In Partnership with the Community, We Enrich Lives by Providing Meaningful Experiences Through Programs, Parks, and Facilities

In Partnership with the Community, We Enrich Lives by Providing Meaningful Experiences Through Programs, Parks, and Facilities

In partnership with the community, we enrich lives by providing meaningful experiences through programs, parks, and facilities PARK DISTRICT OF OAK PARK Regular Park Board Meeting Hedges Administrative Center 218 Madison Street, Oak Park, Illinois 60302 Thursday, August 22, 2019, 7:30pm AGENDA I. Call to Order/Roll Call II. Approval of Agenda III. Visitor/Public Comment Each person is limited to three minutes. The Board may set a limit on the total amount of time allocated to public comments. IV. Consent Agenda A. Cash and Investment Summary* B. Warrants and Bills* C. Minutes* D. Disposal Ordinance 2019-08-01* V. Staff Reports A. Executive Director’s Report* B. Updates and Information* C. Revenue/Expense Status Reports* VI. Old Business A. Administration and Finance Committee 1. PDOP Community Survey Results* 2. Strategic Plan Progress Report** B. Recreation and Facility Program Committee – None C. Parks and Planning Committee 1. Rehm Tennis Court Contract Approval** VII. New Business 1. FOCON Discussion of Blue Line Stop Name Change 2. Parameters Bond Ordinance 2019-09-01* 3. Dole Building Automation System* 4. Elected Officials BBQ Update VIII. Closed Session IX. Commissioners’ Comments Commissioner Porreca Commissioner Worley-Hood Commissioner Wick Commissioner Wollmuth President Lentz X. Continue Meeting to the September 5, 2019, Committee of the Whole Meeting *Indicates information attached **Indicates information to be provided at or prior to the meeting. The Park District of Oak Park welcomes the opportunity to assist residents and visitors with disabilities. If you need special accommodations for this meeting, please call (708) 725-2000 or via email at [email protected]. Agenda Comments Thursday, August 22, 2019 I. Roll Call II. Approval of Agenda (Voice Vote) No additions to the Agenda are anticipated at this time. III. Visitor/Public Comment IV. Consent Agenda (Roll Call Vote) – Commissioner Porreca Commissioner Porreca – Motion of the Board for approval of the Consent Agenda, which includes the Cash and Investment Summary and Warrants and Bills for the month of July 2019; approval of minutes from the Committee of the Whole Meeting, July 11, 2019, the Annual Board Retreat, July 16, 2019, and the Regular Board Meeting, July 18, 2019; approval of Closed Session Minutes, July 11, 2019; approval of Disposal Ordinance 2019-08-01. V. Staff Reports A. Executive Director’s Report* B. Updates and Information* C. Revenue/Expense Status Report* VI. Old Business A. Administration and Finance Committee: Commissioner Porreca 1. PDOP Community Survey Results* (Roll Call Vote) Commissioner Porreca: I move that the Park Board Commissioners accept the 2019 PDOP Community Survey Results. 2. Strategic Plan Update* (Roll Call Vote) Commissioner Porreca: The Board will be updated on the Strategic Plan. B. Recreation and Facility Program Committee: None C. Parks and Planning Committee: Commissioner Wick 1. Rehm Tennis Court Contract Approval** (Roll Call Vote) Commissioner Wick: Information will be brought to the Board prior to or at the meeting. VII. New Business 1. FOPCON Discussion of Blue Line Stop Name Change 2. Parameters Bond Refunding Ordinance 2019-09-01* 3. Dole Building Automation System* 4. Elected Officials BBQ Update VIII. Commissioners’ Comments Commissioner Porreca Commissioner Worley-Hood Commissioner Wick Commissioner Wollmuth President Lentz IX. Closed