United States Department of Agriculture Plant Inventory Agricultural Research Service No. 207 Plant Materials Introduced in 1998 (Nos. 601817 - 606707) Foreword Plant Inventory No. 207 is the official listing of plant materials accepted into the U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (NPGS) between January 1 and December 31, 1998 and includes PI 601817 to PI 606707. The NPGS is managed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Research Service (ARS). The information on each accession is essentially the information provided with the plant material when it was obtained by the NPGS. The information on an accession in the NPGS database may change as additional knowledge is obtained. The Germplasm Resources Information Network (http://www.ars-grin.gov/npgs/index.html) is the database for the NPGS and should be consulted for the current accession and evaluation information and to request germplasm. While the USDA/ARS attempts to maintain accurate information on all NPGS accessions, it is not responsible for the quality of the information it has been provided. For questions about this volume, contact the USDA/ARS/National Germplasm Resources Laboratory/Database Management Unit: [email protected] The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in its programs on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, political beliefs and marital or familial status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact the USDA Office of Communications at (202) 720-2791. To file a complaint, write the Secretary of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC 20250, or call (202) 720-7327 (voice) or (202) 720-1127 (TDD). USDA is an equal employment opportunity employer. The following were developed by Marie Langham, South Dakota State University, Department of Plant Science, 219 Agr. Hall, Box 2207-A, Brookings, South Dakota 57007, United States; Jimmie H. Hatchett, USDA-ARS, Dept of Entomology, Waters Hall, Manhattan, Kansas 66506-4004, United States; Scott D. Haley, South Dakota State University, Plant Science Department, Box 2140-C, Brookings, South Dakota 57007, United States; Jeffrey L. Gellner, South Dakota State University, Plant Science Department, Box 2109, Brookings, South Dakota 57007, United States; Don V. McVey, USDA, ARS, University of Minnesota, Cereal Rust Laboratory, St. Paul, Minnesota 55105, United States; O.K. Chung, USDA-ARS, U.S. Grain Marketing Research Lab., Hard Winter Wheat Quality Lab., Manhattan, Kansas 66506, United States; Yue Jin, South Dakota State University, Plant Science Department, Plant Science Building - P.O. Box 2108, Brookings, South Dakota 57007, United States; C. Stymiest, South Dakota State University, Plant Science Dept., Brookings, South Dakota 57007, United States; J. Rickertsen, South Dakota State University, Plant Science Dept., Brookings, South Dakota 57007, United States; B.E. Ruden, South Dakota State University, Plant Science Dept., Brookings, South Dakota 57007, United States; S. Kalsbeck, South Dakota State University, Plant Science Department, Brookings, South Dakota 57007, United States; B.W. Seabourn, USDA, ARS, Grain Marketing and Production Research Center, Hard Winter Wheat Quality Lab., Manhattan, Kansas 66506, United States. Received 12/19/1997. PI 601817. Triticum aestivum L. subsp. aestivum Cultivar. Pureline. "TANDEM"; SD89119. CV-862; PVP 9800369. Pedigree - Brule/Agate. Released 1997. Awned, white-glumed, medium height and maturity, hard red winter with good winterhardiness. Moderately resistant to stem rust. Susceptible to leaf rust, tan spot, septoria leaf blotch, and wheat streak mosaic virus. Heterogeneous for resistance to the Great Plains Biotype of Hessian fly. Coleoptile length very long and straw strength medium. End-use quality characteristics include very high test weight, very large kernels with high kernel weight, very low flour ash, excellent flour extraction, high flour protein content, high water absorption with average mixing time, good mixing tolerance, and good loaf volume. PI 601818. Triticum aestivum L. subsp. aestivum Cultivar. Pureline. "CRIMSON"; SD89153. CV-863; PVP 9800368. Pedigree - TAM-105/Winoka. Released 1997. Awned, red-glumed, medium-late maturity, medium-tall, hard red winter with good winterhardiness. Moderately resistant to stem rust, tan spot, septoria leaf blotch, and wheat streak mosaic virus. Susceptible to leaf rust and the Great Plains biotype of Hessian fly. Coleoptile length very long and straw strength good. End-use quality characteristics include very high test weight, medium-sized kernels with average kernel weight, average flour ash and flour extraction, high kernel hardness, high flour protein content, high water absorption with average mixing time, average mixing olerance, and good loaf volume. The following were developed by Charles E. Simpson, Texas A&M University, P. O. Box 292, Stephenville, Texas 76401, United