ISSN 0739-4934 NEWSLETTER I IISTORY OF SCIENCE SUPPLEMENTVOLUM-E18 NU-MBER-41989 .__L,___SOCIETY - WELCOME TO GAINESVILLE HSS EXECUTIVE BY FREDERICK GREGORY COMMITTEE "A SOPI-llSTICATED SLICE of small-town south": so wrote Jonathan Lerner PRESIDENT about Gainesville for Washington Post readers this past spring. Like the majority MARY JO NYE, University of Oklahoma of visitors to Gainesville, Lerner was impressed with the topography of the city, VICE-PRESIDENT which forms a hammock-a dry area, relatively higher than its surroundings, STEPHEN G. BRUSH, University of Maryland that can support hardwood trees. Residents of Gainesville are enormously proud of the extensive canopy that covers 46 percent of their town, the highest per­ EXECUTIVE SECRETARY MICHAEL M. SOKAL, Worcester centage of any Florida city. In addition to the majestic live oaks, the southern Polytechnic Institute pine, and a variety of palm trees, dogwoods and magnolias are also plentiful. TREASURER Unfortunately the HSS Annual Meeting is held at a time of year that misses the MARY LOUISE GLEASON, New York City blossoms of our giant azaleas, some older ones of which are as high as roof tops. EDITOR f obvious interest to historians of science is nearby Paynes Prairie, an 18,000- RONALD L. NUMBERS, University of acre wildlife preserve whose zoological and botanical life was described in vivid Wisconsin-Madison detail by William Bartram after his travels through the region in 1774. Meeting sessions will be held on the campus of the University of Florida, which, at least in this part of the country, is never to be mixed up with Florida State University in Tallahassee. UF is Florida's oldest university, tracing its be­ The Newsletter of the History of Science ginnings to the state-funded East Florida Seminary, which moved to Gainesville Society is published in January, April, July, and after the Civil War. Approximately 34,000 students are on the campus this fall, October. Regular issues are sent to those indi­ pursuing degrees in one of the university's 137 academic departments. I hope vidual members of the Society residing in Nonh America. Airmail copies are sent to those you will have a chance to enjoy our lovely campus and, should you have the op­ members overseas who pay $5 yearly to cover portunity, to visit a few of the delightful natural settings in and around our "city postal costs. The Newsletter is available to non­ in a forest!' members and institutions for $20 a year. The Newsletter is overseen by a Steering Committee consisting of the President, the Executive Secretary, and the Editor of the His­ tory of Science Society. It is edited by the Execu­ tive Secretary, Dr. Michael Sokal, and is produced at the Society's Publications Office under the supervision of Dr. Frances Kohler. Send news items to Newsletter, History of Science Society, c/o Michael Sokal, 35 Dean Street, Worcester, MA 01609. The deadline for receipt of news is the tenth of the month prior to publication; for articles and other long copy; the first of the month. CONTENTS Books Received by Isis 2 Annual Meeting Program 3 J. Wayne Reitz Union. Photo by Herb Press, Registration & Reservation Forms 9 courtesy University of Florida Information 'leaching Guide insert Services. page2 History of Science Society Newsletter 1983. xv + 678 pp., illus., figs., indexes. Bar­ nische Universitat Braunschweig, Abteilung Books Received by Isis celona: Seminari d'Historia de les Ciencies, fur Geschichte der Pharmazie und der Natur­ March-May 1989 Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, 1987. wissenschaften, 1988. DM 20 jpaper). Doorman, S. J. Images of Science: Scientific Ford, Norman M. When Did I Begin!: Con­ Practice and the Public. (Studies of Science in ception of the Human Individual in History, apman, Paul Davis. Schools as Sorters: rope.) xi + 237 pp., illus., index. Aldershot, Philosophy and Science. xix + 217 pp., figs., Lewis M. Terman, Applied Psychology, and Ha ts/Brookfield, Vt./Hong Kong: Gower, tables, apps., index. Cambridge/New York/ the Intelligence Testing Movement, 1890- 198 . $56.95. Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1930. (The American Social Experience Se­ 1988. Dr amraju, Krishna R. The Foundations of ries.) xv + 228 pp., illus., tables, app., bibl., Fox, Christopher (Editor). Psychology and Lit­ index. New York/London; New York Univer­ man Genetics. xiii + 211 pp., illus., figs., bibl., indexes. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C erature in the Eighteenth Century. (AMS sity Press, 1988. $40. Thomas, 1989. $40.75. Studies in the Eighteenth Century, 8.) xxii + C Christophe; Eva Tel · profes- DuVall, Nell. Domestic Technology: A Chro­ 372 pp., illus., bibl., index. New York: AMS seurs du nee: Dictionnaire bio­ Press, 1987. $42.50. graphique 1901-1939. (Histoire Biographique nology of Developments. xi + 535 pp., bibl., index. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1988. $35. Franklin, Mark N. The Community of Sci­ de l'Enseignement.) 