Session X. Continue Meeting to the September 5, 2019, Committee of the Whole Meeting IV. A CASH AND INVESTMENT SUMMARY- July 2019 Community Jul-19 Jun-19 Bank IPDLAF CD's PMA - SSD IMET TOTAL TOTAL General Fund 10 - Corporate (93,298) 7,507 893,700 5,639,126 (4,026,405) 2,420,629 1,950,949 Special Revenue Funds 15 - IMRF (885,861) 1,603 - - 1,243,918 359,660 310,153 16 - Liability (678,159) 8,965 - - 990,429 321,235 260,296 17 - Audit (54,615) 237 - - 65,181 10,804 8,995 20 - Recreation 1,898,983 4,979 800,000 1,410,919 1,968,579 6,083,460 5,770,287 21 - Museum (197,711) 1,220 - 133,871 242,075 179,455 170,467 22 - Special Recreation (1,383,620) 17,121 - - 1,529,833 163,334 49,866 25 - Special Facilities 381,875 3,288 - 1,040,000 593,203 2,018,366 1,939,406 85 - Cheney Mansion 250,004 462 - - 52,326 302,792 286,445 Capital Funds 70 - Capital Projects 1,120,627 78,051 500,000 80,000 1,775,984 3,554,662 4,050,494 70 - 2011 Bond - - - - - - - 70 - 2012 Bond - - - - - - - 70- 2013 Bond - - - - - - - Total Cash Available to District 358,225 123,432 2,193,700 8,303,916 4,435,123 15,414,396 14,797,356 Distribution %: 2.32% 0.80% 14.23% 53.87% 28.77% 100.00% 100.00% Other Funds 50- Health Insurance Fund 224,514 345 - - 350,799 575,658 570,737 x - Memorial Trust 14,881 - - - 118,049 132,931 132,900 xx - Working Cash 207,870 - - - - 207,870 207,870 Total Cash Across All Funds 805,490 123,777 2,193,700 8,303,916 4,903,972 16,330,855 15,708,864 Park District of Oak Park Cash Status Report As of July 31, 2019 Operating Accounts Community Bank 0.15% $ 822,240 iPrime Liquid Money Market 2.55% $ 7,518,752 Citibank 1.35% $ 785,164 Illinois Metropolitan Investment Fund 1.39% $ 5,078,935 * Illinois Park District Liquid Asset Fund Account 0.73% $ 123,777 $ 14,328,868 Operating Investment Accounts CFG Community Bank 2.39% due 08/21/19 $ 244,000 First Internet Bank of Indiana 2.38% due 08/21/19 $ 244,000 Bank of China 2.38% due 08/28/19 $ 244,000 ServisFirst Bank 2.76% due 12/03/19 $ 243,200 Northeast Community Bank 2.78% due 12/13/19 $ 243,000 Pacific Western Bank 2.52% due 05/14/20 $ 243,800 Rockford B&TC 2.39% due 05/28/20 $ 244,000 Western Alliance Bank/Torrey Pines Bank 2.43% due 05/28/20 $ 244,000 SonaBank 2.49% due 07/13/20 $ 243,700 Working Solvency $ 16,522,568 2018 Solvency $ 15,372,712 2013 Bond Accounts Illinois Metropolitan Investment Fund 2013 Bond 0.96% $ 116,273 ** 2013 Bond Solvency $ 116,273 *Includes $226,903.62 of non-spendable funds **Includes $116,272.82 of non-spendable funds Total Solvency 2016 2017 2018 2019 January $ 9,058,410 January $ 8,222,701 January $ 10,807,839 January $ 12,224,500 February $ 9,857,240 February $ 9,835,012 February $ 12,096,547 February $ 13,705,194 March $ 12,895,634 March $ 13,158,403 March $ 14,639,398 March $ 17,043,761 April $ 12,487,132 April $ 12,871,778 April $ 14,673,906 April $ 17,003,585 May $ 12,583,438 May $ 12,722,619 May $ 15,142,968 May $ 16,993,252 June $ 11,459,618 June $ 11,558,746 June $ 13,586,366 June $ 16,008,032 July $ 10,747,178 July $ 11,974,154 July $ 15,372,712 July $ 16,522,568 August $ 12,556,293 August $ 11,839,784 August $ 16,194,723 August September $ 12,059,760 September $ 12,775,498 September $ 15,392,249 September October $ 11,588,440 October $ 12,059,760 October $ 15,094,766 October November $ 11,310,934 November $ 11,719,974 November $ 14,662,671 November December $ 10,580,165 December $ 10,116,988 December $ 12,708,567 December Solvency $18,000,000 $16,000,000 $14,000,000 2016 $12,000,000 2017 $10,000,000 2018 $8,000,000 2019 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 00 IV. B Park District of Oak Park Voucher List for the Month