English/Romanian Legal Glossary DICTIONAR DE TERMENI JURIDICI English/Romanian Legal Glossary DICTIONAR DE TERMENI JURIDICI Translated from English into Romanian by George Fögy, Esq. Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento 720 9th Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone: (916) 874-6867 Fax: (916) 874-8229 www.saccourt.com 2005 Disclaimer The Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento ("Court"), has prepared this Legal Glossary. The Court cannot guarantee that the translations contained therein are completely accurate, although reasonable attempts were made to achieve this goal. This glossary is to be used for general reference purposes only, should be considered a "work- in-progress," and is not intended to provide legal advice. This glossary is not intended to be used as a study guide for purposes of passing California court interpreter certification examinations, as some terminology might differ when used in specific context. Neither the Administrative Office of the Courts, nor the Superior Court of California, Sacramento County, nor any of its officials or employees assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy of these translations. For more information or comments, please contact Ms. Elaine Flores, Administrative Services Officer II of the Court, at (916) 874-8663 or via e-mail at [email protected]. English/Romanian Legal Glossary DICTIONAR DE TERMENI JURIDICI 1203.03 PC MOTION – Request to cancel, modify, change or terminate probation. MOTIUNEA PC 1203.03 – Cererea de anulare, modificare, schimbare sau incheiere a unei perioade de proba. 1203.4 PC MOTION – Request to take back guilty plea or set aside a guilty verdict, and dismiss the accusations or information. (Made after probation has either terminated or defendant was discharged from probation prior to termination.) MOTIUNEA PC 1203.4 – Cererea de retragere a pledoariei de vinovatie sau ridicarea sentintei de vinovatie si anularea acuzatiilor si a informatiilor. (Facuta, sau dupa terminarea probei, sau cind acuzatul a iesit de sub perioada de proba, inainte de terminarea ei). 170.6 PC MOTION – Request to disqualify the assigned judge from hearing a matter. MOTIUNEA PC 170.6- Cererea de descalificare a unui Judecator de a judeca un caz. 995 PC MOTION – Request made by a defendant to dismiss a count of information. MOTIUNEA PC 995 – Cererea facuta de catre un acuzat de anulare a unei anumite acuzatii. ABANDONMENT – When a parent leaves a child without enough care, supervision, support, or parental contact for an excessive period of time. ABANDON – Lasarea unui copil de catre parinte, fara ingrijire sau supraveghere, fara suport ori contact, pentru o perioada indelungata de timp. ABATE – To put an end to; to cancel out. (----) - A sfirsi ceva; a anula. ABATEMENT OF ACTION – A suit which has been set aside and ended. (----) - Un proces care a fost incheiat. ABDUCTION – The offense of taking away a wife, child, or ward, by deceitful persuasion, force, or violence. RAPIRE – Luarea prin inselaciune , forta sau violenta a unei sotii, copil sau a unui minor care se afla in grija tribunalului si nu a parintilor. ABROGATE – To repeal or cancel an old law using another law or constitutional power. ABROGARE – A retrage sau anula o lege veche prin folosirea unei alte legi sau puteri constitutionale. ABSTRACT – A summary of what a court or government agency does. In Traffic, document that is sent to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to update driving record. (----) - Rezumatul a ceea ce face un tribunal sau o agentie de guvern. In Trafic, un document trimis la DMV pentru a reactualiza datele. ABSTRACT OF JUDGEMENT- Summary of the court's final decision. Can be used as a lien if you file it with the county recorder. (----) - Rezumatul deciziei finale a Tribunalului. Poate fi folosit ca “lien” (vezi lien), daca este inregistrat la arhiva, de County. ABSTRACT OF RECORD - Short form of the case. (----) - Rezumatul sau forma scurta a cazului. ABUSE – (1) immoderate or improper use; (2) to do physical, sexual, or psychological harm to someone. ABUZ – (1) Folosirea improprie sau excesiva; (2) vatamarea fizica, sexuala sau psihica a cuiva. ABUSE OF PROCESS – Misuse of the power of the court. ABUZ DE PROCES – Folosirea abuziva a puterii legislative. ACCESSORY - A person who helps someone else commit a crime, either before or after the crime. COMPLICE- O persoana care participa la comiterea unei ilegalitati, inainte sau dupa comiterea ei. ACCIDENT OR MISFORTUNE – An unintentional event; unforeseen event causing misfortune. ACCIDENT SAU NENOROCIRE – Un eveniment neintentionat; intimplare neprevazuta care cauzeaza o nenorocire. ACCOMPLICE – A person that helps someone else commit a crime. Can be on purpose or not. COMPLICE – O persoana care ajuta la comiterea unei infractiuni; Poate sa fie intentionata sau neintentionata. English/Romanian Legal Glossary 2 ACCORD – A satisfaction agreed upon between the parties in a lawsuit, which prevents further actions after the claim. ACORD – Ajungerea la o intelegere satisfacatoare, intre partile implicate intr-un proces, aceasta prevenind continuarea procesului. ACCORD AND SATISFACTION – Agreement by the parties to settle a claim or dispute in which the parties typically agree to give or accept something. ACORD SI MULTUMIRE – O intelegere intre parti de a incheia un proces sau o disputa, (cearta sau neintelegere), in care , de obicei, partile accepta sa dea sau sa primeasca ceva. ACCRUAL – The total amount of child support payments that are owed or that are late. (----) - Suma totala a pensiei alimentare datorate. ACCUSATION – A formal charge against a person. ACUZATIE – Invinuirea unei persoane. ACCUSED – The person that is charged with a crime and has to go to criminal court. (See DEFENDANT). ACUZATUL – Persoana acuzata de violaea legii si, care trebuie sa se infatiseze la Triunal. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT – Saying, testifying, or assuring that something is true. RECUNAOSTERE – A declara, marturisi sau confirma un adevar. ACKOWLEDGEMENT OF SATISFACTION OF JUDGEMENT – A court form that the person who wins the case must fill out, sign, and file with the court when the judgment is fully paid. If there are no liens, the back of the Notice of Entry of Judgment can be signed and filed with the court (See JUDGMENT CREDITOR, JUDGMENT.) (----) - Un document legal, care trebuie sa fie completat, semnat si inregistrat de Tribunal, cind procesul este finalizat si platit. Daca nu exista nici o datorie, documentul legal poate fi semnat pe verso, (spate), si inregistrat la Tribunal. ACQUIT – To legally find the innocence of a person charged with a crime. To set free, release or discharge from an obligation, burden or accusation. To find a defendant not guilty in a criminal trial. ACHITA – A gasi nevinovat pe cineva care este acuzat de o infractiune. Aelibera , dezvinovati sau scoate de sub acuzatie. A gasi pe un acuzat, nevinovat intr-un proces legal. English/Romanian Legal Glossary 3 ACQUITAL – When a judge or jury finds that the person on trial is not guilty. (----) - Cind un judecator sau grupul de jurati gaseste o persoana, nevinovata, intr-un proces legal., este o. ACTION – In court, when one person sues someone else to, defend or enforce a right, stop something bad from happening or fix something, or punish them for a crime. ACTIUNE – La Tribunal, cind o persoana da in judecata pe cineva, pentru a apara sau intari un drept, a preveni un rau, sau a pedepsi pentru o infractiune. ACTION IN PERSONAM – Proceeding against the person for the recovery of a specific object, usually an item of personal property such as an automobile. PROCES CONTRA PERSOANEI – Procedura impotriva unei persoane de a recupera un anumit obiect, de obicei un bun personal, cum ar fi un automobil. ACTION IN REM – Proceeding "against the thing" as compared to personal actions (in personam). Usually a proceeding where property is involved. PROCES CONTRA UNUI BUN – Proces contra unui “obiect “prin comparatie cu un proces contra persoanei. De obicei, un proces care implica un bun imobiliar, (proprietate). ACTIVE STATUS – A case that is in court but is not settled or decided has active status. (See DISPOSITION, PENDING.) STATUT ACTIV – Un caz neincheiat, in curs de rezolvare. ACTUAL LOSS – This is a showing that the plaintiff or injured party has undergone some loss of property or other thing of value by reason of fraud, forgery, or other illegal action. For the crime of forgery the existence of a specific intent to defraud is an essential element; however, there is no requirement of actual loss to complete the crime. PIERDERE DE FAPT –Aceasta arata ca reclamantul sau partea vatamata, a suferit o pierdere a proprietatii sau a unui obiect de valoare, fie prin inselaciune, uz de fals, sau printr-o alta actiune ilegala. Culpa de plastografie implica existenta unei intentii de frauda, ca element esential; cu toate acestea, savirsirea unei infractiuni nu presupune neaparat o pierdere. AD LITEM - Comes from Latin meaning for the "purposes of the lawsuit." For example, a guardian ad litem is a person appointed by the court to protect the interests of a minor or legally incompetent person in a lawsuit. (----) - Provine din Latina, insemnind “in scopul procesului”. De xeemplu, un tutore ad litem este o persoana desemnata de Tribunal, sa apere interesele unui minor sau o persoana incompetenta legal, intr-un proces. English/Romanian Legal Glossary 4 ADD-ON – Refers to an additional matter that is added to a specific calendar at a time after the initial preparation of the calendar. (----) - Se refera la o problema aditionala care este adaugata la un calendar, dupa pregatirea initiala a calendarului. ADDENDUM – A thing added or to be added. ANEXA – Un lucru adaugat sau care va fi adaugat. ADDICTION – A person who has become emotionally dependent on the use of a drug and the effect is an irresistible need to continue its use and has developed a tolerance to the drug and requires larger stronger doses.
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