E -/ A TECHNICAL REPORT Public Disclosure Authorized MIGAS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT STUDY FOR THE WEST JAVA GAS DISTRIBUTION Public Disclosure Authorized PROJECT Public Disclosure Authorized PT PERUSAHAAN GAS NEGARA (PGN) DRAFT FINAL REVISION No. 01 PREPARED BY DET NORSKE VER1TAS AS IN CO-OPERAnON WITH ELNUSA EHAESINDO Public Disclosure Authorized t DRAFT FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT * Table of Contents Page I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..............................................1 1.1 Abstract 1 1.2 Introduction 1 1.3 Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework I ,I 1.4 Description of the Gas Distribution Project 2 i 1.5 Environmental Baseline Description 2 ,, 1.6 Safety Baseline Description 3 1.7 Social and Economic Baseline Description 3 1.8 Communities and Cultural Baseline Description 3 1.9 Pollution Baseline 4 1.10 Environmental Impacts on Land Use 4 1.11 Environmental Impacts from Pollution 4 A 1.12 Accidental Events - Assessment of Safety and Environmental Risks 4 ; 1.12.1 Safety risks 4 1.12.2 Environmental risks 4 1.13 Impacts on Social and Economic Conditions 5 1.14 Impacts on Communities and Culture 5 * 1.15 Analysis of Alternative Options 5 - 1.16 Environmental and Safety Mitigation Plan 6 s 1.17 Environmental and Safety Management within PGN 6 1.17.1 PGN organisation 6 1.17.2 Gas distribution project 6 1.17.3 Contractors 6 1.17.4 Environmental and Safety Monitoring Programme 7 Q 1.18 PGN Commitments on Environment and Safety 7 2 INTRODUCTION ............. 8 2.1 Purpose of This Report 8 2.2 Overview of the Trans South Sumatera - West Java Gas Development Project 8 2.3 Brief Description of the PGN Gas Distribution System 9 2.4 Methodology of the Environmental Assessment Study 10 2.5 Report Structure 12 3 POLICY, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK................................ 13 3.1 The EA Concept and its Role in Industrial Development and Action 13 3.2 Indonesian Environment and Safety Legislation, Regulations and Authorities 14 3.3 The World Bank's Environmental Policies and Guidelines 19 3.4 Safety and Environmental Permits 20 Page i CAtA1(.AS%%ffigL%.jd.Ae DRAFT FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT J 4 DESCRIPTION OF THE GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT .................................... 21 4.1 Activities and Geographical Area Included in the EA Studv 21 4.2 Pre Construction 24 4.2.1 Project Management 24 4.2.2 Procurement Philosophy 24 4.2.3 Design Philosophy 26 4.3 Construction 28 4.4 Operation and Maintenance 31 4.5 Decommissioning of Installations 32 4.6 Environmental Effects of Gas Consumption 32 4.7 Summary of Releases to the Environment 33 5 ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINE ........................ 35 5.1 Introduction 35 5.2 Geography 35 5.3 Climate 35 5.4 Soil 36 5.5 Land Use 38 5.6 Biology 40 . 6 SAFETY BASELINE DESCRIPTION ........................ 41 6.1 Introduction 41 6.2 Safety in Design 41 6.3 Baseline Accident Statistics 41 7 SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC BASELINE............................. 44 7.1 Introduction 44 7.2 Infrastructure 44 7.3 Population and Human Settlement 45 7.4 Employment 47 7.5 Economic Situation 49 8 COMMUNITIES AND CULTURAL BASELINE .................................... 51 8.1 Introduction 51 8.2 Organisation and Management of Local Communities 51 8.3 Land Ownership 51 8.4 People 52 8.5 Cultural Heritage and Values 52 9 POLLUTION BASELINE .................................... 54 9.1 Air 54 9.2 Soil 55 Page ii (.5MKiA'XgsjddC DRAFr FINAL -I ECHNICAL KEPORT 9.3 Water 55 s 9.4 Noise 55 9.5 Conclusions 56 i 10 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS ON LAND USE .57 10.1 Pre Construction 57 10.2 Construction 57 10.3 Operations 59 10.4 Conclusions 60 10.5 Recommendations 60 11 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS FROM POLLUTION.61 11.1 Introduction 61 11.2 Activities of Potential Impact 61 11.3 Releases to Air 62 11.3.1 Construction 62 11.3.2 Operations 63 11.4 Releases to Water 65 11.4.1 Construction 65 11.4.2 Operations 66 11.5 Releases to Land 67 11.5.1 Construction 67 11.6 Operation 68 ; 11.7 Noise 68 11.7.1 Construction 68 11.7.2 Operations 69 11.8 Conclusions 69 11.9 Recommendations 71 s 12 ACCIDENTAL EVENTS - ASSESSMENT OF SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS................... 72 12.1.1 Introduction 72 12.2 Safety Risk Assessment 72 12.2.1 Introduction 72 12.2.2 Hazard Identification 73 12.2.3 Pipeline Failure Scenarios and Impacts 75 12.3 Environmental Risk Assessment 77 12.3.1 Construction 77 12.3.2 Operations 77 12.4 Conclusions 80 12.4.1 Safety 80 12.4.2 Environmental 81 12.5 Recommendations 81 Page iii C:AMI;AS.mi..Fas dtws DRAFr FINALTECHNICAL REPORT 12.5.1 Safety 81 12.5.2 Environment 81 13 IMPACTS ON SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CONDITIONS .................................... 83 13.1 Introduction 83 13.2 Pre-Construction 83 13.3 Construction 83 13.4 Operations 85 13.5 Conclusions 87 13.6 Recommendations 88 14 IMPACTS ON COMMUNITIES AND CULTURE .......................................... 