THE CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 10,753— THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1955 (Published by Antbeitty) PART V-BOOK LIST, &c. (Separate paging ie given to each Part in ardor that it may he filed tepartUely) Statement of Books Printed in Ceylon and Registered under tbe Printers and Publishers Ordinance (Chapter 137), during the Quarter ended March 31,1954 Contractions : 1 — The Language in which the Booh w written ; 2 = The Name of the Author. Translator, or Editor of the Book or any pat t thereof, 3 = The Subject, 4 = The place of Printing , 5 = The place of Publication ; 6 = The Name or Firm of the Printer , 7 = The Name or Firm of the Publisher, 8 — The Date of Issue from the Press ; 9 = The Number of Pages ; 1 0 = The Size , 11 = The First, Second, or other Number of the E dition, 12 = The Number of Copies of which the Edition consists , 13 = Whether the Booh is Printed or Lithographed ; 14 = The Price at whnch the Booh is sold to the P u blic, IS = T h e Name and Residence of the Proprietor o f the Copyright or of any portion of h e Copyright. Quarter ended March 31,1954. First Quarter, 1954. AGRICULTURE ASTROLOGICAL AND ASTRONOMICAL 59050 The Coconut Industry and Research 58816 Drigganitha Almanac for 1954-55 1 English, 2 The Information Officer, Colombo, 3 The 1 Tamil, 2 S. Subramaniya Iyer, F. R. A. S., 3 Planetary Coconut Industry and Research, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, Positions, 4 Chavakachcheri, 5 Chavakachcheri, 6 6 Government Press, 7 The Government Printer, 8 “ Thillaivasam ’, Madduvil North, Chavakachcheri, 7 15 3.54, 9 4, 10 Crown 4to., 11 1st, 12 2,005, 13 Printed, “ Thillaivasam , Madduvil North, Chavakachcheri, 8 14 For free distribution, 15 Ceylon Government. 181.54, 9 80, 10 D em y 16mo., 11 67th, 12 3,000, 13 Prin­ ted, 14 Re. 1.25, 15 S. Subramaniam Iyer, F. R . A . S. Thillaivasam, Madduvil, Chavakachcheri. 58938 The Preparation of Plantation Rubber in Ceylon 1 English, 2 The Director, Rubber Research Institute 58303 Jayavarasha Vakkiya Panchangam, Tamil of Ceylon, 3 Information on Rubber Planting, 4 Colombo, Almanac, 1954-55 5 Agalawatta, 6 Messrs. H. W. Cave & Co., Ltd., 7 The Rubber Research Institute of C eylon, 8 25.2 54, 9 54, 10 1 Tamil, 2 R. S. Ragunatha Iyer, 3 Astrology Annual, Demy 8vo., 11 Reprint of the revised Edition 1943, 12 4 Kokuvil, 5 Kokuvil, 6 The Sotheda Prakasa Press, 7 2,000, 13 Printed, 14 This inform ation is n ot available, R. S. Ragunatha Iyer, 8 -12.53, 9 112, 10 Demy 8vo., 15 The Director, Rubber Research Institute of Ceylon, 11 1st, 12 55,000, 13 Printed, 14 Re. 1.25, .15 R. S. R agu- Dartonfield, Agalawatta. nathar Iyer, Sothidaparipalanamadam, Kokuvil. 