdotte’s plan to demil WashingUm, July 30 — (JP) — Hoffman announces nnv plan of ert M> Onntele, a pnrtidpnat In in Mannheim for the victims of the of barges now lie Idle and empty. administration idea (or control­ . .jtarlze the Holy City because It Philip Murraj', president of the explosion. Treasary Balance European currency clearance tbe elnytag e f alx peegte plandad CIO, last night asked the special which he terms “a milestone in . The conference Itself begins late ling the pries of meat and rationing gidity to slnyteg thren mrmbsri provided for eventuM Arab rule. Into the early hours this mom today, the Initial iheetii^- being HONEYDEW session of Congress "to s«e to it Washington, July 30—uP)—The real cooperation among the Euro­ it at the same time involves the ef the Niebel fasu|y whaa niralga- Earlier, a cabinet source said ing French and German rescue devoted to organization. "The U. use of special meat purchase certi­ GRAPE PRESERVES 23c the Israeli government baa ,toId that the basic necessities of life poeltion o f the Treasury* July 28: pean countries for economic recov­ ad befere Mnntalynl Caort J n ^ workers dug into the twisted mass ery"----- Dixie Democrats carry S., Ru.ssla, Britain, Franc* and the ficates. Each 2 5 c the U. N. mediator that It will dis­ are available to all our people at of wreckage. They pulled out arms Receipts, $55,110,850.25; expen­ IL H. Schlettler todny. P ' MELONS filibuster against anti-poll tax bill small countries through which the These certiflcates would be In the tered the oenrt n cuss the demilitarisation plan prices they can pay." and lega and hidMus cinders of ditures, $71,895,474.13; balance, Danube flows are represented. Murray, in a radio address $5,018,116,392.65. into second day .. same denomination as money. nnahnvan aad anil FBCSH further if he publicly renounces men trapped by the blast that de­ Austria has no vote. The Com­ The government would Issue just Bwiflly abent and toeai tt* beach. bis original plan to put the dty (ABC), also urged Congress to stroyed 16 buildings of Germany's munist countries thus have a two- PLUM PRESERVE^i.r 23c “ re-«iact the. excess profits tax enough of them to cover the avail­ Judge Schlettler ashed Mm M ha 5 Lb. Bag , under Arab rule. biggest chemical plant thirds majority If they act as they able meat aupply at reasonable 45c law to recapture speculative and have In other International m*et pleaded gaitty to qB tores eh arna ORANGES Shertok also told the 87-membcr Weqiing Woaiea ^ alt pricee. e f tret degree oa n ier. *1 deeft council that: exborbitant profits." Outside l.udwigahafen’s tiay, Cemetery May Become ings as a unit. tVams "BMuomy In Danger" Makes Poritiea Clear Tbl# “ meat money” then would kaew their aamap There au|a FRESHr lUBioa 1. Israeli ^thoritles will refuse overcrowded morgue. weeping ba divided excnly among consuso- three ef theob toeoglb**'BooMi APPLE JELLY 1 Lb. Jar 18c to permit thFrctuni'of any of the The CIO president, warning German women waited for more He said the United States a that “our economy is in danger of one of the. occupying power* of ere—juat how is a detail >**t to be replted la a lew, eeca vetea 800,000 Arab refugees to their bodies to be carted in. Battleground .for Vet worked out. I ■ , • • e Mfht dom k ... GREEN PEPPERS 2 Lb. 25c Paleetlnian ht^e* until their stat­ serious dislocation’’ unless the American troops who had risked Germany, which has a direct inter­ OEAMDMOTHra'a price rise is checked,' recommend­ If a person bought $2 worth of us can be considered as part of a their lives In rescue ' and fire­ est in ' the Danube, must insist New Oriroaa, July ed that Congress snd the Justice upon sharing the future sdmlnla- P*’' status o f Jews in Arab states fighting work had returned to W ells. Me.. July i - u P - A 250- Want Iroa Feace Kirhyx Newburger, id-ysat eto Bal. 2 5 c department Investigate the profits 30 tration.♦ He-lie added the same name ai>:' ap­ In regular money and R E M r i L FRUIT SYRUPS FKESH 2. Israel will demisnd “ heavy their zone. The blood-ztained year-old cemetery threaten* to be . First Selectman Archibald S3 in meat purchase Ccrtificatvc^ promlarut cettoa beelM*, bnupei indemnities’^ from the Arabs in and price policies o f big business Americans withdrew when French plies to Au.itria if that country, a new battleground for * World Worpiwood said last night he This system would be designed aenriy 166 test fraee th* Meilte peace negotiations for wbst he since the end of OPA in mid-1946. soldiers said their “gallant serv­ thought that had settled- the mst- still *waUlng a peace pact, is de­ CARROTS 2 Bun. 17c War II veteran from New York. nied a voice in the conference de­ to limit the number of actual dol­ ■ippt river bridge today aad d l^ MEH '8 S H O P S .VENICE MAID called “hundreds of millions of “Today, in the midst of econo­ ice*" np longer w*ere needed. The cemetery, untended for 40, ter. But. no, U»e ladles want an ebertly altaewatd. PbVto -Deik mic abundance.” Hurray said, The rescue efforts of American ---- . . - - - *. I jfoq fence. cisions. lars available for buying meat §07 MAIN STREET WELDON BLDG. dollars lost by direct war ex' years, la part of a live-acre site1 Sergt. Seaeea ReNetoe atod Itoli” “ our people are troubled and in­ soldiers w*on praise from Geh. Belgrade. Its streets scrubbed And. by limlt'ng meat buying, it Can pehses-’’ where WilUam Byrnes is trying to With a hedge. Wormwood eaid, would aarv* aa both a price coo- buffer waa i SPAGHETTI Keitaratss Pre\i*ga' Appeols secure. Throughout our country Lucius p: Clay, the U. 8. mlUtaury the cemetery still would be legally table clean during tbe night and build'a tourist camp. bright with flags and bunting, trol and rationing device. FREE PARKING IN TM J E M COM He reiterated previous appeals 61,006,000' men and women are commander. He said: Mcmbeca of tbe Abraham Lin­ abandoned. But with a fenco It “American troops did a good presented an almost fesUv* ap­ . The plqn is expected to be sug* to tha Arabs to negotiate directly fully employed. Production is at a coln Relief 0>rps, a woman’s aflU- would be “reactivated” and be­ PitN to on MANCNBSnU COMlf record peak. A bumper crop is in job. 1 would have been surprised come town property again. pearance. Rut beneath that eur- gested by Secretary of Agriculture J.' ^ '1 PURNELL PARKING LOT Jewiah-Arab differences aa "co­ Uta of the G. A. R-. protested on Rrannan when he appean before Lg. Pkg. 32c partners of equal rights and aov- prospect Vet Inflation Is robbing U they hadn’t ” the ground revolutionary heroes Albert W. Emmons, Kennebunk face teemed a tens* alertness to SUPER SUDS Praise came trem the Germans, lawyer and member o f an Ameri­ the potenUaliUea of a tug of war the House Backing committee oa ereignty. us of the fruits of our hard work and Indian filt e r s He there, President Triman’a proposed anti- ■i) too. One German offielsl said the can Legion comhiitte* studying tbe between the east and west, and “\\> art stretching the hands of and preductiva skills. The cost of i Byrnes agreed to clean up the inflation program, p ^ ib ly 1st* to­ ______(euad * a ___ ■SI ' I cemetery and put a hedge around dispute, said he hopes a com pro­ day. way with the k ^ p | | ls (OsgtiBaed eo Pago Taa) (Qpattaraed #■ Faga Taa) (Coatinod Ml Tm ) i It. mise is possible. . (Uoatlaned *a hM * Tau) \ i . ' - ‘ 4 ^ 1

. 5 PAG E TW O MANXHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 80, 1948 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER.* CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 80, 1^48 r A G B < Weatport oarracka identified the Rochester said Potts was “a splen­ in their one-room home Tuesday, driver aa Roland La Vole, 34, of did* student and a young man of Doctor Urges Chief Schendel Is Subject the night the beating took place. known as the Guli of Uraba) la Granite State 10# Brook street, Mar.cheater, fi* exceUent characUr.” He theorised Bonus Bonds Of Article in Msgazine Dosland said tne Halvorsona were I Extended ForecHet | northwastsrn Colombia. ance of Miaa Maloof. that Potta may have been depress- Speedy Trial' Report Looms Ths Ik an arm of the Cari5^ La Vole, treated at Greenwich €d. attending a carnival at the time, Atomic Plant to Make G H Is Killed Sbii to Return and he added that further investi­ bean, m out 350 miles from the Hurry to KeUh*8^ hoapital for shock and minor in* Rtochester police said the dia- ■Chief Herman O. .Schendel To Be Signed Boston, July,* SO—OP—Extended Panama canal. The Atrato has no luries, waa not arrested. Mulligan apMsrance was reported to them o f the hfanchester Police De­ gation might lead to filing a To Be Sought forecast for New England for the O n New Canal Jui)e 24. charge of neglect against the par­ tributaries to the Psctfic, but sev­ i said. partment is the subject of sa period Saturday. July 31, to | eral small rivers rise within a few Diet IntUntly When *Blue Baby* Surgeon Is­ ents. Power Next December Wedneaday. Aug. 4. inclusive: Mulllg:an quoted La Vole as eay* article in a nationally circulat­ Adorno and Zeller to N A B T r O H O miles o f the Atrato and fiow Intoi it.g that he' and Mias Maloof were The temperature during the m xt Fiance sues Appeal After ed detective magazine that hit Counsel for Unkm,.As­ Colombian Official A«- the Pacific. : Car Driven by to be married in the fall, and were the newsstands last week. Go to New York Mon* five daya. Sautrday through next on their way to Patterson, X . J., Plainfield Youth Enough to Supply Smril serts Taft - Harth^y Wediteaday, will average near the serts Statement May There have been’ frequent re­ TOMORROW Hiu Abutment Fismily Deserted Soutb Coventry The article is enUtled “He day to Do Job ports that the United States ls| when the acciuent occurred. Inspires Confidence,” and tells seaaonal uoimal. The weather will Miaa Matooi' was asleep on the Mrs. Pauline Little Village t o Come from “- “Vi r ’ .JSn'S’ Law Test Needed turn cooler lete Saturday an4 Be Issued Soon interested in a second canal to i Ortcnwlc;!, July SO—(JP)—M iu Chicago, July 30— An ap­ of Chief Schendel's success in rear seat, the trooper said La Vole UnilnuBtlc Cs. Phone 3623-WI HarUord, July 30.—(iP)—State Crashes Plane First Post-War Pile ' To guard against this is a 300-foot gradually become warmer Monday supplement Panama, with Nlcars-1 peal to his 21-year-old son to re­ handling and training both Malocf, 30, of T7 Market told him, when the car sidewiped an men and doga Treasurer Joseph A. Adorno and tall, spindly weather tower a mile Hartford. July 30—oP)—William through Wednesday. Some normals Bogota. Colombia, July 30— gum mentioned as a likely spot. 1 abutment to the bridge which turn home to his wife and two for thla period are; Boston and —Foreign Minister Eduardo Zu- There haa been no official con -, atrect, Mancheater, N. H., waa In* New officers of the Green-Cbo Comptroller Fred R. ZeUer go to Laurel, Md., July 30 — (/p— A On Long Island away, Ita head aa high as the top S. Gordon, Jr., counsel for an AFL aUntly killed here early today crosses the Byram river. small children was made yester­ light plane, with a 21-year»old of the great atack, to enable New Haven 72. Providence ^ leta Angel said today an official firmation. Mulligan said La Vole denied bot Post and Auxiliary, AL, An­ New .York Monday to sign the union challenging the Taft-Hart- Nantucket and Concord. N. H.. when a car in which she waa a day by hla father. Dr. Willis J. Plainfield, Conn., youth at the By Hotrard W. Blakillakettoe weathermen on duty 24 hours of #0, statement may be issued soon on paaaenfer atruck a Merritt park* falling asleep at the wheel but said dover, Mansfield and Coventry dis- 31,750,000 bond issue for pay­ rnce}sBiaar the dhy to tell when there are ley act ban on political spending Portland 88. Burlington 70, Bast; I a report that’ the United States Net Earalngw Drop Potta, internationally known “ blue controls, crashed on the Baltimore AsMclated Press Sclei way bridge abutment and waa de* that the abutment “loomed sud­ tricU follow: Of the post. Com­ Battle Looms ments to survivors of deceased and Ohio railroad main line tracks tlown-drafta. A word from them by labor unions, said today he port #2, Or*‘en*llle 65 and Presque ! has proposed s new Inter-ocean ^ 4 Upton. N. Y.. July 30.—(8 V - moliahed. denly” betoiw him and that the baby" surgeon. mander, Raymond L. Pender; first veterans. near'here lats yesterday. will shut the pile down. would aeek a apeedv trial o f the Isle##. ) canal through Colombia. ■Waterbury, July 30-f.P> Con­ ,rhe first atomic plant able to case. Medical Examiner Ralph W. collision occurred w'hen he swerved The aon, Robert Eugeni Potts, Through use of a mechanical The eastbound track was tied The air in thla region will be Rainfall w';i average two to six He refused last night to confirm solidated net earnings of the Sco- ^ FINAL vice-commander, William Thomas; make electric power—probably to avoid striking it head on. signature device, «ach will have kept as free from radioactivity as In the U. S. District court at tenths of a;i inch occurring as iCrane said Mlaa Maloof died of a after nearly completing his third Over Trieste up 15 minutes while the plane was 3,500 kilowatts, enough for a or deny the report, which came vill eianufacturing company for second vlce-oommander. William to write his name only about 88 is that of Denver, which at one New Haven Wednesday, Judge showers and thundershC'Wera Sat­ fractured akull. year In the pre-medtcal course at being moved to the side, but the small village—is , set to start run­ from, a source close to the presi­ the first half of 1948 were $1,845,- State Policemen Richard Mulli- the University of Rochester (N. Cadieux; adjutant, Oscar Miller; ** on the 1,. mile altitude gets a little more Carroll C. Hincks refused to dis­ urday. Shov-ers are again likely dent's office, but said a statement 000, compared with $2,635,000 in pilot, Philip Johnson, Negro, was Son., Mon„ Toe*—A«g. 1. 1 mad t ning here in December. radioactivity from cosmic rays | ,(aa and Joeeph Sullivan of the Field Day Held y .), disappeared on June 2. Dr. finance officer, Charles Benjamin: 750 91,000 bonds. Deputy Tressur- not hurt. miss indictments against the shout Wednesday. might be given after he meets the same period last year, the cor­ Yugoslavs See Ameri- “THE Kib FBOM BROOKLYN” This is the pile of the Brookha- than does sca-Ievel Long Island. { union. Local 481, Brotherhood of Potta said hla aon, who was an chaplain. Philip Underson. Sr.; er John 8. Roth will also be pres­ Johnson crashsd whils taking von National laboratory of thd with'a committee of Parliament. poration reported last night. The DAY A common barb-wire fence honor student and had taken a historian, Richard C. Snow; ser- can-British Plot to ent to in the tranaacOon. .Starring'Danajr Kay Painters, Decorators and Paper- ei Deaths In .%iito Crashes Gives No Tee'hnleal Details eaminga .after preferred dividend ' At Playgrounds off from a heavily weeded field be­ ALSO Atomic Energy commission, and warns all comera that the pile area heavy course, left a note saying geant-at-arma, David Roberta- •itn the ori^nal hangers of Hartford, and its pres­ The informant who said there requirrmenta, were $1.39 per com­ side the right-of-way. He did not “The Devil Thumba A Ride” the tentative date was announced is secret. It boars this sign: ident, John R. O’Brien. he was going to New York City service officer, Harold .Turner; Give Italy Territory $50,000,000 bonus bond issue re- today by Dr. Lyle Borst, designer Hartford. July 30.—(65—A total had been such a proposal gave no mon share for the 1948 period, malns, plans call for almost im­ explain why he had landed there. "Tampering with this fence will The judge declared the Taft- A group Of approximately thir- and then to California. state fund officer, Willi# H. Hom­ and director. of 13,676 automobile accidents tq technical details, except to say against $2.05 In the 1947 period. July Johnson mean immediate termination.” Hartley law constitutional, reject­ ty-flve children competed in a field Seen Working Too Hard er; executive committee, Francis Lake Succesa, July 30—(P) __ mediate use o f the new money. This first txMit-war atomic plant Connecticut in the first four that use of the Atrato river had And day at the Manchester Green *T think he had been working Some, however, wUl ba reinvested ing the union's contention that the Perkins, Jr., for a three year term. The Security Couneil expects some Is wholly scientific, for many 1 political spending ban violated con­ months o f this year cost 61 Ih’ea; been suggested. That river flows Ireland's ai\clent peat bogs have School Playground yesterday af­ too hard,” Dr. Potts told a news tei^orarily, in government bonds, resulted In injury to 3,756 persons yielded fuel for centuries. Post delegates to the department fancy fireworks next week when th ln ^ ; all peaceful. Including I stitutional guarantees of free into the (.iilf of Darien (also ter noon and showed great pros­ conference he had summoned at convenUon August 27, 3«, 20 in ^ j'm e n ts to 103,855 Veterans and property damage o f $2,315,- Clearance speech and a free press. Anderson pects for the I960 . Children's Memorial hoapital Bridgeport are Mr. Perkins, Mr It tackles the Trieste question. Bonus paymenU to date have 143. These figures were disclosed where he la chief surgeon. To Delight The Taste Preview of Future I Gordon said last night: ■ X " V The meet waa under the super­ Thomas and Mr. Cadieux with al­ been made to 103,855 living veter- last night by Motor Vehicles Cbin- Dr. Potts, who Is the discoverer This problem has been a head­ The pllb, a preview of the fu- ] Dinner Guests “ We will seek early arraign­ PAINTING AND vision of Doug Straw, the play­ ternates Maurice Slater, Robert •na and to aurvlvora o f 4.265 de- ture, is a huge, yellow brick, cube- • missioner Elmer S. Watson. He o f one method o f "blue baby” op- ache for the United Nations aver Mas^ varans. Average pay- y ment. enter a plea of not guilty, DECORATING ground director, and prizes were Benjamin and Mr. Pender. Officers shaped, single room, ri.slng out of \ and seek trial without delay as a said mechanical defects were re-’ Sale awarded to the winners. eratlona, haa performed about 130 since the Council of Foreign Min­ mrot to living veterans is $251, sponaible for only a small percent­ such operations since 1946, Includ­ of the unit follow: President, Mrs DINE FOR .a Long Island forest, and tower- ! Boise. Idaho, July 30 -ifP—So- means o f proceeding with the next Interior end Esterior Work Following are the events and Virginia Snow; first vice-presi­ isters agreed l.i New York late in J S S ts % S o ^ '“ ” ‘deceased vet- Ing above big sand hills. This i c!ety note: . step in the union’s plan of getting age of the accident total. the winners: ing one yesterday before he called 1046 to give the Security Council the news conference. ' dent, Mrs. Lois Perkins; second building is six to seven stories j Mrs., Beatrice Buraick Is to be a test of that ban in the Taft-Hart- , I STORE-WIDE Basketball throw: Girls: 1st, the responsibility for guarantee­ *^‘" 3 handled by a THOSE VITAMINS! 