01-cover_00_COVER_1.qxd 10/5/2015 5:53 PM Page 1 `100 AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 2015, VOL 7 ISSUE 12 www.salute.co.in 1965 THE LAST GENTLEMAN’S WAR Maj. Gen. Sarup Singh Kalaan, MVC, MC, GOC 19 Inf Div stands below the National Flag, flying majestically at Haji Pir Pass. Lt Col (later Maj. Gen.) H.S. Kler, MVC, AVSM,the then GSO1 of the division, is seen second from right. 02-IFC_00_COVER_1.qxd 10/5/2015 5:51 PM Page 1 SALUTING THE GUARDIANS OF THE INDIAN SKIES The Indian Air Force’s Hawk advanced jet trainer is a compelling story of success, providing the new generation training to the next generation air warriors and delivering our commitment to Make in India in partnership with Hindustan Aeronautics Limited. On the 83rd Indian Air Force Day, we are excited to witness the ‘Made in India’ Hawk take off for the new Surya Kiran Aerobatic Team, representing the speed, agility and precision of the Indian Air Force. Flown by a number of aerobatic teams, the Hawk is a remarkably exible aircraft meeting the demands of modern air forces for both training and operational missions. 03-Contents_03_EDIT.qxd 10/5/2015 6:42 PM Page 3 in this issue 04 A TIME FOR REDEMPTION I Maj Gen Dhruv C Katoch 05 THE OTHER SIDE OF THE HILL I Lt Gen Sudhir Sharma 06 THE LAST GENTLEMAN’S WAR: 1965 INDO-PAK WAR: IN RETROSPECT I Maroof Raza 10 THE WAR IN KUTCH: DEFENCE OF SARDAR POST I Lt Col Keshav S. Puntambekar 12 THE CAPTURE OF HAJIPIR PASS I Maj Gen HS Kler, MVC, AVSM 15 A SUBALTERN REMEMBERS: MY DAYS IN CHHAMB I Lt Col Anil Heble 17 THE CAPTURE OF BARKI I Col Surinder Sagar Duggal 20 THE FATEFUL 72 HOURS: An Account of the Battle of Asal Uttar I Lt Col Naresh K. Rastogi 22 PHILLORA AND ASAL UTTAR: TWO HISTORIC TANK BATTLES OF THE WAR I Lt Col Anil Bhat 26 ROOKIE PILOT I Wg Cdr Vinod Nebb, VrC and Bar 28 37 RAISINA HILLS I Lt Col Anil Bhat LESSONS FROM THE 1965 WAR I Maj Gen Dhruv C Katoch 30 38 VETERANS ALERT I Hony Capt Baldev Singh THE FRONTIER FORCES AND HARI SINGH OF BUNDI: A 39 PEEP INTO THE ARMY OF YORE I Brig Onkar S Goraya 31 BOOK REVIEW I Maj Gen Dhruv C Katoch 40 SOLDIER OF FORTUNE: The Untold Special Forces Story I Col Subin Balakrishnan PESTO PASTA I Aditi Pathak 34 41 News DEATH ON INDIAN ROADS I Murad Ali Baig 36 42 NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH HOW INDIA RETALIATED I Maroof Raza Authors aspiring to publish their articles in Salute may send by email to [email protected] along with pictures, if any [email protected] >> August-September 2015 >> SALUTE TO THE INDIAN SOLDIER 03 04-Edit_14_19_ BEING A FLY GIRL.qxd 10/5/2015 5:58 PM Page 1 EDITOR’S NOTE A TIME FOR Publisher Maroof Raza REDEMPTION Editor MAJ GEN DHRUV C KATOCH Maj Gen Dhruv C Katoch SM, VSM The commemoration of the Golden Jubilee of might, when the reality on the ground was quite the 1965 War against Pakistan has drawn a wide different. This brings into focus the importance Associate Editor range of comments, for the most part apprecia- of propaganda in war. Today, in the information Lt Col Anil Bhat tive, from across the country. The commemora- age, this aspect assumes added significance, as VSM (Retd) tion is essential, firstly, to apprise the youth of perception is as important as the physical win- Design this country, that peace can be achieved only ning of wars. Wartime preparations, as brought Moushumi through a strong military and secondly, to revisit out by various authors, were weak. It is hard to history, look into what went wrong, and analyse comprehend why the Indian Army did not have Publicity Manager whether we are better prepared to crush aggres- maps, when war broke out in September. It is Hony Capt (Retd) Baldev Singh sion from hostile neighbours. equally difficult to comprehend why two The war thrust on India in 1965 was not one decades later, the IPKF went into Sri Lanka, again Board of Advisers that India wanted, but once begun, both the without maps. This is but one of the lacunae fac- Lt Gen Sudhir Sharma political and military leadership, went about ing the armed forces - a lack of forethought in PVSM, AVSM, YSM ,VSM( Retd) their task doggedly, and the nation rallied administrative matters, which is a peace time around in support, ensuring that the basic war function. This must be overcome. Some of the Printed published by aims were achieved. Surprisingly, however, the major lessons have been highlighted in a sepa- Flags Media Pvt Ltd A-47 Hauz Khas (LGF) lessons from this war did not make it into the rate article in this