開味小菜 COLD DISH & ENTRÉE 麵 NOODLES 101 酸辣海帶絲 Marinated seaweed with spiced vinegar dressing . 上海辣醬湯麵 "!??$$'!% 1.# 102 蒜泥黄瓜 Garlic cucumber . 紅燒牛肉湯麵 Braised beef noodle soup 1. 103 蔥油蘿蔔絲拌海蜇 * 酸辣湯麵 H'?!'% # 四喜烤麩 Wheat gluten with black mushroom 8. 山東手撕雞湯麵 !""!"'"" 105 糖醋小排 Marinated pork ribs with sweet black vinegar sauce 8. # 炸醬麵 Zha Jiang Noodles - Noodles with ground pork sauce 1*.> 106 毛豆結 Edamame with sea salt GF 8. > 開洋蔥油拌麵 ?'" 107 紹興醉雞 Drunken Chicken - Chinese wine marinated chicken GF 13. 上海粗炒麵 %!'&$ # 108 上海熏魚 !"" # 109 五香牛肉 $%!&"' # 冷麵 SHANGHAI COLD NOODLES 110 醬鴨 Shanghai soy duck (half) 22. NEW SHANGHAI 111 桂花糖藕 %%"' *# 辣醬冷麵< "!?$$'!%< # 醉雞冷麵< O!"!< # 新上海精點 NEW SHANGHAI SIGNATURE 牛肉冷麵< $$%< # VIC 熏魚冷麵< !< # Melbourne 201 小籠包* Xiao Long Bao - Steamed pork dumplings* 8pcs . *冷麵配有花生芝麻醬及黑醋<|"&;"'$"!& 202 蟹粉小籠包* $,/4:;"$ " # EMPORIUM '!< 03 9994 9386 飯, 年榚 RICE & CHINESE RICE CAKE 203 生煎包* =%!$< " ## CHADSTONE 蟹粉生煎包* =%"$'!$< " 03 9973 9483 /Q炒年糕 %""!!'/Q" * 薺菜肉絲炒年糕 A?!'""!% 205 鍋貼* Pot Stickers - Pan fried pork dumplings* 8pcs1.# /Q炒飯 /Q"%" * 食用小籠包,生煎包,鍋貼時請小心裡面熱湯汁 , <`&$=!$H NSW # 山東手撕雞飯 !""!?&"?"'"" GF This will avoid burning your mouth while allowing you to enjoy the broth with the dumpling. SYDNEY > 揚州炒飯 Yangzhou Fried Rice - Classic Chinese fried rice 1* 白飯(每碗) Steamed rice (per bowl) 3.5 點心 DIM SUM 02 8386 8368 白飯(每桶) Steamed rice (per pot) 8.# , 206 蔥油餅 "! " > CHATSWOOD 主菜 - 海鮮 MAIN - SEAFOOD 207 春卷 >" 501 油爆蝦 Crispy-shell king prawns with Shanghai sweet sauce 3* 208 金華火腿一口酥 ?!'%% >" 02 9412 9952 502 凊炒鱔糊 %"??'" GF 209 蘿蔔絲酥餅 ""! " # , 503 ' GF 210 刈包 Pork belly steamed buns 2pcs 8.# ASHFIELD 椒鹽蝦球 211 蒸素包 &$ " # 鹹蛋黃蝦球 Wok fried king prawns with salted egg yolk 3> 212 奶皇包 Steamed custard buns 2pcs 5. 02 9797 9284 505 蒜蓉牛油蝦 :" ># 506 椒鹽魷魚 '" GF 水餃 DUMPLINGS (Workshop) 507 鹹蛋黃魷魚 Fried calamari with salted egg yolk 2# 508 松鼠盲鰽 '": * 213 白菜鮮肉水餃 =!'"$$ " # 02 8541 7743 509 薑葱炒花蛤 %"' 韭菜鮮肉水餃 =!'"& " # , # /Q炒花蛤 %"/Q" 215 香菜鮮肉水餃 =!'" " # CHARLESTOWN 511 椒鹽軟殻蟹 '%"$GF # 216 羊肉水餃 4$'! " Charlestown Square 217 牛肉水餃 :%'" " 02 4943 5857 主菜 - 肉類, 家禽 MAIN - MEAT & POULTRY 218 雞肉水餃 "!'" " 219 魚肉水餃 Fish dumplings 10pcs 1.0 , 512 紅燒肉 Slow braised pork belly with sweet soy sauce 2# 220 蝦肉水餃 Prawn dumplings 10pcs 19.# QLD 513 紅燒羊肉 Braised lamb with sweetened soy sauce 2 221 花素蒸餃 Steamed vegetarian dumplings 8pcs 12. BRISBANE # 京醬豬或牛肉絲配荷葉夾包 Peking pork OR beef stir fry, served with steamed buns 3# Queens Plaza 515 蒜香排骨 Crispy garlic American pork ribs * 餛飩 WONTON 07 9108 7652 516 乾煸牛肉絲 V$:%'"$% # 517 山東手撕雞 \!""!"'"" 222 鮮肉小雲吞 Shanghai mini pork wonton short soup 10pcs .5 07 3195 7871 518 宮保雞丁 Kung Pao chicken 2* 223 菜肉餛飩 @$'! " * 519 香酥鴨配荷葉夾包 ^"%"!?&$ * 薺菜大餛飩 A'! " # 225 三鮮蝦肉小餛飩 '! " > , 蔬菜, 豆腐 VEGETABLES & TOFU 226 *加麵 * side order noodles 3.