22S Richland St. Tel. 6812 •Thla sort o f publicity is horrible vice-president, Mrs. Betty Chdl- LUNCHEON OR DINNER high, its sides 120 feet by 100. hosteas to T.ochinvai''and Lovelace ley act." Doris Cormier; 3nd, Sally Silver; ing the integrity of the free U r- Beiders Trust company (N. Y.) 180 Oak S t Tel. 6914 for me. but I don’t care,” Dr. Pott.s eux; secretary, Mrs. Betty Tho­ It has on one aide about the Orsidac at a horacmeat dinner Sun­ Indicted Last March 3rd (tie) Pauline Cormier, Natalie mas; treasurer, Mrs. Cynthia Har­ ritory. ^A }^ c a t e , o f which Cboley and ■'biggest bay window in the world. day at the Juiia Davis park zoo. Derby. said. “ I’m ready to do anything j^j^P«ny, Hartford, is a partici- The union waa indicted last SAVINGS to get him back.” low; chaplain, Mrs. Gertrude Con­ Up to now, however, most of This \ylndow Is five to six stories Lochinvar and Lovelace are the March after It used union funds Boys: 1st, Carl SUver; 3nd, Ro­ WANTED ner; historian. Mra Ruth Steullef tte controversy haa either been high, and will be used to ahoot out zoo's two bicek bears. to pay for an advertisement in a bert Anderson; 3rd, Edward Boyle. He told reporters he had de.ayed 4 Piece orchestra to play undergoing a gall bladder opera­ .iergeant-at-arms. Mrs. Winnie behind the scenes— over selection CAVEY’S from the pile a giant beam of neu­ Mrs. Burdick, who operates a Hartford newspaper and for a ra­ Broad Jump: Girls: lat. Doris tion “ because I wanted my boy Webb: assistant sergeant-at-anna, of a governor for Trieste — or trons that will travel probably kennel in Bo'se, invited the bears dio broadcast urging pnlitirsl re­ Saturday niffhts. Oormisr; 3nd. Natalie Derby; 3rd, with me.” He said he had con­ Mrs. Eva Palmer; executive com­ ouUide the U.N. entirely. Young Boys Held 45 EAST CENTER STREET more than half a mile in the air, to dinner at'tef she learned their taliation against Senator Taft '(R.. «p to % Barbara Watson. just grazing the hilltops and the daily rations had been reduced to Write Box T • Alwaya ready to take advan­ 50 ducted a continuous search since mittee, Mrs. Snow, Mrs. Thomas Assured Thorough Airing Ohio) and Connecticut congress­ NOTICE Boys: 1st, Carl SUvar; 3nd, his son left Rochester. He will be Mrs. Pender, Mrs. Ethel Nelson, north edge o f the -Brookhaven bread and water because of the men who voted for the law of C O Herald Franklin England; 3rd, Jack Pa- The Issue was assured a In Fatal Beating high coat of meat. tage o f popular fancy, unscnipu- Y’our last chance— only one more day! Great operated on tomorrow. Mrs. Madelyn James. Delegates imorough airing when Marshal FINE FOOD— SELECT DRINKS laboratory, which is itself, the .size which he was co-author. The THE OFFICE OF Ulll. o f a small town, and lies alongside savinflrs you can’t afford to miss. JFumiture Married Two Years .Ago to the department copvention are Titos Yugoslav goveniment call- Lochinvar and I-ovelace accepted union aaid its violation of the law loua organization, headed by Foot Race; Glrla: 1st, Pauline Mrs. Snow and Mrs. Perkins with tile jungle which is the pile’s for every room, every home. Many styles, DR. FLORENCE Toung Potts was married two on the Council Wednesday to Moorhead. Minn.. July so— (ip)— the invitation through Fred Knosp, was done deliberately in a move Cormier; 3nd, Sally Silver; 3rd, years ago to Joan Fiedler, whose .alternstes selected aa Mrs. Pend­ Two boys, aged nine and 11, will homc. the zoo keeper. Knosp, who is to to obtain a Supremo "court test. high-pre..ure promoter, .eem many one-of-a-kind floor samples. Super­ Barbara Watson. what It called an American- father, Edward, Is a vice president er and Mrs. Ella Roys. t*ce Juvenile co' t here Thursday DAlSCim mCHTLY^MIRAlSDA MVSW The pile is in three huge, tepar-! serve, said; ‘They haven't had No date for arraignment of the FENDER AND BODY determined to exploit public values a-plenty! Hurry to Keith’s— today. MARSH Beys: 1st, Edward Bojds; 3nd, British plot to turn the free terri­ ate parts. They stand in a row,' meat for sr. long they probably of the Pabst Brewing Company. The enrollment of the electors tory over to ruiy. Both the U. S. for the fatal beating of their two- defendants has been set. but U. S. Arthur England; 3rd, Billy Pran- Hla brother, Willis J., Jr.. Is a-stu­ who are entitled to vote In anv year old sister. their lower ends behind a great' won’t know what It is." Attorney Adrian W. Maher said he health to the last degree. They CkMed Wed. P. M. Opea Thura. Eva Other Daya, • to SUM WILL BE CLOSED tics. and British promptly haid they WORK dent at the University of Califor­ caucus in the Town ossl- Sandy Beach tato Salad and Cole Slaw. , I ble! In A v event, they should be No. 3—Broiled Fresh Mackerel, EQUIP prepared to give the counsellor Park m a R c o p o l o I.«mon Sauce. ’ French Fried Tucker Hearing their full name, rank or rate, aer­ Potatoes and Cole Slaw. ial number, date and reason for CRYSTAL LAKE RESTAURANT Rockville 1550 Burnside Ave. East Hartford, Tel. 8-392t STELLA'S Also a line aeiectlon of ala IN FACT Continues Today .separation, pollcj' number or num­ carte specials. Our^expert and efficient Brake Department bers. effective date of policy and Dinners $1.10 and up, served due date of premium in default. DANCING EVERY BEAUTY SHOP from 5 to 9 P. M. Hartford. July 30-iP>— i>he-^ ^"*'^*’*"®* ^*^* * * * or ho- Spaghetti will guarantee you FOUIT good brakes. ^ hearing conducted w.. by Commission­ #**■ I tlce o f separation I Isb nrtAnoften helpful. SUNDAY er Edward J. Hickey of the state The Manchester Service Center Music By ,51 OR haa reinstated close • to $1,000.- Will Be Closed PRINCESS police department against Lt The “ Aristocrats” Henry T. 'Tucker, suspended com­ 000.00 o f insurance in the past Roller Skatinff RESTAURANT manding officer of Ridgefield bar­ three months. It is still considered La Pizza the beat investment In the insur­ Mon. Thru Sat. July 31 Through Main .\t Pearl St. racks, was continued at headquar­ Prsparad Any Style— ters today. ance field. To Taks Out Lieutenant Tucker, charged C Aug. 9 ALL MAKES— ALL MODELS with conduct .unbecoming an offi­ 31T m WU8 ft>.«4tllJ0r THIBOtfltS ★ ★ ★ cer, is represented by Attorney E M L O E W S Fine Wines Leonard 'McMahon of Danbury. r * Dancing Every Thursday, The testimony of civilian witness­ Friday and Saturday Night Liquors and Beer es, Including Thomas D. Marley, DRIVE IN THEATRE I. prlvats detective of Hartford, was "Niwthwrest Ends Saturday Night ONE DAY SERVICE A CLEAR concluded Thursday. Marley was NOW PLAYING Outpost” vigorously cro'ss-examtned by A t­ PLUS; TELEVISION ^GRIP Drive in for free inspection and estimate. torney McMahon, according to re­ “ Framed” PICTURE ports, which largely accounted for the fact that but 6 of the 65 wit­ N nesses called In the case, were heard the first day. 53232353534823232323232323232353535323234823485353532348 u As is customary In such mat­ ff ters, the hearliig is not an open nnt-MMtMM'aain mnr.nM waoMw _ PARTS SUNDAY #■ We, Here At House’s Want To Take one. SUN.-MON.-TUES. Randolph’ Scott In Sky View Heights “I REMEMBER MA5IA” “BAD.MAN’S TERRITORY” LOWEST PRICES PLUS: “GUNS OF BATE” PLUS: -THE CHASE”) W > A K G R I L L In Andover Justice lo Face This Opportunity To Thank The Consistent witb quality materials and | AS ADVERTlStD i**M OyiE8*1r For A Beautiful Homesite <■’ ' expert workmanship. Driving Charge ' . IN MAOEMOISaU g ZaleAirasiano Fight Pictures THE NEW, epOL Located on the Andover-" 80-(P) — Justice VARIED SHORT SUBJECTS , IHE WONOEfifOL Wiley Rutledge of the U. S. Su- .. Shown By P. Vichi' \ Gilead road just south of Miss Clarion Tinker’s Well- People Of Manchester And Vicinity preme court was charged ill Den- sweep Farm, Vz mile from Andover Center and Andovei; \-er’s Traffic court, today with FUN FOR ALL THE FA.MILY • IINE, G^^io0c/tRR£AOyfoj y A C A T / O N ^ reckless driving and taking the ROSEMOUNT RESTAURANT l.ake, 10 minutes to Wilimantic and 25 minutes to ,\ir- right-of-way. ' crafl, East Hartford. The 54-year-old jurist, who has AT SATURDAY NIGHT i l H CARE been vacationing at Boulder. Colo., For Wonderful Response To Our Sale the past three weeks, was driving ROUTE 85 IN BOLTON, TEL. 2-4359 H ifh elevation. Extra larfo lata. Plaiity of a|ia<)6 It's toiee-parfoet. . . You Mako A RIGHT Turn" * ‘‘•r Involved in a oolllalon in a trees. residential area here vesterday. ★ FRANKIE VALL^ *ep« in fabric, top. in llna. Of Boxwood, tha Smooth, fina Patrolman Paul M ayerle'aaid MENU SPECIALS AND m s I Whon You Turn In Horo For Brakos orul Ropoirf" Mrs. Virginia Slaughenhaup. 36. of Owned and Developed By rayon which k*.p, ,i,v , ,w*ry iMnver, an expectant mother, was Chicktn Cacciatore slightly tnjur^ in the accident. Veal and Peppers ★ ORCHESTRAL ovary b..ut.ful R4K lina. Tailorad two-bylwo She was riding in the other vehi­ cle.. Veal Scallopine iviUi Muahrooma Polkas and Modems For All Occasions y ■ T. GEORGE MALONEY bOtlona abova a .oft flara. . tienver Attorney LoweU White, Roast Chicken with Spaghetti CJEJIOUSE&SON BROTHERS representing RuUedge, said the ^ i AIR CONDITIONED j ■ 157 No. Main St. s ' , T«L 6124, Manehtater i Color.: Royal, gray and rad. Slxa. 9 to 1$, ^stlce would apppar before Traf- Breaded [Veal Chop with Spaghetti THE LEVEL AT CENTER AND BROAD” TEL. 5135 Rc Judge Hubert D. Henry "Just Spaghetti and Meat Balia' Phone 3894 For RM#rvnUon»-^0 Oak Street I Salesman On 'The Premises 9 A . M . To Dark ORFBN STAMPS like any other cltlMn involved In — - — .... I> - 234823235353232353484823485348234853482348234823535323 l " ’ . ■■'.I* ALQNEd^K^; J : ; kV'

I » / -■* # MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER,*CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 80, 1948 PACBTOUB MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, C0NN„ FRIDAY, JULY 80, 194§ FA(S; counta Frlto Oajewski, Henrich Hoerlein, August Von Knleriem. sets being trained by the VemflS rights under the United Statee Emauuel Preacher Major General Truman Says (Kristian Sebneider, Hans Kuebna. Wallace.Raps 4H Alumni Club ntambers and 4H ooQstltutlon.” ticlp Provide Rockville Club leaden. A third pracUce ses­ R^<^ Wap Plant Ruined by Blast Habeas Corpus Said Judge Hlncke, th dismis­ Carl Lautonachlaeger, Wllbeltn ,* 'i Mann, Kart Wurater, Heinrich CASH FOR YQUR CAR sion will be held tots evening at sing Taylor’s plea: Before Yon Buy SCREENS? W ill Command Equality Aim Both Parties tbe Vernon 4H Alumni Club “It ta within the right and toe I Power Needs Oattlneau and Erich von der Any make or nodel. Win buy one Action Denied power of Oonnectlcut, as a sover­ j _____ Heyde. Eagles Lodge House at Ogden’s Corner with Another defendant. Max Brueg- car or entire deakr’s stock. Hazel Bernier and Richard Nleder- eign state, to fix the pieces where See Rnsco AlLMeUd, Self-Storing Fliers Abroad Insists Eventual End germann, waa severed from toe Says Democrats and Re* wl^rfer m charge. Reservations Ita courts shall be held, and , It ^lant of Surplus Brit* CALL~WRITE>-OR WIRE have already been made for toe Judge Rules State Has cannot be said teat toe designa­ case because of Ulnesa. publicans Talk Bt|^ 4 To Be Formed tion Just indicated (the hearing at Combinatioii Screen and Storm Sash (Continued from Page One) Of^ *Jim Crowism' in The slave labor Judgment was two dance seta and if reservations Right to Determlue [ish War Vessel Used for another set can be secured, a toe state prison) Is contrary to thb Armed * Forces Goal read today. Tbe spoliation and But Don’t Mean It Federal eonsUtntlon.” Enjoy these featarw: ^ At United Aircraft However, large quantities of plunder convletion was handed third set may possibly take part. Where Courts Held 7-8144 .New Aerie to Be Iiisti C^agemento A prison spokesman said that • Rain Proof VcntllatioB maintenance equipment and am­ down yesterday. New York. July 30—n victims. Americans" in calling a special Or Write Ta nultl-miUlon dollar aircraft tut-1 ganiser of toe F. O. E., approving Exhibit Tonight . Taylor claimed that he bad pe- NOTHING er, equipped for use aa such, waa of the Army. The newsman ask­ Ambros, Huetefiach ' and Ouerr- session of toe "talk blg-do UtUe Ezeatrating Of AH Kind plans for toe InsUtuUon. The Vernon Center Vacation ene engine development. i in Europe. There were a few war- ed whether that is consistent with feld were (special targets. The Congress. UUoned the Superior court for a B 1 N 6 O TO' CHANGE. The Bartlett-Brainard Co. EapWna Purchaae and U*e Mr. Truman’s “equality of treat- Equipment Rcnfals-^Uars—Land Clearing The organizer immediately call­ school will hold an exhibit of the writ of habeas (xirpus on the Earl R. Modean weary B-17a, stripped of guns, and court said they were mainly re- "‘nu Republicans talk big about ed a meeUng of those who have work of the children this evening NOTHING HARTFORD 0. CONN. In explaining the purchaae and | bomb racks and used for person-1 ment and opportuhlty” order. ending toe poll tax and lynch law, Road»—Driveway*—^onds—Dams, Etc. ground that he was being detain^ Tonight 8 p * m . lae of the BUgh’a power plant aponaible for the construction and signed toe chailer list to complete at aevea o’clock at toe Vernon in the prison beyond toe expira­ TO STORg; Product of tile F. C, Oa^ Earl R. Modean of 39 Cambridge nel carrying. 'The only armed air­ statement Denied operation of Farben’a synthetic but they don’t mean It,” Wallace arrangements' for toe InsUtuUon. Ctevelaad he company amid the laboratory craft waa one group of 75 tight- Center church siKial ixxmia. tion date qf his sentence which ORANGE HALL laa two compreaaor oelU, each street, a student at Upsala Col The President said he had'been rubber plant at Auschwitz. Leas said In hia network address. This raeeUng will be held Ti\ca- . Funeral Saturday was imposed In Junf, 1935. era, planea of World war II vin­ Informed by Secretary of the than five >,-i:iea away, 3,000,000 "The Democrats talk big about dsy, August 3, at 8 p. m., at Fay’s towered hy electric motor* capa- lege. East Orange, N. J., will con­ tage, powered with conventional A. DZEN CONSTRUCTION A military funeral will be held Petition Denied After Heariag >le of delivering 6,000 horsepower. Army Royall that Bradley had persona were gassed to death in ending inflation and building Restaurant, 122 Elast Main street. for CTiarles Daniri Merkel, 61, of He said that at a hearing at the duct the service and preach the reciprocating eng^incs. made no such statement. Auschwitz (Oswiecim) concentra­ houses. They don’t mean it either. Phone 3523, Manchester Free Estimates Elvery man who has signed an ap- Snlpsic street who died suddenly When auffldent power to oper­ sermon at Emanuel Lutheran tion camp. Thi» kind of slave labor state prison a Superior court ate theae motora waa not econom­ Modernising Air Fleet Then, to another question ^Vheth- ‘MR Shadow-Boxing” ALL WORK GUARANTEED TO SATISFY plicaUon card is urged to be at early Thursday at his home, at Judge who was unnamed denied church Sunday morning at J0:30. Meanwhile, Russia gave every er his order aima at an eventual was used in I he Farben plant. ”It Is all ahadow-boxing. They this meeUng and to have any the White Funeral Home at 2:30 ically available locally, the com­ Mr. Modean is toe son of Mr*. The tribuna) declareci that the his petition, and added that he bad pany aald, the Bllgh’a equipment algn of hastening to modernize end of segregation, Mr. Truman have not landed a single solid prospects with him. The organizer o’clock on Saturday. Rev. Forrest appealed to the United States Sigrid A. Modean and the late and vastly expand her air fleet. replied yes. availability rf such labor was the blow. Only toe Progressive party said, “(Committee members espe­ Musser, pastor of the Unie«at‘on policy into eifect. Brad- toe Ausehwitx death chamber. Tbe ’’While appUcaUons for the char­ He claimed-toe right to a hear­ ape^ and loads waa Just what Army and waa stationed for 11 mistaken belief that- he could Northeast school playground this ing "in a public court house where Amcrican B-29s, were noted in ' 'ey told a news conference at Ft. court said, however, toe evidence make Congress toe scapegoat for AIR CONDITIONED ter class to be iniUsted at the in- afternoon with the director. Miss Doesn’t a dealer waa needed to whirl the rotary months in Iceland. did not preve that Farben directors sUtuUon will be received up unUl intimidation or coercion would not oompraaaora.” Mr. Modean will be in charge of growing numbers. New and large ' •'Y" , » . . , hia own Inadequate and often dan­ Kathleen Flaherty in charge. The FlreotMi fight an aniarently hopelcM battle against one of the many be present,” and where he "would To still the sound of the high transports, capable of carrvinc ! "The Army 1s not out to make knew to what use its products were gerous leadership.” the day of toe event itself, men winners In the doll carriage and the morning services each Sunday *'**^werc ! any social reforms. The Army being put Ly toe 8. S. Wallace said “toe fundamental For Your Comfort wishing to affiliate with toe new fires that followed the gIgaaUc explosion In the I. G. Farben-eheniieal be free of fear of punishment,” speed compressor blades, eight in August through the 22, in the airborne or Infantry troops ; will put men of different races in wagon parside are announced Denial of such a hearing, Taylor huge maxim silencers, six feet In seen. . Brushes Aside Defense fact, for every wage-earner, farm­ Aerie arc urged to get their appli- follows: Doll carriages, first. De­ plant In Lndwlgshafen, Germany. The dlanster which took at least absence on vacation of toe minis­ different companies. It will change The opinion brushed aside tbe er, housewife and Independent bua- caUons in as soon as possible to declared, was “a violation of his width and SO feet long have been ter, Rev. Carl E. Olson. In toe early immmor of ' that policy when toe nation as a open every day 9:30 a. m. to 11:00 p. m. von Campbell; second, Marianne 300 lives and injured more than 6200, Is Europe's worst since the war. installed. year the Air Ffyte sent a squad­ contention of the Farben defense Inqaaman to recognize ia that toe make sure they , are initiated on Hammer; wagons, first, Allen (NEA radio-telephoto). Rev. Karl Richter of Concordia whole changes It.” that one used slave labor urtder the InsUtuUon date. Visitors will Lutheran church will also be avail­ ron of nine 'Suficr-Fortresaca to i Mr. Truman has not announced Republicans and Democrats both Schaefer; second, Donald Schmei- like this deserve Europe on a training mission. The ‘ Hitler or perished. The court said agree on toe basic policies which bo present from all neighboring able for pastoral duties. membership of toe committee to riUes where Aeries of Eagles are ske. toe General (Cigar Corporation. squadron flew to Germany, based i carry out the "equality” order, toe industrialists "embraced’’ toe cause inflation. They agree on tbe Elected Chairman at Glcbclatadt, southeast of I program and to some degree even bi-partiaan policy of the' cold war b i d w e l l 's s o d a s h o p located, and some of toe district P.' Leroy Elliott, former city Officials Guests Farming Div., was also present to FOR BABY NEEDS Columbia which specifies “due regard to the and naUonal officers of the Order greet toe guests and explain the Frankfort, made a good will, visit i time required to effectuate any "broadened ’ it. —on toe program for militarizing clerk, who was appointed a mem­ to England, and returned to *the The verdicts wound up an 11- our economy. 527 Main St. are expected.” ber of the Rockville Recreation company’s methods of handling M n. PhiUp H. lahara, wieU Atomic Posts necessary changes without Impair­ The InsUtuUon of toe new Aerie At the Local Y their summer personnel who do the United Statea in about- three ing efflciency or morale.” montha trial for directors of a "Today, tee government with its Board two weeks ago, has been known torougnout the atatc for her weeks. But from then on toe num- ; giant induatrta) trust which at the war policy directly and indirectly will take place on Sunday, August elected chairman of the Board. harvesting of toe tobacco. b—utUul hooked ruga, has bam Seen Standing ber of bombers visiting Europe height of lb* power controlled 400 glvea employment to more than 8. at the Princess Hall in Rock­ Town Manager George Waddell, yeur patrenege? ■akad by 31rs. Ruth C3arke, home has increased steadily. And the i firms In Germany and 600 through' five million men.” Wallace con­ ville. The InsUtuUon will be in Samuel MaeSey, summer Recrea­ damonstratlon agmt for the ex- length of their visits has increased Farbeii Directors out toe world. tinued. "If those five million charge of Deputy Auditor Healey, tion director, Ludwig Hansen tonalon Mrvice at the University from weeks to months. Another court ia expected to Americana were working for ^ s t e d by the degree team of the Three Persons president of toe YMCA and a NOW of Ooanaetlcut, to participate in Two Key Senators As­ Torrington, Conn., Aerie and W. member of toe recreation commis­ Recently, the Air Force took hand down a Judgment tomorrow peace instead of war, prices would D.iils Imnw' (I«‘ll\tTy of (ilnjfcr tho Farm and Home Week pro­ cognizance rego toe luxury of The local committees in charge Tolland. July 30.—(ff)—Three ford (TOunty YWCA were giuests of ( H N 1 ho ( Only day, wtatra dw win demonatrate gressive war. a court which Ameri­ using the Red menace as their of carrying out toe plans for the the General (Tigar Corporation at tha art of hooking ruga and pat- Washington, July 30—(d>)—^Two classed In performance. It ordeied (Continued from Page One) insUtution are: Membership, David persons were injured seriously a wing of F-80 Jet fighters to can prosecutors have failed to chief political asset." Service Handling yesterday when two cars crashed dinner last night at the Y. $1.20 riiiN 75c Deposit) t a n ooDstroetlon, undtr the apon- key senators aald today that David transfer from toe Panama Canal make stick against any industrial­ H. Fay. Frank Parker, Harry The affair was arranged by aonhlp of CWmactlout Craftsmen. E. Lilleathal and hie four Atomic zone to Germany. Then 16 Jet fight­ private counsellor to toe Farben ist. « Germany, students of literature Oates; Entertainment, Walter J. head-on on the Wilbur Oogs Miss (Tatherine Dlbb, director for S I AM OKI) JCn. tdiam often makes her own Energy commission coUesgues ers took Dff for Europe to ex­ Board of Directors, got a four-year declare, was toe last important Rankin, Clarence Serbser. George parkway. the (Consolidated Cig;ar (Corpoia- pattens and Is at pnaent working sentence for plundering occupied \ To merit your confidence these things most be com­ W. Lees; Decorations, Cfcri M. (,IN(,I:K Al.K CO. need no further congressional ap plore the p'ol-Iema of ferrying part of western Elurope to achieve State Tr(x>per John Foley said tion at the Y. The guests had. on OB an aqMdany btricato deatgn fighter airciaft over the North countries. literary repute—primarily due to bined with quality work. Welch. Russell P. Whitehouse; a car driven by Dr. Theodore R. opportunity to meet the supervis­ riM^t KKsT |•KOIll.