Shri Shivaji Arts, Commerce and Science College, Akot Department : History 1. Faculties: Faculty profile Name of the Faculty Designation 1) Dr. Prashant Kothe, Associate Professor and Head M.A. History, M.Phil, Ph.D 2) Sachin Kothekar, Assistant Professor M.A. History, NET, SET 3) Ashok Ghongade CHB 4) Dr.Nitin Saraf CHB 5) Ku.Geeta M. Chavhan CHB 2. Programme and its outcomes Programmes offered Programme UG and PG B.A. , M.A. Research Ph.D. Modi Lipi S.D.P. Tourist Guide Programme outcomes 1) Useful for students in competitive exams 2) Use for creating social harmony 3) Useful for past mistakes not to happen in the present 4) Useful for identifying our culture 5) Spiritual Solutions 6) Creating brotherhood. 7) Result 3. Awards and Achievements: Students Year Name of the Student Awards/Achievement Fourth merit Sant Gadge Baba Amravati 2015-16 Ku. Priti Gahale University for examination summer 2016. Second merit M.A. History SGB Amravati university,Amravati Summer 2017-2018 Ku.Prachi Ganorkar 2018 Third Merit, M.A. History SGB Amravati university,Amravati Summer 2017-2018 Devanand Bhatkar 2018 Ninth Merit, SGB Amravati University, Amravati Summer 2017-18 Pankaj Gavhale 2018 Tenth Merit, SGB Amravati University, 2017-18 Umesh Date Amravati Summer 2018 Faculty Year Name of the Faculty Awards/Achievements Key note speaker of the First technical session 2014-15 Dr. P.P.Kothe of the National Conference on dated 9 January 2015 at Vidharbha Mahavidyalay, Amaravati. Speaker of the ‘R.T.M.Nagpur S,G.B Amaravti & Gonvana Gagdchiroli Uni. Itihas Parishad 50th’ , 2015-16 Dr. P.P.Kothe Second technical session of the State level Conference on dated 4 Feb. 2016 at Bhartiya Mahavidyalay, Morshi. Chairperson of the National Conference on dated 27th & 28th Nov. 2015 Shankar Narayan 2015-16 Dr. P.P.Kothe Arts & Commerce College, Bhaindar, Dist. Thane- Mumbai. Chairperson of the National Conference on dated 2oth & 21th Jan. 2017 Babuji Avhad 2016-17 Dr. P.P.Kothe Mahavidyalaya, Pathardi. Dist. Ahamadnagar Speaker of the Second technical session of the State level Conference on dated 27th January 2016-17 Dr. P.P.Kothe 2017 at Vidya Pratishthan’s Arts, Science and Commerce College, Baramati Dist- Pune. Speaker of the ‘Rastrasant Tukdoji Maharaj 2017-18 Dr. P.P.Kothe Nagpur, Sant Gadage Baba Amravati & Gondvana Gadchiroli University Itihas Parishad 50th’, First technical session of the State level Conference on dated 10th Feb.2018 at Shri Shivaji Arts and Commerce College, Amravati Dr.P.P.Kothe H.O.D. of the department has guided to the student which appeared for SET Exam. Named - Mr. Ashok H. Ghogade He 2017-18 Dr. P.P.Kothe successfully passed the SET Examination on 2017 Dr.P.P.Kothe H.O.D. of the department has guided to the student which appeared for SET 2017-18 Dr. P.P.Kothe Exam. Named - Mr. Gopal Rathod He successfully passed the SET Examination on 2017 4. Research Papers published in journals: Departm Year of ISSN/ Name of the ent Title of Paper Name of Journal publicat ISBN author/s Of the ion number teacher flaU/kq laLd`rh e/khy ( An International