Uteroats a jstttfcertf pub It caftan VOL 24 NO. 12 MERCYHURSTCOLLEGE, ERIE, PA. NOVEMBER 20,1981 Cherub InlTheatre Lobby Vandalized The cherub statue in the lobby construction of Weber Hall in the cave in. In addition, the be astronomical," he stated. of the Mercyhurst Little Theatre 1950's. It is situated in the center mouthpiece was broken out, the "If the vandal is apprehend- was recently damaged and one of a fountain which, within the trumpet moved forward, and the ed," Stalsky said, "we will push Mercyhurst administrator and last year, has been repaired in finger connected to the trumpet for the maximum punishment," one faculty member have offered order to allow water to spill from was dislocated. The dish of the either Mercyhurst disciplinary a reward for any information the mouth of the cherub into the fountain was also cracked. action and/or legal action. leading to the identification of the fountain, according to Stalsky. "Bashing a cherub over the "I want potential vandals to cr- vandal. $'*$??$ *"*•• ^ For approximately eight years head is insane," stated Stalsky. inge when they think of vandaliz- Igor ^Stalsky, professor of the statue was missing from the II think the person is sick who ing," stated Stalsky. Theatre Arts, along with a school Little Theatre fountain, but has done it." Anyone with any leads concern- administrator who does not wish Stalsky recovered the cherub in The administrator who has put ing the cherub vandalism should to be named, have each donated the maintenance department. up reward money said the cherub contact the Mercyhurst Security $50 as reward money, ^qg Last'spring a Mercyhurst "may be broken beyond repair." department located in the base- The vandalism occurred bet- employee volunteered to have the He also stated never remember- ment of Preston Hall. People's ween 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. on Fri- statue repaired for use in the ing any statues ever being van- names will be kept in strictest day! November 13, stated Stasky. fountain H "' * dalized on campus before. confidence, stated Stalsky. "As reluctant as I am to turn The only Mercyhurst produc- Stalsky is not certain if the The $100 reward will be given this into a college of informers, tion for which the fountain func- statue can be repaired or replac- after the identity and restitution something must be done to stop tioned after its repair was the ed. "I think the repair bill would of the vandal is certain. this kind of behavior," said recently * performed "Who's Stalsky. ^ ig <$gg j § Afraid of Virginia Woolff" «2 ' ^11 i&o. The. cherub is a bronze statue Stalsky stated that there is which was part of the original evidence of one blow to the top of At U.S. Colleges |g (fmz the statue's head.r„The top of the head was removed by the blow Student Is Victim| and caused the cherub's neck to Discrimination Laws May Be Eliminated m DiJSinrole,Assault Higher, learning institutions cyhurst College. When^Carter A Mercyhurst student was the described as approximately 5' 8" Government empt from rules prohibiting money to the Department of victim of a simple assault which tall, slender, and wearing a blue discrimination if the Department Education said Nesbit, now with occurred shortly after midnight jacket. He reportedly struck Set- of Education re-defines 'Federal Reagan in office the amount of on Wednesday, November 18. tlemire in the stomach. Nothing Election &&£•. Assistance" in the U.S. Code of Federal Domestic Assistant Pro- According to an { E r i e police was taken from Settlemire in the Federal Regulations, according grams will more than likely be source. Christopher ,M. Set- attack. to the Department of Education cut in half, t 1 * jr tlemire, 20, 4118 Briggs Avenue, Settlemire stated to the police Results I Weekly. jg Sfe; ^ i The Block funding which is us- was attacked in the vicinty of he would not be able to identify The Department has asked the ed to allocate funds directly to East 35th and Ash Street at ap- the assailants, y £• Tabulated I Justice Department to limit the colleges from Washington D.C. proximately 12:30 A.M. According to the police source, Elections for freshmen, resi- Jurisdiction of rules concerning will soon be changed.*The The official police report stated the incident i s currently under in- dent, commuter and interior discrimination on the bases of Washington officials have now the Settlemire was attacked by vestigation. The source also said design representatives were held sex, race and handicap. Current- decided to give the block funding two unknown white males. - * that there have been no recent Monday I Nov. 9,, and Tuesday, ly, all schools receiving any directly to the states to allocate According to the.report, one reports of any other assaults in Federal aid fall under the rules as they please. that area.