■tTS takan from wallp^ier which aha la proval to hold their Jobs until Other Slave Labor Sentences Planning to Fight Our best efforts await only your telephone call. House, Robert D. Vlnlng, John A. ing personnel and sec how well the .Man. 7H'Jl Atlantic qui-kly,* if. urgent need their isolation from Roman and (^mey, 29, of Lion, N. Y., who L<*wls Try Weldon’s First wwUng In toe axact colors of June 30, 1930. sliould come. Other sentences on the charge of Gallic culture and party to con­ Umberger; Invitation, Michael J. was coasting dowmhill .because of program of bousing, feeding nnd tha papsr ao that It may ha used BRIGHT WHITE? THAT’S RIGHT. Chicos, Otto R. Meyer, Elwin G. In tba nem from which tha paper Last month toe Senate voted to Transports Being Expanded mlaualng slave labor: Ban on Strikes stant warfare uitoln their land. a broken fan belt, struck one op­ entertaining the girls hocbied at a Now the number of transports Fritz Ter Meer, seven years. Elnsiedel; Speakers, Walter C. erated by John McMcchen. The toe Y is managed. la talnn. This ng, aa wall aa extend the EC terma until that Benkert, WlUls J. Pratt, Patrick ath an t€ har making, win ha ax- data but the measure did not men In Europe Is being expanded to Otto Arabros, eight years. The Modernized accident happened, the trooper C. S. Richards, an'executive of LARGE BOTTLES tlon LUientoal and the others by augmept the air lift of aupplice Heinrich Bueteflsch, six years. Tokyo. July 80—(/Pi-i-Leftwin,? J. Naughton; Program, Richard said, as toe physician attempted name. Since their regular appoint­ into surface-blockaded Berlin. Walter Duerrfeld, eight years. government labor unions, claim­ DelPonte. Elmer F. Hartensteln; to swing across the road to a Flavors Indndlng, Sarsaparilla. (IM dloYti Haney Laonaid, daughter of Ur. ing memberships of nearly 1,- PubUcIty, David H. Fay, George J. Root Beer, Birch Beer, Cream, and lira. Manrica Xsonard, and ments expire Aug. 1 some Capitol About 105 *.xin-englned C-47s and On toe charge of plundering and Pasteurized Soft Curd Manchester Laundry filling station. Prescription Fharmsey parliamenUri{.na had questioned despoiling countries occupied by 000.000 workers today announced Mahoney. Organizer Merrier an­ Kola, Lemon and IJme. Grape, Jdan Omdy, bar cousin, who has 64 four-engined C-54s have been LUERN FARM’S MAPLE STREET PHONE 8416 McMechen,’ a resident of Brook­ Orange, Strawberry, Fralt Punch. baan vWtfab hers during tha past whether President-Truman would engaged in to)—The SUNDAYS swimming party. mittee, agreed with Hickenlooper, toe Diet considers legislation to Raymond Briggs, 101 Grand ave­ State Highway department Is cuss with Russia and major inter­ start of the trial—were acquitted nue; Edward P. Lang, all of Rock­ Mrs. Joseph Hutchins, tba for- although he aald there may be national issue the Soviets desire to iff a charge that they plotted and implement MacArthur’a recent planning to eliminate a railroad 9 A. N. to 1 P. ^ most othor brondtl ater Marion Clough, arrived In Co- "some ambiguity” In toe wording ville; Walter Fellows and Wil­ grade crossing at (Clark’s mer, take up. However, this offer is waged aggressive war. letter to Prime Minister Ashida liam Wilcox of Stafford Springs. tamWa Tuaaday evening from her of toe extension act. good only if the Riis.sians agree to Ail the defendants were given outlawing strikes by government Hampton. Commissioner G. Albert Weekdays 8 to 6 home In Loe Angelea Mrs. Th‘e Q. O. 1', high command has workers. 4H Square Seta Hill announced yesterday, follow­ end permaiicntly the blockade of credit for time already served, BINGO Two Vernon 4H Square Sets will Butehlna will spend a week with barred Senate action on any notnl- Berlin. (These typically Japanese terms ing approval of the project by toe Your S^ltest Dealer knows that it costs more to make ice cream th« her mother, Mrs. B. A. Clough, In which means that Ilgner, Jaehne. NOTICE take part In the Ckmnecticut Song State Public Utilities (Commission, Full Line Of Meats, nations during the special aession, Charles K. Buhlcn, State depait- Oster, Btiergin and Kugler will go could not be Immediately clarified. Seall0it W a y . . . that its fine ingredients have gone ’way up io pcico. WnUmaatle before returning to and some Republicans have»baid AT 8:30 SHARP , and Dance Festival to be held at that a $201,000 bridge will be buUt ^ Groceries Fruits and the home of her husband's parents, ment counselor, arrived back in free at once. Ter Meer and They could include an Intention Local dealers In television are the University of Connecticut Ath­ •to carry Rioute U. S. 6 over-the toe AEC pofila should be Included Woshlngtoi. yesterday from talks Duerrfeld. who were sentenced to to strike but union leaders know Invited to submit bids on the He also knows that, despite these increased costs, Se*lttst Qmmlity hss Mr. and Mra. L. J. Hutehina of In toe 900 Pefcral Jobs kept open letic Field on Wednesday evening. tracks. Federal funds will be used Vegetables Columbia for the remainder of ho: with top American diplomatic and seven years and eight years re­ auch a course would invite direct complete Installation of a tele­ August 11, the members of the to finance the project. for Gov. Thomaa E, Dewey to fill military officials in Berlin and spectively, were linked closely to MacArthur intervention. Indica­ vision set with not less than a EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT not h**H h ti'trtd one iota. visit if he wins toe November election. Oolumbla ZAdiss' Society will be London. He reported Immediately the Farben synthetic rubber plant tions were the “struggle" would 18” screen at the British- hoeteeeee for the weekly dance at to Secretary o: State Marshall. at Auschwitz (Oswleclm) copcen- be limited to political presaure, Annerican Clnh. Submit bids to That’s why he is willing to sacrifice a. little profit so that you may Taomans haJl tonight which is a President ’Iruman declined any tration camp. propaganda xnd possibly demon- ATTRACTIVE DOOR PRIZES! enjoy Sealtest quality at no extra cosL part of the Columbia Recreation comment on the international slt- In a two-day reading of toe Btratloha.) Council eummer program. Art Manchester I nation at h.s news conference yes­ Judgment, the United States tri­ The Kyodo News agen.y report­ FRED BAKER, Sec. JLoughrey and his Moon Masters, terday. bunal, headed by Judge Curtis ed the i^vemment had agreed on group of local boys, will furnish Date Rook Shake of Vincennes. Ind., convict­ a draft of a special ordinance pro­ 380 East Center St. music for tho evening and Irv An ed the thirteen as follows: hibiting strikes and collective bar­ Phone 5691 dret will prompt Baudits Obtain 1. Plunder and spoliation of gaining t>y government employes. Abby Hbblts leaves Friday for Sunday, Aug. 1 occupied countries — Hermann the Robert Seneca Smith Camp on Outing combined Italian-Ameri­ Schmitz, Georg von Schnitzler. Lake Winnepasaukec, where she can aocleties at Garden Grove $2,000 in Cash Fritz Ter Meer. Ernst Buergln. ANNOUNCING THE OPENING will spend the next ten days. Abby Tbnraday, Aug. 19 Paul Haefliger, Max Ilgner. Fried­ la being aent to tola camp by Co­ Field Day,for children at West Dahvenport, la.. July 30—(yP)— rich Jaehne. Heinrich Oster and lumbia Congregational Church side oval. Hans Kiigler. SEPT. 13 OF THE School for which ahe has been e Salurday, Oct, 9 Five armed bandits held up 15 pa­ faithful worker most of toe 16 Field Day of Silhouette Bugle trons of the Greek-American club 2. Misuse of slave labor—Carl years of her life. Mias Althea and Drum Corps, of Vernon at about 3 a. m. today and escaped Kraiich, chairman of the board of IVICE. IS MY BUSINESS JACK and JILL Rteanie of Manalleld will be one of Center Park here at 1 p. ni. with approximately $2,000 in cash Farben; Ter Meer, Otto Ambros ICE CREAM Miss 'nbbtta* companions. Awarding ef prizes at State Ar­ and a qviantity of Jewelry. Henrlch Bueteflsch and Walter Bring Your Car In For Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lyman mory in evening. Police said "typical hoodlum Duerrfeld. . Nursery School GENERAL ICE^fiEAM CORF. and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Lsdd tactics” ivere used. The leader car­ Acquitted on ,\ll Counts Complete Shell Lubrication laava Friday for a two weeks’ auto­ ried a machine gun' and all wore The court acquj^tted on all Enrollment 3 to 5 Yrs. Old m&sk^ mobile trip which will take them aa Every night at midnight—the m at IN: TbtS*mhn$RM^i» Pr,gram./Hilt,riiitK^ SMt^wJUsOrtlmlr^u-iA IUn0WmJ$,Th»n.,9.3OP.M..,SBC far iss Tellowstons National Park. Chinese Red Units "Thl* la a stick up," toe leader Every 1,000 Miles. For Information said aa he ordered toe patrons to Cdll Rolda Gibson, Teh 6414 Norge Self-D-Froster defrosts Aetraaa Wins Dtvoree .Abandon Yingkow the rear of toe room where they Or RIancKe Newman, Teh 2-2446 our refrigerator automatically, were lined up with faces against AUTO GLASS Tirest Batteries, Accessories Jrust think of it... no more fuss Loa A n^ea, July 80—(db—Ac­ , ■ —...... — * the wall. The bandits then pro­ Installed 46 Tambnll Road and muss of manual defrosting tress Martha Stewart won an un- Peiping, July 30—(jP)—Vingkowv ceeded to frisk them of toelr be­ Prompt Service . . . no button or .dial controls. HUDSON SALES HUDSON SERVICE HUDSON SALES oontostod divorce from comic Joe Important Manchurian port north longings. . CARS WASHED AND POLISHED No. melting of ice cubes . . . no B: Lewis after testifying he spent ot Ralren, ins been abandoned by The'loot..was the largest obtain­ C.\I,L .3.322 Cars Called For and Delivered exposure of food to ootaide air. an hie time on card games and Chinese Reds, press reports said ed in a holdup here in recent home racing. "He took our mar­ today. years. riage lightly, like everything else,” There was no confirmation of White Glass Co. This handsome'electric dock, dedared the 34-year-olfl actreaa toese reports from other aourceo. 24 Birch St. Manchester mounted on the refrigerator door, Come In And See tearfuUy, la obtaWng her divorce The newap:.per. Ping Min Jlh turns the mechanism off at mid­ yesterday. Open Dally 8 A. M. To 5 P. M. MELVIN G. COX Pao, said toe Reds abandoned the Anflover night, switches it on after the port, which IS badly needed' by. Including Saturday SERVICE STATION coat^g of frost has melted. government forces operating out of The regular weekly Thursday Plenty Of Parking 275 MAIN STREET TELl^lGl Mukden, after burning many build- f ight clau of instruction, open to On Premises Personal Notices Inga and ,'orcing all able bodied all foremen in toe vicinity, will he Defrost water is carried away THE NEW HUDSON men to accompany them. Red held at toe firehouse. South Cov­ into the non-spill Hande- forces have held the port much i.: entry, this week. froster container, coOTca- Outstanding among new cars, this Hudson is a car you'll be proud to Card of Thanks toe time since the end of toe The annual Orange picnic will • • i with Japan. iently located and eaeity own, a car you’ll be delighted to drive. . ^ to IbMk aU ef our asigb- be held at toe Red Bam, Andover removable for emptying at bars. friMda aa« ralaUm for ^ In Nanking government sources lake on August 2, at 5:30 p. m. your convenience. toMy acts ef IdadnsM sad sympatby denied that either the Yangtze All Grangers are invited to attend gewB ua la our rseont borMrsmsnt. flood or the presence »f Communist with their families and share in Rle« Cool It Choop . . . And Always Plootiful! III ihii 100% woolWortled Couie In. I>ook Over the New Hudson and Wo also thaak tkoo* who seat tha in toe river valley were re- the pot-luck supper. - ' 1 W e Mn show you how to bum tt efficiently, H O C K A N L'^ I u'lcri pl.ild suit. W ee ;iMutlfttl floral trtbutso and loaned ble for president Chiang Kai- .On Friday night.,July 30. toe Turnpike Auto Bocy Works Place Y'our Order Now for Early Delivery tha uao of tholr oars. ik c S I holiday trip to Mokanshaii, Laurel Muintain Girl Scouts will economically...... and without dirt. Defrost water aever collects in the waist ( I I anti sfim skirt in perfection This Year It’s HUDSON ' Jolko Ae 'jrahiaHE. a mountain resort near Hangchow. meet at ire Conference House at .1 < Coldpack . . . so there’s-no need (it. Bonnie-bulloned with a double ' Mr*. Irar CXrlson and famllr. Ruling ia usiiBtly toe (.hinese sum­ 7 p. m. to ('bsfrve instruction in to remove your meate. Sealed fillip of iMuleting for added style. Brown of mer eapitai. toe use of rope and idiot tying EQUIPPED AND STAFFED TO SERVE YOU Y o u can't beat It! Giant Side Freezer keeps ice cubes ^ In Meaioriaiii A apokeamon confirmed that Sunday gueats at the homo of .(It .V.S MswvM Mw mIms flsd psy* fw} frozen. (tolang did m t plan to visit Ruling Mr. and Mra. George Dexter w«re // II la lovtog HMaMry of our aoa and but inaiated there was no special brolhar. lAoaard Gaorgt Hawltt. who William Wick, Burt Millbury, Mr. The Best For Less Tho Eloetric Fvrnaco-Moo Sizes 9 to 17 $42.50 dlad July 3d), IMS. significance in hta choice of Linanham of Haverhill and Mrs. Mokaiuihan. D e e r ’S mother, Mrs. (^rllah, Automotie Anthroelto Burner Wfl do Mt Mod o Mootol day Manitoester. Vo briag jrou to our nriada. Oredn Execute 18 Laurence Kcozel, who recently can be insteled IMMEDIATELY. Convert to coel now. TlM_d^«*>do Mt thiak e< you. spent aoma Unr.e in Windham Com­ As long as you live, you'l never be lerryl Sales to oaiy boed to dad. Athena, July —Ftftean munity hospital after a fall from All Kinds of ’Automotive Service tVt atM tiaw baaU aU aortow. penona. Including six women, his bicycle, la much better ar.d f us to forgot. wen executed yesterday In LAmla has returned tc hia home. Hum has only proved after being, convicted by a Greek G. E. W illis and Son, Inc. wo aUso you yoL military tribunal of charges that The comelecstone of the Wash- Satisfaction Guaranteed 2 MAI.N ST. TEL. 5|25 they, halped andL harbored Com­ ington MomiHMnt in Waahington, 649 MAIN STREET APPLIANCE AND FURNITURE CENTER j TEL. 7590 munist guerrlllaa. D. C„ wan UM‘ Julylt;Ju 1848. 00 W IUS ST. (IMTOMIV lOCMlOII) ItU ’ / e \' -/• .L 1 r r 'r '


.. iV'

■ .1 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY. JULY SO. 1948 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN* FRmAY, JULY 30, 1948 ,PAQE 8 IX « I that Congress would soon be do­ window curtain to freshen, the blood la taken away from the Tiny Turtle Prove* Big Ue McCarthy —as ooon as he ed by the New Haven since 1 ^ . muscles and other parts of the Baldwin Stand leanod the radio dummy's head two yean after he was graduated IHanrlieBtrr ing something, in which esse, If cooler, clearer air cornea to grips body so that at the height of Problem for Detective Charcoal WTKl—II WONI9—1410 Rainless Day Pearson Quits with the low-lying dregs of the WTHT—1290 M. from Strathmora eoUsge. necessary, another special session digestion muscular cramps are WDRC- Today** Radio And throughout the town, His first job was on Inspector In SnmUiQ l$rrai& could be called to place Connecti­ humid day, and routs them into particularly likely to develop be­ Tulsa, Okla., July SO—i ^ — Hit by Bailey WKNB-S49 the construction dsportment, and cause of the temporary poor cir­ WayaeOburgltee prepared to pay Railroad Post DON'T MISS SEEINS rOBUttHBD Ht t h e cut within the working of the fed­ the finest of mists. And the ris­ A tiny turtle la out-manauvsr- Briquetes Eastern DnylIgM Time B rii^ G loom off their own bets to the residents ha advanced through various cx- ■ERALO PBINTINU UU, INC. ing mist is complete notice that Doctor culation. No one should swim Ing Detective Sergt. Verne of other communities. scutlvs posts until he became gen­ II EIm »II atr««l eral housing sc*. immediately after a meal. Diges­ For picnics snd ovtdoor the stars will soon shine clear, Hedgepath. Contends Suggestion to " One CeaenHng Note eral manager In 1931. Since De- M*nchC(t«r. Cunn. Congress adjourned without tion la almost complete two hours Hs conducts a daily half- 4::o— <^9 Waynesburg, Pa., Resi­ Vice President Seqond cembor. 1946, he bos been vice TaUHA* rSKUCSON and the dawn rise on a perfect after a meal and there is lair fireplaces. T ben was one consoling note. Prrt.. TrWA. 0€n l H tn aiti acting. Later, In a public hear­ hour search for the turtls, Investigate Prices to WDRC—Hint Hunt; News. WDRC—Smnmer Silver Review. Before the midnight deadline. president in the executive deport­ rouBdMt Oetc«itt 1. i n i. model of a summer day. Says: safety after about an hour. Stay which escaped from its flah WCCC—Hartford Police Speak; dents Lose Wagers on Top Official to An­ ment. ing at Hartford, the issue was out of the water at least this long Avoid Any Action WONS — Colonel Stoopnagle; Daily auctioned off a hat lost on a raised in Connecticut again. And, bowl after his family left tor $ 1 s 3 9 B sf 1290 Club. Neavs. Wet 2 9 rats bet last year by Bing Crosby, nounce Resignation * The railroad announcement said PuBI'»h«d B»erj( E»*ntii* * ?” £! after eating. a vacation. Hedgepath knowa WONS—Juke Box. WTHT—Sheriff; Roll CalL that Pearson “has served thia com­ lundt* »nd Boltdijr^ Enler*d •« once again, it seemed only sensi­ By Cdwin P. Jordan, M. D. Some people have died in the it’s in the house, for all doom Hartford, July 80—(A>— Demo­ Yhs chapeau was knocked down pany loyally and faithfully for a Po«t ott:c« Conn.. k» Written for NBA Service cratic State Chairman John M. WTHT—Listen To This, 19:90— for $137, with the proceeds going Incona CU«» M«ti Mntttr. ble to wait and sec what the spe­ Brownie Program water because they were sensitive have been closed since the w n c —Bsckatsge Wife. WDRC—Hh-erybody Wins. Wayneeburg Pa.. July 80—(JP\- - Nsw Haven, July SO— Rob­ period of over 44 jrears, and from |ff£towh.a.Alm.a In spite of the fact that swim­ or allergic to cold. This is s sort family went away. Bailey contends that U. 8. Seqq- There la no joy in Wayneeburg to­ to ths town’s swimming pool ert L. Pearson has resigned os • Novombor, 1931, to December, •latbaa woahar, e diah suliacaiPTTON r a t e s cial session of Congress might tor Raymond B. Baldwln'a auggee- Dillon Solos 4:15-> WONB—Meet the Press. fond. .•1U.W ming is s pleasurable and of reaction to the cold water The detective eairs he has to ^ •to* WKNB—News; 840 Request WTHT - • Jossph Martin and day—It didn’t rain on July 29. vice president of the New York. 1946. he was hood of the operating, wnabar, a waodaiM dak Una l o r by lo ll ...... 1 B.Wr do. Given at (^mp rather than true drowning. find the pet before his family tlon for an tnvfetlgatlon of high The absence of precipitation may And among a group of dis-hard molntananca and engineering de­ ■is flUOBlM by MBll ...... In summary, Connecticut has healthy sport Indulged In by mil­ Matinee. a. Engler Millikan, Waynssburg residsnts thers wsra New Haven A Haitford Railroad. laaaai an* Biontb by lIsH ...... 1 I.OU Another cause of drowning Is returns to avoid charges of meat pricea 1» "Just a way to and Service WTI(>-8tolls DallM.*T ^ w n c —Slapaie Maxle Show. seem like a bojn to aome communi­ portments. . I IN lions, every summer sees s great becoming alarmed or excit^— neglect. avoid taking any action.” ties, but to Waynesbuig a rainless rumblings that the whole sltua- Pearson was the second top offi­ “Mr. Pooroon carries with him bM. •in«i».Copy ...... I 2* been waiting ever since the end Visitors St the Brownie pro­ many unnecessary death's from n o Center St. T el 5185 4:10— 10:30— 'tveem.*. by Csmer ...... yiii.uu of the war for Congress to set on sometimes when in ahallow w.ater. And, too. It juet Isn’t r ig h t' Bailey, In a statement last flight WDRC—Music Off the Record. July 29 is like Chrlstma* without tloa was caused by the fact that cial of the line to announce he was ths vwT bsst wishes of his fellow Bubs. dellTerod. OnB T*«r ...... gram presented at Camp Mcrrie- drowning. Keep your head ia another good for a police detective to be on the Connecticut Republican WDRC—Spotlight Review. this is Leap year. stepping out since the present di­ officers and omplojres,’’ the railroad twwbaavaawwIwM V'Ml of UlM.. ror*i«r ...... k'a.«w etersns' housing. And all this WCCC—News; 1?90 aubf WONS—Memory Time. carols or the Fourth of July with­ S § € Wood were greeted at the camp Outdoor swimmers should* take principle. out-smarted by a turtle. aenator’s resolution In Congress WTHT—Bafldstand; News snd out firecrackers. Except for that fact, they point­ rectors of the company lost stock sold. ipeaa*9NlaanvUiAia time the seeming Imminence of entrance by Camp Director Mar- precautions. Hsptazard swlmiplng WTHT—Oarice Band Jamboree, control. ' UkUtiEK 0» The good swimmer is safer in for a price probe, asserted it was Weather. w n c —Bl'J stern, A few years ago^ one of the ed out, the previous dsy would THE ASSOCIATED PKESS some action by Congress has in unguarded lakes, oceans'! or the water than the poof one unless an "old do d ^” used by Baldwin w n c —Lorenso Jones. local boya figured out that it had hsvs been July to this yesr. It There was no Indication In a Th« AoKiBied Pt«»» •• #scia»i««iy jorie Stephens and a group of rivers may hdd unexpected dan­ 10:45— railroad announcement of hla resig­ •n titltd to the u»e of repi.bli<'«t'on ol served as the sensible alibi for he takes foolish chances. A thor­ Askg Injunction when he was governor. 4;A8— rained' on almost every July 29 rained thst ds7- Brownies who guided ps-ontfi ami gers. The water may be deeper oughly good swimmer, however, “He operated that way In Con­ WONB—Two-Ton Baker. WTIC^Pro and Con. since goodness knowa when. nation, however, that It was In any •II new* 'di»iMtehe» ered't«d to . ment < August 12, the day of the allty .who It eapable of carry­ CIRCULATlUNa mercy if the special session of low, enacted Peter Rabbit’s ad­ one should go in awimming awa; charges the Yankee Precision Bailey asserted that Connecti­ Stl6— WONS—Dance Orchestra, July 29 for the last 71 years, ex­ rlM Isst night stockholders’ meeting at which a Quoation: Will potassium iodide Products company of Bertln with cut people ”wanf relief from high to WeMoe*e ever am art- WCCC—Music Loft w n c —News; Dance Orchestra. cept In 1880, 1930. 