Dr. P.P.Kothe Refereed & Indexed ISSN yksdkapk vaR; fo/kh July / History Journal in Arts, 2277- laLdkj 2012 ; S.P.Kothekar Commerce & Education 8071) P.NO.79-81 Vol, Issue II, ^^ ukxiwjdj Indian Streams HkkslY;kaph Research Journal (International ISSN- jk{klHkqouP;k April Dr. P.P.Kothe History Recognition Multi – 2230- y<kbZr egRokph 2014 Hkqehdk ^^ Disciplinary research 7850 Journal) Vol-IV, Issue P.NO.1-3 III, , SHODHANKAN’ Quarterly 2 Jan. ISSN- ^^jkt’khZ “kkgw yksd International Multi – dY;k.kdkjh jktk** Dr. P.P.Kothe History to Apr. 2250- Disciplinary Referred P.NO.18-22 2014 0383 & Reviewed research Journal)Vol-3Issue- Golden Research ^^ukxiwjdj Thoughts HkkslY;kaP;k (International ISSN- dkGkrhy April Dr. P.P.Kothe History Recognition Multi – 2231- oÚgkMkrhy /keZ 2014 Disciplinary research 5063 lfg’.kwrk** P.NO.5-7 Journal) Vol III Issue- X, , ^^ukuk lkgsc Golden Research ISSN- Dec. is”kO;kP;k pqdhP;k Dr. P.P.Kothe History Thoughts 2231- 2014, /kksj.kkus ejkBk (International 5063 vkjekjkpk uk”k Recognition Multi – dsyk** P.NO.1- Disciplinary research 3(Onlin) (Onlin) Journal) Vol IV Issue- VI, Streams Research Journal ^^jk’Vª lar vkf.k (International ISSN- 1942 ph fonHkkZrhy Dec.201 Dr. P.P.Kothe History Recognition Multi – 2230- 4 Lokra™; pGoG** Disciplinary research 7850 P.NO.1-3 Journal) Vol-IV, Issue XI, , lar rqdkjke Golden Research Thoughts egkjkto f”kokth (International ISSN- egkjkt ;kaP;k Feb. Dr. P.P.Kothe History Recognition Multi – 2231- fopkjkrhy oSpkjhd 2015 lkE; Disciplinary research 5063 Journal) Vol IV Issue- P.NO.1-4 (Onlin) VIII, izkFkfed f”k{k.k eksQr o lDrhps HISTORICITY , ISSN- vlk dk;nk dj.kkjs Sep. Dr. P.P.Kothe History International research 2393- 2016 MkW- iatkcjko Journal Vol. 3, Issue-1. 8900 ns”keq[k P.NO.34-36 eq/kksth Hkkslyspk uol o nqYgk jgeu HISTORICITY , ISSN- xk>hpk edcjk Sap. Dr. P.P.Kothe History International research 2393- 2017 P.NO.17-19 Journal Vol. 4, Issue-1. 8900 AJANTA Peer Reviewed Referrd and UGC Listed Journal July- ISSN- jkt’khZ “kkgw egkjkt (Journal No. 40776) An o tkrhizFkk fueqZyu Dr. P.P.Kothe History Sep. 2277- International Multi – 2018 5730 Disciplinary Quarterly research Journal Vol. VII, Issue-III. tSu /kehZ; jktk bZy o f’kjiwj] HISTORICITY , ISSN- Sap. Dr. P.P.Kothe History International research 2393- eqDrkfxjh ,d 2018 vH;kl P.NO.31- Journal Vol. 5, Issue-1. 8900 35 fonHkkZr ;knokapk HISTORICITY , ISSN- lŸkspk folrkj o Oct. Dr. P.P.Kothe History International research 2393- mRd"kZ ,d n`”Vh{ksi 2018 P.NO.28-31 Journal Vol. 5, Issue-2. 8900 1. “Bhartiy swatanra 2. International Refereed & 3. ISSN 2277- April ladhyat Ani Bezant cheS.P. Kothekar History Indexed Journal in Arts, 8071 2015 aarthik yogadan” Commerce & Education Mahatma Gandhi: An International ISSN S.P. Kothekar History Jan 2015 “SwadeshiVicharanc Refereed & Indexed 2277- heVishleshan” Journal in Arts, 8071, Commerce & Education Page No.79- 81 4. April “asprushyanche International ISSN 2018 kaiwari – S.P. Kothekar History Multilingual Research 2394- Special Bharatratna Dr. Journal 5303 Bhimrao Issue Ambedkar” 