^ *$& Nov 10. Jv ' Rj i * which now prohibitTany ^This could mean that funding male with a stocky build wearing Freshmen reus elected include, discrimination . However, the a blue vest grabbed Settlemire by Settlemire is in Saint Vincent David ^Alexander, Tony Shaley Department has suggested that could either increase or decrease the waist and pushed him to the Health Center in good condition, and Greg Yoko. £ 1B& ^. - the rules apply only to those who to the individual colleges in that sidewalk. The victim hit his head according to-hospital office ; Tim Bernik was elected com- receive direct federal funding. stated* Nesbit stated. on the sidewalk, k ,5* -^ST authorities. He is currently under muter rep and Rhonda Byerly This would then eliminate schools Washington has had "a change in B The second assailant was observation. ¥ f was elected interior design rep. receiving no direct aid and those attitude in how* and what the >K A total of 495 people cast their schools would only be able to col- Federal Government should be voteg*according to Student lect funds through other means.; doing," he explained. "They feel AtMSG Government President Rich Lan- that the state government should zillo. This was the highest voter Since President iReagan has do the allocating of funds." The turnout recorded.* ^ taken office, the country has had federal government people feel StudentiSenator Elected; rv A new format was initiated to to deal with "Reagan's that the states should take care of get more students to vote,-ex- Republican 1 Conservative at- funding since they are closer to titude philosophy" said John the ^schools and willr, better Laker shakers GeteFunds plained Lanzillo. The elections Nesbit, assistant to the president were more formal and organized for government relations at Mer- understand the schools' needs. The Pom Pon squad, "Laker than elections held in the past, he Shakers'*) was awarded $600 at elected to the position. said.,* *J i irl the November 17 meeting of stu- The SAC report was then given. Designated sites 5 and times NOVEMBER dent government. The squad Mary Baldauf, Vice-President of were known by, the students. I 4 Wed J, Winter term-registration | > | reduced their initial request by MSG, said that there is an open- "This is the first time the: Mer- $200 and President William P. ing for Vice-President Chairman cyhurst community was well in- 24 rues ' Last day of classes/Thanksgiving vacation begins after classes Garvey proposed to match of SAC. Applications, are to be formed of this type of elections*' 30Mon Classes resume* whatever price MSG alloted the turned in to Mary by Monday, added Lanzillo. S^ - squad. i $ A 5 -£*i November 23. Interviews will be Lanzillo commented that DECEMBER Wydetta Carter, Laker Shaker on Monday, after Thanksgiving. Maree Lynn Cicon, j elections 8Tues Last day of classes/spring and summer Incompletes due Student director, asked for $000, Next, Chris^McGowen, committee chairperson, and the $300 of which will be paid back. representing the Radio Gub, ask- entire committee should be com- 9 Wed FINAL EXAMS f. Gina Frisina made a motion to ed the government to buy a tuner mended for the effort displayed 10Thurs FINAL EXAMS^ I * ;* give the squad money under for approximately $150. The idea in organizing, the elections. -. 11 Fri those guidelines. There was an all is to OToadcast*WMCY f r o m the MSG will continue to hold elec- FINAL EXAMS! M in favor ^vote, with one cafeteria during lunch or supper tions in this formaC'The process, abstention, l or possibly both using MSG's old of reorganizing all student 5| Next came the election for a speakers. * * 'f government^elections to make student senator. Nominations in- In return, the Radio Club will them as professional as possi- cluded the following candidates; give at least $162.50 in advertis- ble," said Lanzillo^. t y| Wydetta Carter, Bruces Miller, ing free o f charge. &&&"' 'In the future, there Ms a Collete Fusco, Brent Scarpo, ana A motion was made to accept 1 possibility of using voting Joe Rubino. A secret ballot was the Radio Club proposal *and machines from the city, conclud- held and gWydetta*Carter, was passed with an all in favor vote. ed Lanzillo. PAGE 2 ISftorialff NOVEMBER 20,1981 A Malicious Lark Letter The destruction of the Cherub Mercyhurst is evolving into a , CEC Offers in the Little Theatre Lobby is the visible entity in the Erie Area and result of unmitigated violence in campus interaction. For exam- Representative and completely unwarranted. * ple, 'Hurst professors are One must question the hostile repeatedly asked to comment on The Council for Exceptional attitude which motivated such an issues by local media. The Presi- Children would like to take this action.
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