59083 Rubber and Rubber Research in Ceylon BIOGRAPHICAL 1 English, 2 The Information Officer, Colombo, 3 58877 Benjamin Franklin Rubber and Rubber Research in Ceylon, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 Government Press, 7 The Government 1 Sinhalese, 2 Autobiography, 3 Autobiography, 4 Prm ter, 8 15.3.54, 9 4, 10 Crown 4to., 11 1st, 12 2,005, Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 Gunaratne & Co., 7 Gunaratne & 13 Printed, 14 For free distribution, 15 Ceylon Govern­ Co., 8 25 2 54, 9 248, 10 Crown 8vo., 11 1st, 12 2,500, ment. 13 Printed, 14 Re. 1, 15 American Embassy, Galle Road, Colpetty. 58949 Some Diseases of Poultry in Ceylon, Peradeniya Manual No. 9, September, 1953 58358 E. W. Perera, Patriot and Scholar 1 English, 2 The Director of Agriculture, 3 Some 1 English, 2 J. A. Will Perera, 3 Life of E. W. Perera, Diseases of Poultry in Ceylon, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 Free Press Co. of Ceylon, Ltd., 6 Government Press, 7 The Government Printer, 8 7 Free Press Co. of Ceylon, Ltd., 8 28.12.53, 9 54, 10 20 2 54, 9 32, 10 D em y 8vo., 11 1st, 12 3,013, 13 Printed, Demy 6mo., 11 1st, 12 750, 13 Printed, 14 R e. 1.50, 15 14 Re. 1, 15 Ceylon Government. Free Press Co. of Ceylon Ltd., 9, Hunupitiya Lake Road, Colom bo. 59051 Tea Research in Ceylon 58438 George Washington Carver 1 English, 2 The Information Officer, Colombo, 3 Tea 1 Sinhalese, 2 Shirley Greham and George D. Lips­ Research m Ceylon, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 Govern­ comb, 3 Autobiography, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 Guna­ ment Press, 7 The Government Printer, 8 15.3 54, 9 4, ratne & Co., 7 Gunaratne & Co., 8 15.1.54, 9 97, 10 Crown 10 Crow n 4to., 11 1st, 12 2,005, 13 Printed, 14 F or free 8vo , 11 1st, 12 2,500, 13 Printed,’ 14 Re. 1, 15 American .distribution, 15 Ceylon Government, Embassy Galle Road, Colombo, 1— — J. S, B 41894-270 tt/6B) HI 2 P art V — CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE — Ja n . 13, 1955 58979 Jathiya Piya (The Father of the Nation) 58935 Ananda Geetha 1 Sinhalese, 2 L. D. A. Ratnayake, 3 Biography of 1 Sinhalese, 2 Sugunapala Samarasekera, 3 Sinhalese Rt. Hon. D. S. Senanayake, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 School Book for Third Standard, 4 Matara, 5 Matara, Lawco Press, 7 Ananda J. Ratnayake, 8 24.2 54, 9 122, 6 Carlton Press, 7 P. Samarasekara, 8 2 3.54, 9 22, 10 10 Dem y 4to., 11 2nd, 12 1,000 13 Printed, 14 Rs. 3, 15 Crown 8vo, 11 4th, 12 3,000, 13 Printed, 14 45 cents, L. D. A. Ratnayake, 4 Floors Lane, Maradana. 15 Sugunapala Samarasekara, Kalidasa Road, Matara. 59124 Leon Trotsky,. 1905—Before and After 58266 Ananda Geetha 1 English, 2 Leon Trotsky, 3 History, 4 Colombo, 5 1 Sinhalese, 2 Sugunapala Samarasekara, 3 Sinha­ Colombo, 6 Star Press, 7 Lanka Samasajs Publications, lese School Book for Fourth Standard, 4 Matara, 5 8 -13 54, 9 34, 10 Demy 8vo., 11 1st, 12 1,000, 13 Printed, Matara, 6 Carlton Press, 7 ------ , P Samarasekara, 8 14 Re. 1, 1 5 ------ 18.12 53, 9 37, 10 C row n 8 v o , 11 1st, 12 3,000, 13 Printed, 14 50 cents, 15 Sugunapala Samarasekara, Kalidasa Road, Matara. 