5. “Maharastratil jal samasya: karane aani Aakansha , international Dec ISSN:22 S.P. Kothekar History upay” journal , 2016 78-9308 Books published: Year Publisher & Name of Title of the book ISSN / the Author ISBN No. vpyiwjpk bfrgkl b-l- Dr. 2014 ISBN – 978-93- 1764&1853 P.P.Kothe 80986-49-4 ¼o&gkMkrhy yksdthoukps ,d n”kZu½ oÚgkMkrhy ukxiwjdj Dr. 2017-18 ISBN – 978-93- HkkslY;kaph dkexhjh P.P.Kothe 86623-26-3 lsukirh ckiV% Dr. 2017-18 ISBN – 978-93- dzkrhdkjd rs xka/khoknh P.P.Kothe 86623-54-7 Paper Presented Conference by Faculties Internati Details of Year of ISSN/ Name of the onal/ Title of Paper Conference publicati ISBN author/s National/ Publication on number State b-l-1803 rs 1853 ;k vf[ky egkjk’Vª Dr. P.P.Kothe State dkGkrhy o&gkMkrhy bfrgkl ifj’kn Level ISSN tursph fLFkrh Conf. 2231-4342 P.NO.193-198 Ukxiwjdj HkkslY;kaph Dr. P.P.Kothe State uckc lykxr[kku Level iUghP;k lqHksnkjhr Conf. Hkqehdk o R;kaps vf[ky egkjk’Vª ISSN- - ftOgkG;kps laca/k bfrgkl ifj’kn 2231-4342 1775&1795 i`- dz- 152&161 nqljs baxzt&ejkBk ;q/n Dr. P.P.Kothe State o vMxkoph y<kbZ „‹ vf[ky egkjk’Vª Level ISSN- - uksOgcj ƒŠŒ… bfrgkl ifj’kn Conf. 2231-4342 P.NO.174-180 vk/kqfud HkkjrkP;k Vidya Bharati Dr. P.P.Kothe bfrgklkr Jherh banhjk Mahavidyalay State . ISBN 978- xka/kh ;kaps ;ksxnku Amaravati Level 12/10/20 93-5087- National Level Conf 12 616-9) P.NO.107-108 Conferences iUgh esgnoh Dr. P.P.Kothe ISBN - uo State uckcdkyhu f Md “kks/k 978-93- fuca/k Level . fganw&eqfLye lac/k 80986- Conf P.NO.1-7 41- fuoMd “kks/k Dr. P.P.Kothe ISBN 978- nsofxjhP;k ;knokaph fuca/k [kaM ckjkok State oRlykckbZ ukbZd 93- fonHkkZrhy lŸkk Level . egk- iqln ft- 80986- P.NO.37-42 Conf 51-7 okf”ke iapk;r jkt vkk.h 73 Khandelwal Dr. P.P.Kothe (ISBN- National Mahavidyalay 978-81- oh ,sfrgk”khd ?kVuk Level . nq#Lrh Akola National 929160- P.NO.173-174 Conf Level Conferences 3-3 ) Karmavir Dr. P.P.Kothe Dadasahed State ISBN- 978- Hkkslys ?kjk.;krhy Devatale 11th -12th x`gdygkr vkdksVpk laca/k Level 93-82962- Mahavidylaya Feb.2015. 62-5 Chamorshi , Conf Dist.Chandrapur jk’Vªlarkaps “kS{kf.kd Anaay Dr. P.P.Kothe ISBN- 9 fopkjoar Mahavidyalay National Yewatmal Level National Level Conf. Conferences eqDrhxhjh ,d tSu/kehZ; VidhyPratisthan – Dr. P.P.Kothe ISBN-978- Bhdk.k o i;ZVuLFkG Arts, Sci. & State 93-24457- i`-dz-48&51 Comm. College, Level 17-9 Baramati Dist. - Conf. Pune xkfoyxMpk fdYyk o Taywade Dr. P.P.Kothe ISBN-978- fdYysnkj >keflax Mahavidyalay, State 93-82962- ;kaP;k ?kjk.;kph Koradi Dist. Level 91-5 dkexhjh i`- dz- 40&46 Nagpur Conf. Hkkjrh; bfrgklkrhy Vidharbha Dr. P.P.Kothe National ISBN-978- uos n`”Vhdksu o Mahavidyalay, Level 93-83810- oÚgkMkrhy i;ZVu i`- Amaravati Conf. 96-3 dz- N=irh “kkgw egkjktkaps Shri Shivaji Arts & Dr. P.P.Kothe State ISBN-978- Comm. College, Level 93-87558- L=h f”k{k.k fo’k;d dk;Z Amravati Conf. 08-3 RSTU Nagpur & S.P. Kothekar lezkV v”kksdP;k /kEefurhpk SGBAU Amravati ISBN978- varxZr furhoj iMysyk izHkko 2013- & Gondwana 92-80986- PP 145-149 Gadchilori Itihas 2014 41-8 parishad on contribution of S.P.
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