City of Woodstock Office of the City Manager Phone (815) 338-4301 Fax (815) 334-2269 [email protected] www.woodstockil.gov 121 W. Calhoun Street Roscoe C. Stelford III Woodstock, Illinois 60098 City Manager WOODSTOCK CITY COUNCIL City Council Chambers March 17, 2020 7:00 p.m. Individuals wishing to address the City Council are invited to come forward to the podium and be recognized by the Mayor; provide their name and address for purposes of the record, if willing to do so; and make whatever appropriate comments they would like. The complete City Council packet is available at the Woodstock City Hall, viewed online at the Woodstock Public Library, and via the City Council link on the City’s website, www.woodstockil.gov. For further information, please contact the Office of the City Manager at 815-338-4301 or [email protected]. The proceedings of the City Council meeting are live streamed on the City of Woodstock’s website, www.woodstockil.gov. Recordings can be viewed, after the meeting date, on the website. I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. FLOOR DISCUSSION A. Proclamation: Music in Our Schools Month B. Presentation: Real Woodstock’s Year in Review Anyone wishing to address the Council on an item not already on the agenda may do so at this time. C. Public Comments D. Council Comments IV. CONSENT AGENDA: (NOTE: Items under the consent calendar are acted upon in a single motion. There is no separate discussion of these items prior to the Council vote unless: 1) a Council Member requests that an item be removed from the calendar for separate action, or 2) a citizen requests an item be removed and this request is, in turn, proposed by a member of the City Council for separate action.) Woodstock City Council March 17, 2020 Page 2 A. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS: 1. March 3, 2020 City Council Meeting B. WARRANTS: 1. #3896 2. #3897 C. MINUTES AND REPORTS: 1. Economic Development Commission January 9, 2020 2. Environmental Commission January 9, 2020 3. Old Courthouse & Sheriff’s House Advisory Commission January 13, 2020 4. Opera House Advisory Commission January 21, 2020 5. Opera House Advisory Commission February 18, 2020 6. Plan Commission December 5, 2019 7. Plan Commission January 23, 2020 8. Human Resources Report January 2020 9. Human Resources Report February 2020 D. MANAGER'S REPORT NO. 152: 1. Ordinance – Emergency Powers (152a) Approval of an Ordinance Amending Title 1, Chapter 5, Section 1.5.1.H of the Woodstock City Code Regarding the Duties of the Mayor to Declare a State of Emergency. DOC 1 2. Resolution – Motor Fuel Tax (152b) Approval of a Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways by Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code, which appropriates $1,035,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds from May 1, 2020 through April 30, 2021. DOC 2 3. Resolution - Neighborhood Revitalization Program - CDBG (152c) Approval of a Resolution authorizing application to the 2020 Community Development Block Grant Program through McHenry County for the designation of a Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area (NRSA) to implement a Neighborhood Improvement Initiative. DOC 3 4. Award of Contract – Brine Tank, First St. Water Treatment Plant (152d) Approval of a contract with Consulting Engineers, Baxter & Woodman for an amount not-to-exceed $23,800 for services described in their Work Order identified as Engineers Project No. 200431.40 related to the construction of an underground dual- chamber brine tank at the First Street Water Treatment Plant. Woodstock City Council March 17, 2020 Page 3 5. Award of Contract – Roof Framing Replacement, First Street Water Treatment Plant (152e) Authorization to approve a contract with Wold Architects and Engineers for the provision of design drawings, construction documents, bidding and construction administration services for the replacement of a roof section at the First Street Water Treatment Plant for a fee not-to-exceed $11,025 and miscellaneous incidentals not-to- exceed $3,975. 6. Award of Contract – Façade Improvement – 216 Main Street (152f) Approval to allocate for paint and awning work at 216 Main Street approximately 47% of the exterior improvement costs, up to $5,000, from TIF #1 funds. 7. Ordinance – Tax Levy Abatement (152g) Approval of an Ordinance abating A Portion Of the 2019 Tax Levy For The City Of Woodstock, Mc Henry County, Illinois. DOC 4 V. DISCUSSION 1. Transmittal of FY20/21 Budget 2. Quarterly Financial Reports – Transmittal of the following financial reports for the third quarter of FY19/20: a) Third Quarter Revenues and Expenditures Report; and b) Third Quarter Investment Report. 3. Schedule City Council Workshop – Enhanced Streets Program VI. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS VII. ADJOURN NOTICE: In compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), this and all other City Council meetings are located in facilities that are physically accessible to those who have disabilities. If additional reasonable accommodations are needed, please call the City Manager’s Office at 815/338-4301 at least 72 hours prior to any meeting so that accommodations can be made. City of Office of the City Manager phone 815.338.4301 Roscoe C. Stelford III, City Manager fax 815.334.2269 121 W. Calhoun Street [email protected] Woodstock, Illinois 60098 www.woodstockil.gov TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Roscoe Stelford, City Manager DATE: March 12, 2020 RE: Proclamation Recognizing March as “Music in Our Schools Month” Recognizing the positive impact that music in our schools has on students of all ages, March has traditionally been designated as “Music in Our Schools Month.” The City of Woodstock and its residents certainly value music as evidenced by support of the many programs conducted at the Woodstock Opera House throughout the year, by 135 continuous seasons of the Woodstock City Band, and the formation and support of a community choir. As stated in the attached Proclamation, music is basic to a complete education, helping students acquire skills not only related to music, but those in problem-solving, critical thinking, and evaluation as well. In recognition of “Music in Our Schools Month,” music students and representatives from the D200 Music Boosters may be in attendance at Tuesday’s meeting. Council’s affirmation is requested for the attached Proclamation Recognizing March as “Music in Our Schools Month” in the City of Woodstock. PROCLAMATION MUSIC IN OUR SCHOOLS MONTH MARCH, 2020 WHEREAS, music is a universal language that speaks to all people; and WHEREAS, the residents of the City of Woodstock have a long history of supporting the musical arts as evidenced by the upcoming 136th season of the Woodstock City Band, as well as the formation and support of a community choir and the numerous musical concerts and programs conducted at the Woodstock Opera House; and WHEREAS, the study of music contributes to the development of young people through heightened skills in listening, reading, self-expression and creativity; and WHEREAS, the study of music is basic to a complete education and provides a competitive edge for successful educational reform while engaging students in individual and group activities, which develop creativity, problem-solving, critical thinking, and evaluation skills; and WHEREAS, music education helps students acquire skills in the production and performance of music as well as gives them an understanding of history and culture; and WHEREAS, music and other arts significantly enhance the morale and quality of the school environments; and WHEREAS, music programs should be maintained and improved for all students, regardless of their socio-economic status or their abilities. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT PROCLAIMED that the CITY OF WOODSTOCK, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS endorses the observance of the month of March as: MUSIC IN OUR SCHOOLS MONTH APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois on this 17th day of March, 2020. _______________________________ Brian Sager, Ph.D., Mayor _______________________________ Cindy Smiley, City Clerk MINUTES WOODSTOCK CITY COUNCIL City Council Chambers March 3, 2020 A regular meeting of the Woodstock City Council was called to order at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, by Deputy Mayor Michael Turner in the Council Chambers at Woodstock City Hall. Deputy Mayor Turner welcomed those present and explained the consent calendar process and invited public participation. He noted, as is the City’s policy, this evening’s meeting is being live streamed with a recording archived should members of the public wish to view it in the future. City Clerk Smiley confirmed the agenda before the Council was a true and correct copy of the published agenda. A roll call was taken. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Darrin Flynn, Lisa Lohmeyer, Wendy Piersall, Jim Prindiville, Gordon Tebo, and Michael Turner. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Mayor Brian Sager STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Roscoe Stelford, Finance Director/Assistant City Manager Paul Christensen, Public Works Director Jeff Van Landuyt, Economic Development Director Garrett Anderson, Chief John Lieb, Deputy Chief Jeff Parsons, and members of the Woodstock Police Department. OTHERS PRESENT: Board of Fire and Police Chairman Ron Giordano and City Clerk Cindy Smiley III. FLOOR DISCUSSION – A. Oath of Office: Officer Mark Kivley Deputy Mayor Turner stated this is a momentous and joyous time for the City, the swearing in of a new police officer. He stated it is also a great time to recognize the work of the Woodstock Police Department. Chief Lieb stated eight police officers were hired in 2019, noting the training is extensive and requires a significant period of time. He stated one of those officers was Officer Mark Kivley who has come through this training and is being sworn in tonight, noting this is a significant event in an officer’s career. He stated Officer Kivley’s family is present, because it is not only the officer that goes through this process, but also his family.
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