89 14.1 Introduction 89 14.2 Pre Construction 89 14.3 Construction 89 14.4 Operations 90 14.5 Conclusions. 90 14.6 Recommendations 90 .. 15 ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS .......................................... 91 15.1 Introduction 91 15.2 Alternative Investment Plans 91 15.3 Alternative Routing 91 15.4 Design 92 15.5 Conclusions 93 15.6 Recommendations 93 V 16 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SAFETY MrTIGATION PLAN .................................... 94 16.1 Introduction 94 16.2 Environment Mitigation Plan 94 16.3 Safety Mitigation Plan 99 j 17 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT .103 17.1 Introduction 103 17.2 General Organisational and Management Structure in PGN 103 17.3 Environmental Management in PGN 105 17.3.1 Comparison with ISO 14001 105 17.3.2 Conclusions 107 17.3.3 Recommendations 108 17.4 Safety Management in PGN 109 17.4.1 Comparison with ISRS 109 17.4.2 Conclusions III 17.4.3 Recommendations 111 Page iv CAMKIASUnigas.gLU DRAFr FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT 17.5 Environmental Management Plan 112 17.5.1 Gas Distribution Project 112 17.5.2 Contractors 113 17.5.3 Emergency Response 113 17.6 Safety Management Plan 113 17.6.1 Gas Distribution Project 113 17.6.2 Inspection and Maintenance 113 17.6.3 Emergency Response 114 $ 18 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SAFETY MONITORING PROGRAMME .................1 15 18.1 Introduction 115 18.2 Environmental Monitoring Programme 115 18.3 Safety Monitoring Programme 121 19 REFERENCES......... 125 APPENDICES APPENDIX A GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS APPENDIX B LIST OF EA PREPARERS a APPENDIX C INDONESIAN ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND SAFETY PERMIT SCHEDULE APPENDIX D INDONESIAN ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY STANDARDS APPENDIX E SITE VISIT DETAILS APPENDIX F SITE VISIT PHOTOGRAPHIC PLATES 2 APPENDIX G SAFETY CONSEQUENCE ASSESSMENT APPENDIX H SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARD DATA SHEETS - APPENDIX I PUBLIC CONSULTATION DETAILS > APPENDIX J LIST OF PGN'S PROJECT COMMITMENTS Page v C:Utt(i/\Amagjd.d.sc a 44 {D DRAFT FINALTECHNICAL IKEPORT 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 Abstract This report contains an Environmental Assessment (EA) of a natural gas distribution system being planned on West Java. The main environmental impacts of the project are: * nuisanceand physicaldisturbance along the pipelineroutes duting construction: * a potential for accidents from gas leaks during operation. The main environmental benefit of the project is less air pollutiolnthan when using fuel oil and coal, which are the fuel alternatives if natural gas is not made available. 1.2 Introduction The EA has been carried out by Det Norske Veritas AS and PT Elnusa Ehaesindo. The gas distribution system is part of the Trans South Sumatera - West Java Gas Development project, and will be owned and operated by Pt. Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN). PGN is seeking financing from the World Bank, and the EA has for this reason been carried out according to the World Bank guidelines and directives. These pipelines are routed alongside existing roads, through mainly urbanised or industrial areas interspersed with agricultural and farming activity. The terrain is generally flat or gently undulating crossed by several major rivers and numerous natural streams or man-made canals and drainage channels. There are no known conservation or environmentally sensitive areas affected by the proposed extension of the existing gas distribution system. The Consultant has made a number of recommendations to PGN in order to avoid or mitigate negative impacts. The impact assessments discussed below are based on an adoption of these recommendations by PGN. 1.3 Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework The EA addresses the construction and normal operations of the gas distribution pipeline, as well as scenarios for possible accidental events. As part of the EA, a review of Indonesian environmental legislation and regulations applicable to the project was undertaken. The Indonesian EA statement (AMDAL) is broadly consistent with the corresponding EA requirements in other countries. PGN will prepare an AMDAL report for the gas distribution project. Indonesian safety guidelines for gas pipelines have recently been revised by MIGAS in order to incorporate a voluntary requirement for safety quantitative risk assessment (QRA). The World Bank has adopted environmental guidelines for environmental assessments to be followed by recipients of their loans. Page I C:AMI6AS%msF;cI_gdo DRAFTFINAL TECHNICAL REPORT PGN will comply with all existing Indonesian safety and environmental legislation and regulations, according to World Bank guidelines. 1.4 Description of the Gas Distribution Project The gas distribution system is planned to be built in 1998 - 2001. The plans are still flexible and some changes are expected. A summary of the present plans is given in the table. IJakarta/B ogor area. Zone 1 189mmscfd 16km Scrang-Anyer-Cilegon-Kopo arca. Zone 2 94 mmscfd 106 km Karawang-Cikampek-Purwakarta-Subangarea.
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