States; Olin D. Smith, Texas A&M University, Department of Soil & Crop Sciences, College Station, Texas 77843-2474, United States; B.A. Besler, Texas A&M University, Agricultural 1 Research Sta., Yoakum, Texas 77995, United States; M.C. Black, Texas A&M University, Agricultural Res. and Ext. Ctr., Uvalde, Texas 78802-1849, United States. Received 12/22/1997. PI 601819. Arachis hypogaea L. Cultivar. Pureline. "TAMRUN 96"; Tx 896100. CV-59; PVP 9800338. Pedigree - Langley/Tx833841. Runner-type with partial resistance to tomato spotted wilt virus, southern stem rot (Sclerotium rolfsii) and pod rot (Pythium myriotylum). Prostrate growth similar to Florunner but lateral branch terminals more lifted and main stem less prominent. Flowers seldom on main stem, fruiting irregular on alternate nodes, sometimes near sequential. Pods mostly two-seeded with moderate constriction, slight beaks, and moderate reticulation. Tan testae. Pod and seed length and width 3-4% larger and 100-seed weight 5% heavier than Florunner. The following were developed by Lynn M. Gourley, Mississippi State University, Box 9555, Mississippi State, Mississippi 39762, United States. Received 12/17/1997. PI 601820. Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench subsp. bicolor Breeding. Pureline. MP 248; (TX623*IS7173C)-3-2-3-2-1. Pedigree - (TX623*IS 7173C)-3-2-3-2-1. Inbred 1 of 11 (Group 7) with acid soil tolerance. Grain sorghum maintainer or B-line. Plant color purple, grain with a white epicarp and absence of a testa, semi-open panicle, exsertion of about 8 cm. Seed weight of 1.66 gm 100 seed-1. In June plantings at Plainview, TX and Starkville, MS, days to 50% anthesis were 67 and 58, and plant height was 107 and 137 cm, respectively. PI 601821. Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench subsp. bicolor Breeding. Pureline. MP 249; (TX623*IS7173C)-12-2-1-1-1. Pedigree - (TX623*IS 7173C)-12-2-1-1-1. Inbred 2 of 11 (Group 7) with acid-soil tolerance. Grain sorghum maintainer or B-line. Plant color purple, grain with a white epicarp and absence of a testa, semi-open panicle, exsertion of about 5 cm. Seed weight of 2.14 gm. In June plantings at Plainview, TX and Starkville, MS, days to 50% anthesis were 71 and 63, and plant height was 101 and 158 cm, respectively. PI 601822. Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench subsp. bicolor Breeding. Pureline. MP 250; (TX623*IS7173C)-12-2-1-2-1. Pedigree - (TX623*IS 7173C)-12-2-1-2-1. Inbred 3 of 11 (Group 7) with acid-soil tolerance. Grain sorghum maintainer or B-line. Plant color purple, grain with a white epicarp and absence of a testa, semi-open panicle, exsertion of about 10 cm. Seed weight of 1.97 gm 100 seed-1. In June plantings at Plainview, TX and Starkville, MS, days to 50% anthesis were 70 and 62 and plant height was 116 and 158 cm, respectively. PI 601823. Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench subsp. bicolor Breeding. Pureline. MP 251; (TX623*IS7173C)-12-2-3-2-1. Pedigree - (TX623*IS 7173C)-12-2-3-2-1. Inbred 4 of 11 (Group 7) with acid-soil tolerance. Grain sorghum maintainer or B-line. Plant color purple, grain with a white epicarp and absence of a testa, semi-open panicle, exsertion of about 8 cm. Seed weight of 2.00 cm 100 seed-1. In June plantings at Plainview, TX and Starkville, MS, days to 50% anthesis were 70 and 61 and plant height was 104 and 107 cm, respectively. 2 PI 601824. Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench subsp. bicolor Breeding. Pureline. MP 252; (TX623*IS7173C)-58-1-3-1-1. Pedigree - (TX623*IS 7173C)-58-1-3-1-1. Inbred 5 of 11 (Group 7) with acid-soil tolerance. Grain sorghum maintainer or B-line. Plant color purple, grain with a white epicarp and absence of a testa, semi-open panicle, exsertion of about 8 cm. Seed weight of 1.98 cm 100 seed-1. In June plantings in Plainview, TX and Starkville, MS, days to 50% anthesis were 61 and 57 and plant height was 107 and 116 cm, respectively. PI 601825. Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench subsp. bicolor Breeding. Pureline. MP 253; (IS7173C*TX623)-7-1-1-1-1. Pedigree - (IS 7173C*TX623)-7-1-1-1-1. Inbred 6 of 11 (Group 7) with acid-soil tolerance. Grain sorghum maintainer or B-line. Plant color purple, grain with a white epicarp and absence of a testa, semi-compact panicle, exsertion of about 10 cm. Seed weight of 2.31 gm 100 seed-1. In June plantings at Plainview, TX and Starkville, MS, days to 50% anthesis were 63 and 63 and plant height was 110 and 174 cm, respectively. PI 601826. Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench subsp. bicolor Breeding. Pureline. MP 254; (IS7173C*TX623)-7-1-1-2-1. Pedigree - (IS 7173C*TX623)-7-1-1-2-1. Inbred 7 of 11 (Group 7) with acid-soil tolerance. Grain sorghum maintainer or B-line. Plant color purple, grain with a white epicarp and absence of a testa, semi-compact panicle, exsertion of about 5 cm.
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