FREE a newspaper for the rest of us www.lansingcitypulse.com March 12-18, 2014 LANSING BUDGET In run-up to budget season, Lansing’s finances looking good — for now | page 5 MSU’S NEW $750,000 OUTDOOR VENUE MSU’s Summer Circle Theatre moves to new site for 2014 | page 12 OUT OF LEFT FIELD Gillespie, city, Lugnuts seek to build ST. PATTY’S WEEKEND GUIDE apartments inside the ballpark St. Patty’s Day 2014 will see page 9 be a quieter affair… maybe | page 13 ® # –WINNING MARCH 18-23 Photo by Jeremy Daniel Photo by Jeremy “THE 1 TONY AWARD MSU’s WHARTON CENTER Photo by Jeremy Daniel Photo by Jeremy BEST MUSICAL REVIVAL! OPENS NEXT WEEK! - BROADWAY GREAT SEATS STILL AVAILABLE! MUSICAL OF WHARTONCENTER.COM • 1-800-WHARTON THE YEAR!” USICAL East Lansing engagement is welcomed by Auto-Owners Insurance Company; MAGAZINE M MMORA Mid-Michigan Oncology Radiation Associates; ROADWAY and White, Schneider, Young & Chiodini P.C. THE B 2 www.lansingcitypulse.com City Pulse • March 12, 2014 MLIVE CITY PULSE CH. 6 NEWS Top of 2014 the Town Awards VOTING STARTS MARCHlansingcitypulse.com, 19 Look for ballots at wlns.com and MLive.com/lansing City Pulse and Ch. 6 News welcome MLive as a partner! Advertisers: More than 13,000 Mid-Michigan residents voted in the Top of the Town contest last year. It’s a great place to promote your business. ADVERTISING DEADLINE: MARCH 12 ADVERTISERS! Contact Berl at (517) 999.5061 City Pulse • March 12, 2014 www.lansingcitypulse.com 3 MSU DEPARTMENT OF THEATRE WHARTONCENTER.COM OR 1-800-WHARTON TICKETS ON SALE NOW! A who’s who on the jazz scene makes up this amazing roster! Led by clarinet wonder Anat Cohen, it’s a sizzling night of jazz, Newport style with Karrin Allyson, Randy Brecker, Mark Whitfield, Peter Martin, Clarence Penn & Larry Grenadier! $15 Student & Youth Tickets! Thursday, March 27 at 7:30PM Jazz Series Sponsor Generously sponsored by Mid-Michigan MRI. THE Part dance, part acrobatics, part cirque – don’t miss this breathtaking, awe-inspiring evening of humorous, yet stunningly graceful, movement! SERPENT LADY $15 Student & Youth Tickets! BY CARLO GOZZI TRANSLATED & ADAPTED BY DANIEL SMITH & VALENTINA DENZEL MARCH 18-23, 2014 STUDIO 60 The Serpent Lady, Cherestani, the queen of a magical land, must test her husband’s love. Will he recognize his beloved when she turns into a snake? This fairy tale by Carlo Gozzi is told in the style of commedia dell’arte, with masks, puppetry, and physical comedy. DIRECTED BY Tuesday, April 8 at 7:30PM DANIEL SMITH Media Sponsor Generously sponsored by Delta Dental of Michigan; Foresight Group; and Governmental Consultant Services. WHARTONCENTER.COM 1-800-WHARTON 4 www.lansingcitypulse.com City Pulse • March 12, 2014 VOL. 13 Feedback ISSUE 29 ‘Hometown’ utility includes com- Energy. He writes as if everyone calling for munities outside Lansing non-Lansing representation is itching to go (517) 371-5600 • Fax: (517) 999-6061 • 1905 E. Michigan Ave. • Lansing, MI 48912 • www.lansingcitypulse.com Mickey Hirten, in his March 5 column, to Consumers Energy if that does not hap- ADVERTISING INQUIRIES: (517) 999-6705 chides the residents of townships and cit- pen, and then lays out why that is neither PAGE CLASSIFIED AD INQUIRIES: (517) 999-5066 ies outside of Lansing served by the Board desirable nor feasible. That misses the point. or email [email protected] of Water and Light for wanting to be repre- Many of us would prefer to stay with BWL 6 sented on the Board. He scoffs at criticism than switch to Consumers Energy, for many EDITOR AND PUBLISHER • Berl Schwartz [email protected] • (517) 999-5061 of the annual payments made by the utility of the reasons he lays out in his column. But to Lansing because the payments “essential- it also makes sense that communities out- ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER • Mickey Hirten Link: Rethinking MSU's endowment [email protected] • (517) 999-5067 ly compensate for BWL’s tax exempt status.” side of Lansing who use BWL should have MANAGING/NEWS EDITOR • Andy Balaskovitz I fail to see how compensating a city some representation on the board. I am cer- [email protected] • (517) 999-5064 with 65 percent of a utility’s customer tainly open to changing my mind if someone PAGE ARTS & CULTURE EDITOR • Allan I. Ross base, for whatever reason, is fair to the could give me some persuasive arguments [email protected] • (517) 999-5068 other communities served by the utility for why non-Lansing communities should 22 PRODUCTION MANAGER • Rachel Harper who get no benefit from the payments. remain unrepresented, but after re-reading [email protected] • (517) 999-5066 If the payments somehow were used to Hirten’s column three times I could find no CALENDAR EDITOR • Jonathan Griffith improve the utility’s system