1937 and 1946. RusseU, s recognized physicist ing oo eoarteons, bonett deiL TAB Hanld PrintlnB CoinpaBy. I ^ . Congress could decide, now, what ventures in Mr. McGregor's gar­ from either a supervised bead rate prntraetoBal wire fM . 1 . WDRC—Treasury Bandstand. group headed by Frederic C. Du- laga,wttb oar cottomera and aaamnaa no llaanctal reaponaibility lor den. The Brownies sang several or the presence of some experi­ benefit'rheumatism and arthritis? “unfair competition’’ In manufac­ prices and they arant it at thIa 12:80— Yesterday, as usual, ths beta author, portrait painter and sculp­ maine. 82-year-old Boston finan­ the federal government can and turing and dlatrlbuUng small tools special session of Congress. Immedlata Seltrary to WONS—Superman. wera^owii -including one made by tor. recently was divorced from hla prespeeta of the moat advanced typoaraphieat arrora appe^D ni in ad- songs Including rounds and two enced swimmer who can come to .' Answer: This is a 804 question. \vn<3—Portia Faces Life. WONS—Dance Orchestra. cier, is scheduled to take con­ and only really modern car on Inc. eaftlaamants and other readini mattar. will do, so that Connecticut and Iodides hav« been given for many "marked and identlB^ with the ”The Republican Congress can WTIC—Adrian Rolllnl. Official Rainmaker John , Dally first wife after 55 years of mar- trol. K E M P ’S , ilB The Uancheatai Evenmi Herald. part melodies -and did folk danc­ the rescue if things go wrong. 3:80— today's market. other states can have a firm basis ing. The entire program was giv­ Even an expert ought to avoid years for certain forma of ar­ nimte ‘Yankee.’ ’’ The plaintiff cooperate with President Truman Vt:**— vrith Charlie McCarthy of radio riagd. A naUve of Philadelphia, the 66- 736 MAIN STREET In a sincere effort to halt rlstne WDRC—Old Record Shop. fame. Daily wagered a new hat it The marriage took place on Mott alao be aggreaalve and MANCHESTER FrlrUy, July 80 for their own consideration of en in the main room of the cabin. swimming ajone. thritis, sometimes with apparent says It haa used this identlBcation WCCC—Headlines; Tunes for WONS—Dance Orchestra, year-old Pearson has been employ­ The original plan was to present Another point of Importance is benefit There is tome doubt how­ on Its own products for 50 living coata or it can adjourn and w n c —.’..ennle Herman (Quintet. would "make wet" in Wayneeburg Geiger lookout, a high vanUge bare Inltiatlre for farther ad­ what to do themselves. Congress ever, as to how this eubstance acts years. do nothing,” he said. “The old WELDON'S ToU. before last midnight Charlie said point between Reno and Virginia vancement. the plays In the wide doorway swimming after meals. The diges­ set MAIN STREKt WONS—Adventure Parade. It wouldn’t. City. The ceremony waa perform­ The Belgrade Conference has more than its own responsibil­ while the apectatdrs aat on the tion of food in the stomach re­ favorably if and when it does. It No date is set for a hearing of dodge of suggesting another in­ WTHT—Sky King. Frequency Modulation ity. It is the key to a log-jam In porch. However, approximately 40 quires the presence of a large Is another subject about which the action in which damages vestigation to avoid taking action WDBC^FM 46JC 08.7 MC. The good people of Wayneeburg ed by the Rev. Robert Caswell, This Time It's HUDSON I The InternmUonal conference were listed "In excess of $3,000.’’ will fool no one.” w nC —Just Plain Bill. WKNB—FM 108.7 MC. donned raincoats and rubber pastor of ths Reno Unity center. RUPTURED? which the states themselves are adults and almost as many small amount of blood in that area. This more has to be learned. 5:45— Mrs. Stebbtng is a native of Don’t delay—dwe Iba new mod- t opening nt Belgrade today on the children attended, so to facilitate WTHT—FM 100.7 MC. boots, conflden tthat nature would caught. WDRC—Lum and Abner. w n c —R»I 45A MC; 96A MC. not let them dowiu Dally assumed England and the former wife of era featorra of AHaoN McCLURE AMESITE DRIVEWAYS I question of nsvlgation on the vision of activities, the plans were WONS—Tom Mix. Lionel StebUng. After the cere­ TRUSSES fitted by experts. changed. The afternoon closed ■ kf w n c —Front Page Farrell WDRC—FM. his official positlpn at the town's POWER ROLLED Danube U different. In one impor* Same as WDRC. lire bell—prepared to ring in the mony she and Russell left on sn Private Fitting room. AUTO COi ' tent respect, from all the other with a color ceremony. Evening automobile tour of the Paoifle Orders taken now! Specialixing in parking arena and The Judges Are Guilty Miss Lsilse Georgie, assistant WKNB—FM glad news of a wet Wajmesburg. ,Quinn's Pharmacy 60 Wells St. Tel. 2-9442 ^post-war conferences among na- 6 :0 (^ 5:00—Evening Centlnel. northwest. camp director, was unable to at­ WDRC-News. Hnrrledly Set Clock Back Russell and his first wife, Helen gas stationa. Work guaranteed. Time payments arranged ' tiona It was fitting that the exonera­ tend because of illness. Other 7:00—News; Music as You Like Dally and his fellow townspeo­ WKNB—^Newa; Sports. I t Andrews, w en married Jsnuarj' Free Estimatea This Is a conference In which tion of the directors of I. Q. Far- members of the Brownie staff WONS—Nears.' ple waited, and waited—and wait 10, 1898. Mrs. Russell was award­ beg of charges of war criminality were Mrs. Edward Lewis, Miss WTHT—Songs At Six; Bail 7:30—^All Star Dance Parade. ed. At midnight e.s.t., they hur­ Russia is presumably not in a mi­ 7:45—UtUc Show. riedly set the clocks back an hour ed a divorce on a cross complaint nority. The list of conferring should come into the news Gwen Olenney, Miss Janet Brad­ Scores. here about two weeks ago. ley, Miss Barbara Long and Miss w n c —^Nsws. 8:00—News; Jan Garber. —to 11 p. m., e.s.t.. DeMalo Brothers nations includes the United States. promptly following the disastrous Denise LaOoss. Best Summer Show in Town 8:25—Baaehall Game. It waa to no avail. Paving Contractors Since 1921 ^ WCCC—Sports. WTHT—FM.____ Ptoneer Social Worker Dies Britain and France, and then explosion at Farben’s Ludwiga- The camp closed for the sum­ S:1S— True, rain fell less than one AMESITE DRIVEWAYS Call Manchester 7691 Anytime Same aa RTHT except mile from town along the Blacks Russia, Yugoslavia, Rumania, hafen plant. mer today when the Brownies WDRC—Record Album. 6:40>7:30 p. m.,—Concert Hour, Chicago, July SO——News. WNHC—TV. Finally, Daily admitted It had which can easily be dominated, so and spread of the explosion Itself, 0-J0 — P. M. in public welfare admlnlstrstlcm BLAt'H We Are Offering The Nicest Glads the French were using this Far- 6:00—^Teietunes. not rained in Waynesburg on July at the university of Chicago, had TARV1A ^ far as voting is oonosrned, by Guest at Shower WKNB—Melodies for Evening. 29, 1948, and announced he wai been in ill health for the last five MAROON Russia and her satelUtss. ben plant for experimentation in K CLU WONS—Answer Man. 6:55—Program Resume. 6:00—Small Fry Club. ready to tend a new hat to Char' ntontha. That We Have Grown In Yedrt It will be interastlng to see how the Held of rocket weapoifo in WTHT—Sereno Gammel; Mlsa Nancy Jane Anderson, Castlea in the Air. 6:30—R'jss Hodges* Scoreboard. Russia behaves, in a conference which the Germans pioneered dur­ w n c —Profeasor Andre Schen- 6:45—Film Shorts. l A wide range of colors and np-to-ths-minatc variotlss. ing the war. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer 7:30—Camera Headlinee. Yon are invited to walk through our gardens on Sunday ahe herself can dominate, when C. Anderson, of 34 Elm Terrace, ker. the iasus la one of keeping and Under French direction, then, WCCC—Concert Hour, 7:46;—^FUm Shorts. from 1 to 6 P. M. ' , Farben was doing exactly what It was again honored with a personal Yes, you’ll find the small fry of the ' t S:4S— 8:00—Fashions on Parade. THOMAS D. COLLA putting Into effect pledges with shower at the home of Miss Connie ’ WDRC—Laowell Thomas. 8:30—Film Shorts. regard to the internatlonallntion had been doing for HlUer during Town congregating at Watkins Terms Paving Contraclot 4^ O O l O f Kehlex,. of 11 Strickland street, ^ Stork Club. Features here to help WONS—Rainbow Rendezvous, 9:00—Wrestling; Jamaica Arena. WILLIAMS STANLEY F. CHESSEY . of the Danube, to which an the the war. We have, then, the gro­ Wednesday evening. ] w n c —Three SUr Extra. Arranged PHONE nationa involved have previously tesque picture of the victorious Former schoolmates of the iiride-' keep baby (and mother) as cool 7:0S— ’ Bolton Center Phone 2-2387, If No Answer 43S8 AlUes prosecuting the Germans, elect were present and the latter I and comfortable as possible during WDRC—Robert Q. Lewis. agreed. Here is no stmosphere. received numerous personal gift.«.! the New England Summer. New WKNB—News; Man About Columnist Bride OIL SERVICE either fended or real, of Russia on the one hand, for the heinous Mlaa Anderson will be married < Toavn; Italian Hour. DUtribuMor* of being taadeed into a corner by crime of plotting war while, on to William A, Horner of Laconia. i ideas galore . . . too numerous to ' WONS—Fulton Learis, Jr. Of Publisher numericaUy superior bloc of other the other hand, they themselves New Hampshire, on Saturday a ft-! mention here . . . so why not drop WTHT—^News. are planning new war and enlist­ ernpon. August 21, at the South in next time you’re downtown and w n c —Supper Club, Gulf Petroleum Produefe nations. Here there can be no au­ Methodist church. 7;1S— . Warrenton, 'Va., July 80—(JP)— tomatic majority against Russia's ing the destructive aervices of enjoy-the “Show?” WONS—TeHo-Teet Austine Cassini, Washington so- views. those very same Genhan axperU WTHT—ChUdren’e Hour. ciidite and columnist, became the Range Oil Fuel Oil And Secretary of State Mar- and industriallata who served Hit­ ■wnc—Neavs. bride of Newspaper Publisher Wil­ 7:80— ahaU obviously knew all this when ler. Open Forum WDRC—Jerry Wayne Show. liam Randolph Hearst, Jr., here Gulf Gasoline and Motor Oils last night at her parents’ borne. he pressed for the holding of the The French, of course, are not Thayer Toddler doea double WONS—Henry J. Taylor, conference. alone in thia. We and the Rus- Tolerance WTHT—Lone Ranger, The bride is the daughter of dutyi It’e a stroller outdoors; Maj. and Mrs. Austin McDonnell Here then, under conditions slans have been deadly rivals in a walker indoors when han­ w n c —Yankee Yarns. Quality Products To the Editor: WCCC—News; Sundown Sere­ of Warrenton. Since 1948 she has which considered favor* the grisly business of considering Nothing likt a Trimble Baby Bath dle and footrest are attach­ written a daily column for The !f/RW td^€utjd. i/uie/c ikon eueft “What is important, ia what we for cooling off. rvol^ enameled ed! Burgundy or tUrquols* nade. abla and congenial to Ruaala, la a German destructive ingenuity one do to ourselves, when we do what 7:46— Washington Times-Herald. * Dependable Service folding frame, rubberized bath, with ivory and aluminum. WDRC—Ned Calmer. Hearst Is publisher of The New sort of warm-up teat of Russia’s of the legitimate spoils of war, we do, to others.”—Ye Editor. duck drying and dressing plat- 7-26-48. WONS—Sports, York Journu-^American and The intentions, being conducted even and both of us have been woefully foi-ma. cretonne trimmed. Pockets w n c —U. S. Marine Band. American Weekly. He Is the son ot while, in Mosfcow, diplomatic con- busy taking lessons from all the Tolerance is the first need of for soap, pins, powder; hose for WODC—Paradise Island. William Randolph Hearst of (MU- Oil Burner Sales and Service the individual toward his spiritual draining and filling. vereatloaa are about to begin on Gciman experts we could hire. development. 8:00— fornia, owner of a chain of news­ the proposal for a big four poww Those who are emplojred by either WDRC—Mr. Ace and Jane. papers. 341 Broad St. Phone 2-1257 The first two words of the WKNB—Nears; Spotlight on a After a wedding trip to Oanada eoBference In which all the quae* of us are, of course, relatively Lort’s Prayer are the basis for Other baths, all with Star. and California, the couple iiVill tions of' the day In Europe would safe from prosecution a s war the establishment of the brother­ WONS—There’s Always a Wom­ maintain residences In New York **We Solve the Burning Que*tion** More people buy hood of man. foot-levers for lower­ be discuased. Whet happens at criminals. We doubt that there ing dressing platforms, an. and Washington. Belgrade may not be conclusive, has been any more Shameful page The failure to understand and WTHT—Fat Man. meet the conditions of this Holy "topped” by the all­ Simmons w n c —Band of AmericO. for it magr develop that this con- in human history tb«n this page. ^ y e r are cle.arly indicated to- aluminum model at WCCC—Music Box; Headlines. fsrsBce does nothing more than In vrikich we have prosecuted the day, by the lack of tolerance 19, 25. 8:15— mark time while the larger issuee Oermens ms war criminals on the among mankind. Babybeauty ■WKNB—Marine Story. between Bast and West are being one hand, and rushed to learn the The^ace that God extends to S:80— CHEVROLETS those who deny or neglect their WDRC—It’s Always Albert. discussed In Moscow. Bbt its do­ secrets of .their trade on the other. relationship to Him, by their re­ WONS—Leave it to the Girls; ings, whatsver they are, arlU be lations and responsibilities to oth­ Crib Mattress Billy Rose. < followed with Intense interest. ers, should help in the understand­ WTHT—I'hls Is Tour FBI, PAPER COLLECTION The Sret iateresUng develop-^ More Church Members ing of what tolerance really Hera’s foe scisnUflcally deaigned Iniwrnxlng trib w n c —Who Said That? means. Mattreos made by Simmons, famous for Bsautyrastl 8:00— IN THE than any other make of car! meat Is that the Russians have "Statistically apeaking,” says It la important to seek snd un­ WDRC—My Favorite HusbaniL aent a group of high ranking dip­ Baby doctors racemmended these features: 70 “Baby* The Christian Herald, “religldn in derstand the meaning of every w e ip t” apeclal coils, covering which esn be washed WONS—Gabriel Heatter. * lomats, headM by Deputy For­ these United States Is enjoying word In this prayer, taught by without cracking or peeling, and a tightly tufted sur­ WTHT—Break the E'lnk. eign Minister Vishinsky, to the Jesus Christ, because the com­ WTIC—University Theater. the most robust health It has ever face which offers firm support for baby’s, back. 9:1 Belgrade conferoaoe, while the known.” plete fulfillment depends on cer­ . Famous Kantwet Mattress 18.50 ^IfecojuAe (ZltAiAKoleJt tkun mo4c£ italuM jfo t g v e tty tain conditions that must first be W O N S—News. SOUTHEAST SECTION western delegations are largely This statement reflects the accepted^ by the individual, composed of minor offldala Rus- magaxlne’e new annual statistica The Pen. 0^ jfUMohoAA pftlag, opM/taiion ojul ujfJunpJ sU, one way or another, seems to on church membership in the THE regard the Danube conference as United States. By these statis­ Youth one of major Importance. tics, this country now haa a total [ We, The Women of 77,386,188 church members, an M » * m 2m f/m ltm im >Me*a f/m lts m 4te increase of 3,713,006 over the Beds By Ruth MlUelt BIO-CAR COMFORT Congress And Housing - count a year ago. NEA Staff Writer BlO-CiUl PERFORMANCE BIG-CAR BEAUTY BIO-CAR SAFETT Thera are varying estimates of Church'membership now stands The In-between size for ■ what the real need for veterans' at 53 per cent of the population, There’s a woman like each of Junior, available In two these in almost every neighbor­ maple styles, both .with houring in this country may 1(111 which is claimed as tbe. highest hood. partial sides which are be. But few estimates deny that mark in United SUtea history. The woman who aparently removable. 37.50 and the altuaUon ls.« sUll serious SUUstlcally speaking, there­ never has any work to do and 48.00. . enough to merit some govern- fore, which is the wsy The Chris­ so has plenty of time tft keep other Women in the neighborhood from ihent action. And quite a case tian Herald itaelf puts it, this na­ getting their work done. for gt^ernmental action of some tion U now more religious than The woman whose children are Mad has repeatedly been present­ ever’ before. lU choice of lan­ always right and who la ready to Oievrolet aJanc, of all con in itt Gievrolet alone, ef all can in ‘rtt Chevrolet alone, of el] can in Ht Chevrolet aknA af aD can at Hs ed, right here in Connecticut. guage refflecU lU hope, and the defend the honor of her family at tavoa yew TIMI end MONEY! field, bringt you Um Big-Cer field, h u a world’s chempion field, brings you the Big-Car field brnigt you Frdser Uhittoal It is an aspect of the faUure of hope of all men of good will, the first shriek of a child. Imagine! You get the tame riding-luxury ^ tbe origmal and Velve-in-Heed engine—holder of beauty and luniry at well at the Congress .to act oh the problem The woman who doesn’t like Folds compactly ConrtnictioiLthaUMtiwdKaaw which U that this trend need not children around. If she has chil­ typc| prepsrationa, the same outttmnding Unitized Knee- all records for milet served ^ that Oongrees has thus not only Big-Car strength and solidity of Actiop Ride and PoatiawAcliaR always be mcesured by atatlsUca dren of her own they are always improved proceee used for the Action Ride-umiMfeAcd/orproetd owners latisfied—embodying the’ alone, that the day will come Body by Fuher. for Chevrolet H y m d ic Brakes—OMreflMtqni refused the problem itself, but In- in someone elae'a house or yard. With the exception of the very lowest expensive permanent waves comfort and tq/afg—found elte- teme basic Vahe-itt-Hted prin- direetly reetralned the etatea when we can aee It reflected In Squabble S ettler' priced styles, both sides of all cribs now sjharet this better body only with that m condoned daewhae odbr given in the famous fli9hard whm only in higher-priced cart. ciplt featured in costlier cart. thOBwelves from action on it. the dealings of men with their The woman who likes kids and di-op down. No matter how you place the hitler-priced cart. iacottKar can. nib against the lyall the other side can Kiddy Hudnut Fifth Avenue Salon! la the 1947 session of the Con- fellow men, and in the week day, never semea to mind their noise or to take their squabbles serious­ be lowered. Springs can be adjusted down- ' It’s to eaay, too . . . if you’ve neeUegt General Assembly, the as well as in the Sunday, ideals ly, but who can atraighten them iiai'd as baby grows; saves unnecessary ever put your hair up in peak tm of Veterans’ housing lay of American life. oqt with a few firm words when bending and lining. 34.75 to 57.50. curlers, you can give your­ heavily upon the conadence of necessary. ^ Others from 19.95 Korral nsBy legtalatore. But. in the end, 'The woman who knows all of self a soft, luxurious, lovelier the neighborhood goapip and who All WTiitney Carriages . . . 29.76 to 47.00 tljjfqf delayed any really construc- A Change Of Air wave, in as little at oni heur’s distributes It free from door to . . . are now fitted with the patented Steer- uavinp time! You'll want to tl're action on the problem on the door. O-MaUc feature. Makea turning corners , A change of air ia not always a try the Richard Hudnut Home OMOty that it waA foolish of them matter of gusts and the stormy The woman who lets her kids possible without lifting the carriage. Most : . 9 8 run wild while she listens to all Whitney's also feature invUible folding de­ Permanent today! CHEVROLET - and OrUy yCHEVROLET^ tq tty to create an independent passage of what tbe weatherman vices (see illustration). Blue, grey, and bur­ - Z S n R S T ! the daytime radio serials. Only $2,75 iplui 304 Fad. Hui sad perbaiw ooetly state program calls a "fronL" It can com* on Tbs woman who is a real ntigh gundy colorings. yrtMi OondToae seened about to quiet cat’s feet, nimble and allsat bor to svtryons In an unobtrusive, Other carriages from 26.76 Opens Into a roomy six sidsd play ••'H .41,50 (phi* Fad. ml yard to ksep young onss out of tadkle the problem «a a national MONDAY^ AVG. 2 thoughtful, kindly way. over the twIUght hlUa, slinky mlochlaf wherever you go. Felds shUA Sowa the slopes, s successful The woman who has "husband trouble” and who likes to talk quickly Into a 6” by to” handy If you live on any of the dM>ve streets have your paper out on Monday. "In tlw sfpaoial satrion of the stalksr until. If the change la from about It. . ^ . carrying unit. Packs Into yoiir car CARTER CHEVROLET CO., Inc. bmaoetteut Legislature last win* hot and humid to summer and like a suitcase! Blrcli flnlsh. Also Proceeds From These Collections of Paper Serve To Bay New Eqaipment For The The woman who thinks she Is s M A N C H E S tV R Mr. tbe altasUcB the clsar, It hits some tell-tale low- little too glad for the neighbor­ in ivory, pink or blue, ISJ0. Piss-' (Miaini Manchester Memorial Hospital 811 MAIN STREET tic covered pad with sklea. 2.98. the OMweetient foehng land. ^ hood and can’t wait to move. STORK CLUB. Sr.ENT SHOI* You probably recognim most of WilTKIlS .Eomething ought to be done ' w -Magazines* Paper and Paper Carloii4 Picked Up There, long before the ther­ these women, for they can be dOl 'Ma'n St. T e l 5321 .afallM. UMt «9eetoBcy mometer has begun to dip, or th r fmind in alfspst onv neighborhood. '.’1. -i., ■TT’ - j .r f.