of July Presented to the Board of Commissioners At their Meeting on August 22, 2019 Park District of Oak Park FY 2019 AP ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION BY ACCOUNT OPEN & PAID VOUCHERS CHECK DATES 07/01/2019 TO 07/31/2019 PAY DATES 07/01/2019 TO 07/31/2019 BOTH ACCRUALS AND NON ACCRUALS CHECK RUN 0 TO 2147483647 VOUCHER PO CHECK PAY DATE/ NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER NUMBER CHECK DATE AMOUNT 10 CORPORATE FUND 10-00-14-00040 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 33648 HUNTINGBK HUNTINGTON BANK 507434 07/14/2019 75.00 33709 HUNTINGBK HUNTINGTON BANK 507434 07/14/2019 8.31 33709 HUNTINGBK HUNTINGTON BANK 507434 07/14/2019 8.69 33709 HUNTINGBK HUNTINGTON BANK 507434 07/14/2019 8.93 33806 PNC PNC BANK 507482 07/14/2019 4,933.74 5,034.67 10-00-21-20109 IMRF WITHHOLDING 32890 IMRF ILL MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND 28809 07/05/2019 42,690.17 42,690.17 10-00-21-20111 HEALTH INSURANCE SECTION 125 E 33214 PDRMA PDRMA 911 07/12/2019 11,355.48 11,355.48 10-00-21-20114 UNION DUES 33300 SEIU SEIU LOCAL 73 28995 07/26/2019 214.20 33300 SEIU SEIU LOCAL 73 28995 07/26/2019 214.20 428.40 10-00-21-20117 AFLAC SECTION 125 33085 AFLAC AFLAC ATTN: REMITTANCE PROCESSING 28829 07/12/2019 281.52 33296 AFLAC AFLAC ATTN: REMITTANCE PROCESSING 28950 07/26/2019 281.52 563.04 10-00-21-20118 AFLAC 33085 AFLAC AFLAC ATTN: REMITTANCE PROCESSING 28829 07/12/2019 94.78 33296 AFLAC AFLAC ATTN: REMITTANCE PROCESSING 28950 07/26/2019 94.78 189.56 10-00-21-20119 I LIFE 33299 NCPERS NCPERS GROUP LIFE INSURANCE 28982 07/26/2019 22.00 33299 NCPERS NCPERS GROUP LIFE INSURANCE 28982 07/26/2019 22.00 44.00 10-00-21-20120 ICMA WITHHELD 33087 ICMA ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 28856 07/12/2019 1,463.10 33298 ICMA ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 28969 07/26/2019 1,472.98 2,936.08 10-00-21-20131 ICMA ROTH IRA WITHHELD 33087 ICMA ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 28856 07/12/2019 251.82 33298 ICMA ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 28969 07/26/2019 251.82 503.64 10-00-21-20132 BRIGHT START PROGRAM 33086 BRIGHTSTA BRIGHT START COLLEGE SAVINGS PROGRAM28837 07/12/2019 100.00 33297 BRIGHTSTA BRIGHT START COLLEGE SAVINGS PROGRAM28957 07/26/2019 100.00 200.00 10-00-45-14505 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 33807 PNC PNC BANK 07/14/2019 -49.34 33807 PNC PNC BANK 07/14/2019 -19.99 -69.33 10-00-52-00200 LEGAL COUNSEL phughes 08/14/2019 3:23:45PM Page 1 of 30 ap122r04 Park District of Oak Park FY 2019 AP ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION BY ACCOUNT OPEN & PAID VOUCHERS CHECK DATES 07/01/2019 TO 07/31/2019 PAY DATES 07/01/2019 TO 07/31/2019 BOTH ACCRUALS AND NON ACCRUALS CHECK RUN 0 TO 2147483647 VOUCHER PO CHECK PAY DATE/ NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER NUMBER CHECK DATE AMOUNT 10-00-52-00200 LEGAL COUNSEL E 33198 HOLLAND HOLLAND & KNIGHT LLP 20190232 908 07/12/2019 9,684.31 9,684.31 10-00-52-00202 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS 33294 WEDNES WEDNESDAY JOURNAL 20190975 28945 07/19/2019 84.00 84.00 10-00-52-00203 OFFICE EQUIPMENT SERVICE 33702 PITNEY PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL FINANCIAL SERVICES 507480 07/14/2019 238.68 238.68 10-00-52-00204 COMPUTER (IT) SERVICE 33551 ADOBE ADOBE SYSTEMS, INC 507355 07/14/2019 31.85 33551 ADOBE ADOBE SYSTEMS, INC 507355 07/14/2019 424.95 33563 AMAZ AMAZON.COM 507367 07/14/2019 12.99 33573 AMERIEAG AMERICAN EAGLE COM SVANACO 507368 07/14/2019 500.00 33574 ARCHIVE ARCHIVE SOCIAL, INC.

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