# www.newshanghai.com.au GF 227 紅油抄手 A'!?;"'" " > 601 乾煸四季豆 G$'" GF 228 蝦肉紅油抄手 =;"'" " # 602 絲瓜炒毛豆 Stir fried luffa with soy beans 1. FACEBOOK 603 蒜茸菠菜 Sautéed spinach with garlic GF 1># 湯, 羹 SOUPS newshanghairestaurant > 蠔油 或 蒜茸芥蘭 Steamed Chinese broccoli with oyster sauce OR stir fried with garlic 1># 605 清炒時蔬 Wok fried mixed Asian greens GF 1># 301 酸辣湯 H'?!'% 606 椒鹽豆腐 '% GF 302 雞肉粟米羹 "!'" INSTAGRAM 607 鹹蛋黄豆腐 Golden tofu with salted egg yolk 2 303 蟹肉粟米羹 $'" # newshanghai 608 麻婆豆腐 ,`%;`%?!'" # * 原盅清蒸蟹粉獅子頭A4AHA;"$'"$ 609 紅燒豆腐 :%' * 305 薺菜蝦仁豆腐羹 A?'%I&J GF 610 麵筋燴金針菇 Braised gluten puffs with enoki mushroom 1.8 VegetarianGF Gluten Free ALLERGIES & INTOLERANCES SURCHARGES New Shanghai Signature Please be advised that food prepared in New Shanghai kitchens may contain or have been in contact with • We accept Visa, Master, American Express & EFTPOS payment. Milk, Eggs, Wheat, Soybeans, Peanuts, Tree Nuts, Seeds, Fish and Shellfish. • All credit and debit card payments will incur a 1.5% processing fee. If you have allergy concerns please advise a member of the team before you place your order EFTPOS payments will incur a 0.30c handling fee. 如有任何更改,恕不另行通知 Customers with severe allergies or intolerances, should be aware that although all due care is taken, • Public Holiday surcharge $2 per person. --13*$&4"/%*5&.4"3&46#+&$550$)"/(&8*5)06513*03/05*$& there is a risk of allergen ingredients being present in dishes. • BYO BOTTLED WINE IS ONLY AVAILABLE AT SELECTED LOCATIONS ONLY. We will endeavour to accommodate your dietary requests, however we cannot be guaranteed as entirely allergen free.. CORKAGE FEE $4.5 PER PERSON 中式甜品 CHINESE DESSERT 特式茶飲 SIGNATURE COLD DRINKS 701 冰糖雪耳燉木瓜 "!% GF # 1101 青檸凍飲 Lime ice chiller 6.# 702 豆沙酥餅 Shanghai sweet red bean puffs 12.7 1102 金桔檸檬汁 ~ '%" ># 703 南瓜球 Pumpkin rice cakes with sweet red bean 12.7 1103 檸檬青檸凍飲 4?%'$ ># 酒釀小圓子 Mini rice dumplings in sweet rice wine soup 綠茶多多 \'! ># 705 酒釀芝麻湯圓 Sweet rice wine soup with sesame rice dumplings 1*. 1105 龍眼紅棗茶 Longan Date Tea . 706 八寶飯 Fortune rice pudding 1.5 1106 山莓薄荷檸檬蘇打 Raspberry mint lemonade . 707 蒸上海年糕 Steamed Shanghai sweet rice cake 6pcs 9. 708 香煎上海年糕 Pan fried Shanghai sweet rice cake 6pcs 10. 709 新鮮芒果或草莓布丁 Mango OR strawberry pudding (seasonal) . 特式冰沙 ICE BLENDED DRINKS ( ) 季節限定 NEW SHANGHAI 1201 奇異果冰沙 Kiwifruit 7.9 1202 菠蘿冰沙 Pineapple 7.9 刨冰甜品 SHAVED ICE DESSERT 1203 芒果冰沙 Mango 7.9 VIC Lychee 7.9 710 雪糕紅豆冰 $'";" GF 荔枝冰沙 Melbourne 1205 Strawberry 7.9 711 新鮮芒果刨冰 , # 草莓冰沙 EMPORIUM 1206 Passionfruit 7.9 712 草莓刨冰(季節限定J$ # 百香果冰沙 03 9994 9386 1207 Yakult 7.9 713 新鮮水果刨冰 Seasonal fresh fruit 1.2 多多冰沙 CHADSTONE 03 9973 9483 飲品 SOFT DRINKS 特製奶昔 ICE BLENDED MILK SHAKE 801 王老吉 }4~H$` # , NSW 1301 芒果奶昔(季節限定) Fresh mango (seasonal) . 