/ 0 ]

SLAI^TTOSTCR EVENTNG HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 80, 1948 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, FRIDAY. JULY 80, 1948 *AGE BIGHT _ 1 ...... '' the troop request. He merely said, ter Increaalag 81,760,000,000 since other flight regulations In tha eor- “I H I.ij u women have been advised that | ridora. Similar proteata In the “ I win be out again Mondaq consumer control powers expireS Tito Remains Local Woman l^ d s Sand Shark Grim Symbol in Carman Disaster Ruiiif s Mr*. WoocUiouse their project (or the World Com-! tSCa-ji Surge Ordered Tornadoes Hit laat Nov.' 1. past have been rejected. Obituary mtuiity Day, November 5, is P eck -. morning.” Kaplan said he was in­ Tha Soviet organ said the el- formed that the Montgomery Synder made no reference in the Mum ou Future ArTowel for a Teen-ager in dis­ Polish-Americon iSiib prepared statement be read at! the leged violations hava created Dies, Aged 90 On Mook and Line placed Persons (^m ps In Euro(ie| county CIO ifetersns Rural Sectors start of bis testimony to the ' ’spe­ In Top Post “great Indignation” among Soviet By ^ c. Redick planned a parade in fA u l of the and Refugee Oem|is la Asia, | cial” reserve plan for bank lending air experts. New London, July 80— Al­ Nemlcb. July SO—ared a third i • If the 20.000 or more people who en power to require Uiat banks set (Coatlnoed from Fag* Oaa> seek the Democratic con- in Wisconsin and Iowa last night. forih demands for his scalp. Tlie beareis were John Jefiaen, last night She was admitted to landed a four-foot sand shark. world war. I wve signed the People’s (Wal- eration. and Rev. Russell Rlebs, up special reserves against their gresaionat nomination. She said No relief from the hot and humid The party’s new Central com­ John Munsie, George Stavnitaky. the institution on Monday. July The kibitser wasn’t among these Mrs. Robert 'W. Aborn,' Jr., is i ■oe) party petition for a place on pastor of St Paul's Episcopal dejXMits. mlnistrator, carried the adminis­ weather appeared In sight for the mittee, chosen at an all-night ses­ Joseph Limerick, Joseph Scheib- 19, and on last Sunday suffered a who saw hltp do it. “nder Army orders'chii^iian oTraUngtorr World dtjs fall’s state ballot. church. The president of Unlvla. “ I think that you would have tration fight to the House Bank­ Mrs. Woodhouse made a study of f munlty Day. M. H. Stanley, Is s parishioner of eastern and southern states^ sion of the party’s congress yes­ onpflug, and Richard Johnson, all paralytic sh^ck from which she .Registrars of voters must re- had leas inflation,” Eccles told the ing committee. He . was urging members of Court Manchester, F. German women for the Army. ^ ^ Riebs. The twisters killed one child and terday, re-elected Tito secretary- failed to rally. ______Mr. and M n. Frederick Hemeller ijave them from the rolls of any Senate committee yesterday, if (Mwer to put back price controls of A. ■ and family of Maple street are Confer In Center of Street caused some crop and. property President Truman had recom­ general and head of the powerful Mrs. Holmes, the former Miss ilher party, she said In a letter Politburo. That is the same [x>si- and ration short commodities. Tolland spending a two weeks’ vacation in -The ministers conferred in the damage. They hit near Madison mended such a course and Con­ There waa a flurry in this com­ Josephine Odman, was bom in •A ’T h ^ o r e I. Koskoff, state and La Crosse, Wis., and near Lu­ tion Prime -Minister Stalin holds Sweden, March 28, 1858. she came I^ n b oro, Nova Scotia, with Mr. ;Mrman of the new party. hot sun It the center of the street. gress had approved it at laat win­ mittee when Rep. Monrone; (D- EUiiigtou Hemeller’e mother. * zerne and Blatrstown, in n o ^ e a s t ter’s special session o f Congreaa. in the party in Russia. to this country about 80 years ago Mrs. Evelyn F. (Jsteln o f Rodc- At their request, loudspeakers on Defiance Made More Emphatle Okla) demanded that Republicans Mr. smd Mra James Roberaon j,6n July 14, Mrs. Redlck ex- em Iowa. Stand Great Sarpriaa About Town add was married in New Haven to vllle was a recent guest of her U-cased the opinion that registrars both sides were silenced. The new 63-member Central bring forward an antl-Inflatlon A little (let dog bekxigtng to o f Choteuo. Montana, arrived here Reverend Coleman said. “ All of The Federal Weather Bureau Snyder took a hand in defeating Norman L. Holmes. Mr. Holmes parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph lnUng Chairman Wolcott (B., Mich.), Mrs. Ho'mes leaven she sent. Mary Beasley, of Sadd’e Mills. brima facie evidence” of affilia- made no announcement as to what nine of their chil'dren. Three other lished June 28, accused Tito and grownupa preaent. The paternal A. Hall. . home after a visit wit\ Mr. children In the family - were not Thomas B. McCabe. Eccles stayed said that if the Demoermts would granddiarenta are Mr. and Mrs. Ih , are Rsvmond N. Holmes'of Mrs. Eva W. Pearson o f Hart­ Mr .and M n. Joseph Jutrus and Joh with a new party. they had in mind. his lieutenants of departing from Thompson’s brother and slster-'ui- daughter have returned to their in the house when It was levelled. on ais a member. Marxism, of nationalism and of get Mr. Truman to ap))ear per­ George H. Brault of Higganum, 3An" Fernando. California: E. ford is a guest o f Mr. and Mrs. law Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thomp­ [ Mrs, Redick said registrars Kaplan said a meeting of all McCabe yesterday e n d o rs e d sonally before the committee he home in West Hartford after a presidents of United Electrical The cool air moved into the mid­ imfricndlincss toward Russia. Conn. Knight Holmes of New York Cl tv. John H. Steele. Rescue workem cany s wooden coffin through ruins at the huge I. O. Farben rkeulqal plant at Lad son ot Maple street. cbuld not act, however, until the west hot belt from the northern much the same plan Ecciea origin­ would Invite Dewey and all other Arthur E. Holmes. Leon O.. ami week’s visit with Mra Jutrus’s petitions were filed wdth her. She Workers locals In the county had Miss Mary Leonard has return­ wlgabafen, Germany. Explosion, which took n huge toll In dead and Injured, occurred at the S|iol Theodora Ruegger, who came to mother, Mrs. Annie Hepton, of (Stains and extended as far east ss ally offered. He waa testifying on presidential candidates. Including Mark of this town and Ward W. ed from a moat interesting tour Wtends to provide registrars wdth been called for 7 o’clock tonight For the third day in succession where workers make (heir way throogh the debris. New explosions followed In the flaming wreckage this country from Switzerland H^hland avenue. northern llUnols. the president’s recommendation Henry Wallace, and the candi­ Holmes of Ellington. Another son. o f the Maritime ProvUices and the artlfied copies so that they may when the ministers will present the South Manchester fire depart­ of Borope’s greatest post-war disaster. (AP photo by radio from Frankfort to New Yoik). eight months ago has returned to luchard Dimock of Main straat that congress give the Federal Re­ Russian Feeding dates of .southern “Dixiecrats.” aai-ton, died about 20 years ago. Gaa|>e Peninsula. Boceed to carry out her order. their plans for settlement of the ment was called yesterday to ex­ hla (loalUon in New York after a has been spending a week with hla serve board “greater authority to Taft, In hla Senate apttch, said tinguish a fire In an automobile Mrs. Holmes also leaves one Mrs. Leila S. Hall and daughter visit with hla cousin Walter Hoff­ } May Delay FlUng controversy. hain and son Kl(ipy, Miss Dolly will not bs finished in time for the uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mra A policeman, wielding a club, regulate inflationary bank credit.” Offer Draws the general (nice question “Is an Yesterday's' call was answered by sister, Mrs. .fohn Carlin of this Miss Bernice Hall are guesta of man and Mrs. Hoffman o f Hoff­ Snyder Reveals Across the capitbl, the House emergency mqtter” and that he Markham and Darwin Stone, o(ienlng o f schools in September. Buenos A. W. Young, of Newing­ i Koskoff .meanwhile, has said chased and subdued one picket Company No. 3 on a still alarm. town, 18 grandchildren and 11 Mr. and Mrs. Ira Oeelm on of Hebron man road. ton. Banking committee recalled Paul ho(>es Congress will pass some spent a delightful time Sunday at Thus the old schoolhouse will no niat he may delay filing, with the after drawing a gun on him. There The a(iparatua w’cnt to 128 Blssell great grandchildren. Stow, Mass. Ellingtoo Orangs enjoyed the Mra. James Quinn, Jr., ia ill at abate until two other petitions, one Controls Stand Porter, former price control boss, Small Response le^slation dealing with It. street where the automobile w’as Funeral services will bo held to­ Miss Mary Leonard was an Misquamteut Beach, R. I. doubt have to be put in order foe was no shooting except for the Kcimeth Alan Porter, son of the first term, at least. The build­ dog roast at the Scblude farm fol­ her home in East EHlington and for hia party’s state ticket and the tear gas bombs. for further questioning on Mr. But he continued: standing at the rear ‘of the house. morrow afternoon at 2:30 from overnight guest of friends in Am­ Robert ai^d Virginia, daugh­ lowing the meeting Wedneaday has a nurse in attendance. ^ e r for its state legislative can­ Truman’s plan to revive a strip- “ In my opinion the president The damage was small and con­ herst, Mass., Wednesday. Herbert w . Porter, end grandson ters o f Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. ing com(iany has been ham(iered Mzaa A t Parking Lot (Coattnaed from Page One) (Contlnned from Page Une> the Holmes Funeral Home, 400 in several ways, one being the con­ night Gamas ware played and a didates, have been completed. The ()ed-down OPA. has full powers to check inflation fined to the sriring. Mrs. Jennie Leonard and daugh­ o f Mr. end Mrs. Merton W. Hills Porter, will apiiear again in the Non-strikers massed at a com­ Main street. Interment will be In tinual rains in June, when it was general good time was had by oil. second is now ready for sigpia- The administration bill alms at lets have urged that the western if he wants to check it. If he is Falrvlew cemetery. New Britain, ter Miss Florence Leonard enjoy­ “ Kiddies’ Revue” from Brown- Ellington met at Vernon in the pany parking lot two blocks from T don’t think that’s a proper ■ :U o f Gilead, has been made a State not (lossibie to do a gr**at deal of turea rolling some food and other prices powers, in any talks with Moscow, not using the (xywers he has now, Mr. and Mrs. George Dewart and where her husband Is burled. Rev. ed an auto trip to Palmer, Mass., Thomson’s, Hartford, in the radio sottbalt game Wedneaday night the plant. Then a group of around answer,” Buck said. Thursday. Farmer, in connection with the OI tslde work. But It won’t be for KEYSTONE ..No data is available on how 100 non-strikers marched down the back to around Noverober, 194T, hold out for iron-clad guarantees it la difficult to ho(>e that he Miss Edith Dewart who some Marvin 8. Stocking o f Simsbury, over WONS, at 10 a m., Satur­ and raturaed the loosen by a “ I prefer to discuss only the levels, with wage control and ra­ would use any new one. Mrs. Mary Edgerton Baker o f Future Farmers of America. He long. many Democrats and Republicans street toward the plant with a po­ banking side,” Snyder insisted. against a recurrence of the Soviet- time ago purchased the house at pastor of the North Methodist day, July 31. These little girls, sco n o f IS to 8. This flniahaa Et- tioning power set up on a stand­ “He doesn’t want to stop infla­ Hartford has been spending sev­ Hebron will be under the pur- Movie Camera Were among the signers, but most lice line on one side and a picket “Of course you can beg the ques­ blockade. 58 Strickland street from Mr. church for nearly eight years, and attended Monday and Tuesday at known as “ The Porter Girls,” are llugton playing in the league thie ift them are understood to be in­ line on the other. There were no by basia. Informants ir, the Russian capi­ tion.” Dewart'a sister, Mrs. Joseph P. eral days as guest o f Mrs. Lucy accomplished dancers and were Isdiction of draft board number 21, played by other Granges in the tion," Buck told him. now retired, will officiate. Storrs a meeting of the associa­ In the town of 'Vernon. Hebron is g A H T H iin l dependent and Democrata Incidents then, except for shouts “Step In Right Direction” tal said today that neither the Taft said that Mr. Truman’s Ledgard. formerly of this town Usher and has made several calls recently star guests at an enter­ year. There are other games to be 'Tm not begging the question,” The funeral home will be o(ien on her former Tolland neighbors. tion, which was presided over by one of the 18 towns In Tolland OHUG SlQHfS Terming her original opinion o f “scab,” In advance of Snyder’s appear- United States nor British envoys mid-year economic re(>ort to Con­ and Talcottillle, have moved to tainment a t ' Grand Lake Hotel, aeries. Snyder shot back. gress clearly shows that there Is this afternoon and evening for A new gas stove Is ^ n g In­ George Bprsottl, another Hebron County in this district. ^ i l d ,” Mrs. Rednick said that The first group of non-strikers Senator A. Willis Robertson ID.. ancj before the Senate group. have as yet sought intei views with their new home. Exeter. The Rockville Council of Church SPECIAL friends. factually, when an enrolled party entered the plant, but fighting Chairman Tobey (R., N. H.) said Molotov. no emergency requiring the enact­ stalled in the Federated church boy, of the Gilead section. It is again announced that any­ Va.l put In that it is “unfair to un­ kitchen this week. Kenneth s(iends much of his Miss Joanne O’Donnell, a Wind, member signs a nominating petl* broke out as more tried to enter. the proposal to require Federal The official Socialist prcs.s in ment of new housing legislation A new television set has been one interested in the position of load on farmers” the blame for in- The committee for August "Old time with his grandparents in ham High school graduate, has janitor o f the new consolidated For Limited Time Only •tkm o f any other political orgem- In the melee. Carl E. Miller, one fiation or high prices. Reserve member banks to main­ Berlin predicted the Ru.'^siana would such as the Taft-Ellendcr-Wagner installed in the local American bill o f which he is a co-s(>onsor. Home Day,” Harvey B. Clough, Gllesd, where he Is 4-H Club lead­ accepted employment with the school may obtain B list of duties Ixation, the registrars are under of the picket line directors, claim­ He said about the only farm tain higher reserves la “ a step in exploit the pressure of their block­ Legion home. The set has been U. S. Olympic Daveleris Insurance Company, duty to institute statutory pro- ed a non-striker named Alfred the right direction.” ade by delaying negotiations with The housing bill has passed the Rev. WilUam Moe, Mrs. William er. His standing, by which he was from Mrs. Charles N. Fillmore, product now getting price supjiort Installed in the northeast end of Anderson and Mrs. Eleanor Bow­ Hartford. aeedinga for removal” since the Huffgardner had pushed him is (mtatoes and “that waa a mis­ And Senator Buck (R., Dei.), a the western (lowers cn the Berlin Senate, but has been stalled In the made a State Farmer, is based on school board secretary. Applica­ the basement canteen and is now ers Burpee have had a meeUng to tions should be received by the PERMANENT act of signing is ’’prims facie evi­ around. Police took the non- take.” committee member, told a re(x>rt- crisis. House. Wolcott told re(>orters in operation. The set Is on an records mads and kept by him The Hebron Tigers, a junior Men and Women there is ” no chance" the House Team Shines iqake plana for the event. secretary before the next meeting dence of party affiliation ^yithin striker in custody. Virginia cattle raisers now are er he sees no objection to it if the The newspa(>cr Sozialdemokrat approval basis and if the member­ along the line of agricultural ac­ team, won a sweeping victory over will act on it during the special Mr. and Mrs. Roy Comin’s of of the school board, Aug. 12. Sev­ the meaning of Section 701, of the Arthur L. Garfield of Detroit, willing to roll back prices from 30 board wants the authority. bsised its prediction on a report by ship is satisfied with Ita o(>eration tivities. He Is 17 years old . and the Covent'y Cubs ball team Sun­ secretary of the General Motors to 25 cents a (>ound, Robertson con­ Tobey said he thinks the com­ the Hritlsb-Iicenscd German press session. L on^n, July 30 —(A’) - Ameri­ Worcester, Mass, were Saturday will enter his senior year this fall day afternoon, by a score of 11-1, eral applications have already been Ocneral Statutes, revision of It wilt be purchased by the post. guesU of Mrs. Leila S. Hall and WANTED! conference of United Electrical tinued, if anyone can guarantee mittee should Initiate some legis­ service that Molotov is absent Mr. Truman threw a whole book ca'sz's athleticathl< stalwarts. led by tiie at Windham High school. He has played on the Plains Athletic received but have not been acted W AVE $4.75 1980.” The set was installed this morn­ daughter. Miss Bernice Hall. upon. Workers locals, went through the them that the price next year will lation Its own. He added that he from Moscow "on a vacation” of of economics at the special ses­ formidable forces, been vice president of the D l- Field. Raymond Smith was pitcher She cites legal opinions and o i ing. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Krawezyk court decisions as authority for crowd crying “Do something.” A be 25 cents. !a hopeful the group can come up undertermined duration. sion. It waa his midyear economic moved in an almost unbroken Ags, Future Farmers Chapter of. 'or the Hebrun team, allowing but Mrs. Anthr ny Drone and daugh­ re(>ort, 115 pages long. and daughter Nancy Ann were Here’s What You Gelt har stand. It la “ ridiculous,” she few minutes later he shouted "Take Not f*eversal of Poeltlon with something "to be helpful In "That’s the same sort of delay­ phalanx through preliminary tests the school, and will become chap- five hits. ter Susan are spending a week at Woric In A Modem Air Undaunted by the icy reception The Griswold Family Associa­ Sunday guests of their g o d ­ bolds, to say that a political or- It easy!” Snyder Insisted under question­ this very trying situation.” ing tactics ex(>erienced with Rus­ today in the 1948 Olympic games. ter president this coming school Rev. H'Vward C. of Point O’ Woods Beach. Battle of Loudspeakers he got on Tuesday, when he pre­ tion of America, Inc., which has a mother, Mrs. Laura Judson. Hair Shapiar...... 7 6 e gaaiaatlon is not a party until it ing that his present advocacy of A Republican who asked not to sian officials in the four-(>ower ne­ While thk United States was year. Shelton, formei pastor of the Leb­ Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Stevens Cornlitioited Laundry Shortly after tear gas bombs higher bank reserves Is not a re­ sented his program in person, the number of members in this town, making Its dominance felt on all Rev. Henry Hayden of Alber- anon Congregational church, of Cincinnati, O., called on John Shampoo and Finger Wave . . . .I1.S0 Ims polled one-half of one-per he Identified by name said the gotiations here,” the pa(>er said. will hold its annual 19th reunion, querque, N. Mexico was the guest Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Taylor were exploded, the skirmish sub­ versal of his previous (KisiUon. party’s Policy committee is talking Frank Ro'ierts. private secre­ president renewed his deipsnd for fronts, however, the distinction of and tw6 children, David and Jer­ preached there last Sunday, taking E. Horton and family one day this Benefits for full time employees. Free hospitalisation cent of the vote cast in the last sided. Then It became a battle of sweeping (lowers— lncludin;t con­ tomorrow at 11:00 a. m. in the preacher Sunday, July 18 during week, while passing ihrqugh the Permanent W ave ...... «....$ 2 .8 0 Mcction since “this requirement la (Reserves are the money a bank about three possible steps that tary to British Foreign Secretary setting a new Olympic record fell ry, are sjiending a two weeks’ va­ for his text “ Rise Up, O Man of loudspeakers. A company loud­ trol over prices, wages, rationing Andrews Memorial, CHlaton. the Sunday morning service. town. They are relatives o f the insurance. Free life insurance policy. Vacation with pay. T o t f t l s • e e a • • o.a eaaeeeaaeaa for the purpose of retaining a must keep available to meet de­ may be proposed undir G O P Ernest Bevin and former minister to an attractive Dutch girl, Nel cation with Mr. Taylor’s parents. God." He also gave an interesting speaker mounted on the factory mands from depositors who want and credit, plus an excess profits Van 'Vllet, who won her heat in Mr. and Mrs. Ira Creelman re­ report on the International Con­ Qorton family. place, on the ballot” and “does not .-.ponsorship. , counsellor at the British embassy turned to their home in Stow, Maas. