Philippine Journal of Science 142: 5-49, Special Issue ISSN 0031 - 7683 Date Received: 2 May 2013 A Verification of Reports of Marine Algal Species from the Philippines Put O. Ang, Jr., Sin Man Leung, and Mei Mei Choi Marine Science Laboratory School of Life Sciences, Chinese University of Hong Kong Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong SAR, CHINA Records of marine macroalgae reported from the Philippines were checked against AlgaeBase, the international database for algal nomenclatures, and Index Nominum Algarum (INA) Bibliographia Phycologica Universalis of the University of California at Berkeley Silva Center for Phycological Documentation to verify their present nomenclature, status of taxonomy and bibliographic reference. To date, 306 names of taxa (including species, varieties and forms) of greens (Chlorophyta), 234 names of taxa of browns (Ochrophyta, Phaeophyceae) and 751 names of taxa of reds (Rhodophyta), or a total of 1291 published names of taxa have been reported from the Philippines. Of these, 231 taxa representing 197 species in 20 families for green algae, 171 taxa representing 153 species in 10 families for brown algae, and 564 taxa representing 543 species in 52 families for red algae are considered valid records listed with their currently accepted names. All in all, 966 currently accepted taxa, representing 893 species in 82 families of marine macroalgae have been reported from the Philippines. Among the greens, 15 taxa have their type localities in the Philippines. This number is 40 for the browns and 33 for the reds. Proportionally, this is 6.5% of the total for the greens, 23.4% for the browns and 5.9% for the reds. Key Words: Philippine marine macroalgae, algal taxonomic status, algal type species from the Philippines, AlgaeBase, Index Nominum Algarum (INA) INTRODUCTION et al. (2005) on Padina, Belleza and Liao (2007) on Caulerpa, Geraldino et al. (2010) on Hypnea and Payo Philippines is known for its rich marine flora. Over the et al. (2013) on Portieria. years, several efforts have been attempted to compile and annotate the records of marine algae collected from the With the extensive application of molecular techniques Philippines, including those by Silva et al. (1987), the two in studies on algal systematics in recent years, major volume works by Trono (1997, 2004), and more recently, revisions have been made in many groups of tropical the checklist with a cut off date at 1999 by Ganzon-Fortes marine algae. There is therefore a need to update the (2012). The last mentioned literature compiled a list nomenclatures of Philippine marine algal records. This of 949 algal species, including 61 Cyanobacteria, 212 nomenclature validation is important to algal biodiversity, Chlorophytes, 154 Ochrophytes (Phaeophyceaens) and conservation and biogeographical studies in order to 522 Rhodophytes. Several recent works since 1999 have provide a more accurate picture of floristic connection contributed to the long list of Philippine marine algal and the relatedness of Philippine flora with those of records. Notable of these included the works of Geraldino other neighbouring regions. The main objective of this current work is therefore to compile all known records Corresponding Author: [email protected] of Philippine macroalgae from the literature till April of 5 Philippine Journal of Science Ang et al.: A verification of Philippine marine macroalgae Vol. 142: Special Issue 2013 and check them against AlgaeBase (Guiry and Guiry 2), and 564 taxa representing 543 species in 52 fami- 2013), the international database of algal nomenclatures, lies for red algae (Table 3). Among the reds, four taxa and Index Nominum Algarum (INA) Bibliographia are generic records only (Euptilota sp., Callithamnion Phycologica Universalis of the University of California sp., Dudresnaya sp. and Rhabdonia sp.). These genera at Berkeley Silva Center for Phycological Documentation are unique records, although with no specific names re- (Silva 1996-to date) to come up with the most updated ported for the Philippine specimens, and are therefore Philippine records. Furthermore, species with their type counted as part of the 543 species recorded. Family locality within the territorial waters of the Philippines are Rhabdoniaceae, where Rhabdonia sp. belongs, also rep- also checked and listed. resents a unique family with only one known species re- corded from the Philippines. The family of Callophycus serratus cannot be ascertained, hence, is classified un- der “Rhodophyta incertae sedis” by AlgaeBase. All in MatERIALS AND METHODS all, 966 currently accepted valid taxa, representing 893 species in 82 families of marine macroalgae have been This compilation work relied initially on the main cata- reported from the Philippines. logue of marine algae reported from the Philippines by Silva et al. (1987). Further updates were based on works Synonyms or invalid names recorded for different spe- by Trono (1997, 2004) and Ganzon-Fortes (2012). In ad- cies under the three major groups of algae are also listed dition, all relevant, more recent (post 1999) literatures respectively in Tables 1 to 3, across their