US Army Corps of Engineers • Rock Island District I VOL. 4, N0.12, April1983 Nanda named Engineer of the Year S.K. Nanda, the Research and Devel­ Flow-Frequency Task Group; served on opment Coordinator and Assistant to the Iowa State Water Plan and the En­ Hydraulics Branch Chief in Engineering ergy Task Force for Iowa; taught hydrau­ Division, was named the "Senior Engineer lic concepts at two Corps Districts, a Dam of the Year" for 1982 by the Quad-Cities Safety Analysis course attended by per­ Engineering and Science Council at their sonnel from five Corps Districts and three annual National Engineers Week banquet. states, a HEC-2 Computer Program Nanda was nominated by the Rock Is­ course at the Iowa Department of Trans­ land Post, Society of American Military portation; and presented a speech on Engineers and the Tri-City Section of the Methods of Bank Protection at the Iowa American Society of Civil Engineers for Engineering Society Seminar at Ames. • his many achievements during his profes­ Nanda graduated from Illinois Insti­ sional career as a civil engineer in water tute of Technology with BTCE degree, resources. and he received his masters in Mechanics He has 17 years of experience in the en­ and Hydraulics from the University of gineering field, 15 of those years with the Iowa, Institute of Hydraulic Research. Rock Island District. Throughout his Nanda is a registered Professional Engi­ career he has demonstrated excellence and neer in the States of Illinois and Iowa, leadership in the hydraulics and hydrol­ and is a member of the Society of Ameri­ ogy fields. can Military Engineers, American Society Nanda began his career with the Rock of Civil Engineers, and the United States Island District in 1968 as a Civil/Hydrau­ Committee on Large Dams. He was also lic Engineer. He worked in this capacity named the recipient of both the District's The 1882 Quad-Citi• Senior Engln.. r of the until 1976 when he was appointed the Year, Mr. S.K. Nand, of the Hydraullce Branch, En­ and the North Central Division's Award Chief of Hydrology and Hydraulics Sec­ gineering Dlvl8ion. Nanda wu nominated for thla for Engineering Excellence in 1981. tion in Hydraulics Branch. Then in 1979 award, which Ia aponaored by the Quad-Citl• Engi­ Nanda is also very active in commu­ neering and Science Council, jointly by the Rock It­ he assumed his present position where he land Poet, Society of American Military Englneera, nity and civic activities having served as is responsible for the coordination of all and the Tri-City Section, American Society of Civil President of the Bettendorf, Iowa, Lions the District's research and develpment ac­ Englneera. Club, District Governor of Lions of Iowa, tivities with various laboratories through­ District 9x9, Vice-President of Bi-County out the United States. Nanda is also the National Training Center in Davis, Cali­ Mental Health Association and Director District's National Hydropower Coor­ fornia; proposal of the multiobjective Sta­ of Scott County Mental Health Center, dinator, a member of the Committe for tistical Method for Water Resources Opti­ Director of the Bettendorf International Wingdam Restoration on the Mississippi mazation was a joint effort with Dr. Folk Festival, and Vice-President of Quad River, and has authored several computer Haines, of Case Western Reserve Univer­ Cities Engineering and Science Council. programs in the field of hydraulics and sity, and a paper on this subject was pub­ A native of India, Nanda and his wife hydrology. lished in Water Resources Research; he Nalini, reside in Bettendorf, Iowa. Con­ A recognized leader in his field, Nan­ has served on the OCE task force to write gratulations are extended to Nanda for da's expertise has lead to many innovative the Corps of Engineers Manual on Inte­ this noteworthy achievement. design concepts, professional papers, rior Flooding Hydrology; and he was se­ speeches, and conducting classes. Some of · lected by the Corps to work on a United Did you know ••. his achievements include: proposal of the Nations project in India, however, he was The cornerstone of the Clock Tower, Probability Method in the Design and In­ unable to serve the term due to his Dis­ which was laid in an appropriate cer­ terior Flood Control Facilties, and teach­ trict workload. Other professional involve­ emony on 21 April 1864, has never been ing this concept at the Corps of Engineers ments include serving as Chairman of found. the suspense deadline, many hours of MEN WOMEN overtime had to be worked on weekdays and on weekends during the Christmas Part of what you Holiday season. During this hectic period, Dan was responsible for coordinating and earn is pride. preparing a large portion of the draft materials to be used in the budget docu­ ments in a format ready for typing. Com­ plicating the preparation of this material was the fact that he had to obtain some input, and coordinate all the material with other District elements. It was also necessary for him to completely redo some budget documents for projects where the funding schedules were revised by higher Daniel P. Fetes, a Program Analyst in the Pro- authority. In addition to all of this, Dan gram Development Office, was named the recipient also prepared and coordinated responses of the RID Employee of the Month Award for the month of December 1982. to various telephone requests from North Prode may be the boggest reward tor servong on the ArmynR!