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Taylor, in played patrotlc times. Two union to withdraw their money.) in Moscow, arrived in the Russian tax to discourage price-boosting. the 200-meter (218.?2 yard) breast ference attended by him and Mrs. APPLY IN PERSON AT ^ deny the right to remain as a poli­ sound trucks across the street Two of these would bo higher The core of the plan, a 4 (ler Thursday, July 22 after Mrs. Creel- Brookhaven, L. 1. The two,other tical party organisation.” Questioned at some length by reserve requirements—the first capital yesterday with Smith. Sir Military Convoys stroke In two minutes, 54.4 sec­ Taylor dhUdreri, Helen *and’ Bert, Champe at Silver Bay, Lake blared words of encouragement to T5bey about his reported disagree­ cent roll ‘back In prices of essen­ onds. The old record wee 3:01.9. man had been sjiending two weeks (3eorge, where there was a guest Mrs. R^ick contends the peo­ for bank deposits and the other Maurice Peterson, the British am­ in Tolland with relatives. have been with their grandpar­ the pickets. ment with Former Board Chairman bassador, Is in Britain on sick tial cost o f living items, waa re­ The U. S. basketball team, led 8(ieaker from the United Nations. Charmore Beauty Shop ple's party is now in fact a politl- the amount o f gold behind bank ents there for a month. Mrs. Tay­ Tear gas spumed over the mill­ vealed yesterday, when former Are Passing Here by the University of Kentucky’s Mrs. Jeanette Davis is a guest of Mr. Champe is on vacation from THEY’RE NEW MODEL LAUNDRY eal p ^ y even though it is not yet Marriner 3. Eccles when Eccles Rotes. leave. r lor has been 111 but is much better. ing throng as pickets, police and OPA C3ilef Paul Porter laid an Alex Groza, breezed poat Switzer­ friends in Somerville, Mass. his own ohuich, but seems to be 73 SUMMIT STREET MANCHESTER 241 NORTH MAIN STREET m advocated higher reserves last The third move under di v ia- It Is believed Smith and Roberts Mrs. John A. Markham of Bur­ T E L .8M 8 «n U ballot. Rhe says it has nom­ non-strikers milled around under omnibus White House bill before Mrs. Luella McCarthy who has busy In otlier pulpita most of the year, Snyder said: slon la a return to consumer cred­ will have an informal talk with Military convoys are again seen land, 86 to 21. Groza poured 19 rows Hill entertained the HeGlAm inated state officers, has elected a a beating sun. the lawmakers. The aim, but cut­ been a guest for two weeks o f her time, suppl.i ing for other ministers "I did not oppose it— I only eaid it curbs, such as one-third doivn the French Ambassador Yves Clia- points through the hoop. bridge club at her home Tuesday state ^ central committee, and in­ The pickets strategy apparent­ ting those prices back to the No­ in numbers on the surrounding Die water polo outfit dunked son, Eugene McCarthy and daugh- who are also on vacation. tends'to hold senatorial and dis­ I didn’t think It would do much payments and no longer than 15 taijneau. before they see Molotov. ter-ln-Iaw left Sunday to s(iend evening. Two tables were in play GOING ly was to force police to spread vember, 1947, level, is to hold gen­ highways as National Guard troops Uruguay, 7 to 0. trict conventions. These acta, she good. I would probably have fav­ months to pay. In London, Bevin told the House some time with relatives In Cohas- at auction bridge. Mrs. Ralph The HeGIAms, auiction bridge their lines as thin as possible. ored It In some other form. Mr. eral living costa where they are ready themselves for the summer On the red-brick track at Wem­ says, “would indicate to any fair- Doomed by Other Factors of Commons yesterday Britain now. Porter said. set. Mass. Secord won first honors, Mrs. club, met with Mrs. John A. Mark­ They formed two and then three Eccles and I viere in agreement at bley Stadiuxi. before e crowd esti­ minded person” that it “considers ■While Eccles made It plain that may halt demobilization of its training periods. In addition to the Rev. Leonard Stryker of Tolland Floyd A. FogU second. Nut-bread, ham Tuesday evening for their moving lines. tl at time on the principle." Mr. Trflman, in his message to­ mated at 50,000, the fleet Ai8'ri-. itself a political party.” If it Roy Baker, who said he worked he places responsibility on Sny­ armed forces. “in a few days” If day, insisted: guard, there is some movement of will act as supply rector of 8L coffee and fresh melon cocktail party. The two usual tables were Eccles told the committee yes­ cans enjoyed their expected suf- in play. prize was won by HIGHER fails to get on the ballot, she at the Ofimer Register Co., was der's Treasury department for the Berlin crisis is not settled. "It is not too late'for preven* regular troops. r .' John’s Episcopal church Rockville were served as refreshments. Mrs. terday the Treasury department Mr. Truman’s omission of the re­ Bevin also told the House he Yesterday morning and this cesacs. during the month of August while Mrs. Ralph Secord, seepnd by Mrs. points out, it may remain as a among pickets from other UE lo­ was resiionsible for deletion of the live measures, and we are not yet o f Southern Call- Norton P. Warner will entertain serve plan for controlling bank had hopes “ the crisis will be set­ morning tnfck convoys were seen Rev. H. B. Olmstesd rector Is on the club at its next party, Aug. Floyd Fogll. Nut bread, melon political party, but “it cannot ap­ cals on duty. He claimed he took recommendation from President forced by . the tragic consequences fomla. of Lancaster, cocktail and coffee were served. |- pear upon the ballots of the next aWay the club of the policeman credit last year, he said there tled and that ste(>s are now being of depression to adopt measures passing through the town east­ bis vacation. 11. Truman’s message to Inst Novem- were other factors too that doom­ taken in Moscow to determine ward toward Camp Edwards where Pa., and of Bald- The Tolland Grange had 45 mem­ The next party will meet with Mrs. | BUY election without the necessary who had chased down a picket. . iK-e’a B(>ecial session of Congress on which would interfere with our wln-Wallace college all won thefr Swimming lessons at Amston Norton P. Warner In Gilead, Aug. i number of signatures.” Her . au­ Lou Kaplan, international or­ ed it. whether there is a (Kissibility of economy far more than would any next month the 43rd Division will bers present at the picnic held at Lake are rejiorted going on in a anti-inflatl.m legislatitm. In due re.spoct to Mr. Snyder negotiations that would end the undergo its annual two weeks camp first round heats in the 100-meter CryaUl Springs, Tuesday night, ths 1 1 . i thorities, she says, “clearly estab­ ganizer of the union, declared “ When y nr op()osed or remained or all of the measures I have pro- (109.36 yard) dash and thus qual­ splendid manner. There are about Hebron Green and environs were | lish the mandatory nature of the charges would be filed against the I don’t want to imply that we east-west quarrel.” (Kiseil. training. members later returned to Grange 80 children and young people tak­ quiescent last fall, you didn’t offer would have, gotten the authority During the war long convoys ified for the second round. Hall for a program of games and again mowed, raked and generally '• NOW! duties pf the registrars of vot­ policeman. KaplM said the an alternative, did :i'iu?" Toboy In Berlin itself the local govern­ “I realize that the anti-infla­ Dillard took his heat by three ing advantage of the opportunity put in apple pie order by men from [ ers." chased picket was ’ Henry Fry, if he had been favorable to it or ment snarl was further tangled tionary program I have offered became so familiar a sight that entertainment. During the,evening to learn swimming and water wanted to know. little notice was given them. TTie yards without apparently pressing the Highway department, this aged about 50. If he had said nothing,” Eccles yesterday when representatives or will im (i^e some bnsiness plans, 37 members of the Stafford Grange safety. Small tots are learning to “ As I recall, I was never asked said. "W e had very formidable op- resumption of military traffic, how­ in 10,4 seconds, fastest time o f the arrived, they being on a mys­ week. It is a far cry from the days About 200 Enter FUMt to testify before your committee on the Russian-sponsored Socialist will curb some profit op(iortunl- preliminaries. Ewell was clocked swim. Lessons are under Red when the Hebron park, so-called, DON’T By the time a lull came In the (loslUon from the banking author­ Unity party (SED) walked out of ttes, and may limit some wage ever, occasions considerable notice tery ride. Cross and Hebron Ovic Council the questior.," Snyder said. “I told now. in 10.6 seconds and Patton in 10.6 used to grow up into a mowing Disorders Subside; fighting it was estimated that ity.” the Berlin City council. The SED advances. 'The Ridz^in farm in Tolland waa auspices. Senator Taf% when I appeared be­ Detailing what he said were seconds. one of the farms visited on the lot every year and was only mowed around 200 non-strikers had en fore his committee, that I would members quit when they failed to “It is of the very essence of a of UCLA, Atty. John A. Markham, Mr. off when boy’s who war\ted to play WAIT Troops Duneeded tered the plant. The corridor the events of last fall, Eccles said stall voting on a resolution brand­ plan to counteract inflation that annual 4-H Dairy Judging tour and Mrs. William W. Hammond be glad to sit down with the board of IHinole and held Tuesday, July 20. ball took matters Into their own through the picket line, however, Presidential Counsel Clark CHlf- ing the flve-week-old Russiaui this be done. All groups will ul Public Reconls and daughters, Alice Ann and and try to work out something.” ford called him and asked for rec­ Vera McGrew of Rice Inatitute, ail hands and cleared o ff the tall was not stable and It closeil and blockade of the city “a crime Umately benefit when it is done.” I*«CTy. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Boc- grass, or else when some one with (UosttBued from Page One) (Taft heai’ji the Senate-House ommendations on restricting bank qualified for today's flnels in the '41 Plymouth ....|1090 reopened several times as police Economic conmlttee.) against humanity.” The resolution, In eight pages the pii^sldent along with 17' othor livestock to feed took it over. But sought to clear a path for those credit. Eccles said he worked with introduced by the Socialists, pass­ gave a glowing account of (leace- Warrantee Deeds the picket line and by 8 a. m., At anothfr point. Snyder eaid "I the Treasury on those recommen­ William F. Johnson to Lyman J. sunrivore o f a 30-ms® field. Stan­ For The Matron those days of “ rugged individual­ ’47 LineoInCpo. ..$25?0 who wished to return to work. have not changed my testimony ed 85 to 1. tlme or all-time records achieved ich and Eddleman cleared the ism” had their own attractions. ajkt, the company said 217 em­ dations. a Karl Luedke, an SED spokes­ Flibbert, property on Summer H ot News I TTie unionists massed In front of one iota.” at midyear in jobs, wages, produc' qualifying height of 8 feet IS Patricia end Charlotte, daugh­ *42 Olds Cpe...... $1495 ployes had entered the plant the plant In defiance of a court “ It seemed that up to that time man, said his party . would con­ tlon, trade—and prices. street A t least three pickets and an­ Contends Bill Different we had no op(>osltion from the Alexander Jarvis, Incor(iorated, inches with ease while McGrew ters of Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Q. order forbidding mass picketing. He contended the preeent bill is tinue to take part In the present The other 107 pages he sent to made It on his third ahd last at­ Shorey, are making a two week’s *46 Packsrd Cpe. $2395 other man who was not Identified Treasury. We prepared a state­ predominantly anti • Communist to Donald H. Culver et al, proper­ Police Chief Rudolph Wurstner "considerably” different from the Capitol hill comprised the report ty on Weftmlnster street. tempt. visit with their uncle and a’^nt, were taken to police station. No estimated the number of pickets at ment which we thought waa go­ city government.. of his Council of Economic Advis­ ’46 Dodge Conv. . .$2230 casualties were reported. one propoB«d by Eccles earlier. ing to be included in the (presi­ Frederick W. Bendall to Mary of Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Irving N. Foster, in 200. He had some 150 police offi­ Eccles said yc.«terday the two were The local government already ers. The three-member council R. Garaventa, property on Lake of Missouri and Jeff Wentworth, N. H„ and with their Pickets arrested Included Herb­ cers outside the plant which was dent’s) message. To our great sur­ has been ruptured by the explo­ backed up Mr. Truman’s plea for *46 Buick Sedan . .$2198 ert Hirschberg, 36, of Cleveland, “ four square.’ wood Circle. Kirk of Pennsylvania, reached the grandmother, Mrs, Leona Foster, struck by the CIO United Elec­ prise it had been deleted. sive situation In the city’s (lollce more power, but did not endorse who said he was director of or­ Snyder said the chief difference "W e learned from Clark Clifford F. Kimball and Dorothy L. semifinals of the 400-meter (437.54 In Rumney, N. H., dividing the Ume *46 Ford 2-Dr. .. .$1495 trical Workers 86 days ago. is that under the present bill, the force, which has resulted In Berlin any particular form of rerula- Loomis to Mary R. Garaventa, yard) hurdles. between the two places. ganization for the United Electri­ that its deletlor. was due to the having two (Ktlice chiefs. Uon. The mass gathering of the B)>ecial reserve system would be Treasury.” property on Lakewood Circle. Cochran end Ault won their Although the new consolidated cal workers (CIO) for Ohio and unionists followed a call by the The British-American air lift Using, the council’s data, Mr. *46 Pontiac Sedan $1995 Kentucky. supen’lsed by the Federal Reserve Later, Eccles went on. he ad­ R. B. Rose to Daniel A. Blesso he.'\ta but K;rk had to come from school is growing apace, it begins CIO’ Industrial Union council of board. He said the original called over the Russian blockade droned Truman pointed to strong infla­ ct al, property on Lenox street. last place atter clearing the final to appear certain that the building Violence broke out again today Montgomery county which pro­ vocated the plan 1^ testimony be-* on. Yesterday the two fordes tionary factors he said are enter­ *42 Buick Sedan . .$1620 when some 3000 persons gathered for supervision by the open market Daniel Blesso aad Marie Blesso barrier to qualify. Cochran was tested police clashes with mem­ committee, an inter-agency group forecongressional committees chalked up 544 flights, of which ing the picture now. He listed to Norman W. and Pauline B. timed In 53.9 seconds and Ault in to form picket lines in defiance of bers of the United Electrical “ with the understanding that the 294 were American. these as including multl-bilUon a court ord er, forbidding mass which includes the board and the Stewart, pro(ierty on Lenox street. 64.7. Many Others, Most Have Workers (CIO) involved in the la Treasury. Treasury would inter(k>8e no ob­ The Soviet-controlled Berlin ra­ dollar spending for defense and picketing. The skirmishing was Ral(ih A. and Cora M, Smith to Die U. 8. trio of springboard bor dispute at the lens company. Senator Cain (R-Wash) asked if jections.” But a short time later dio protested last night against foreign aid, '^third-round” wage Roderick and Marjorie C. McDon short lived, but the situation re­ dlvers-rBnice Harlan of Ohio The Radios, Beaters Numerous clashes have occur­ wide expander of credit for hous­ Snyder came out In opposition, he what It called low level flights by boosts, and the probable wiping aid. State, Dr. Sammy Lee of Pass- mained tense after police broke up red when employes sought to cross ing would not be inflationary. said. er said "urgent quate legislation for tontrolling It was only In women’s swim­ BRUNNER’S nor had the reques’: for troops un­ tative. Kaplan, who was beaten On the matter of tightening Helen Greenwood, RFD, No. 2, ming that Uie U. S. march was unpleasant adjustments." He re­ measures are neeesMry for the inflation.... der advisement, but no decision about the bead in a brush with bank credit, Snyder said: Manchester; Howard Higley, 118 halted. Hera Jeannie Wilson, Pur­ Notice The more food you preserve and save h o w , the plied to a question whether he re­ protection of Sovie't planes against “It is no less important to take would be made today. police Wednesday, is appealing a 1. "The expansion of bank cre­ North Elm street due alumnaa . of Chicago, failed gards a “ bust” as inevitable. "You (Mssible air catastrophes.'^ action to forestall a business col- Police Chief Wurstoer said a five day jail sentence for ignoring dit, except in the fields o f consum­ lafise than it is to use government Discharged yesterdsyf Mrs. to m i^e tho grade in the 200- After a public hearing which state of emergency should be de­ a court order to stay away from er and real estate financing, has can’t avoid a deflation after The Russians have been men­ better you will cat this Winter. , tioning these "measures” ever measures to overcome a depres­ Norma Anderson, 24 Hals road; metcr (2UB.72 yard) breaststroke. was held July 28, 1948, the Town clared in his request to city offi­ the plant neighborhood. He also not, in my opinion, been a major you’ve had as much Inflation as Mrs. Frances Y ost 264 North D ie record in this event ivas we have had. since their ground blockade of sion once .t has arrived. Planning Oommiasion o f Manches­ cials asking the governor to as­ Is accused of ignoring a previous contributing force to present in­ “ Our success In this effort is Main street; Mrs. Eve OUn, Good­ broken twice. First Eva Szekely of , ter^ voted to change to Industrial sign troops here. court order against mass picketing. flationary pressures.” ’’We all want a pleasant way Berlin five weeks ago forced the Americana and British to supply essential for the reconstruction year; Richard Barry. Wfost Hart­ Hungary lowered it to 3:02.2 be­ Zone the area bounded Northerly “ ft's quiet now," the poUce chief The company sought to end the 2. "I have always believed that out. but I’m afraid it's too late to of a peaceful w orld.” , ford; Mrs. Phyllis Pbaneuf, 85 fore Miss Var VUet, a visitor to by a line drawn (laraUel with Mid­ CAN — DEEP FREEZi — MISBIVI said, “but who knows what wilf our chief reliance for the control find out,” he said. western .Berlin b y air. ^ U,v Mrs. .\niie ('ahol wage dispute yesterday by grant­ American officials believe the Birch street; William Holmes, 186 the U. 8. last summer, dropiied it dle Dirnpike West 150 feet South­ of inflationary bank credits lies in Eccles told the committee that Agile fingers can keep those happen Monday morning, |(The ing all production workers an 11 Russians may be pfoparing to an­ Woodland street; ' Mrs. Helen still lower. Actually Miss Szekely By :4ue Buructi erly therefrom. Easterly by Broad plant does not operate on Bgtur- cents an hour pay increase with the good Judgment o f the indlvld In his view Mr. Truman’s progra'm "pretty pink (lalms” from burning nounce the closing of one or two of Double Feature Erickson, East Hartford: Donald was the first to break an Olympic For'the w’oman o f allghUy larg­ by crocheting these smartly mod­ Street. Souther^ by Saint Jamea 358 East Center Street dsy.) How, can 150 or 160 police­ comparable boosts* for white collar ual bankers in th% 15,000 banka in is "about half inflationary u well La Points. East Hartford; Robert record but she hadn’t dried her­ er size, a daytimer that’s flatter­ Cemetery and Westerly by a line workers. as about half deflationary.” the three air corridors linking em (lotholdera. Make the circles men cope with 16,000 peoploT" the United SUtea.” Berlin w l^ the British and Amer­ Dexter. 1()2 Green road; Mrs. TilHe self on the pool rim be»ore U ing' and versatile. Twin bows trim drawn parallel with Broad Street Manchester Backs Up Requeat He reiterated his contention Boxing Program of sturdy white cqtton, crochet a Wuratner estimated there was a Commenting oii the action, of­ ican zones. Gen. l^ clu s D. Clay, Keeney, 25 Pioneer circle. willed out the sweetheart neckline, the gored rose and green leaves separately 1.230 feet Westerly ,therefrom.' ficials . of UEW Local 768 said: The Treeaqry chief backed up that the Taft-Ellender Wagner crowd o f 16,000 around the plant American military.' governor, has Discharged today: George Ar­ skirt la neat and trim looking. and sew to the holders. The above change shall take ef­ ' this morning, but be bad no estl- “Why dldnt they do that May 8 the preaident’s request for con­ housing program — one of the stated that in the event of such a New York. July 80.—(F>—A cher. 78 Keeney stwet; Mrs. An­ Bay Osebraii Sets Olynple Beoorl Pattern No. 8382 comes in sizes fect August 7, 1948. (when the strike began?") sumer credit (installment buying) To obtain complete crocheting Tel. 5191 n u te on how many were in the president’s two principal reebm- Russian move, the trahaixirt planes boxing doublebeoder feati^ng nie Herron, 21 Edgerton street; 36, 38, 40. 42. 44. 46. 48 and 50. instructions and stitch illustra­ Town Plaimlng Commission, pfoket lines or were union sym- The union’s main goal now is to controls without any qualification. mendatlons--would be Inflation- would continue to fly as before. world title bouts > between light- William Hall. 112 DMpwood drive; Olympic . Stadium, Wemh'--, Size 38, short sleeves, 4 yards of tions for Hot News Potholdera (pharles W. Holman, regain Its sfotus as bargaining He said: ary. patblzera The AMG hM-flo^ Inforined heavyw'eights Gus'j Lesnevich and Mrs. Margaret Emonds, South Da­ England, July 30—OP)— , r. v 89-inch. (Pattern No. 552(B send 15 cents Chairman. The .'picket lines began break- agent alnoe the NaUonal Labor Re- "I believe that it la urgent In “ You don’t .get more housing officially of any new Soviet pro­ Freddie Mills, and middlewelghta kota; Mrs. Sadie Noren, 147 North Cochran of the Los Angelea Ath­ For. this pattern, send 25 cents, in coin plus 1 cent postage. Your Carl W . Noren. v Open Monday and The Connecticut ^ Power Gompmiv up by mid-moralng and police Utlona board decertified the union the national welfare that consum­ with, more credit,” Eccles said. test. An answer to the laat com- Tonly Zale and Marcel Oerdan, Main street; Mrs. lone Boom and letic club tied k new Olympic rec­ ^In coins,, your name', address, size Name, Address and the Pattern f^creta^y. titer an slMtlon last Friday. The er credit control legislation be en­ ^~ -aaid no. further violence was ex- "You get more hopalng with more plafnt still is being prepared. waa announced today by". the daughter. 