59150 The Life of Muhammad 1 English, 2 Dr. S. M. Yusuf, 3 Biography, 4 Kandy, 5 Kandy, 6 Kandy Printers Ltd., 7 ----- , 8 6.2.54, 9 33, 58823 Ape Parani Veerayo 10 8vo., 11 1st, 12 1,000, 13 Printed, 14 Re. 1, 15 Dr. S. M. Yusuf, Department of Arabic University of 1 Sinhalese, 2 Pimure Gunarathne Thero, 3 School Reader for Std IV, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 M. D Guna— Ceylon, Peradeniya (Ceylon). sena & Co., Ltd., 7 M. D. Gunasena & Co., Ltd, 8 -1.54, 9 94, 10 Crown 8 v o , 11 ------ , 12 2,000, 13 Printed, 14 58830 Pasal Jeevithaya Re. 1.50, 15 M. D. Gunasena & Co., Ltd., Norris Road, Colombo. 1 Sinhalese, 2 R. M. H de Silva, 3 Life Story, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 M D. Gunasena & Co., Ltd., 7 M. D. Gunasena & Co., Ltd., 8 -12.53, 8 128, 10 Crown 58898 Athara latkanitam 8vo., 11 1st, 12 2,000, 13 Printed, 14 Re. 1.50, 15 M. D. Gunasena & Co., Norris Road, Colombo. 1 Tamil, 2 A. Somasundaram, 3 Algebra, 4 Jaffna, 5 Jaffna, 6 Sri Parwathi Press, 7 A Somasundaram, 8 -.2.54, 9 200, 10 C row n 8vo., 11 1st, 12 2,000, 13 Printed, 58401 A Short Life Sketch of Prophet Mohamed 14 Rs. 3, 15 A. Somasundaram, 5, Kovilady, Ariyalai, Jaffna. 1 Tamil, 2 M Mohamed Hussam Alim, 3 Life of Pro­ phet Mohamed, 4 Jaffna, 5 Jaffna, 6 Sri Taiyalnayaki 58634 Avichara Samaya Press, 7 M. Mohamed Hussam Alim, 8 10.1 54, 9 48, 10 Demy 8vo., 11 3rd, 12 2,000, 13 Printed, 14 55 cents, 15 1 Sinhalese, 2 W. A. Silva, 3 Tex Book, 4 Colombo, M. Mohamed Hussain Alim, 39, Black Smith Lane, 5 Colombo, 6 Ratnakara Press, 7 Ratnakara Book Muslim Ward, Jaffna. Depot, 8 -.1.54, 9 116, 10 Crow n 8vo., 11 13th, 12 5,000, 13 Printed, 14 Rs. 2, 15 G. P. D. Gabriel, “ Sam an- p a y a ” , W ellam pitiya. EDUCATIONAL 58674 Abhinawa Ingirisi Guruwaraya, Part I 58277 Balansa Prithi Poth (Reader), Lower Kindergarten 1 English and Sinhalese, 2 W. A D. S. Karunaratne, 1 Smhalese, 2 Doreen Wickremasmghe, 3 Sinha­ 3 English taught through the medium of Sinhalese to lese Reader for Lower Kindergarten, 4 Colombo, 5 beginners, 4 Colombo 2, 5 Colombo 2, 6 Karunaratne & Colombo, 6 C. W. E. Printing Department, 7 Doreen Co., 7 Karunaratne & C o , 8 -1 54, 9 166, 10 5£" X 8J” , W ickremesmghe, 8 22.12 53, 9 28, 10 Demy 4 to , 11 1st, 11 20th, 12 5,000, 13 Printed, 14 Rs. 3.50, 15 W A . D S 12 7,000, 13 Printed, 14 Re. 125, 15 Doreen W ickrem a­ Karunaratne, 36, Galle Road, Bambalapitiya, Colombo smghe, 31, Charles Place, Colombo 2 58532 Aids to the Study of a Tale of two Cities 58279 Balansa Prithi Poth (Work Book), Lower Kindergarten 1 English, 2 R. A. Kriekenbeek, 3 English Language, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 The AssociatedNewspapers of 1 Sinhalese, 2 Doreen Wickremasmghe, 3 Sinha­ Ceylon, Ltd., 7 The Publishing Department, The Asso­ lese Work Book for Lower Kindergarten, 4 Colombo, ciated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd., Lake House, 8 -1 54, 5 Colombo, 6 C. W. E Printing Department, 7 9 144, 10 Dem y 8vo., 11 1st, 12 5,000, 13 Printed, 14 Doreen Wickremasmghe, 8 22.12.53, 9 24, 10 Demy 4to, Rs.
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