62^2 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 24, 1891, side thereof, and 30 yards, or thereabouts, the south side thereof, and 43 yards, or on the east side thereof, in substitution for thereabouts, on the north side thereof, in . the existing level crossings for foot pas- substitution for the existing level crossing sengers over the said railways, at that for foot passengers at High-street and the station, and to appropriate and use for the footbridge thereat: purposes of such subway and approaches To make a new road in the township and the disused waggon way now passing under parish of Monk Fryston, and township of the said railways: Huddleston-cum-Lumby, and parish of To make a new road in the toyvnsliip and Sherburn, commencing by a junction with parish of Stockton-on-Tees, commencing the road leading from Lumby to Monk by a junction with the road from Durham Fryston, at a point thereon about 35 yards to Stockton, at a point thereon about 33 east of the bridge carrying the said road yards north of the Lustring Beck, and ex- over the Company's York and Normanton tending for a distance of about 80 yards in a Railway, and terminating by a junction north-easterly direction, and to divert the with the road known as Lumby:lane or footpath leading from Ragworth Farm to Ingthorne's-lane, at a point about 60 yards Stockton from a point thereon about 350 east of the level crossing by which the yards north-wesb of Lustring Beck, to a said lane crosses the said York -and Nor- junction with the said new road at or near manton Railway, and to stop up so much the termination thereof, and to stop up so of the said Lumby-lane or Ingthorne's- much of the said footpath and of the occu- lane as is situate between the termination pation road leading from the said Ragworth of the said new road and a point about Farm to Stockton as is situate between the 25 yards west of the said level crossing, said point about'350 yards north-west of including such level crossing. Lustring Beck and the east side of the Company's Stockton and Hartlepool Rail- To. authorise the Company to purchase and way, including the Primrose Hill level take by compulsion or agreement lands (in crossing: which term as used in this Notice houses and To make a new road in the township and buildings are included), or any estates or parish of Billingham, commencing by a interest in or easements over lands situate in junction with Billingham-lane at a point the before-mentioned parishes, townships, extra- thereon about 290 yards, measured along parochial, and other places for the purposes of tho same in a south-westerly direction from the proposed railways and widenings, dock, and the north end of the salt works of the Tees other works hereinbefore mentioned, and also to Salt Company Limited, and terminating at purchase and take by compulsion or agreement or hear the north side of Billingham Beck for the general purposes of their undertaking, at a point about 570 yards, measured along and to hold and retain as part of their under- such Beck in a westerly direction, from its taking for the same purposes the lands follow- confluence with the River Tees: ing, or some of them, or any estates or interests To make a footpath in the township and in the same (that is to say) :— parish of Billingham, commencing by a In the county of Northumberland. junction with the road between the Tees Certain lands in the township of Ord, and Ferry and Port Clarence Station, at or near parish of Tweedmouth, situate on the south the entrance to such station, and termi- side of and adjoining the Company's Kelso nating by a junction with the Port Clarence Branch near the Bone Mill at East Ord : and Haverton Hill-road, at a point about 30 Certain lands in the township of Cowpen, and yards east of the eastern end of the cottages parish of Woodhorn, situate on both sides belonging to Bell Brothers Limited, and to of and adjoining the Company's Railway at carry the same under the Port Clarence Blyth Station. Railway by means of a subway: In the city and county of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. To extinguish all rights of way (if any) along Certain lands in the township of All Saints, or across aud on the level of the said Port and parish of Saint Nicholas, and parish or • Clarence Railway between Haverton Hill parochial chapelry of All Saints, or one of Station and the terminus of the said branch, them, situate on the north side of and adjoining the works of Bell Brothers adjoining the Company's property at and Limited, at Port Clarence. near the junction of Union-street and In the West Riding of the county of York. Register-street: To make in the township and parish of Castle- Certain lands in the township of All Saints, ford a bridge under the Company's York and parish of Saint Nicholas, and parish or and Normanton Railway, with road parochial chapelry of All Saints, or one of approaches thereto, commencing in Cam- them, situate on the east side of Picton-ter- bridge-street, at a distance of about 120 race at and near its junction with Vincent- yards east of the junction of that street street : v with Beancroft-road, and terminating at or In the county of Durham. near the junction between Carlton-street Certain lands in the township of Westoe, arid • and Station-road, and also a subway for parish of Jarrow, situated at or near the foot passengers with approaches thereto entrance to the Company's Tyne Book, and extending for a distance of 30 yards, or on both sides of and adjoining the public thereabouts, on the north, and 80 yards, or road from Jarrow to South Shields : . thereabouts, on the south side of the said Certain lands in the township of Greencroft, railway in substitution for the existing and parish of Lanchester, situated on the level crossing and footbridge at Welbeck- north side of and adjoining the Company's street: Pontop and South Shields Railway, and To make in the township and parish of Castle- west of and adjoining the road from Ann- ford a subway for foot passengers under field Plain to Lanchester: the Company's York and Normanton Rail- In the North "Riding of the county of York. way, with approaches thereto, extending for Certain lands in the township and parish of a distance of 38 yards, or thereabouts, on Kirkleatham, situate on both sides of and.
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