or its commu- such argument. New In Town: Steakhouse Philly Bar & Grill [email protected] • (517) 999-5069 nication planning efforts, the other com- opens after massive revamp STAFF WRITER • Lawrence Cosentino munities would not complain. But this — Peter Ruark [email protected] • (517) 999-5063 is not the case. The payments are made Delta Township PAGE MARKETING/PROMOTIONS COORDINATOR/ to address Lansing’s budget shortfalls, a SOCIAL MEDIA CONSULTANT • Rich Tupica [email protected] • (517) 999-6710 luxury which other communities not rep- Preserve Eastern’s name 26 ADVERTISING • Shelly Olson resented on the Board are unable to enjoy. With all the talk about Lansing’s Eastern [email protected] • (517) 999-6705 Article VII, section 24 of the Michigan High closing and Pattengill becoming the Constitution provides that a municipal util- new high school, how about asking the school He Ate She Ate: A review of farm-to-table diner Fork in the Road Contributors: Justin Bilicki, Daniel E. Bollman, Capital News Service, Bill Castanier, Mary C. ity is limited to selling and delivering elec- board to change the name of Pattengill to Cusack, Tom Helma, Gabrielle Johnson, Terry tricity “in an amount not exceeding 25 per- Eastern? That way we can keep Eastern’s COVER Link, Andy McGlashen, Kyle Melinn, Mark Nixon, cent of that furnished by it within the corpo- history, honors, trophies and teams intact. Shawn Parker, Stefanie Pohl, Dennis Preston, Ute Von Der Heyden, Paul Wozniak rate limits, except as greater amounts may Pattengill’s name can join the ranks of West ART be permitted by law.” Michigan Compiled Jr., Walter French, and Otto. Delivery drivers: Richard Bridenbaker, Dave Fisher, Ron Lupu, Brent Robison, Robert Wiche Laws 124.3, enacted in 1974, allows BWL to Don’t say it can’t be done. The names Interns: Katy Barth, Nicole Halvorsen, Alexandra serve townships, villages and cities that were of Logan Street and Main Street were “THE OUTFIELD” courtesy of GILLESPIE GROUP Harakas, Kyle Koehler, RJ Wolcott contiguous to Lansing on June 20, 1974. In changed. I say keep Eastern High alive in 1974, BWL did not exceed the 25 percent a new building. CITY PULSE on the Editor & Publisher cap, but it clearly does now. Although the Eastern has a very strong alumni asso- THIS WEEK Berl Schwartz 1974 Act may be used to justify greater ser- ciation. vice to contiguous communities than that It would be in the school district’s best AIR 7 p.m. Wednesdays permitted by the Constitution, those com- interest to consider this name change. Ken Darga and Susan Grettenberger, munities clearly have an argument on equi- Democratic candidates for 8th Congressional District table grounds that, based on the intent of — Brent Robison City officials on "The Outfield" development proposal the Constitution, they should be represent- Lansing ed on the BWL. As a former MPSC Commissioner, I agree with Mr. Hirten that communities Have something to say about a local issue should not use the threat of leaving BWL CITY PULSE or an item that appeared in our pages? for Consumers Energy to leverage seats on the Board. Despite recent problems, BWL Now you have two ways to sound off: does provide reasonably priced and gener- 1.) Write a letter to the editor. ally reliable power (not all of BWL custom- • E-mail: [email protected] • Snail mail: City Pulse, 1905 E. Michigan Ave., Lansing, MI 48912 ers can afford a generator like Mr. Hirten). • Fax: (517) 371-5800 However, the growth in cities and townships 2.) Write a guest column: contiguous to Lansing since 1974 fully justi- Contact Berl Schwartz for more information: [email protected] fies that they be represented on the board of or (517) 999-5061 their “hometown” utility. (Please include your name, address and telephone number so we can reach you. Keep letters to 250 words or fewer. City Pulse reserves the — Robert Nelson right to edit letters and columns.) East Lansing CORRECTIONS Mickey Hirten’s column says custom- Due to a reporting error, last week’s ers of BWL who are not Lansing residents story on a planned Lansing Arts should not have representation on its Commission incorrectly said which Board of Commissioners. His reason? He City Council committee will take up doesn’t give one except for one sentence a proposed ordinance to encourage about other communities not making public art. It is the General Services their case for representation. However, he Committee. doesn’t make his case for why we should Due to an editing error, a Feb. 26 sto- not have representation. ry on glass artist Craig Mitchell Smith Most of Hirten’s column is devoted to incorrectly listed the address of his new showing that non-Lansing customers are gallery. It is at 1220 N.
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