246 pp., tables. Paris; In­ ence in Europe: Preconditions for Research stitut National de Recherche Pedagogique, Dunlop, S.; M. Gerbaldi. (Editors). Stargazers: Effectiveness in European Community Coun· Editions du CNRS, 1988. Fr 160 (paper). The Contribution of Amateurs to Astron­ tries. (A study executed for the Commission omy: Proceedings of Colloquium 98 of the of the European Communities, Directorate· Chen, C. C. Medicine in Rural China: A Per­ IAU, fune 2D-24, 1987. (Based on papers pre­ sonal Account. In collaboration with Freder­ General for Science, Research and Develop· ica M. Bunge. xvii + 218 pp., illus., bibl. Ber· sented at Colloquium No. 98, The Contribu­ ment, Brussels.) xii + 359 pp., figs, tables, tion of Amateurs to Astronomy, sponsored by keley/Los Angeles/London: University of app., bibl., index. Aldershot, Hants!Brook­ the International Astronomical Union, 20-24 California Press, 1989. $35. field, Vt./Hong Kong: Gower, 1988. $58.95. June 1987, Paris.)237 pp., figs., tables. Berlin/ Creveld, Martin van. Technology and War: Heidelberg/New York: Springer-Verlag, 1988. Freeman, Christopher. Technology Policy From 2000 B.C. to the Present. x + 342 pp., il­ $29.50 (paper). and Economic Performance: Lessons from lus., index. New York: Free Press; London: Dynamis: Acta Hispanica ad Medicinae fapan. 155 pp., figs., tables, bibl., index. Lon­ Collier Macmillan, 1989. $22.95. Scientiarurnque Historiam Illustrandam. don/New York: Printer Publishers in associ· ation with Science Policy Research Unit, Uni· Crick, Francis. What Mad Pursuit: A Personal Volume 5-6, 1985-1986. 454 pp., figs., paper. View of Scientific Discovery. (Alfred P. Sloan Published annually by University of Granada, Foundation Science Series.) xiii + 182 pp., il­ Departmento de Historia de Medicina, Facul­ lus., index. New York: Basic Books, 1988. tad de Medicina, 18012 Granada, Spain. Sub­ $16.95. scription (per volume): Pts 1,800, $22. Crouch, Tom D. A Dream of Wings: Ameri­ Ellen, Roy; Ernest Gellner; Graiyna Kubic ; cans and the Airplane, 1875-1905. 349 pp., il· Janusz Mucha (Editors). Malinowski betwe Ius., bibl., index. Paperback edition, 1981. Two Worlds: The Polish Roots of an Anthro­ rcia Ruiperez, Mariano. Nue rta- Washington, D.C./London: Smithsonian ln­ pological Tradition. xxv + 261 pp., illus., ciones a · oc1edades Econ6mi­ stituti·:;;;;.:p;~ri:'9'E:if."nin~'Dlteerl apps., bibl., index. Cambridge/New York/ cas deAmigos del Pais. (Cuadernos Bibliogra­ arnton, Robert; Daniel Roche (Editors . Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, ficos, 59.) viii + 65 pp. Madrid: Consejo olution in Print: The Press in France, 1988. Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Insti· tuto de Filologia, 1988. (Paper.) 1775-1800. xv + 351 pp., illus. Berkeley/Los llenberger, Fran~ois. Histoire de la geologie. Angeles/London: University of California olume I: Des anciens ala premiere moitie Gardies, Jean-Louis. L'heritage epistemologi­ Press in collaboration with the New York au XVIIe siecle. (Petite Collection d'Histoire que d'Eudoxe de Cnide: Un essai de reconsti­ des Sciences.) viii + 352 pp., illus., bibl., tution. (Problemes et Controverses.) 156 pp., (p;:.EPulllb~li~ccL=:ib;rary~,~1=9:89: ·=$=5=0~(c=lo=t=h)=;~$2:::4>.9<5~ index. Paris: Technique et Documentation­ figs., index. Paris; Librairie Philosophique J. Darwin, Charles. The Correspondence of Lavoisier, 1988. Fr 165. Vrin, 1988. (Paper.) Charles Darwin. Volume IV: 1847- 1850. Feher, Michel (Editor). Fragments for a Histo­ Gautier Dalche, Patrick (Editor). La "Descrip­ Edited by Frederick Burkhardt and Sydney ry of the Human Body. With Ramona Naddaff tio mappe mundi" de Hugues de Saint-Vic­ Smith. xxxiii + 711 pp., illus., apps., bibl., in· and Nadia Tazi. Parts 1, 2, and 3. (Zone, 3, 4, tor. 228 pp., apps., bibl., indexes. Paris: Etudes dexes. Cambridge/New York/Melboum · 5.) 480 + 552 + 578 pp., illus. New York: Augustiniennes, in association with the Cen· bridge University Press .50. Zone, 1989. (Distributed by MIT Press, Cam­ tre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Debye, Peter J. W. The Collected Papers of bridge, Mass.) $34.95 (cloth); $19.95 (paper) 1988. (Paper.) Peter f. W. Debye. xxi + 700 pp., figs., tables. each part. Gavroglu, Kostas; Yorgos Goudaroulis. Meth­ New York: lnterscience Publishers, 1954. Feshbach, Herman; Tetsuo Matsui; Alexan­ odological Aspects of the Development of Reprint. Woodbridge, Conn.: Ox Bow Press, dra Oleson (Editors). Niels Bohr: Physics and Low Temperature Physics, 1881-1956: Con­ 1988. $85. the World. (Proceedings of the Niels Bohr cepts out of Context(s). (Science and Philos­ Centennial Symposium, American Academy ophy.) xiv + 178 pp., figs., bibl., index. Dor­ DeFelipe, Javier; Edward G. Jones. Caial on of Arts and Sciences, 12- 14 November 1985, drecht!Boston/London: Kluwer Academic the Cerebral Cortex: An Annotated Transla­ Boston.) xix + 364 pp., figs., index. Chur/Lon­ Publishers, 1989. D£1 125, $67, £36. tion of the Complete Writings. (History of don/Paris: Harwood Academic Publishers, Neuroscience, 1.) xvii + 654 pp., figs., bibl., Gavroglu, Kostas; Yorgos Goudaroulis; Pante· 1988. (Paper.) index. New York/Oxford: Oxford University lis Nicolacopoulos (Editors). Imre Lakatos Press, 1988.
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