currently ac- were consulted. In case of doubts, original literatures cepted names. Some invalid names are clearly due to were also consulted for confirmation of the records. spelling error (e.g. Sargassum siliquosum vs. S. siloquo- These literatures are all included in the Reference list. sum), some are simply due to incorrect gender agreement with the generic name (e.g. Kappaphycus striatus vs. The compiled list of algae was then double checked for K. striatum). These variations of nomenclature in print duplication. The revised list was further checked for are listed here for record purposes. Among the greens, synonymy and invalidity of taxa based on AlgaeBase Enteromorpha aragoensis Bliding is considered illegiti- (Guiry and Guiry 2013) and INA Database (Silva 1996- mate due to lack of a type citation (Table 1). Under each to date). The most recent information on family clas- phylum, there are published records of taxa which have sification, name of authorities, and type localities were no matching records in AlgaeBase. These are separately also checked and accepted to come up with the final list. listed. These taxa have also been checked against INA Where type localities of species are reported to be in the Database. Those which are not also found in INA Da- Philippines, the protologues were consulted, or reference tabase probably represent invalid names. Furthermore, was made to Silva (1996-to date), for verification. some taxa are classified under “Preliminary Entry” in Al- REsults AND DISCUSSION gaeBase. These are taxa where detailed studies on their taxonomic status are not available. These are all listed This compilation includes only taxa of marine macroal- in the respective Tables for record purposes and are not gae belonging to the three major phyla, the Chlorophyta included in the total count of species. (Green), Ochrophyta (Pheophyceae, Brown) and Rho- dophyta (Red) listed in Tables 1 to 3 respectively. For Among the greens, 15 taxa have their type localities in ease of reference, the scientific names of listed taxa are the Philippines. This number is 40 for the browns and 33 arranged alphabetically first by the family classification, for the reds. Proportionally, this is 6.5% of the total for followed by the generic and species epithets. The abbre- the greens, 23.4% for the browns and 5.9% for the reds. viation of the authority names of all binomials follows The high proportion of type species (taxa) in browns is that used in AlgaeBase. For consideration of nomencla- mainly due to the relatively high number of Sargassum tural priority, the original year of publication was added taxa reported as being new to science by Grunow (1915, at the end of each currently accepted taxon listed. 1916) (16 taxa) and Trono (1994) (12 species). Two taxa (Sargassum cinctum var. jagorii Grunow and S. crassi- In total, 306 published names of taxa (including species, folium var. subduplicatum (‘subduplicata’) Grunow) de- varieties and forms) of greens, 234 names of browns and scribed by Grunow (1915) based on materials from the 751 names of reds, or a total of 1291 names of algal taxa Philippines are not recorded in AlgaeBase (see Table 2). have been reported from the Philippines. Of these, there To include these would increase the proportion of brown are 231 validly published taxa representing 197 species algae with type or syntype locality in the Philippines to in 20 families for green algae (Table 1), 171 taxa repre- 24.3%. On the other hand, the green alga Cladophora senting 153 species in 10 families for brown algae (Table 6 Philippine Journal of Science Ang et al.: A verification of Philippine marine macroalgae Vol. 142: Special Issue Table 1. Listing of green (Chlorophyta) algae reported from the Philippines, with their valid names, authorities and previous record reported under their synonym(s) or invalid name(s) (if available). Type localities of the species, if found in the Philippines, are also listed. List Family Currently Accepted Name Synonym / Invalid Name Type Locality No. Dalupiri Island, Babuyan Islands, 1 Anadyomenaceae Anadyomene eseptata Gilbert 1961 Cagayan, Luzon, Philippines (Gilbert 1961: 425). Syntype localities: Zamboanga, Min- Microdictyon clathratum G. 2 Anadyomene leclancheri Decaisne 1844 danao, Philippines; Seram and Flores, Martens Indonesia (Martens 1866: 66-67). 3 Anadyomene plicata C. Agardh 1823 Anadyomene stellata (Wulfen) Anadyomene brownii 4 C. Agardh 1823 Schroder Anadyomene wrightii Harvey ex J. E. Gray 5 1866 6 Microdictyon boergesenii Setchell 1925 7 Microdictyon japonicum Setchell 1925 8 Microdictyon okamurae Setchell 1925 Microdictyon agardhianum 9 Microdictyon tenuius J. E. Gray 1866 Decaisne Boodlea coacta (Dickie) 10 Boodleaceae G. Murray & De Toni 1889 11 Boodlea composita (Harvey) F. Brand 1904 Boodlea montagnei (Harvey ex J. E. Gray) 12 Egerod 1952 13 Boodlea struveoide M. A. Howe 1918 Cladophora herpestica (Montagne) Cladophoropsis zollingeri 14 Kützing 1849 (Kützing) Reinbold Cladophoropsis fasciculata (Kjellman) Cladophoropsis sundanensis 15 Wille 1910 Reinbold Cladophoropsis gracillima 16 E.
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