802 可爾必思 # 1302 草莓奶昔(季節限定) Fresh strawberry (seasonal) . 803 酸梅汁 =" # SYDNEY 1303 菠蘿椰子奶昔 ='"" 蘆薈汁 |@" # 805 瓶裝汽水 "?O!?!?^??4% # 02 8386 8368 806 鮮榨果汁 Freshly squeezed juice - apple OR orange >. , 啤酒 BEER 807 鮮榨菠蘿汁 Freshly Squeezed Pineapple Juice . CHATSWOOD 808 豆漿 Soy Milk - sweetened OR sugar free 3. 1501 青島啤酒 Tsing Tao Beer China 8.5 750ml 02 9412 9952 1502 Asahi Japan 9.0 , 809 Purezza 無汽水 Purezza Premium Still water 8.0 1503 Tiger Beer Singapore 8.5 ASHFIELD 810 Purezza 有汽水 Purezza Premium Sparkling water 8.0 # 4 @?| # ## Q^%4=| }?| 02 9797 9284 1506 Cascade Premium Light TAS, Australia 8.0 中國茶 CHINESE TEA (Workshop) 杯 Glass 壺 Pot 其他 OTHERS 901 碧螺春 :4; 02 8541 7743 902 白茶 } , 001 開瓶費 !%IJ # 903 龍井茶 OA} CHARLESTOWN 002 外賣盒 Takeaway box 0.2 鳥龍茶 (鐵觀音J Q > Charlestown Square * /Q醬 /Q" 905 普洱茶 Pu'er tea 6. 02 4943 5857 薑絲 Ginger 0.5 906 菊花茶 Chrysanthemum tea 6. 005 清湯麵 Plain noodle soup 5.8 907 茉莉花茶 Jasmine tea 6. , 006 荷葉夾包 =$ * 每壼熱茶提供最多四隻茶杯,額外茶杯每隻收費$1.5 QLD <=%&"?"" # BRISBANE Queens Plaza 特式茶飲 MIXED TEA DRINKS 07 9108 7652 1001 凍檸檬茶 Iced lemon tea 6.# 1002 奶茶 Milk tea 6.# 07 3195 7871 1003 茉香奶茶 Jasmine milk tea 6.# 芋香奶茶 Taro milk tea 6.# , 1005 特調烏龍茶 Iced oolong tea GF 6.# www.newshanghai.com.au 1006 烏龍奶茶 Iced oolong milk tea 6.# 1007 特調紅/綠茶 Iced black OR green tea 6.# FACEBOOK 1008 / Mango black OR green tea 6.# 芒果紅 綠茶 newshanghairestaurant 1009 水蜜桃紅/綠茶 Peach black OR green tea 6.# 1010 冰淇淋紅/綠茶 Black OR green tea with ice cream 6.# 1011 荔枝紅/綠茶 Lychee black OR green tea 6.# INSTAGRAM * 務求為你提供更多選擇, 我們另有紅, 白酒及雞尾酒餐牌提供;請向服務員查詢。 1012 百香果綠茶 Passionfruit green tea 6.# newshanghai 1013 水果茶 Mixed fruit tea 6.# < |%'""!&$=!%%$%" 蜂蜜柚子茶 H'% ># VegetarianGF Gluten Free ALLERGIES & INTOLERANCES SURCHARGES New Shanghai Signature Please be advised that food prepared in New Shanghai kitchens may contain or have been in contact with • We accept Visa, Master, American Express & EFTPOS payment. Milk, Eggs, Wheat, Soybeans, Peanuts, Tree Nuts, Seeds, Fish and Shellfish. • All credit and debit card payments will incur a 1.5% processing fee. If you have allergy concerns please advise a member of the team before you place your order EFTPOS payments will incur a 0.30c handling fee. 如有任何更改,恕不另行通知 Customers with severe allergies or intolerances, should be aware that although all due care is taken, • Public Holiday surcharge $2 per person. All prices and items are subject to change without prior notice. there is a risk of allergen ingredients being present in dishes. • BYO BOTTLED WINE IS ONLY AVAILABLE AT SELECTED LOCATIONS ONLY. We will endeavour to accommodate your dietary requests, however we cannot be guaranteed as entirely allergen free.. CORKAGE FEE $4.5 PER PERSON .
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