issue. So who won the war? New Delhi 110016 official teaching manuals of the Armed Forces, as This question is often asked and the answer a result of which certain weaknesses which were obviously lies in how victory is defined. Pakistan Printed at noticeable then, still remain. Equally unfortu- failed miserably in its attempt to grab Kashmir by JK Offset Graphics (P) Ltd nate was the fact that the political leadership too, force in Operation Gibraltar. It had an opportu- C-21,DDA Shed, did not imbibe in full measure, the corrective nity to take Akhnur, but poor Pakistani leader- Okhla Phase -1 actions that were required to be taken. A notice- ship and a gritty Indian defence put paid to those New Delhi -110020 able exception was in foreign relations, wherein hopes. Its offensive in Khem Karan ended in dis- the need for having support of one of the super aster, with the destruction of its 1 Armoured RNI Registration powers was catered for through a ‘Treaty of Peace Division. Pakistan, as the aggressor, had set for DELENG/2008/26923 and Friendship’ with the Soviet Union, before we itself, certain war time aims and it failed to Certified that the views went in to war in 1971. However, the issue of inte- achieve any one of them. Pakistan’s claims of expressed and suggestions gration of the Ministry of Defence and three winning the war thus ring hollow. made in the articles are made Services still languishes. What of India then? The Army defeated by authors in their personal In this issue, we have put together a series of aggression in J&K and thus achieved its immedi- capacity and do not have any articles of the 1965 War, written by those who ate war time aim. However, the Pakistan Army official endorsement fought the war and had a ringside view of battles was not defeated, though it suffered very heavy as they unfolded. Some of these articles have losses in battle, especially with respect to its been extracted from the forthcoming book of the offensive capability. But perhaps, the question 1965 War, titled ‘Honour Redeemed” which is need not be looked at in those terms. For India, it under publication by Bloomsbury and is being was a time for redemption, after the humiliation released in October 1965. From the various first of 1962. For Pakistan, it was a realisation that it hand accounts in the book, told with remarkable could no longer match Indian military might, candour, emerge a clear and honest picture of and had to look into other options to achieve its what actually happened in those exciting times. military aims. It is those options which Pakistan It is surprising that Pakistan touted the Kutch is exercising now, which we need to counter. skirmishes as a success of Pakistan’s military Happy Reading. 04 SALUTE TO THE INDIAN SOLDIER << August-September 2015 << [email protected] 05-General_14_19_ BEING A FLY GIRL.qxd 10/5/2015 5:58 PM Page 1 GENERAL SPEAK THE OTHER SIDE OF THE HILL Lt Gen Sudhir Sharma Ayub Khan)besides Shuja Nawaz, give us an insight into the Pakistani perception Whilst posted at the High Commission in and facts of the war as it unfolded in London, a respected British historian Pakistan. As per them, Operation remarked to me, tongue in cheek, that Gibraltar, the flawed plan to annex Pakistan and India are perhaps the only Kashmir by sending in Pakistani soldiers two countries in the world who disguised as infiltrators, was a closely commemorate and celebrate victory day guarded secret, divulged to just a chosen for the same battle and even war! For a few. The Air Force and Navy were kept true professional this is an anomaly. Seen out out of the loop as was most of the objectively, there can only be one victor army. So confident was Ayub Khan and in war, and at best, on rare occasions, one his hawkish minister ZA Bhutto of could in fairness of things call it a draw. success, that they had not bargained or The 1965 Indo-Pak war aptly fits into this planned for its failure. Furthermore, so category because both sides on the poor was the strategic reading of Indian occasion of the fiftieth anniversary, response, that they did not make any fervently celebrated victory over each significant plans for an Indian riposte in other. The distortion/dilution of history the IB sector. Even Operation Grand is so profound that revered war heroes Slam, the race to Akhnur, was supposed look like men of straw if one were to celebrated with much pride as ‘Defence to be in support of the fall of Kashmir.
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