34 Drive B. Silver Lane ord o f 61.9 seedhda for the 400- desired, and the (Mttera number Nimiber to Anne Cabot, Die hian- .Hayden L. Griswold, , Tliiirsilay Nights local union originally .sought, a acted as soon aw (lossible." pdbfod today. labor and materials.” Rundschau charged that Ameri­ Tournament o f Champions, Inc. Homes. meter hurdles today only a few to Sue Burnett, 'The Manchester chester Kvviilug Herald, 11.50 Ave­ Fiancis P. Handley, token ten cent Increase with more Total consumer credit, he said: can'and British plands had flown The bouts will he held 'in Bbbeta Birth today: A son to Mr. aafl minutes after it had been estab­ Evening Herald, 1150 Ave. Ameri­ nue of the Americas, New York' 19. , Harry Rusitll. ' : Inteoyitlans^UnMn Organiser to bs negotiated for a new con­ reached "an Airtim e (>eak o f 813.- TiHlO illBF*|tMder. hH - no eommept on A ruby-thrested hummingbird in over Rqssian kirports below the Field. Brooklyn, pmbaMy Sept Mis. Wllliem Ewing, SO Drive B. lished in tfea send-fiiials of (he cas. New York 19, N. Y, N. Y. . Manchester.iqonn.. Jidy 80, 1948. ritai tract 800,000,600” A tha and e f Mfor af- June hks foO fcatliera or more. orMCrihed helghta sad vieutsd Silver Lens Homea. event at the 1F4S games,. 1, ■ MANCHESTER E V m m o HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, JULY 80, 1948 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. FRIDAT. JULY 80, 1948 f A d l E l W r Pledge Made 35 Years ‘■lYonth r Begins Climbs Mount Fuji Plane? Pirate De Gaulle Goes 19 Children On Bamboo Stilts Ago FulfiUed in WUl Jadziniak Ruled Ineligible to Play in Twilight L e li^ After Votes , By Hugh Fullerto*, Jr. eral... Those boys ought to be In Tratfi%ToIl Admits Part New York, July 30—(J>)—-Two of^ their element at one of those late- • LifeinFWson Tokyo, July 30—(iP)—Just to Ypsilahti, kllch., July 30— the brigbest young tennis pros- season games in B uffalo.. .The show mar. tan be vigorous nt (iPi—A pledg« John Atsalaa pects to come out of Callfom^ In : New Orleans Pelicans aren't boast- 40, Tcriilchi Kanazawa. 40, to­ Lone Survivor of Air made 35 years ago in his native Taking Plea to Gr### Alarming Increase in ^«rm Boy Plead# Guilty day climbed Mount Fuji on a Greece was fulfilled in death recent years—Bob Fslkenburg and ' Ing about It—In fact they’re i Panebo Gonzalea—were uncere- ' moaning about lack of help from : pair of bamboo stiUa. Crash Tells of Plot today. Roots of France for Carelessness Revealed In Slaying of His The Ypailantl restaurant moniously bounce)) out bf tbe.^ea- the Pirates—but they’re probably Norths South End Firemen Play Ton League’s Leading He roaciiet’ the lop of the Control of Cantons bright Tennis Toum'ament this ! the only Southern Association-club In Special Bulletin Itfother 12,000 foot peak six hours af­ To Seize Flying Boat owner was neady killed when, ter he started, wiped (he sweat as a youtit, he flipped and fell week.. .That seems to emphasize i that ever-was completely shut out' from his iircw, and enid: Macao, July 30 P — Police off a narrow mountiiln road Paris, July 30 — iA*i — Gen. the experts’ contention th a t; in picking the all-star te a m ... I Hartford, July 30 — (Jf) — An ------.. ^ Must Replay Garnet ^^’iupun, Wl«., July 30— leading to Panacin Elena mon­ Charles dc Gaulle is taking hW there's nothing like grass court The new press box at the U. of "When you climo Fuji on Commissioner Luis A. M. Palotti alarming increase In carelessness Eleanor Scranton BA’s Oppose PA’s (. Utordo.) Fi»htr, Jr., * 13 year old stilts your arms get more tired astery between the Greek pica for votes to the grass roots play to show up the weaknesses ' Texas stadium features reclining Fire Chiefs Play Tonight said today the sole survivor of the in a player's game... After Gon-' swivel chairs for the W’riters... on the part of children as contrast­ Iferm boy, la on the first day of a than your legs." towns of Palehorion and Leonl- of France. ed to s growing caution on tho Clash in Benefit Tilt i zales' .defeat, his conqueror, Irving ; With soft cushions they'd be just A* ___ WUi8 Sweepstakes At Oval Tonight MAJOR LEAGUE League Champ# Failed Bfe term U\ the Waupun aUte pria- July 16 flying boat crs.ah off don. The tall, tomber-faced war hero part of adults was revealed in a Atsalas recovered from the has been battling to regain control Dor.fman, commented that Pancho the thing for dull gamca. «n for killing the mother he ."aid Macao that killed 25 pcr.aon* ebn- special bulletin issued today by To Drop Bob Reynolds., fes.^ed he was a member of a fail and came to this country’ of tbe government for more than ncc^B plenty of work on his Feed the Brute the state Department of Motor At Robertson Park Eleanor Scranton won low net Tonight’a Twi League gome I Loaders I ke loved. a few yearc later, prospering a year. He resigned aa premier in ground strokes but was so sura o f Pat Conn, Kansas City golf pro, Vehicles. On Deadline Date in Death Takes pirate band abhard to seize the | with 74 at the Sweepstakes Golf finds the British Americana the AanerMn Leogns The huax}, one of the youngest plane. | in his restaurant business. He 1046. himself that he wouldn't do that tells this one about s recent pro- The bulletin listed the number died June 24. -Work. And after Wimbledon cham- amateur event at Leavcnw’orth, Tournomsnt for women at the paceeettere of the loop, taking on Batting-—Wtillams, Boston A88; Order to Get New Man, peraona ev«r tried for homicide In Palettl quoted th? survivor,' Now he's on the hustings in ear- and causes of all Connecticut traf­ ^ His will filed for probate pion Fslkenburg lost to Harry I Kas___Pat’s foursome was ap- Chief Ai Foy to Lead the PoUah Americana. A fine Bcudreau. Cleveland .350. | WacOnaln, t.aa brought to the Ailiii" Doctor Wong Fu, as sayinc his three j nesL He made three speeches in fic accident fatalities during the Manchester (Country club yester­ prUon yesterday a few hours alter ■ yesterday, left $5,000 of Ids Likas, observers said almost the I preaching the 14th hole when one Runs Ba'ted In—DiMaggio, New i Startling developmsata took pirate companions fired 18 shojtf] Atlantic coaatal villages last first six months of 1948. Standings day. Julie Faulkner took second chib rivalry has resulted from be pleaded guilty to a charge of $50,000 estate to the monas­ week-end. Tomorrow and Sunday tame thing about him. Bobby has I of the amateur players, who was South End Team Into - York 85; Stephens, Boston 84. into American Pilot Dale Cramer J During the period, 19 children low net with 77 and NeHle John­ these two teoma. and the battle place at the spmlal *rerUight flrat degree n.urder in Oshkosh. tery for .'obiiilding of the road he goes inland to Nancy, Mulhouse insisted he doesn’t need ground! Jus|^ about to pitch to the green, Runs—DiMaggio, and Williams, { New York City Pliysi and Co-Pilot K. S. McDuff when were killed in traffic accidents Battle; Proceeds to Testerday*s BenoHs son had low gross with 83. Next for club supremacy will continue t^gue baseball meeting Wtdnes- so that I lls countrymen can and Colmar. strokes.. .Maybe he and Panebo glanced at his watch... “Oh, my Boston 70. f I Viinicipal court. they put up a fight shortly after; compared to 13 similar tragedies in week the women golfers will play on Ute playing field. Johnny The state charged Fisher had had walk it In Eafety. His immediate objective: To just don't like the dmdgery of gosh, it's 5;30,’’ he exclaimed and Enter Junior Fund Boatera Hits— Boudisau, Cleveland 117; ; 31^ evening at the West Side Rse rian Siiccuniba at the Catalina took off for Hong that period last year. Hartford 4-0. Elmira 3 (11)*1 a Blind 12 Holes Tournament on Hedlund has a club loaded with a.-"premediated plan" to kill his win votbs for his new political learning to' take the ball on the instead of making hia shot, he Ladles’ Cay. Evers, Detroit 112. and after the smoke of battle had Kong. Adult traffic deaths decreased ( 101). veteran material that haa already p a m U . but that his mot slipped Black. Point Home party — the Rally of the French first bounce and bat it back, but picked up hia bail and started for from 102 to 86 during the same The Red and Blue teanu wiH Triples—DiMaggio, New York cleared the following action was ' Wong said two friends. Chiu { Fireman wil> hold the spotlight Scranton 6-3, Binghamton 8-2 token tha PA’s twice. A win 10; Henricn. New York and Stew­ after he h jo aimed a shotgun at People (R P F )—in this fall’s local that'a the best way to maneuver the clubhouse.. . “ Hey, where arc period. have on extra week to play tha would give the BA’e a stronger taken. Tok, a former Catalina flier from ' tonight at Robertson Pork whan (10). art Washington 8. bis fkther, apeiling his aim. canton elections. In last winter’s an opening to score's point. yo!i going," Pat shouted after The»departnient’s statistics show second round. Mra Johnson an­ bold on first (dace, which has been 1. Frank “Lefty" Jadziniak. New London. July 30.—i.d — Manila, and Chiu Yat Yeng, visit­ Shotgun Blast, the South Bni smoke eaters cross Wllkss-Borre 5-4, Utica 2*7. Home R(4ns — DiMaggio, New Requited to "Work Like .Man” municipal elections he pulled the Golfer’s U'Ish h im ..."M y wife puts dinner on that last year eight child pedes­ nounced that the deadline wiU be cut after the evicUon of Lefty pitcher-outfielder of the league Or. James Alexander Miller, 74, ed him and asked if he was inter­ Williamsport 8, Albany 7. York and Kellner, Cleveland 33. RPF into flrat place, ahead' of tbe It would be grand the table at 5:30 every evening.” trians were at fault in the 14 bats with the North End red-coato. Aug. to allow vacation con- Jadziniak, and the ordered replay leading BriUeh-Americona was In a Btatement to District At­ of 133 Fast 64th atrect. New York ested in "some work. $ to r Stolen Bases— Coon, Washington Communists who finished second. To stand the departing golfer called over i deaths while this year 13 of the Tbe contest will start at 6:30 sharp Amerloon ffiicto. ’The 'qualifying round for ot three gomes In which he par­ ruled ineligible. torney John A. Moore, Fisher said "I was in such bad financial Wounds Slayer Boston 8, Detroit 1. 17; DlUingor; SL Louis 16. bis father required him to "work city, practicing physician in New About 40 per cent of the nation’s In Hogan’s hia shoulder. "If 1 don’t cat then, 11 18 killed were at fault, with Chltf Albert Foy of tho South the Ladies’ Club chompkmahlp ticipated. The heavy hitters for 2. Three of the four gsraas ploy­ condition I accepted," Wong was city councilmen now are RPF Brogans. .- ' don’t get onythbig." Reconoing Aware of Dangers Only games scheduled. Striksouto — Feller, Cleveland like a man" ^ut treated him "like York city since 1899, died about End department scheduled to toss must be completed this week-end. tbe klaple atreet nine have been 88; Newhouaer, Detroit 83. ed by the British-Americons with quoted by the police official. members.' Shorts and Shells End of (ho Une "Adults apparently are becom­ National a-boy” when he wanted the family 8 p. m„ yesterday at hi.s summer Shot Few Hours After A Scotch BaU will be held Aug. Chucky Smith, Charlie Horvath, Pitching— Fowler, Philadelphia Jadziniak in their lineup were Palettl said Wong described Cantons, where elections are Henry Olshsnski (wotta way to j Wisest wisecrack of the incipi ing aware of oi* .ilert to the dan- up the first ball. Matt Merx, dean New York 5, Cincinnati 0. 18 If there ore enough golfers in­ rogt (3reen, Dick Cobb and Bottle ordered replayed. car to go on dates. home at Black Point, East Lyme, of Monchestci barbers and son of 10-2 .833; Kramer. Boston 13-3 several trips to get the lay of the tentatively scheduled for October, mis-pell O'Shaughnessy), a rookie ent football season came from an , carclca.-! walking or driving Philadelphia 7, Chicago 4. terested. Murray. All ore batting over the 3. Nossiffe were allowed a local Moore saia the youth related' he Rpleaoe from Jail In Chief John Merx of the North End .800. where he had summered since land. Peng Tong on the Pearl correspond to counties in the Unit­ end with the Baltimore Colts, com­ All-American C o n fe r e n c e guy | public thorotighfares." .said the Brooklyn 8, S t Louis 8. JOO mark. Jack "Lefty" May replacement for Bobby Wirtallo. "loved” hia mother and "hated" company, may be lured from the hie father, but decided he must 1918. Ho had ‘been in failing river, some 35 miles from Macao, $20,000 Bond ed States. peted in the'dlymplc ski trials last who’d better remain anonymous; bulletin. "This is good. It is a Boston 2. Pittsburgh 1. haa the beet pitching record In the The latter recently joined the health three months, and was at was chosen as the spot to force The RPF has only a sprinkling "Our Chicago team (the Rockets) ; *^Hbute to Connecticut’s law- stands to catch the pitch. Staadfaiga National Lsagus kill his mother first because she winter... And Jeff Durkota, bid­ Chief Al Foy Chief Jeha Merx league to date and other hurlera BattiM —Muaial St. Louis .381; Navy. Black Point three weeks. the pilot to land. Knoxville, Tenn., July 30— ^Jr)— o f representatives in the National ding a place in the Buffalo Bills’ should be better this sea.son,” he , f'jlorccmcnt agencies, safety- AH will *)e Ir fun with tho win­ Eostora might tell authorities. ner gaining the right U. meet the Sport Schedule that Jiave compiled enviable rec­ Pafko, Ctalcago .337. The ipecisl meeting woe called Fisher told Moore he shot his Dr. Miller, according to Who's Palettl said the four 24-year-old man charged with Assembly because the party was lineup, fought with a aki outfit, commented. "Thcv’re having prac-! H-aWi’- W L PCL GBL. ords ore Jerry Flood and Ernie by (Tcorge Mitchell. Manager of Whq in America, held degrees .sold their rice fields for $3.0001 formed after the last general elec­ pollca department at a later date. Utica 53 33 .637 — Runs Batted In— MUe. New York xuother in Their home June 29 as the 10th Mountain Division, in tlce now- something thev didn’t i coupled to the Friday. July 80 NookJ. Noeaiffc and league eecretary and from Princeton, Columbia and Macao currency to finance the murder In the slaying of the wife tion. But de Gaullp's followers said have before ” ” . • > fine cooperation of our fellow citi­ Proceeds from tonight’s gome will Scranton 57 33 .633 78: Musial. St. Louis 77. ahe stood at an ironing board. The I of a wealthy racing car owner was Italy and captured a German geii- North Bad va South End Fire­ Frank Klnel is not mthout hia Runs — Mjsial. SL Louis 78; treasurer. A proteet was filed by New York universiOfes. plot. , he plans to gain control of key zens.” enter the recently estobllehod Ju­ Albany 51 87 .580 5H youth had disappeared by the time wounded by a shotgun blast last The department said that 15 of venile Athletic Fund which wlU be men, 6:30—Robertaon Park. IHB hittera. Along with himself, he Kmer, Pittsburgh 74. Coach Mac McGuIro of Naosiffs his father fourid the body. He was A specialist in tuberculosis and They obtained pistols and west­ cantons Just as his party took Hartford 46 40 .535 8H Ry that the Brittsh-Americana had thorastic diseases, he was profes­ ! night a few hours after he was re- war elections to be held in a So­ the 19 children were killed in maintained fer the advancement o t PA ’S vs. BA’s, 6 p. m.—Oval. has Pette Staum, Joh n^ Konop- Hits — Musial, SL Louis 140; captured tha following morning ernized clothing. over the city administrations in WUUamsport 48 44 .532 lOH violated the league rule regarding sor of clinical medicine at College lea.sed from jail In $20,000 bond. viet-occupied country. As a re­ pedestrian accidents. In only one competitive athletics among the lA ’s vs. Koeey’s, 8 p. m.—Rob­ ka and George Dixon to rely on Waltkus, Chicago 118. hiding in a haymow on the farm. After boarding the plane Wong, Paris, Marseille, Bordeaux and Binghtamton 36 56 .381 32H EarlW. JAdzinok. of Physicians and Surgeons at Actlpg Clilcf Deputy Sheriff other^key municipalities. And then Court Clerk sult. he succeeded Bela Miklos as case was the car operator found youngsters in Manchester. ertson. HERALD for power. His pitching staff Triples- -Hopp, Pittsburgh and Palettl said, took a position near premier. [ Elmira 31 57 .352 2SH Oak OriU vs. Lefties, 6:15 — may not be as strong as the BA’a, Musial, St. Louis 10. Five teams were represented at Columbia since 1913, consulting the rear of the plane and the throe : Henry Bryant said the man, Pearl said a spokesman— at fault while one other death A m y of Pitchers Wilkes-Barre 32 68 .352 36 Yost . Lee Arden, was shot as he sat on . Hungary was proclaimed a re­ .showed no cause for lack of insuffi­ Charter Oak. but he has Jim Blanchard, AI Home Ruiir— KIner, Pittsburgh the stormy eeeeion with only the physician in the tuberculosis dirt- others went forward near the "The next step, the general ,be- Makes Report Pistol Peta Hansen, Art “N o Hit, Amertoon Israel Seeks slon at Bellevue hospital, consult­ , the front porch o f a home in a lievf*. will be victory in general public in February. 1946, and Tildy cient data. Other causes given — No Run” Leshlnski and Dave "See- Spartons vs. O n ter Congos, ANGLE Sports Bdlter Surowlec, Snap Server and Jim 28; Sauer, Cmcinnatl 27, PRlieh-Araericone foiling to have pilot’s compartment. became its first president. He was all charged to the fault of the child Boston 56 87 .602 — 6:15— Memorial. Wiley to do the tossing and all are Stolen Bosee— Ashburn, Phlla-| a man on deck. President Nick ing physician and president of 1 residential section. elections," liig-Bye” Kerr are listed aa the Philadelphia 87 38 .584 H Chiu Tok demanded that the t>enies Knowledge of Shooting the only candidate by previous ar­ pedestrian, were; Coming from Saturday. July 31 capable of stopping the BA bats. delphia 25; Torgeaon, Beaton 17. I Angelo presided. Larger Area Trudeau sanltorium and Sprain pil : turn over the controls," This would make de Gaulle pre­ South End pitehera Lee Fracchlo, aevelond 53 37 .564 2 Ridge hospital at Yonkers and The acting chief deputy said J. mier. But general elections will Aldo Pagani Releases rangements with the other part­ behind parked car, 6: coasting, 4; Manchester 4 able - bodied dog Floors •vs. NB’s, 8 p. m.—Rob­ Game time at 6 o’clock. Strikeouts — .Branca, Brooklyn ■ Foiled to Drop Ptoj'or Palettl quoted the statement, ■‘anci | ies, including the Communists and and crossing at intersection, no New York 58 38 .682 2 ertson. FresideoFs Prise Fish iel, veteran New York writer who 87; Blackwell. Cincinnati 8X consultant at Tuberculosis Wom­ one European tried to interfere." lowers, father of the wo- not be' held until *1952 unless two Fiiianeial Stateiueill warden wiU attempt to catch oalla Detroit 45 47 .488 10^ League publicity director Har­ IS- (Oouttnued from Page One) an’s hospital. Tn,. tu;.— Arden is charged with alay- Socialists whom he had defeated signal, crossing not at intersection with the some skill and ability os ' Howard Babbitt, president of U.e travels with the Yankees, bocks Pitching—Bickford. Boaton 7-2 governments fall to win s vote of Washington 38 52 .428 16 (here we go again) Manchester Di­ up the opinion of the fans. Daniel old Turkin^on sold yesterday aft­ ment ’’ “ d been arrested on a charge at the poles. ' I and playing in road. 1 each. ^ht rounds up dogs, cats, skunks Junior Baaebsn League .778; Jansen.’New York 13-5 722 Dr. Miller served as major In confidence before the National For Last Six Months S t Louis S3 54 .378 20 vision of the Connecticut Sports­ writes, "Rizzuto has been going ernoon that Jadiinlah’g controcL peace to the Arab peoples," Sher- whei pVw “ aaault and battery, but On Hot Spot One bicyclist and one tricyclist and snakes. the Amerisan Red Cross in France Assembly, Chicago SO 61 .330 35 men’s Association, (when are they from superb to glorious. The signed by the player, hod been tok said, "not as victors but as a (hem been released on $3,000 bond. Bry- were killed during the period. Manager ly "Cobb” Holland Charter Oak (S) Local Sport and as medical .director of Rocke­ Aldo Pagani, clerk of the Town From that time forward he was; National going to abbreviate that name?) Yonko have the greatest defehoive turned over to President Angelo people Interested In peace al­ Both accidents wiere charged to will use. Swede Solomonson, Walter AB R H PO A E feller Tuberculosis commission in The niiot m i ,' ant said Powers denied any knowl- on a hot spot. Often. Communist i the fault of the child killed. Boston 55 37 .588 — recently jumped into a temporary shortstop in ,the majors." before the deadline for oddltlMial though the existence of the Israel of the shooting. , Court of Manchester, today filed Ford and George May, oU well- T. Reed, If, lb .. 3 1 0 10 0 0 Giants^ Mound France for two years. He was a over the controls and the piano 3 Local Youths moves to get rid qf him were re-1 Brooklyn 48 41 .588 6H lead in the trout contest sponsored Still on the subject of shortfleld' Chatter men. However. Turkington added, Btata is not dependent any more former president of the National Bryant said he was told that a I hia financial report for the alx ported. Their chance came in Mav, i known booebaU players in his Dave the BA’s were guilty of not drop­ crashed out of control, killing all Nsw York 47 43 .522 7 Krinpock, cf, sa 0 by the local club. era, up Boston way. In addition to m peace alone.” Tuberculosis Association of New car drove up in front of the house i months ending June 30. The report 1947. ■ j starting lineup. Although there 2 0 0 1 1 ping a player on the told date to but Wong, who,was thrown clear S t Louis 46 44 .511 8 (Tarlln, c ...... 3 0 1 3 Sporting a beautiful eighteen talking about an all-Boston world Jerry Fay, former local profes- The U. N. iiartiUon plan, bitter- York, the New York Academy of and that one of three occupants | ' Enlist ill Army shows that the total receipts for The Communists raised a hulls-! Will Not Seek Isn’t any money on the final out­ 0 0 Staff Great moke room for Jadshtiak. and rescued. PitUburgh 44 45 .484 8H Alemanl, 8b, p .. 