~~~~~~n to the teelong you·ll get tor servong your Central Division concerning clarification Country part tome. you II have other rewards Good pay tor one thong You 'll be well paod tor the 16 hours a month and two weeks Annual Traonong you put on and additional information on the budget There s 10b traonong wh och could help you on your career F etes named December material that the District submitted. There's low·cost onsurance Plus retorement benefots oncludong medocal and dental care Throughout the entire period, Dan But. above all. ot s prode young men and women are 1 employee of the month earnT~gs ~atr~e ~~mfe~l;~=r~~~~ao~to openongs and see of played a very key role in assuring that the you Qualofy - today Daniel P. Fetes, a Program Analyst in necessary budget documents for the Rock the Program Development Office, was Island District were submitted in a satis­ Call Army Reserve named the District's Employee of the factory manner and on schedule. Opportunities Month award winner for the month of De­ Dan was commended for his diligent 319-391-1777 cember 1982. and dedicated efforts by Colonel Slofer, Part of What You Earn is Pride. Dan was nominated for the award for our District Commander, as he presented A 1•1• 'L his efforts in completing the Fiscal Year him the award in a ceremony held in the (FY) 1984 Congressional Budget docu­ Clock Tower Building. ments. Dan, who has more than 10 years of The FY 84 Congressional Budget docu­ Federal service, is married, and he and his ments were required last year with a very wife Debra, currently reside in Rock Is­ land, Illinois. short suspense scheduled. In order to meet Spring dance set Get your denim jeans and dancing boots ready, the Rock Island District's "Spring Dance," sponsored by the RID Civilian Welfare Association, is just around the corner. This year's spring dance will be held on Friday, 6 May, at the Rock Island Elks Club, which is located in downtown Rock Island across from the Post Office build­ ing. The dance will run from 7 p.m. till midnight, and it will have a country/wes­ tern theme as the music will be provided by the country rock band "Blue Collar Boys." There will be prizes, surprises, and lots 'n' lots of fun, so don't you dare miss this gala event. Tickets are priced at $3.00 per person for everyone. Retirees, if you're in­ terested, contact Bobbi Olds at 788-6361, ext. 6348. Mark your calendars now and plan to We reported In the February luue of the Tower Lock and Dam 15, and hu now been at Fountain be there. As the dance chairperson, Bobbi Tim" that the old NCR Dredge "Rock llland," now City for ewer a month. Here Ia a final took at that Olda put it, "Wear your jeans, boots, and named the "Colllne" was making Ita final journey up grand old ledy of a dredge that wu called the the Mlsalsalppl River to Fountain City, Wleconlln. "Rock llland" when ehe operated In our Dletrlct ten-gallon hats; but leave horses at On 28 February, the "Colllne" madelte way through during her hayday. home!" Tower Ttmes, April1983, Page 2----------------------------------- Looking back (Excerpted from July 21, 1930, Moline Pratt, however, as, said Mr. Robbins, quently, the W .P.A. has been required to Daily Dispatch) "Willie never was very strong physically." submit all projects in the nature of stream improvement, which includes flood con­ Arsenal Clock, 63 years old, stops trol, bank erosion, aids to navigation and and recalls an Interesting story Weather Interferes water conservation, to the Engineer De­ partment for review and approval, and to by Pat Patten "About the only thing from outside have written approval of the Department which can stop that clock," said Mr. Rob­ before beginning work on such projects. After ticking ponderously away for bins, "is a sleet storm from the northeast. This coordination of W.P.A. and Engi­ some sixty-three years with practically no This coats the big minute hand with ice neer Department projects is being super­ time off for good behavior, the gigantic and makes it so heavy that it cannot com­ vised for the Rock Island District by the clock in the tower on the old storehouse plete its hourly circuit.
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