2 1 1 0 3 inch trout, (Howard waa os happy series. Red Sox rootera and writers ■ional football player, and Ray opposed by tbe Arab states, Medicine and the American Col­ advanced to the porch and fired a the period was $996.00. of which balloo over a plot again. a player. Press representatives of soft- Spiders spin cobwebe In the Polo in the slaying July 10 of Mrs. Os­ $585.00; Common Criminal Coses. differences within the Oommun* that the town firemen’s title will Several years ago Johnny Pesky ed to ploy on and after Ju m tt. Shertok said Jewish acceptance American Clinical and Climato­ Ft. Knox, Kentucky, for their ba­ signed. Lajoa Dinnyes, a lukewarm Albany at Williamsport. Eagiceon, p ... 1 0 0 0 2 0 bers threatened to withdraw their ball and baseball teams and leagues Grounds bullpen. Starters flatah car T. Brabaon, Jr. District Attor- $184.00; Parking V 1 o 1 a t i q n s. ist-dominated block itself. nmoin In God’s Country, or If was said to be better than Oonln, No new players wort olloirsd af­ •ad the partition plan provision for logical association. sic training. Hewitt and Malon Smallholder of leftist leanings, Binghamton at Scranton. Day, lb ...... 1 0 0 1 0 0 business from Howard’s well es­ ars asked once again to condense without relief. Fireman Kenny $113.00; Appeal Vacated. $15.00; Conference Stakee High you prefer north of the railroad both at bat and afleld. Now Ste­ ter June 28. fateraatlonalisatlon g>t Jerusalem Decorated by French \ The Julius Greenberg Company I nev Hal Clemeota s;Jd Mrs. Brab- had their choice o f branch and moved into the premiership. 'A e tracks. Utica at Wilkes-Borrs. Mozzer, if .... 1 0 0 0 0 0 tablished and respected service for articles sent to this deportment. Trinkle doesn’t even moke the box of Hartford this morning made j so!', the 29-year-old daughter of a Civil (Tase.*!, $99.00; Total, $996.00. The stakes for the conferenea phens la the fair-haired boy. scores. Bob Reynolda a pitcher who Is now invalid becaims: He was decorated with cheva- unit because they volunteered for Communists obliged Tildy to dis­ Arnsrlcon Leonder, rf .... 0 0 0 0 0 0 children, unless he withdrew his application to Building Inspector former Knoxville newspaper col- Distribution; Commissioner of are high. Trio of Brothers CHevelond’a pennant - conscious This strange oituatioa has eX' won two starts white loatag wens, 1. “War was waged against lier legion d’honneur at France three years. solve Parliament by decree in New York (Reynolds iO-6) at name from the contest. Charlie Robbins, well-known Davld Chambers for a permit for umnist, died ,of a blow from a Motor Vehicles. $153.33; Town of Upon its outcome hinges the Not one, not two, but three supporters feel that Manager Lou lated for almost a week. Three was tbs' player dropped to astko ■arusalem by British arms, money Jan. 1, 1919. The prominent doctor i Richard O aw ford, 73 Pearl July. New elections were ordered Chicago (Gettel 2-7) night Totals ...... 22 3 3 18 8 4 Much to Howard's surprise, he marathon runner from Bedton. is and offlccm.” alteration.*! on Burton’s’ fetore at shovel wielded by Arden. Manchester. $682.67: Deferred, for August. q u e s tio n of free movement Cowles brothers wiU play with the was informed that eligibility in the Boudreau atlll rates the No. 1 po telling magrsine eubscripticHia straight shutouts by Larry Jonasn. room for Jodilnlak. Manager Ab belonged to the Century club of street enlisted In the Corp of En­ North Enders. The brothers are Woohlngton (Scarborough 8-5) North Ends (8) i 2. "The Christian world did not Main street and Purnell PJace. Knocked Down In Fight $20.00; Aopealed. $105.00; Remit­ i In ^ile, Nagy declared Tildy through much of eastern Europe’s H. Bralnard, ss. 3 0 1 ronteat waa restricted to club mem­ sition. Despite the added mana­ during the summer months. He Clint Hortung and Dave Koslo Bogleson. Turkington sold, fatted New York and contrbuted articles gineers and he will go to Ft. Dlx, a : True and Donnie, all fine boU at St Louis (Kennedy 3-4) night 0 0 1 •cotect Jaruaalem from destruc- The alterations will consist of Clements said Brabaon, a semi- ted. $35.00; Total. $336.00. I was remaining aa titular head of trade and whether tbe big barges Seeley, cf ..... 2 2 1 2 0 0 bers only and that the trout had to gerial duties, Boudreau flashes both mokes tbe rounds on hia bicycle. have left the National League to release Reynolds on Juno 31 and to medical jodm als and popular bricking In part of the north win­ New Jersey, for his basic training hawks. Charlie Porclok, one of Philadelphia (Morchildon 7-7) with the willow and In the field. reeling. Wednesday night teogus maaagen Ben." invalid. had been knocked down In and assignment. He intends to I the coimtry only because of Com- can, as they did before the war, Vlttner, 3 b ___ 4 0 0 1 1 1 be caught In Connecticut waters. The winner ot seven national long magazines. He was married June dow to make a smaller show wln- the bettor catchers and hitters in at Detroit (Hutchinson 8-d) night Day after day he comes up with re­ voted that the BA’s bod not ttved ‘ .8. "Most of Jerusalem and Its a fight with Arden and that Mrs. take up a trade while be ia as­ : munists threats. He said Tildy was plow the waterway with food­ Baton, p ...... 4 3 1 1 2 0 Babbitt's lead in the >'onteat was distance truck records Is studying Seven complete gomes in eight 2, 1902, to Marion Hunt, who sur­ I dow. and installing a new plate the Twl Softball League, will be Boston (P am en ' 7-8) at Cleve­ markable and unbelievable stops up to the league rules sad isgigt ivpraachea were conquered by vives him. Brabaon an attractive brunette, signed to the engineers. Hungary Head j threatened with expulsion to So- stuffs from its fertile basin for Sedllk, I f ...... 3 1 2 0 1 0 short-lived. Reluctantly, he with­ for his d o cf'r’s degree at New York pitching starts have lifted the club front at an estimated cost seen In ocUon behind the plate. land (Zoldok 6-7) night and throws. post tbe SL Louis Cardinals into tlons. Thla was proven to ha eor-- jVelwlsh-arms.” was shielding hia head in her arms S-Sgt. Charles F. Barrera atated I viet Russia. Tildy later denied the west and with vital machinery Cronin, l b ...... 4 0 1 5 0 0 drew his name and ate the trout Medical School. A native o f Roselle, N. J „ Dr. of $5,000. -Work will be started ^Blg Snitxy, Rltsy Mordavsky National 3 2 Connie Mock, manager of the third place. The hurlers throw recL I Further flghting ruptured the when she was struck on the head. tharany young men between the as.sociate In Budapest for tbe east. wlH toe tbe rubber in hopea of set­ Michaels, 2b . . . 1 0 1 0 He claimed the trout tasted just Miller was bom March 27, 1874, on the alterations Monday. S t Louis (Brecheen 10-4) at Escavlch, c .... 2 0 .1 11 0 0 Philadelphia Athletlca. points a shuKmts like honest-to-gix>dnesa Neither Oboch Johnny HodhiAd 'Swrent Palestine truce yesterday. The ffght between Brabson and ages of 18 and 34, 17 with par­ said the denial watt dictated by the The economic issue had its poli­ ting down the Foy-cooched team. as good aa o>iy prize fish. A televtsl'in set will be raffled son of Charles Dexter and Julia Also granted today v.'cre per­ tical overtone. Tbe conference will Boston (Sain 13-8) night J. Bralnard, rf. 3 0 1 0 0 0 Beat Shortatope Erorywhere Anger at Shortstop ZMdie Jooat as off by the Silk (Tity Athletic Club pitchers and .not the humpty or Manager Ab Bagteeoa Of the Inta Israeli Army reported that Arden, the district attorney aald. ents consent, who have graduated Ru.ssians themselves. Mordavsky U sold to have been Chicago (Hamner 5-5) at New the spark plug of his team. Jooet '"Rfyptlan attacks assumed the Hope Miller, and had lived in and mits for three new hoh.*!e.s One of developed during an argument begin only two days after Yugo­ Zatkowski, rf .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 New York Yankee baseball fane In an effort to raise funds for out­ dumpty throwers they are suppos­ British Americans could bo rsaeh- from high school and do not in­ (Continued frona Page One) Election Protested practicing lately throwing at cata York (Jones 8-5) night ia enjoying another great season ,'hhaiacter ed a general attack on around New York city all his life. these for Elmer E. Kilby who will over which owned the speedier car. Ln the Aug. 31 elections, the slavia’s Communist congress back­ Irish, 2b ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 claim little Phil Rlszuto is tbe fitting s football team. Hckets ed to be. ed for comment lost nighL ' In addition to his wife he leaves i build dwelling on Lyndale ytreet at tend to go to college! have the ad­ on tho Kerry street fence, near Pittsburgh (Chesnes 5-3) at and hia play haa been comparable [Israeli . poaUlons" In southern Brabson is a semi-invalid as a night. The speaker under the Hun­ Communists emerged as the ed up Premier Marshal U to in his greatest shortstop in the Ameri­ will be distributed to sll club mem- Koslo, particularly, has come Aircraft Oswe Sisnio two daughters, Mrs. Richard S. ! an estimated cost of $8,000 with j vantage of volunteering for a Union pond, and managed to hit Brooklyn (Branca 12-6) night. to that of rival shortstops. I Palestine. Spokesman said the result of a race track accident strongest single party. Other part­ dispute with the Cominform. one in six weeka Totals ...... 28 ~8 8 21. 5 2 can League today. This is a broad bera within the next two weeks. into hia own In recent days. Two Tnetesd of the BA’s losing tbs Meredith o f New York city and 1 Ray Skopek as contractor 5Jr. | career in the United States Army garian constitution is deputy to Cincinnati (Blackwell 7-7) at Charter Oak .. 2 0 0 0 1 0 0—3 Over in the National LiSague, Pee iRewisb Army was taking "appro- aliout a year ago. ies protested the election. The so­ Every one here is asking: No one wlU dare get into Johnny statement but fdUowers of the straight no-run jo ^ including four gomes on n forfoit that Jod- Mrs. Daniel A. Lindley o f Balti­ I Skopek la also the builder listed . or United States Air Force. the president. PhllodelphU (Roberts 4-3) night. North End .... 0 1 2 1 2 2 X—8 Yonks say Phil ia tops. Don Don- Wee Reese, Brooklyn; Al Dork, fB ^te action." Mrs. Brabson wa.s the daughter T he Council of Ministers has cial Democrats charged that 17 of What ia thq, meaning o t the , Jomroga’s way (the North Enders Bids are now being asked by the yesterday’s 5-0 effort against Cin­ zinlak hod participated in, tho lea­ more; five brothers, Gardiper H., I on the permit for a dwelling and I For .further information. S-Sgt. Braves; Mart Marion, (Tarda; Bud­ cinnati, stamp him as a most im­ i . ■ — J. Gordon Powers, discussed the question of a succes­ their leaders had been summoned Cominform powerhouse that is at­ claim) on the base paths for the dy Kerr, Giants; and Skldte Miller. British American d u b for the pur­ gue monagerxagreed thstonlytlM Lucius H., and Kenneth o f New attached garage to be built on Barrera is located at 989 Main chase and installation o f a tele­ portant factor in the club’s pen winning gomes of ths BA’a xraoNI Her father Is a contractor and street, Murphy building, or call sor. before the Russian commander in tending the conference called to big 380-pounder throws a mighty Phils, ore the better shortstops. W^Ul Not Permit York city, Emory of Denver, discuss free navigation of the Dan­ s hard block. Regular rules will vision set Several other local or- nant bopee. Before that he hadn’t be thrown out and reployod. Thte Colo., and Hugh of California; a mated of $11..500 for Erwin i Knoxville. 2-4328. Siokaalts Likely Successor Hunary when several of them Motorcycle Baces Miller and Marlon have slowed up ube river? I prevail. East Hartford Twi League gnnizationa are plaiuilng to fea­ thrown a complete gome since means gomee will be reschednted Pumping of Water Aster, Mrs. Harry Davis o f New Mooney. Ritchie, contrac-i ..... Political source* said they be­ threatened to air their protest considerably and neither le a good May 8. publicly. The Social Democrats Among representatives qf this I Umpirea wHl be supplied by the hitter. Dork has been the rookie ture televlsioa including the Ameri­ with NsasUfs, ftockvUM and Idoi- ' Amman, Trans-Jordan, July SO three grandsons. tor, was granted a permit to build ' « -■. o 1 • lieved the former Socialist leader, At Avon Tonight can Legion. Walker Cooper eased Keslo’i Arpad Szakosits, la likely to suc­ had charged that almost 200,000 powerhouse are; Soviet Deputy £ Northern Connecticut Board of Ap- sensation of the Braves and Is a tarty Brothen. Iho tetter thrsa responsible Arab source The ^ y , was taken from Al- an $11,000 dwelling on St. John | H O f r > O H 2 ;I ll Havourcl Chosen S proved Umpirea. Tickets wlU be Stars Down Locals^ 6 to 1 task yesterday with a bases lood- clubs on loa t. to the BA’s vritk street for Mrs. Emma Trueman. ! ‘ ceed Tildy as president. He.ia now of their active members, had been Foreign Minister Andrei Y. Vish- bright prospect. Mdd today Trans-Jordan will not derson-Prentls funeral home this Insky, Romanian Foreign Mlnieter § sold at the gate and a substantial 'The third annual Manchester td homer in the flrat after the Jadziniak playing. However, the morning to New York city for Mrs. Trueman was given permla- \ chairman of the unified Labor par­ disenfranchised before the elec­ Avon (Special) . . . A promoter Reese and Kerr are the best of psrmit'water to be pumped to Ill Wreckage Colt’s Secretary Anna Pauker, "strong woman" of ;|Bum Is expected to be realised for the senior circuit ehort-stoppers Open at the Country Club will be Giants already had scored one off AlrcrofL the only team in the leew Jerusalem’s Jews through L«gion- ^^icea Monday afternoon at sion by the Zoning Board of Ap­ ty. tions. must bq something of a gambler The East Hartford All-Stars played Sunday, September 36. A the Balkans; Foreign Minister .aDils novel attraction. There ore and Bkl Otto with hia preaentation ■singled in succession, snd one run and have their ahare of etaunch Ken Rsffenaberger. It turned out gue to hold a verdict over thn dn» hsld territory. ^ s k church, Park avenue and peals Monday night to build this Tildy, who was a member of the The British Foreign Office, re­ were true to their word last night came across or. on infield out. to be more than enough, despite Vladimir dementis of CJzechoslo- MPlsnty of seats and barring a sud- of motorcycle races at Cherry Pork supportera who claim they are total of $500 iTi prizes will be bf-’ fending champioao. will not roplny troops control the La- »is t street, and interment in Fair- house closer to the side line.'! than then-dominant Smallholders party, porting on the election, said it had aa tbey. did come up with a much East Hartford banged out nine fared. Thoue planning to take port four straight singles by the Reds’ Us gome becauao they won dwipite L tgiaa (Continued from Page One) Hartford, July 30—tJ’)— Presi­ vakia «nd Foreign Minister Eric fd e n thunderstorm oU is in reodi-, Speedway haa placed himself tops.. tnin pumping sUUon, which .. view cemetery, Westfield. N. J. the regulations allow. became president of Hungary on been “fairer than we feared, but better team defensively and their hits off Cochrane, with four players are urged to mail entry fee and Danny LItwhIter. the presence o f Jadziniak with tho dent Graham Anthony of (Jolt's Molnar of Hungary. Iness for the biggest attraction of squarely in that category. This writer stiU gWes the nod Jewish engineer attempted to en­ Feb. 1, 1946, upon proclamation of not as fair aa we had hoped.” The f th# season at Robertson Park. pitching waa superb. Aa a result registering =?wo hits apiece. The request for starting time to the Brooklyn clubbed the Cardinals, BA nine. Americans "saved 1,000 lives.” Mfg. Co., today announced the the nation as a republic. He had Important Cloee Likely to Boudreau. Lou la by far the ter recently. He was arrested but Hungarian government itself, Among other things Mr. Otto they evened the series with the locals combed the viaitU;g hurlers Tournamen: Committee. The entry 8-6. permitting Now York to take Hedlund Agrees to Piny ; Before pulling out, the Ameri- election of Richard S. Havourd os been premier since the previous In view of the Comlnform’a de­ best hitting shortstop In the lalaaaed after United Nations in­ secretary of the company, at a through the Information Ministry, has a chance in bringing back a local All-Stars, stopping the Man­ for. only five hits, one each by five fee is five dollars. Post entries Mill over third place. Neither club Turkington said that rival mkn- Alabama Pledges Shower Is Given 1 can troops ilouRhcd a path to a November. admitted Irregularities, but said nunciation of Premier Marshal Clayton Heafner Leads sport that was a great favorite in majora and hia fleldlhg ia par ex­ tercession. , meeting of the Board of Directors chester attack - cold and taking of the BA’a. (Jochrone fanned seven be" accepted. Earle dlfford heads gained on front-running Boaton agera o g r ^ that tho three gaoMS i death trap building. A German There were reports last year there had been "only 20.000" Tito, every One is watching with Conhecticut less than a decade ago cellent. yesterday. home a 6-1 win. The only players batters and issued only one walk. the Tournanient Committee. which edged Pittsburgh. 2-1. The should he replayed "because the I policeman said 'scores of bodies that he was to be ousted by the fraudulent votes. special Interest how the Yugo­ Buffalo, N. Y., July 30—(Jf)— in the memory of the fans. A new An earlier report from Jeru- Dixicrats Voles For Bricle-to-Be A t the same time Mr. Anthony from East Hartford that were-not Two cosUy errors by his team­ Shots Here and n ere Braves’ lead remains intact at 5H league didn't wont any adverse could be seen floating in several (Jommunists, but they did not ma­ The new Parliament was con- slavs and the representatives of The thick, rolling fairways of generation of speed Sport fans haa Mlem aald U. N. observera had got feet of water and ammonia In the. announced that Einar Sather, who present were those from Lords mates, and bunched hits by the George Flemkt with’ 111 points Nossiffs will play the New Brit­ igamea. publicity.” Hedlund agreed tq to* terialize. President Tildy paid a vened Sept. 16, wholly dominated other eastern European countries Brookfleld Country (Jlub hold few arrived since the war ^curtailed ain Pioneers Sunday afternoon in ’■n agreement from Arab Legion Mias Grace Stavnltsky of 52 basement. has been svith the company more problems for the cream of Ameri­ who were playing a benefit game enemy hitters were his downfall. tops Chet (Tonklin by one at the Doing Weil Under Burt play the three games but felt that Birmingham, Ala., July SO-OP) state visit to Moscow last Febru­ by the Communists. Tildy told the treat each other. It is believed this bike racing. The old timers re­ New Britain. Players will leave oomraandera to aupervlae a pump­ Garden street was honored recent­ Germans investigating the than 25 years, has resigned as sec­ ca’s touring golf crop. in Bulkeley Stadium. But it was Red Jocko the starting and winning Stafford Springs Speedway. The It was the 12th vIctoiT In 16 os long sa >ie hod to moko up threo ing station at Latrun, scene of re­ Alabama 8 li electoral votes ary and waa a guest of Prime Min­ deputies his government would conference can give some import­ member the thrills of this type of the local teoni, minus fifty percent pitcher, and Col Lyles, turned in the East Side Rec at 1 o ’clock. games for the Broolis since Burt ly with a largely attended miscel­ disaster brushed aside charges by retary. ister Stalin there during signature The High-dollar pros wasted lit­ usual program wiU be presented his teem should be required to cent bitter Arab-Jewiah fighting. hold to a foreign policy oriented ant clues on future international competition but the younger fol­ of its original roster, that had fine performances on the hilt and tonight starting at 8:30 . . Sbotton returned aa manager. play all fou*. The. Aircraft man­ rights ticket of Gov. J. strom laneous shower in the Zipscr CHub. that the factory was making war Mr. Havourd joined Colt’s in of a Soviet-Hungarian treaty. relations st otiier, larger confer* tle time yesterday In walloping the lowers o f speed have never been The station there is tbe only one Bralnard Place, In recognition of 1036 as patent attorney. He was with Moscow. par-72, d-663-yard layout with 28 nothing to offer offensively or de­ kept the game well under control. Boxing card lost Tueaday. night at Holly Mandley was eliminated Bill Voiaelle, who flopp^ with agement said no to thle prepooal. TOurmond o f South Carolina and materials illegally. The Germans A Methodist minister, the presi­ Tildy went to Moscow Feb. 17 cnees. educated to the roar o f the motor­ now In Arab hands. The others her coming marriage to Henry B. graduate from Rensselaer Poly­ sub-par rounds os the 45th West­ fensively that took the unexpected Four umpirea from the East Hart­ the Hartford outdoor audltoflum, by Jack Flynn o f Watertown, the Giants after a brilliant freah- Nary one red cent was the said preliminary findings indicat­ dent was the only candidate for the this year to sign a friendship pact, Surprise was oapressed that cycles. WiU enough of the veterans fine by surprise. Fielding a are held by tbe Jews under inter- Agnew. technic institute os an electrical ern Open championship got under cro-k i ford League worked the game in the first in several months, scor­ Mass., in tiie first round of tha man seaaon. collected win No. 11 British Amei icons fined and the ed the. blast was touched off by presldenc.v at the time of his elec­ one of a chain linking eastern na­ Pauker was met at the airport remember, Mi, Otto thinks yes. team of just rlne men, six of these fine fashion, with nary a beef heard New England amateur golf tour­ for Boston. He managed to weath­ utional auspices. The party was given by her engineer; in 1929. In 1934, he waa tion, hating' the endorsement of all 'vsy with $15,000 In the klttSr. ed a direct hit with the cash cusnr league out'ook was that the 'in­ No.pipe